{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "S. Laurentius", "id": "423046", "bbox": [ 12.5202579, 41.9023187, 12.5216852, 41.9027855 ], "description": "The Papal Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls (Basilica Papale di San Lorenzo fuori le Mura) is one of the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. The basilica serves as the shrine and tomb dedicated to Saint Lawrence and its earliest phases likely belong to the fourth century AD.", "connectsWith": [ "423025" ], "names": [ "S. Laurentius" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.5208509361, 41.9025565182 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.520633, 41.902586 ] }, "id": "darmc-location-18086", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "150K scale point location", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "DARMC location 18086", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/423046/darmc-location-18086" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 12.5202579, 41.9025887 ], [ 12.5202991, 41.9025967 ], [ 12.5212216, 41.9027855 ], [ 12.5212942, 41.9025891 ], [ 12.5214195, 41.9026147 ], [ 12.5214281, 41.9025914 ], [ 12.5215955, 41.9026256 ], [ 12.5216852, 41.9023836 ], [ 12.5213268, 41.9023187 ], [ 12.5212415, 41.9024924 ], [ 12.5210209, 41.9024473 ], [ 12.5209982, 41.9025088 ], [ 12.5203705, 41.9023805 ], [ 12.5203332, 41.9023733 ], [ 12.5202579, 41.9025887 ] ], [ [ 12.5213741, 41.9025343 ], [ 12.5215127, 41.9025611 ], [ 12.5215741, 41.9024001 ], [ 12.5214315, 41.9023742 ], [ 12.5213741, 41.9025343 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-basilica-of-saint-lawrence-outside", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Basilica of Saint Lawrence outside the Walls", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/423046/osm-location-of-basilica-of-saint-lawrence-outside" } } ] }