/* * Eventbrite API client (jQuery required) - https://github.com/ryanjarvinen/Eventbrite.jquery.js */ //Constructor var Eventbrite = function () { "use strict"; var auth_tokens = {}, args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments), // the last argument is the callback callback = args.pop(); if(typeof args[0] === 'object'){ auth_tokens = args[0]; }else if(typeof args[0] === 'function' || args[0] === undefined ){ auth_tokens.access_token = Eventbrite.prototype.data.getAccessToken(); }else{ auth_tokens.app_key = args[0]; if(typeof args[1] !== 'function'){ if(typeof args[2] !== 'function'){ auth_tokens.user = args[1]; auth_tokens.password = args[1]; }else{ auth_tokens.user_key = args[1]; } } } // make sure the function is called as a constructor if (!(this instanceof Eventbrite)) { return new Eventbrite(auth_tokens, callback); } this.auth_tokens = auth_tokens; // call callback callback(this); }; Eventbrite.prototype = { 'api_host': "https://developer.eventbrite.com/json/", 'api_methods': ['discount_new', 'discount_update', 'event_copy', 'event_get', 'event_list_attendees', 'event_list_discounts', 'event_new', 'event_search', 'event_update', 'organizer_list_events', 'organizer_new', 'organizer_update', 'organizer_get', 'payment_update', 'ticket_new', 'ticket_update', 'user_get', 'user_list_events', 'user_list_organizers', 'user_list_tickets', 'user_list_venues', 'user_new', 'user_update', 'venue_new', 'venue_get', 'venue_update'], 'request': function ( method, params, cb ) { var auth_headers = {}; if(typeof params === 'function'){ cb = params; params = {};} else if( params === undefined){ params = {}; } if( this.auth_tokens.access_token === undefined ){ if(this.auth_tokens.app_key){ params.app_key = this.auth_tokens.app_key;} if(this.auth_tokens.user_key){ params.user_key = this.auth_tokens.user_key;} if(this.auth_tokens.user){ params.user = this.auth_tokens.user;} if(this.auth_tokens.password){ params.password = this.auth_tokens.password;} }else{ auth_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + this.auth_tokens.access_token}; params.access_token = this.auth_tokens.access_token; } $.ajax({ url: this.api_host + method, data: params, type: 'GET', dataType: 'jsonp', headers: auth_headers, beforeSend: function(xhrObj){ xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/json"); xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Accept","application/json"); if(params.access_token !== undefined){ xhrObj.setRequestHeader("Authorization","Bearer "+params.access_token); } }, success: function (resp) { if(resp.contents !== undefined){ cb(resp.contents); }else{ cb(resp); } }, failure: function (err) { console.log("Error connecting to Eventbrite API"); } }); }, // various API client utility functions 'utils': { 'eventList': function( evnts, callback, options){ var html = ['
']; if( evnts.events !== undefined ){ var len = evnts.events.length; for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ){ if(evnts.events[i].event !== undefined ){ html.push( callback( evnts.events[i].event, options )); } } }else{ html.push('No events are available at this time.'); } html.push('
'); return html.join('\n'); }, 'eventListRow': function( evnt ){ var not_iso_8601 = /\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d/; var date_string = not_iso_8601.test( evnt.start_date ) ? evnt.start_date.replace(' ', 'T') : evnt.start_date; var start_date = new Date( Date.parse( date_string )); var venue_name = 'Online'; //default location name var time_string = Eventbrite.prototype.utils.formatTime( start_date ); var html = ''; date_string = start_date.toDateString(); if( evnt.venue !== undefined && evnt.venue.name !== undefined && evnt.venue.name !== ''){ venue_name = evnt.venue.name; } html = "
" + "" + evnt.title + "" + "" + date_string + "" + time_string + "" + "" + venue_name + "
"; return html; }, 'formatTime': function( time ){ var time_string = ''; var minutes = time.getMinutes(); var hours = time.getHours(); var ampm = 'am'; if( minutes < 10 ){ minutes = '0' + minutes; } if( hours === 0 ){ hours = 12; } else if ( hours >= 12 ){ ampm = 'pm'; if( hours !== 12){ hours = hours - 12; } } return time_string += hours + ':' + minutes + ampm; }, 'login': function( options, cb ) { var response = {}; if( options.error_message !== undefined ){ if( options.error_message === 'access_denied' ){ response.login_error = "Account access denied."; }else if( options.error_message !== 'disabled' ){ response.login_error = options.error_message; } } // auto lookup of access_token from data-store if( options.access_token === undefined ){ if( typeof options.get_token == 'function' ){ options.access_token = options.get_token(); }else if( options.get_token !== 'disabled' ){ options.access_token = Eventbrite.prototype.data.getAccessToken(); } } try{ // Example using an access_token to initialize the API client: Eventbrite({'access_token': options.access_token}, function(eb){ var resp = eb.user_get(function(resp){ if( resp !== undefined && resp.user !== undefined){ response.user_email = resp.user.email; response.user_name = resp.user.first_name + ' ' + resp.user.last_name; } return cb(response); }); }); }catch(error){ // This token may no longer be valid response.login_error = error; if( typeof options.delete_token === 'function' ){ options.delete_token( options.access_token ); }else if( options.delete_token !== 'disabled' ){ Eventbrite.prototype.data.deleteAccessToken( options.access_token ); } return cb(response); } }, 'logoutLink': function( ) { return Eventbrite.prototype.utils.logout; }, 'logout': function( app_key ) { // delete token and do other cleanup work Eventbrite.prototype.data.deleteAccessToken(); Eventbrite.prototype.widget.login({'app_key': app_key }, function(widget_html){ $('.eb_login_widget').replaceWith(widget_html); }); }, 'oauthLink': function( key ) { return 'https://www.eventbrite.com/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=' + key; }, 'isLoggedIn': function() { var token = Eventbrite.prototype.data.getAccessToken(); var isLogged = ( token !== undefined && token !== 'undefined' ); return isLogged; } }, 'data': { 'getAccessToken': function ( ){ return localStorage.eb_access_token; }, 'saveAccessToken': function ( token ){ localStorage.eb_access_token = token; }, 'deleteAccessToken': function ( token ){ localStorage.eb_access_token = undefined; } }, 'widget': { 'login': function( options, cb ){ // automatically grab the access_token from the request fragment? if( window.location.hash.indexOf("token_type=Bearer") !== -1 && window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") !== -1 && options.access_token === undefined ){ // if we have a new access_token: add it to "options", and save it if( window.location.hash.slice( window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") + 13 ).indexOf("&") !== -1){ //partial fragment slice access_token = window.location.hash.slice( window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") + 13, window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") + 13 + window.location.hash.slice( window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") + 13 ).indexOf("&") ); }else{ //the rest of the string contains the access_token value access_token = window.location.hash.slice( window.location.hash.indexOf("access_token=") + 13 ); } if( access_token !== -1 && access_token !== '' && options.save_token !== 'disabled'){ if(typeof options.save_token == 'function'){ options.save_token( access_token ); }else{ Eventbrite.prototype.data.saveAccessToken( access_token ); } options.access_token = access_token; window.location.hash = '#'; } } // automatically grab the access_token from storage? if( options.access_token === undefined && options.get_token !== 'disabled'){ if(typeof options.get_token == 'function'){ options.access_token = options.get_token(); }else{ options.access_token = Eventbrite.prototype.data.getAccessToken(); } } // automatically grab errors from the querystring? if( options.error_message !== undefined && options.error_message == "disabled"){ delete(options.error_message); }else if( options.error_message !== 'disabled' && window.location.search.indexOf("error=") !== -1 ){ if( window.location.search.slice( window.location.search.indexOf("error=") + 6 ).indexOf("&") !== -1){ options.error_message = window.location.search.slice( window.location.search.indexOf("error=") + 6, window.location.search.indexOf("error=") + 6 + window.location.search.slice( window.location.search.indexOf("error=") + 6 ).indexOf("&") ); }else{ options.error_message = window.location.search.slice( window.location.search.indexOf("error=") + 6 ); } } // Check to see if we have a valid user account // and Proccess any data-related work: Eventbrite.prototype.utils.login( options, function(response){ // package up the data for our view / template: var login_params = {}; if(options.logout_link !== 'disabled'){ login_params.logout_link = options.logout_link; } login_params.oauth_link = options.oauth_link; if( login_params.oauth_link === undefined ){ login_params.oauth_link = Eventbrite.prototype.utils.oauthLink(options.app_key); } if( login_params.logout_link === undefined ){ login_params.logout_link = "Eventbrite.prototype.utils.logout('" + options.app_key + "');"; } if( response !== undefined && typeof response == 'object'){ if( response.user_email !== undefined ){ login_params.user_name = response.user_name, login_params.user_email = response.user_email; } if( response.login_error !== undefined ){ login_params.login_error = response.login_error; } } // view related work: // render your "template" if( typeof options.renderer == 'function' ){ return cb(options.renderer( login_params )); }else if(options.renderer == 'disabled' ){ //return the raw data for use with an external template return cb(login_params); }else{ //use our default renderer: return cb(Eventbrite.prototype.widget.loginHTML( login_params )); } }); }, 'loginHTML': function( strings ) { // Replace this example with something that works with your Application's templating engine html = ["
"]; html.push(""); if( strings.user_name !== undefined && strings.user_email !== undefined && strings.logout_link !== undefined ){ html.push("

