{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Frentani", "id": "432849", "bbox": [ 14.3187190691, 41.7787087848, 15.0632034919, 42.2495943722 ], "description": "An Italic people of eastern Italy occupying a territory between the Apennines and the Adriatic seaboard, the Frentani had a close cultural connection with the Samnites.", "connectsWith": [ "433154", "413294" ], "names": [ "Frentani", "Phrentanoi" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 14.6895978402, 42.0119170341 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 14.318719069091628, 42.24959437220514 ], [ 14.349836439898468, 42.23059622634935 ], [ 14.37438627206916, 42.215607771983855 ], [ 14.410175756174738, 42.18981093370894 ], [ 14.444439994658751, 42.16339891654411 ], [ 14.47870423314265, 42.14126992918989 ], [ 14.524389884454592, 42.112716397119925 ], [ 14.567220182559538, 42.08987357146407 ], [ 14.639183540639237, 42.044256633062446 ], [ 14.699145957986218, 42.011420071181874 ], [ 14.750542315712039, 41.97572815609442 ], [ 14.806221703248582, 41.93718088780008 ], [ 14.890454622855032, 41.88435685347059 ], [ 14.9489893635984, 41.84152655536565 ], [ 14.998958044720837, 41.815828376502736 ], [ 15.063203491878255, 41.77870878481167 ] ] ] }, "id": "batlas-map-label-location", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Centerline/arc of label location used on the Barrington Atlas map for this feature", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "BAtlas Map Label Location", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/432849/batlas-map-label-location" } } ] }