* @copyright 2007 Haudenschilt LLC * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GPLv2 * @link http://www.familycms.com/wiki/ * @since 2.5 */ require_once 'inc/config_inc.php'; require_once 'inc/thirdparty/php-gettext/gettext.inc'; require_once 'inc/utils.php'; require_once 'inc/constants.php'; require_once 'inc/Error.php'; require_once 'inc/User.php'; require_once 'inc/Database.php'; error_reporting(-1); ini_set('log_errors', 0); set_error_handler("fcmsErrorHandler"); fixMagicQuotes(); checkSiteStatus(); $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance(); $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError); if ($fcmsError->hasError()) { $fcmsError->displayError(); return; } $fcmsUser = new User($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase); if ($fcmsError->hasError()) { $fcmsError->displayError(); return; } spl_autoload_register('fcms_autoload'); /** * fcms_autoload * * @param string $className * * @return void */ function fcms_autoload ($className) { $classPaths = array( 'Destination' => INC.'Upload/Destination.php', 'PhotoGalleryDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/PhotoGallery.php', 'ProtectedPhotoGalleryDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/PhotoGallery/Protected.php', 'S3PhotoGalleryDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/PhotoGallery/S3.php', 'ProfileDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/Profile.php', 'ProtectedProfileDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/Profile/Protected.php', 'S3ProfileDestination' => INC.'Upload/Destination/Profile/S3.php', 'UploadFamilyTreeForm' => INC.'Upload/FamilyTree/Form.php', 'JavaUploadFamilyTreeForm' => INC.'Upload/FamilyTree/Form/Java.php', 'PluploadUploadFamilyTreeForm' => INC.'Upload/FamilyTree/Form/Plupload.php', 'UploadFamilyTree' => INC.'Upload/FamilyTree.php', 'UploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form.php', 'FacebookUploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form/Facebook.php', 'InstagramUploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form/Instagram.php', 'JavaUploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form/Java.php', 'PicasaUploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form/Picasa.php', 'PluploadUploadPhotoGalleryForm' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Form/Plupload.php', 'FacebookUploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Facebook.php', 'InstagramUploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Instagram.php', 'JavaUploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Java.php', 'PicasaUploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Picasa.php', 'PluploadUploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery/Plupload.php', 'UploadProfileForm' => INC.'Upload/Profile/Form.php', 'JavaUploadProfileForm' => INC.'Upload/Profile/Form/Java.php', 'PluploadUploadProfileForm' => INC.'Upload/Profile/Form/Plupload.php', 'UploadPhoto' => INC.'Upload/Photo.php', 'UploadPhotoGallery' => INC.'Upload/PhotoGallery.php', 'UploadProfile' => INC.'Upload/Profile.php', 'Google_Client' => THIRDPARTY.'google-api-php-client/src/Google/Client.php', 'Google_Service_YouTube' => THIRDPARTY.'google-api-php-client/src/Google/Service/YouTube.php', 'S3' => THIRDPARTY.'s3/S3.php', 'Instagram' => THIRDPARTY.'Instagram.php', ); if (isset($classPaths[$className])) { if (file_exists($classPaths[$className])) { require_once($classPaths[$className]); } } } /** * load * * Will include the necessary classes/inc files. * * @return void */ function load() { $includes = func_get_args(); foreach ($includes as $include) { if (file_exists(INC.