{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Alsietinus lacus", "id": "413010", "bbox": [ 12.305489, 42.104259, 12.3237648, 42.1216491 ], "description": "The Alsietinus lacus, modern Lago di Martignano, is a small volcanic crater-lake in southern Etruria. The lake was the source of the Augustan aqueduct aqua Augusta Alsietina that served non-potable water to the Transtiberim and Ianiculum.", "connectsWith": [ "423558", "532728731" ], "names": [ "Alsietinus L.", "Lago di Martignano" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.3150277272, 42.1128132057 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.315, 42.112778 ] }, "id": "location-of-alsietinus-l", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "verified in Google Earth 2013.", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "Imagery location of Alsietinus L.", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/413010/location-of-alsietinus-l" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.3234137, 42.1102407 ], [ 12.3235795, 42.110505 ], [ 12.3235918, 42.1109463 ], [ 12.3234983, 42.111489 ], [ 12.3233638, 42.1117499 ], [ 12.323388, 42.111885 ], [ 12.3234904, 42.1120912 ], [ 12.3233932, 42.1122517 ], [ 12.3234003, 42.1125281 ], [ 12.3236471, 42.1128179 ], [ 12.3237648, 42.1131061 ], [ 12.3236642, 42.1135232 ], [ 12.3233533, 42.1139886 ], [ 12.3224874, 42.1144287 ], [ 12.3222663, 42.1149956 ], [ 12.3224388, 42.1160701 ], [ 12.3227341, 42.1164881 ], [ 12.3226696, 42.1170508 ], [ 12.3227567, 42.1179167 ], [ 12.3227341, 42.1187686 ], [ 12.3223791, 42.1193759 ], [ 12.3218278, 42.1199924 ], [ 12.3207105, 42.1208181 ], [ 12.3201423, 42.1210268 ], [ 12.3180246, 42.1214937 ], [ 12.3168708, 42.1216491 ], [ 12.3156096, 42.1216276 ], [ 12.3140493, 42.1215203 ], [ 12.3123972, 42.121158 ], [ 12.3121142, 42.1210396 ], [ 12.3120879, 42.1210851 ] ], [ [ 12.3166757, 42.104259 ], [ 12.318521, 42.104259 ], [ 12.320096, 42.1045964 ], [ 12.3211505, 42.1053225 ], [ 12.3214627, 42.1058002 ], [ 12.321671, 42.1065196 ], [ 12.3215968, 42.107348 ], [ 12.3217185, 42.1078375 ], [ 12.3219346, 42.1082747 ], [ 12.3227868, 42.1090221 ], [ 12.3230022, 42.1097592 ], [ 12.3234137, 42.1102407 ] ], [ [ 12.3085887, 42.1061297 ], [ 12.3095689, 42.1057746 ], [ 12.3109935, 42.1053152 ], [ 12.3124621, 42.1049287 ], [ 12.3146469, 42.1044481 ], [ 12.3166757, 42.104259 ] ], [ [ 12.3083752, 42.1190909 ], [ 12.3082347, 42.1189835 ], [ 12.3080933, 42.1188076 ], [ 12.3080002, 42.1186924 ], [ 12.3079656, 42.1185224 ], [ 12.3078534, 42.1183177 ], [ 12.3078167, 42.1181292 ], [ 12.3078325, 42.1177533 ], [ 12.307715, 42.1165544 ], [ 12.3078387, 42.115982 ], [ 12.307688, 42.1141859 ], [ 12.3073018, 42.1135965 ], [ 12.306729, 42.1132518 ], [ 12.3060842, 42.1126961 ], [ 12.3057671, 42.1122733 ], [ 12.305489, 42.1115794 ], [ 12.305559, 42.1108886 ], [ 12.3057953, 42.1104169 ], [ 12.305862, 42.1102838 ], [ 12.3064375, 42.1097595 ], [ 12.3067367, 42.1097565 ], [ 12.3068525, 42.1096834 ], [ 12.3065992, 42.1088884 ], [ 12.3070682, 42.1074386 ], [ 12.3072859, 42.1070035 ], [ 12.3075941, 42.1066157 ], [ 12.3081725, 42.1063413 ], [ 12.3085887, 42.1061297 ] ], [ [ 12.3120879, 42.1210851 ], [ 12.3114336, 42.1209328 ], [ 12.3103757, 42.1203871 ], [ 12.3094354, 42.119766 ], [ 12.3088563, 42.1194471 ], [ 12.3083752, 42.1190909 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-lake-martignano", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Lake Martignano", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/413010/osm-location-of-lake-martignano" } } ] }