{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "title": "Kerameikos", "id": "97294452", "bbox": [ 23.716195, 37.9777547, 23.7201727, 37.9794874 ], "description": "A district of ancient Athens located northwest of the Acropolis, the Kerameikos takes its name from the potters' workshops in the area; the portion of the district lying outside the Dipylon Gate served as a necropolis.", "connectsWith": [ "579885" ], "names": [ "Kerameikós", "Kerameikos" ], "features": [ { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 23.7183009573, 37.978415826 ] }, "properties": { "description": "representative point" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "MultiLineString", "coordinates": [ [ [ 23.7188375, 37.9777656 ], [ 23.7188179, 37.9777592 ], [ 23.7187902, 37.9777547 ], [ 23.7187635, 37.9777572 ], [ 23.7180567, 37.9778555 ], [ 23.7179029, 37.9778758 ], [ 23.7178243, 37.9778849 ], [ 23.7177573, 37.9778913 ], [ 23.7176756, 37.9778961 ], [ 23.7175043, 37.9778996 ], [ 23.7172908, 37.9778907 ], [ 23.7172151, 37.9778871 ], [ 23.7171872, 37.9778859 ], [ 23.7171594, 37.9778847 ], [ 23.7171267, 37.9778827 ], [ 23.7167448, 37.9778574 ], [ 23.7166524, 37.9778507 ], [ 23.7165561, 37.9778421 ], [ 23.7164414, 37.9778282 ], [ 23.7163471, 37.977819 ] ], [ [ 23.7163471, 37.977819 ], [ 23.7163427, 37.9778473 ], [ 23.7163222, 37.9779781 ], [ 23.7163181, 37.978005 ], [ 23.7163387, 37.9780048 ], [ 23.7164782, 37.9780032 ], [ 23.7164305, 37.9781879 ], [ 23.7163417, 37.9785316 ], [ 23.716195, 37.9785272 ], [ 23.7167449, 37.9789387 ], [ 23.7168134, 37.9789843 ], [ 23.7169125, 37.9790348 ], [ 23.7172811, 37.979207 ], [ 23.7175, 37.9788961 ], [ 23.7175324, 37.9788937 ], [ 23.7176066, 37.9788997 ], [ 23.717673, 37.9789144 ], [ 23.7177224, 37.9789302 ], [ 23.7177718, 37.9789497 ], [ 23.717812, 37.9789716 ], [ 23.7178506, 37.9789996 ], [ 23.7178799, 37.9790251 ], [ 23.7179031, 37.9790568 ], [ 23.7179098, 37.9790851 ], [ 23.7176973, 37.9793869 ], [ 23.7179125, 37.9794874 ], [ 23.7179417, 37.9794471 ], [ 23.7179561, 37.9794536 ], [ 23.7179968, 37.9793976 ], [ 23.7180961, 37.9792832 ], [ 23.7181298, 37.9792976 ], [ 23.7181871, 37.9793217 ], [ 23.7182828, 37.979362 ], [ 23.7183401, 37.979386 ] ], [ [ 23.7183401, 37.979386 ], [ 23.7183922, 37.9794079 ], [ 23.7184193, 37.9793712 ], [ 23.7187574, 37.9789197 ], [ 23.7190201, 37.9790375 ], [ 23.7190366, 37.9790449 ], [ 23.7191768, 37.9788643 ], [ 23.7192769, 37.9789129 ], [ 23.7192997, 37.9788831 ], [ 23.719513, 37.9789803 ], [ 23.7195068, 37.9789888 ], [ 23.7197118, 37.9790808 ], [ 23.7197793, 37.9789872 ], [ 23.7197829, 37.9789822 ], [ 23.7199583, 37.978737 ], [ 23.7200822, 37.9787911 ], [ 23.7201601, 37.978681 ], [ 23.7201727, 37.9786628 ], [ 23.7200367, 37.9786043 ], [ 23.7198824, 37.9785378 ], [ 23.7196557, 37.9784402 ], [ 23.7196476, 37.9784373 ] ], [ [ 23.7196476, 37.9784373 ], [ 23.7198133, 37.9781986 ], [ 23.7196532, 37.9781281 ], [ 23.7189215, 37.9778042 ], [ 23.7188375, 37.9777656 ] ], [ [ 23.7167704, 37.9779117 ], [ 23.7166959, 37.9779349 ], [ 23.7165284, 37.9779875 ], [ 23.716589, 37.9781074 ], [ 23.7167565, 37.9780548 ], [ 23.7169864, 37.9780687 ], [ 23.7169889, 37.9780426 ], [ 23.7169914, 37.9780172 ], [ 23.7170043, 37.9778846 ], [ 23.7167744, 37.9778707 ], [ 23.7167704, 37.9779117 ] ] ] }, "id": "osm-location-iiii-i1i-i-i-i3i1ioii-issiii-i-iiuii", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Location based on OpenStreetMap", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "OSM Location: Αρχαιολογικός Χώρος Κεραμεικού", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/97294452/osm-location-iiii-i1i-i-i-i3i1ioii-issiii-i-iiuii" } }, { "geometry": { "type": "Point", "coordinates": [ 23.718611, 37.978333 ] }, "id": "representative-location", "type": "Feature", "properties": { "description": "Representative point location derived from analysis of Google Earth imagery.", "location_precision": "precise", "title": "Imagery Location of Kerameikos", "link": "http://pleiades.stoa.org/places/97294452/representative-location" } } ] }