{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Hattusa", "id": "283602441", "bbox": [ 34.6110845, 40.0073186, 34.6228866, 40.0244832 ], "description": "The Late Bronze Age capital of the Hittite empire (near modern Boğazkale in Turkey). The site was enrolled as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.", "connectsWith": [ "837" ], "names": [ "Hattusa", "Hattuşaş", "Bogazkale", "Bogazkoy" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 34.6171576225, 40.0149132097 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 34.6145573, 40.0125854 ], [ 34.6133336, 40.0126324 ], [ 34.6135047, 40.0135461 ], [ 34.614031, 40.0135797 ], [ 34.6145266, 40.0134588 ], [ 34.6145573, 40.0125854 ] ], [ [ 34.6177786, 40.018176 ], [ 34.6172234, 40.0179188 ], [ 34.6163531, 40.0186904 ], [ 34.6167917, 40.019021 ], [ 34.6177786, 40.018176 ] ], [ [ 34.6117786, 40.0095506 ], [ 34.6117065, 40.009216 ], [ 34.6110845, 40.0092946 ], [ 34.6111566, 40.0096292 ], [ 34.6117786, 40.0095506 ] ], [ [ 34.6177095, 40.0141314 ], [ 34.6174762, 40.0137411 ], [ 34.6168353, 40.0139657 ], [ 34.6170686, 40.0143561 ], [ 34.6177095, 40.0141314 ] ], [ [ 34.6196296, 40.0139362 ], [ 34.6196269, 40.0136488 ], [ 34.6196223, 40.0134416 ], [ 34.6194894, 40.0131413 ], [ 34.6192215, 40.0130678 ], [ 34.6189542, 40.0127189 ], [ 34.6180855, 40.0131435 ], [ 34.6186017, 40.0134559 ], [ 34.6186215, 40.0136049 ], [ 34.6189524, 40.0138615 ], [ 34.619042, 40.0140458 ], [ 34.6194371, 40.0140563 ], [ 34.6196296, 40.0139362 ] ], [ [ 34.6164447, 40.0124473 ], [ 34.6159086, 40.012154 ], [ 34.6156276, 40.0124553 ], [ 34.6161636, 40.0127486 ], [ 34.6164447, 40.0124473 ] ], [ [ 34.6155564, 40.0094446 ], [ 34.6157791, 40.0097398 ], [ 34.6156849, 40.0103172 ], [ 34.6165672, 40.0112555 ], [ 34.6180493, 40.0107372 ], [ 34.6181606, 40.0104091 ], [ 34.6189316, 40.0092149 ], [ 34.6201481, 40.0087556 ], [ 34.6216644, 40.0094971 ], [ 34.6224268, 40.0092412 ], [ 34.6219642, 40.0084275 ], [ 34.6209448, 40.0080141 ], [ 34.6187432, 40.0079354 ], [ 34.6179807, 40.0073186 ], [ 34.6152737, 40.0074367 ], [ 34.6155564, 40.0094446 ] ], [ [ 34.6210663, 40.0164379 ], [ 34.6207236, 40.0158999 ], [ 34.620381, 40.0151782 ], [ 34.6200897, 40.0149945 ], [ 34.6191474, 40.0149224 ], [ 34.6184792, 40.0150076 ], [ 34.6185734, 40.0153751 ], [ 34.6183421, 40.0155719 ], [ 34.618522, 40.0157818 ], [ 34.6191988, 40.015795 ], [ 34.6202096, 40.0168316 ], [ 34.6206037, 40.0169759 ], [ 34.6207493, 40.0165888 ], [ 34.6210663, 40.0164379 ] ], [ [ 34.6228267, 40.0236698 ], [ 34.6226296, 40.0231975 ], [ 34.6217901, 40.0224627 ], [ 34.6215502, 40.0219707 ], [ 34.6214988, 40.0212425 ], [ 34.6212761, 40.0204225 ], [ 34.6206764, 40.0200485 ], [ 34.620171, 40.0200485 ], [ 34.61952, 40.0206258 ], [ 34.6193401, 40.0211703 ], [ 34.6191516, 40.0214131 ], [ 34.6189032, 40.0215968 ], [ 34.6184663, 40.0216427 ], [ 34.6178066, 40.0219641 ], [ 34.6177895, 40.022771 ], [ 34.6177381, 40.0230663 ], [ 34.6179266, 40.0233877 ], [ 34.6183549, 40.0236763 ], [ 34.6188518, 40.0237288 ], [ 34.6199997, 40.0241487 ], [ 34.6204109, 40.0244832 ], [ 34.6221585, 40.0244636 ], [ 34.6226468, 40.0243061 ], [ 34.6228866, 40.0239781 ], [ 34.6228267, 40.0236698 ] ], [ [ 34.6164656, 40.020219 ], [ 34.6162874, 40.0197361 ], [ 34.6155198, 40.0188859 ], [ 34.6146221, 40.0189069 ], [ 34.613786, 40.019227 ], [ 34.6136146, 40.0195997 ], [ 34.6143479, 40.0198148 ], [ 34.6140532, 40.020093 ], [ 34.6132925, 40.0203764 ], [ 34.6143479, 40.020875 ], [ 34.6157392, 40.0206231 ], [ 34.6163902, 40.0203502 ], [ 34.6164656, 40.020219 ] ] ] }, "id": "hattusas-1", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Hattuşaş", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/283602441/hattusas-1" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 34.6164, 40.0144 ] }, "id": "cigs-location-of-bogazkale", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": null, "location_precision": "precise", "title": "CIGS location of Boğazkale", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/283602441/cigs-location-of-bogazkale" } } ] }