$include.'_class.php')) { include_once INC.$include.'_class.php'; } elseif (file_exists(INC.$include.'.php')) { include_once INC.$include.'.php'; } elseif (file_exists(INC.$include.'_inc.php')) { include_once INC.$include.'_inc.php'; } elseif ($include == 'foursquare') { include_once THIRDPARTY.'foursquare/EpiCurl.php'; include_once THIRDPARTY.'foursquare/EpiFoursquare.php'; } elseif ($include == 'facebook') { include_once THIRDPARTY.'facebook/src/facebook.php'; } elseif ($include == 'instagram') { include_once THIRDPARTY.'Instagram.php'; } elseif ($include == 'vimeo') { include_once THIRDPARTY.'vimeo/vimeo.php'; } elseif ($include == 'phpass') { include_once THIRDPARTY.'phpass/PasswordHash.php'; } elseif ($include == 'google') { set_include_path(get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.THIRDPARTY.'google-api-php-client/src/'); require_once THIRDPARTY.'google-api-php-client/src/Google/autoload.php'; } else { printr(debug_backtrace()); trigger_error("Required include ($include) not found.", E_USER_ERROR); } } } /** * init * * @param string $dir * * @return void */ function init ($dir = '') { setLanguage(); isLoggedIn($dir); checkScheduler($dir); } /** * fixMagicQuotes * * Strips slashes if magic quotes is turned on * * @return void */ function fixMagicQuotes () { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $_REQUEST = stripSlashesDeep($_REQUEST); $_GET = stripSlashesDeep($_GET); $_POST = stripSlashesDeep($_POST); $_COOKIE = stripSlashesDeep($_COOKIE); } } /** * stripSlashesDeep * * Recursively strips slashes on arrays. If not array, just stripslashes. * * @param mixed $value string or array to be stripped * * @return void */ function stripSlashesDeep ($value) { $value = is_array($value) ? array_map('stripSlashesDeep', $value) : stripslashes($value); return $value; } /** * setLanguage * * Sets the language for the script. Sets up php-gettext. * * @return void */ function setLanguage () { if (isset($_SESSION['language'])) { putenv('LC_ALL='.$_SESSION['language']); T_setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $_SESSION['language']); } else { $lang = getLanguage(); putenv('LC_ALL='.$lang); T_setlocale(LC_MESSAGES, $lang); } T_bindtextdomain('messages', './language'); T_bind_textdomain_codeset('messages', 'UTF-8'); T_textdomain('messages'); } /** * getLanguage * * Gets the users default language. Defaults to en_us. * * @return string */ function getLanguage () { global $fcmsDatabase, $fcmsError; if (isset($_SESSION['fcms_id'])) { $id = (int)$_SESSION['fcms_id']; $sql = "SELECT `language` FROM `fcms_user_settings` WHERE `id` = ?"; $row = $fcmsDatabase->getRow($sql, $id); if ($row === false) { $this->fcmsError->displayError(); return; } if (count($row) > 0) { return $row['language']; } } return 'en_US'; } /** * fcmsErrorHandler * * @param string $errno PHP error number * @param string $errstr description of error * @param string $errfile file path * @param string $errline line number * * @return boolean */ function fcmsErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { $trace = array_reverse(debug_backtrace()); $stack = ''; $logStack = ''; for ($i = 0; $i < count($trace); $i++) { $function = '???'; $file = '???'; $line = '???'; if (isset($trace[$i])) { $function = isset($trace[$i]['function']) ? $trace[$i]['function'] : $function; $file = isset($trace[$i]['file']) ? $trace[$i]['file'] : $file; $line = isset($trace[$i]['line']) ? $trace[$i]['line'] : $line; } $stack .= '#'.$i.' '.$function.' called at ['.$file.':'.$line.']
'; $logStack .= ' #'.$i.' '.$function.' called at ['.$file.':'.$line."]\n"; } switch ($errno) { case E_USER_ERROR: echo '

