{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Peltuinum", "id": "413247", "bbox": [ 13.6192559, 42.2824799, 13.6250664, 42.2869512 ], "description": "Peltuinum was a settlement of the Vestini located along the Via Claudia Nova. The town is notable as the birthplace of the Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo.", "connectsWith": [ "926033983", "413376", "954023893" ], "names": [ "Peltuinum" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 13.622182098, 42.2847521355 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 13.6195379, 42.2855164 ], [ 13.6194888, 42.2856353 ], [ 13.6194195, 42.2856654 ], [ 13.6194889, 42.2857612 ], [ 13.6192559, 42.2858535 ], [ 13.6195023, 42.2859203 ], [ 13.6195812, 42.2858889 ], [ 13.6197732, 42.2861537 ], [ 13.6200947, 42.2862125 ], [ 13.6201387, 42.2862 ], [ 13.6202741, 42.2862138 ], [ 13.6203063, 42.2862513 ], [ 13.620374, 42.2862576 ], [ 13.6203926, 42.2862488 ], [ 13.6205229, 42.2862501 ], [ 13.6205974, 42.2863102 ], [ 13.620748, 42.286359 ], [ 13.6208191, 42.2864091 ], [ 13.6208462, 42.2864041 ], [ 13.6209003, 42.2864654 ], [ 13.6211762, 42.2867271 ], [ 13.621144, 42.2867496 ], [ 13.6212253, 42.2868122 ], [ 13.6214537, 42.2869512 ], [ 13.621518, 42.2869011 ], [ 13.6213623, 42.2867822 ], [ 13.6213962, 42.2867572 ], [ 13.621271, 42.286662 ], [ 13.6211661, 42.2865821 ], [ 13.621109, 42.2865783 ], [ 13.6209844, 42.2864528 ], [ 13.6208663, 42.2862877 ], [ 13.62083, 42.2863009 ], [ 13.6205427, 42.286198 ], [ 13.6204308, 42.2861943 ], [ 13.6204036, 42.2861228 ], [ 13.6203756, 42.286096 ], [ 13.6203351, 42.2860745 ], [ 13.6202739, 42.2860499 ], [ 13.6202241, 42.286043 ], [ 13.6201795, 42.2860438 ], [ 13.620137, 42.2860499 ], [ 13.6200914, 42.2860614 ], [ 13.6200592, 42.2860745 ], [ 13.6200395, 42.2860898 ], [ 13.6200239, 42.2861067 ], [ 13.6198963, 42.2860929 ], [ 13.6198922, 42.2860798 ], [ 13.6198808, 42.286066 ], [ 13.6198683, 42.2860576 ], [ 13.6198528, 42.2860514 ], [ 13.6198331, 42.2860476 ], [ 13.6198134, 42.2860468 ], [ 13.6197356, 42.2859448 ], [ 13.6197553, 42.2859202 ], [ 13.6197563, 42.2858903 ], [ 13.6197978, 42.2858723 ], [ 13.619769, 42.2858314 ], [ 13.6198755, 42.2857884 ], [ 13.6198497, 42.2857523 ], [ 13.619892, 42.2857375 ], [ 13.6198387, 42.2856546 ], [ 13.6197929, 42.285673 ], [ 13.61971, 42.2855599 ], [ 13.6196585, 42.2855099 ], [ 13.6195997, 42.2854908 ], [ 13.6195379, 42.2855164 ] ], [ [ 13.6234839, 42.2829646 ], [ 13.6236763, 42.2830679 ], [ 13.6236923, 42.2832187 ], [ 13.6233657, 42.283306 ], [ 13.6237578, 42.284041 ], [ 13.6247558, 42.2838503 ], [ 13.6250664, 42.2837102 ], [ 13.6249496, 42.2835488 ], [ 13.6247998, 42.2836091 ], [ 13.6245795, 42.2834478 ], [ 13.6244, 42.2835065 ], [ 13.6243097, 42.2833469 ] ], [ [ 13.6243097, 42.2833469 ], [ 13.624213, 42.2831761 ], [ 13.6243682, 42.2831187 ], [ 13.6244089, 42.2830717 ], [ 13.6248765, 42.2829527 ], [ 13.624778, 42.2827493 ], [ 13.6246864, 42.2827595 ], [ 13.6245902, 42.2826121 ], [ 13.6243107, 42.282607 ], [ 13.6243153, 42.2824952 ], [ 13.6239534, 42.2824799 ], [ 13.6236763, 42.2826256 ], [ 13.6234839, 42.2829646 ] ], [ [ 13.6204917, 42.2855083 ], [ 13.6207924, 42.2854171 ], [ 13.6207168, 42.2852907 ], [ 13.6206182, 42.2852068 ], [ 13.6205328, 42.285208 ], [ 13.6204194, 42.285264 ], [ 13.6204342, 42.285349 ], [ 13.6204063, 42.2854232 ], [ 13.6204917, 42.2855083 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-peltuinum", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Peltuinum", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/413247/osm-location-of-peltuinum" } } ] }