{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Crypta Balbi", "id": "756231346", "bbox": [ 12.478375, 41.8940225, 12.4796415, 41.8948326 ], "description": "The Crypta Balbi, mentioned by name only in the Regionary Catalogues, most likely refers to a vaulted passageway built in the Campus Martius by the proconsul Lucius Cornelius Balbus in 15 BC, who also dedicated a theater there in the same year.", "connectsWith": [ "423025", "422863", "936873471" ], "names": [ "Crypta Balbi" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.4789555805, 41.8943747494 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.4784021, 41.8944447 ], [ 12.478413, 41.8942703 ], [ 12.4784573, 41.8942718 ], [ 12.4784611, 41.894211 ], [ 12.4786118, 41.8942162 ], [ 12.4786144, 41.8941749 ], [ 12.4786609, 41.8941765 ], [ 12.4786633, 41.8941399 ], [ 12.4787022, 41.8941412 ], [ 12.478708, 41.8940515 ], [ 12.478685, 41.8940506 ], [ 12.4786868, 41.8940225 ], [ 12.4788027, 41.8940268 ], [ 12.478799, 41.8940815 ], [ 12.4789843, 41.8940884 ], [ 12.4791778, 41.8940976 ], [ 12.4791658, 41.8942382 ], [ 12.4792598, 41.8942427 ], [ 12.4792671, 41.8941567 ], [ 12.4792728, 41.8940836 ], [ 12.4795117, 41.8940939 ], [ 12.479503, 41.8942051 ], [ 12.4796415, 41.8942112 ], [ 12.4796373, 41.8942645 ], [ 12.4796319, 41.8943192 ], [ 12.4796289, 41.8943436 ], [ 12.4796192, 41.8943563 ], [ 12.4795192, 41.8943345 ], [ 12.4794886, 41.8943273 ], [ 12.479468, 41.8943755 ], [ 12.4794284, 41.8944642 ], [ 12.4794277, 41.8944735 ], [ 12.4791863, 41.8944639 ], [ 12.4791789, 41.8945666 ], [ 12.4791752, 41.8946049 ], [ 12.4789036, 41.8945903 ], [ 12.4788931, 41.8946988 ], [ 12.4788917, 41.8947179 ], [ 12.4788014, 41.8947144 ], [ 12.4787999, 41.8947365 ], [ 12.4786866, 41.8947322 ], [ 12.4786859, 41.8947428 ], [ 12.4785182, 41.8947364 ], [ 12.4785116, 41.8948326 ], [ 12.4784435, 41.89483 ], [ 12.478375, 41.8948274 ], [ 12.4784021, 41.8944447 ] ] }, "id": "location-of-crypta-balbi", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap.", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Crypta Balbi", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/756231346/location-of-crypta-balbi" } } ] }