{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Alba Fucens", "id": "413005", "bbox": [ 13.4100283, 42.0789113, 13.4121615, 42.0808619 ], "description": "A town of the Aequi along the Marsic frontier where the Romans established a Latin colony in 304/3 B.C. Alba Fucens was a significant center of the middle republican period and became a place where Rome kept state prisoners, including Syphax of Numidia, Perseus of Macedonia, and Bituitus, king of the Arverni.", "connectsWith": [ "770901484" ], "names": [ "Alba Fucens", "Alba", "Alba Phoukinis", "Alba Fucens" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 13.4111791182, 42.0799043722 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 13.4111998, 42.0807008 ], [ 13.411096, 42.080799 ], [ 13.4108278, 42.0806582 ], [ 13.4106431, 42.0807351 ], [ 13.4102839, 42.0804816 ], [ 13.4100283, 42.0803446 ], [ 13.4102947, 42.0800663 ], [ 13.4108037, 42.0795748 ], [ 13.4104726, 42.0793598 ], [ 13.4109693, 42.0789113 ], [ 13.4112203, 42.0790562 ], [ 13.411379, 42.0791478 ], [ 13.4116149, 42.0789451 ], [ 13.4121322, 42.079283 ], [ 13.4121615, 42.0796739 ], [ 13.4121198, 42.0799772 ], [ 13.4120599, 42.0803881 ], [ 13.4118943, 42.080683 ], [ 13.4114742, 42.0808619 ], [ 13.4111998, 42.0807008 ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-alba-fucens", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Alba Fucens", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/413005/osm-location-of-alba-fucens" } } ] }