{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Tainaron (settlement)", "id": "570702", "bbox": [ 22.4849795, 36.400128, 22.4881922, 36.4025323 ], "description": "An ancient settlement, located near the tip of a southern peninsula of the Peloponnese (modern Cape Matapon in Greece). The site featured a sanctuary of Poseidon and served as both a port and a mercenary staging and recruitment area at least as early as the Classical period.", "connectsWith": [ "570577", "570703" ], "names": [ "Tainaron", "Taenarum" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 22.486503682, 36.4013585697 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 22.486891, 36.4008104 ], [ 22.4867208, 36.4008892 ], [ 22.4865695, 36.4009362 ], [ 22.486528, 36.4009833 ], [ 22.4863702, 36.4010292 ], [ 22.4862139, 36.4011066 ], [ 22.4860487, 36.4012457 ], [ 22.4860045, 36.4013547 ], [ 22.4858872, 36.401457 ], [ 22.485733, 36.4016375 ], [ 22.4856702, 36.4016137 ], [ 22.4856108, 36.4015657 ], [ 22.485534, 36.4012137 ], [ 22.4855195, 36.4010933 ], [ 22.4856138, 36.4009601 ], [ 22.4857331, 36.4008162 ], [ 22.4858143, 36.4006897 ], [ 22.4858409, 36.4005948 ], [ 22.4859563, 36.4005109 ], [ 22.4856891, 36.4005034 ], [ 22.4855968, 36.4003115 ], [ 22.4854224, 36.400181 ], [ 22.4852993, 36.4000514 ], [ 22.4850288, 36.400184 ], [ 22.4849795, 36.4003292 ], [ 22.484983, 36.4004381 ], [ 22.4852215, 36.4006056 ], [ 22.4852861, 36.4008304 ], [ 22.4851515, 36.4011727 ], [ 22.4851056, 36.4014435 ], [ 22.4851393, 36.4017291 ], [ 22.4853779, 36.4020689 ], [ 22.4856319, 36.4024119 ], [ 22.4860733, 36.4025323 ], [ 22.4863309, 36.4025086 ], [ 22.486553, 36.4024941 ], [ 22.4868608, 36.4024216 ], [ 22.4872225, 36.4021576 ], [ 22.4874826, 36.4021649 ], [ 22.4877212, 36.4021576 ], [ 22.4878405, 36.4020886 ], [ 22.4878864, 36.4018646 ], [ 22.4879017, 36.4017168 ], [ 22.488009, 36.4016649 ], [ 22.4880533, 36.4014175 ], [ 22.4881247, 36.4012468 ], [ 22.4881464, 36.4011424 ], [ 22.4881377, 36.4010362 ], [ 22.4881922, 36.4008254 ], [ 22.4879933, 36.4007235 ], [ 22.4879286, 36.4007623 ], [ 22.4879004, 36.400844 ], [ 22.4879384, 36.4009118 ], [ 22.4879455, 36.4011208 ], [ 22.4879038, 36.4011642 ], [ 22.4878702, 36.4012572 ], [ 22.4878885, 36.4013722 ], [ 22.4879187, 36.4014861 ], [ 22.4878853, 36.4015467 ], [ 22.4878916, 36.4016534 ], [ 22.4877321, 36.4017086 ], [ 22.4875601, 36.4016619 ], [ 22.4875328, 36.4015085 ], [ 22.4875057, 36.401384 ], [ 22.487431, 36.4012301 ], [ 22.4874377, 36.4011474 ], [ 22.4873179, 36.4010059 ], [ 22.487233, 36.4009912 ], [ 22.4871587, 36.4008933 ], [ 22.4870936, 36.4008088 ], [ 22.487027, 36.4007865 ], [ 22.486891, 36.4008104 ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-ancient-tainaron", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Ancient Tainaron", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/570702/osm-location-of-ancient-tainaron" } } ] }