{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Argos", "id": "570106", "bbox": [ 22.7185762, 37.6297413, 22.7226049, 37.633384 ], "description": "Argos was a city of ancient Greece that reached its cultural highpoint under Pheidon in the seventh century BC.", "connectsWith": [ "570104", "116805959" ], "names": [ "Argos", "Pelasgia", "Árgos" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 22.7203802408, 37.6310468893 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 22.7194775, 37.6332278 ], [ 22.7194671, 37.6333141 ], [ 22.7195484, 37.633384 ], [ 22.7197491, 37.6333388 ], [ 22.7197909, 37.6333076 ], [ 22.7197314, 37.6330477 ], [ 22.7196364, 37.633063 ], [ 22.7196025, 37.6330946 ], [ 22.7194775, 37.6332278 ] ], [ [ 22.7200249, 37.6318218 ], [ 22.7200261, 37.6318496 ] ], [ [ 22.7200261, 37.6318496 ], [ 22.7199238, 37.6318885 ], [ 22.719816, 37.6320059 ], [ 22.7196997, 37.6319831 ], [ 22.7192367, 37.6320775 ], [ 22.7192102, 37.632082 ], [ 22.7191971, 37.6320842 ], [ 22.7189178, 37.6321003 ], [ 22.71866, 37.6320007 ], [ 22.7187404, 37.6315951 ], [ 22.7187376, 37.6313321 ], [ 22.7186908, 37.6307381 ], [ 22.7185762, 37.6305156 ], [ 22.7186067, 37.630446 ], [ 22.7186456, 37.6303344 ], [ 22.7187526, 37.6302275 ], [ 22.7189982, 37.6301449 ], [ 22.7190331, 37.6301547 ], [ 22.719184, 37.6305445 ], [ 22.7193059, 37.630622 ] ], [ [ 22.7193059, 37.630622 ], [ 22.7193331, 37.6306199 ] ], [ [ 22.7193678, 37.6306173 ], [ 22.7193726, 37.6306864 ], [ 22.7193986, 37.6307215 ], [ 22.7194588, 37.6310393 ], [ 22.7199384, 37.6308771 ], [ 22.7199768, 37.6308872 ], [ 22.7199422, 37.6307414 ], [ 22.7205965, 37.6306552 ], [ 22.7207197, 37.6307174 ], [ 22.7208089, 37.6309342 ], [ 22.7207982, 37.6310612 ] ], [ [ 22.7193331, 37.6306199 ], [ 22.7193678, 37.6306173 ] ], [ [ 22.7207982, 37.6310612 ], [ 22.7208152, 37.6310903 ], [ 22.7208192, 37.6310985 ] ], [ [ 22.7208192, 37.6310985 ], [ 22.7208234, 37.6311071 ] ], [ [ 22.7208234, 37.6311071 ], [ 22.7208276, 37.6311158 ], [ 22.720843, 37.6311476 ], [ 22.7208602, 37.6311833 ], [ 22.7208702, 37.6311805 ], [ 22.7210249, 37.6315276 ], [ 22.7206536, 37.6316258 ], [ 22.7200241, 37.6318046 ] ], [ [ 22.7200241, 37.6318046 ], [ 22.7200249, 37.6318218 ] ], [ [ 22.7214736, 37.6302572 ], [ 22.7207738, 37.63046 ], [ 22.7207516, 37.6305022 ], [ 22.7209079, 37.6308251 ], [ 22.7209801, 37.6308048 ], [ 22.7209907, 37.6308018 ], [ 22.7211256, 37.6307638 ], [ 22.7211428, 37.6307735 ], [ 22.7211526, 37.6307791 ] ], [ [ 22.7211667, 37.6308669 ], [ 22.7211652, 37.6309519 ], [ 22.7216291, 37.6309829 ], [ 22.7217127, 37.6307212 ], [ 22.722055, 37.6308032 ], [ 22.7223087, 37.6304775 ], [ 22.7226049, 37.6302416 ], [ 22.7222002, 37.6297927 ], [ 22.7220389, 37.6298103 ], [ 22.7219867, 37.6297413 ], [ 22.7218727, 37.6297688 ], [ 22.7219168, 37.6299498 ], [ 22.7214249, 37.6300524 ], [ 22.7214736, 37.6302572 ] ], [ [ 22.7211667, 37.6308669 ], [ 22.7212038, 37.6308553 ], [ 22.7211639, 37.6307755 ], [ 22.7211526, 37.6307791 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-archaeological-site-of-argos", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Archaeological Site of Argos", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/570106/osm-location-of-archaeological-site-of-argos" } } ] }