Fatal Error

File: '.$errfile.'

Line: '.$errline.'



'; exit(1); break; case E_USER_WARNING: $errno = 'PHP Warning'; break; case E_USER_NOTICE: $errno = 'PHP Notice'; break; default: $errno = 'PHP Error'; break; } echo '



'; if (debugOn()) { echo '

File: '.$errfile.'

'; echo '

Line: '.$errline.'

'; echo '


'; echo '


'; } echo '
'; $log = $errstr."\n"; $log .= ' FILE - '.$errfile.' ['.$errline."]\n"; $log .= ' PHP - '.PHP_VERSION.' ('.PHP_OS.")\n"; $log .= " STACK\n".$logStack."\n"; logError($log); // Don't execute PHP internal error handler return true; } /** * checkScheduler * * Checks the FCMS Scheduler to see if any scheduled jobs need run. * * @param string $subdir * * @return void */ function checkScheduler ($subdir = '') { global $fcmsDatabase, $fcmsError; $sql = "SELECT `id`, `type`, `repeat`, `lastrun` FROM `fcms_schedule` WHERE `status` = 1"; $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql); if ($rows === false) { $fcmsError->displayError(); return; } if (count($rows) <= 0) { return; } $url = getDomainAndDir(); // Remove subdirectory from end (admin/ or gallery/) if (!empty($subdir)) { $url = str_replace($subdir, "", $url); } foreach ($rows as $row) { $runJob = false; $hourAgo = strtotime('-1 hours'); $dayAgo = strtotime('-1 days'); $lastrun = strtotime($row['lastrun']); $type = cleanOutput($row['type']); // Job has never been run if ($row['lastrun'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $runJob = true; } // Hourly jobs elseif ($row['repeat'] == 'hourly') { if ($lastrun < $hourAgo) { $runJob = true; } } // Daily jobs elseif ($row['repeat'] == 'daily') { if ($lastrun < $dayAgo) { $runJob = true; } } // Attempt to run scheduled job if ($runJob) { postAsync($url.'cron.php', array('job_type' => $type)); return; } } } /** * isLoggedIn * * Checks whether user is logged in or not. If user is logged in * it just returns, if not, it redirects to login screen. * returns boolean */ function isLoggedIn () { global $fcmsUser; $fcmsError = FCMS_Error::getInstance(); $fcmsDatabase = Database::getInstance($fcmsError); // User has a session if (isset($_SESSION['fcms_id'])) { $id = (int)$_SESSION['fcms_id']; $token = $_SESSION['fcms_token']; } // User has a cookie elseif (isset($_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id'])) { $_SESSION['fcms_id'] = (int)$_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id']; $_SESSION['fcms_token'] = $_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_token']; $id = $_SESSION['fcms_id']; $token = $_SESSION['fcms_token']; } // User has nothing else { $url = basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); header('Location: '.URL_PREFIX.'index.php?err=login&url='.URL_PREFIX.$url); exit(); } // Make sure id is a number if (!is_numeric($id)) { $url = basename($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]); header('Location: '.URL_PREFIX.'index.php?err=login&url='.URL_PREFIX.$url); exit(); } // Verify the token is good if (isValidLoginToken($id, $token)) { $sql = "SELECT `access` AS 'val' FROM `fcms_users` WHERE `id` = ? UNION ALL SELECT `value` AS 'val' FROM `fcms_config` WHERE `name` = ?"; $rows = $fcmsDatabase->getRows($sql, array($id, 'site_off')); if ($rows === false) { $error->displayError(); return; } $site_off = $rows[0]['val']; $access = $rows[1]['val']; // Site is off and your not an admin if ($site_off == 1 && $access > 1) { header('Location: '.URL_PREFIX.'index.php?err=off'); exit(); } // Good login, you may proceed else { // Load logged in user $fcmsUser = new User($fcmsError, $fcmsDatabase); return; } } // The user's session/cookie credentials are bad else { unset($_SESSION['fcms_id']); unset($_SESSION['fcms_token']); if (isset($_COOKIE['fcms_cookie_id'])) { setcookie('fcms_cookie_id', '', time() - 3600, '/'); setcookie('fcms_cookie_token', '', time() - 3600, '/'); } header('Location: '.URL_PREFIX.'index.php?err=login'); exit(); } } /** * checkSiteStatus * * @return void */ function checkSiteStatus () { // Site is on if (!file_exists(INC.'siteoff')) { return; } global $upgrading; include INC.'siteoff'; // If the $upgrading timestamp is older than 10 minutes, don't die. if ((time() - $upgrading) >= 600 ) { return; } echo ' '.T_('Site is currently turned off...').'

'.T_('Hold On a Second!').'

'.T_('The site has been closed by an administrator.').'

'.T_('Please come back later.').'

'; die(); }