Build Ant Target ================ A [Sublime Text 2]( and [3]( plugin that allows you to... **build _any_ target from _any_ valid Ant build file, regardless of its location in your project!** --- Overview -------- A super simple plugin that extends Sublime Text's existing Ant build support, by adding more flexibility, allowing you to build from any open build file in your project, not just a `build.xml` in the root of your project. It also allows you to select your desired target to build, for projects that have more than one target defined. Requirements ------------ - Make sure you have Ant installed on your machine. - - or via [Homebrew]( - `brew update` - `brew install ant` - Make sure that your Ant installation is linked to `/usr/local/ant` \(*\). - `sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/ant /usr/local/ant` - NOTE: This assumes your existing Ant install is located at `/usr/local/bin/ant`. You can figure out where you Ant is installed by running, `which ant`. - That‘s it! Installation ------------ It is available through [Sublime Package Contol]( and this is the recommended way of installation (brings configuration instructions, automatic updates with changelogs…). ### Alternative installation methods #### From github You can install from github if you want, although Package Control automates just that. Go to your `Packages` subdirectory under Sublime Text's data directory: ##### Sublime Text 2 * Windows: `%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 2` * OS X: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2` * Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text-2` * Portable Installation: `Sublime Text 2/Data` ##### Sublime Text 3 * Windows: `%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3` * OS X: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3` * Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text-3` * Portable Installation: `Sublime Text 3/Data` #### Manually [Download]( the plugin as a zip. Copy the *BuildAntTarget* directory to its location (see prior section). Usage ----- ## Build Target There are two ways in which you can initiate the building of an Ant target, via the Keyboard Shortcut or Context Menu. **NOTE:** Both of these methods require that you initiate the command from an opened, and valid, Ant build file. ### Keyboard Shortcut - Use the keyboard shortcut, `command+alt+b`, on any opened Ant build file - Select target via the popup menu - Watch your build happen via the Build Results panel ### Context Menu - Right-click on the opened build file - Navigate to `Build Ant Target > Build Target` - Select target via the popup menu - Watch your build happen via the Build Results panel Options ------- _Coming soon..._ Footnotes --------- * - This is the default location that the Sublime Text ANT build system uses. I was able to find this out thanks to this link [Sublime Text with SuperAnt path is not correct](