{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Sette Bassi", "id": "423069", "bbox": [ 12.5752526, 41.8433262, 12.5776988, 41.8444632 ], "description": "A large, suburban villa complex on the Via Tuscolana. The villa was in use from the reign of Antoninus Pius until the fourth century A.D.", "connectsWith": [ "93042695", "423025" ], "names": [ "Villa dei Sette Bassi" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.5764444869, 41.8438936772 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.5762287, 41.8439501 ], [ 12.5763094, 41.8439417 ], [ 12.5763765, 41.8439217 ], [ 12.5764248, 41.8438218 ], [ 12.5764221, 41.8436979 ], [ 12.5765213, 41.84361 ], [ 12.5766903, 41.843548 ], [ 12.5768727, 41.8435101 ], [ 12.5770256, 41.8434202 ], [ 12.5772053, 41.8433302 ], [ 12.5773743, 41.8433522 ], [ 12.5775862, 41.8433262 ], [ 12.5776586, 41.8433582 ], [ 12.5776988, 41.8434122 ], [ 12.5776827, 41.84355 ], [ 12.5775701, 41.8437439 ], [ 12.5774226, 41.8439417 ], [ 12.5773099, 41.8439776 ], [ 12.5771812, 41.8439477 ], [ 12.5771141, 41.8439017 ], [ 12.5770041, 41.8439137 ], [ 12.5769398, 41.8439776 ], [ 12.5768754, 41.8440855 ], [ 12.57687, 41.8441375 ], [ 12.5770175, 41.8441994 ], [ 12.5771973, 41.8442914 ], [ 12.5770149, 41.8442734 ], [ 12.5767922, 41.8442734 ], [ 12.5765562, 41.8444012 ], [ 12.5764623, 41.8444572 ], [ 12.5763577, 41.8444632 ], [ 12.5761136, 41.8444132 ], [ 12.5756577, 41.8443473 ], [ 12.5754833, 41.8443013 ], [ 12.5753331, 41.8441934 ], [ 12.5752661, 41.8440626 ], [ 12.5752526, 41.8439197 ], [ 12.5753385, 41.8438118 ], [ 12.5754087, 41.8436729 ], [ 12.5754645, 41.8434861 ], [ 12.575604, 41.8433982 ], [ 12.575722, 41.8434501 ], [ 12.5757837, 41.8435321 ], [ 12.575596, 41.8437079 ], [ 12.5755584, 41.8437798 ], [ 12.5756174, 41.8438358 ], [ 12.5758052, 41.8438897 ], [ 12.5762287, 41.8439501 ] ] }, "id": "location-of-roman-villa", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Villa dei Sette Bassi", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/423069/location-of-roman-villa" } } ] }