{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Mausoleum of Theodoric", "id": "861709371", "bbox": [ 12.2090575, 44.4249778, 12.2092325, 44.4251056 ], "description": "A monument built in Ravenna, Italy, ca. AD 520 by Theodoric the Great as his future tomb. After Belisarius reconquered Ravenna in 540, the tomb was converted into the church of Sta. Maria della Rotonda.", "connectsWith": [ "393480" ], "names": [ "Tomba di Teodorico" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 12.2091464211, 44.4250418272 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ 12.2092267, 44.4250679 ], [ 12.209219, 44.4250741 ], [ 12.2092054, 44.4250654 ], [ 12.2091846, 44.4250821 ], [ 12.2091982, 44.4250908 ], [ 12.2091901, 44.4250973 ], [ 12.2091782, 44.4250991 ], [ 12.2091744, 44.4250865 ], [ 12.209144, 44.4250912 ], [ 12.2091478, 44.4251038 ], [ 12.209136, 44.4251056 ], [ 12.209125, 44.4251022 ], [ 12.2091323, 44.4250905 ], [ 12.2091039, 44.4250815 ], [ 12.2090966, 44.4250931 ], [ 12.2090854, 44.4250896 ], [ 12.2090793, 44.4250822 ], [ 12.2090952, 44.4250756 ], [ 12.2090794, 44.4250563 ], [ 12.2090635, 44.4250629 ], [ 12.2090575, 44.4250557 ], [ 12.2090588, 44.4250468 ], [ 12.2090679, 44.4250475 ], [ 12.2090695, 44.4250365 ], [ 12.2090711, 44.4250255 ], [ 12.2090619, 44.4250248 ], [ 12.2090632, 44.4250158 ], [ 12.2090711, 44.4250095 ], [ 12.2090846, 44.4250182 ], [ 12.2091054, 44.4250017 ], [ 12.2090918, 44.424993 ], [ 12.2091002, 44.4249863 ], [ 12.2091114, 44.4249845 ], [ 12.2091154, 44.4249975 ], [ 12.2091462, 44.4249927 ], [ 12.2091422, 44.4249797 ], [ 12.2091542, 44.4249778 ], [ 12.2091651, 44.4249813 ], [ 12.2091575, 44.4249934 ], [ 12.2091859, 44.4250025 ], [ 12.2091935, 44.4249904 ], [ 12.2092047, 44.424994 ], [ 12.209211, 44.4250018 ], [ 12.2091952, 44.4250083 ], [ 12.2092108, 44.4250275 ], [ 12.2092266, 44.4250209 ], [ 12.2092325, 44.4250282 ], [ 12.2092312, 44.425037 ], [ 12.209213, 44.4250356 ], [ 12.2092098, 44.4250577 ], [ 12.209228, 44.4250591 ], [ 12.2092267, 44.4250679 ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-of-mausoleum-of-theodoric", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM location of Mausoleum of Theodoric", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/861709371/osm-location-of-mausoleum-of-theodoric" } } ] }