Welcome Back!

"); html.push("

You are logged in as:
"+ strings.user_name + "
(" + strings.user_email + ")

"); if(strings.logout_link !== 'disabled'){ html.push("


"); } html.push("
"); }else if( strings.oauth_link !== undefined ){ if(strings.login_error !== undefined){ html.push("

" + strings.login_error + "

"); } html.push("

"); }else{ html.push("
Eventbrite widgetHTML template example fail :(
"); } html.push("
"); return html.join("\n"); }, 'ticket': function( evnt ) { return '
Online Ticketing for ' + evnt.title + ' powered by Eventbrite
'; }, 'registration': function( evnt ) { return '
Online Ticketing for ' + evnt.title + ' powered by Eventbrite
'; }, 'calendar': function ( evnt ) { return '
Online event registration powered by Eventbrite
'; }, 'countdown': function ( evnt ) { return '
Online event registration for ' + evnt.title + '
'; }, 'button': function ( evnt ) { return 'Register for ' + evnt.title + ' on Eventbrite'; }, 'link': function ( evnt, text, color ) { return '' + ( text || evnt.title ) + ''; } } }; (function(){ var len = Eventbrite.prototype.api_methods.length; function addMethod ( method ) { Eventbrite.prototype[method] = function( params, callback) { this.request( method, params, callback ); }; } for ( var i = 0; i < len ; i += 1 ){ addMethod( Eventbrite.prototype.api_methods[i] ); } }()); // including the following progressive enhancement for ISO 8601 dates - Thanks Colin Snover! /** * Date.parse with progressive enhancement for ISO 8601 * © 2011 Colin Snover * Released under MIT license. */ (function (Date, undefined) { var origParse = Date.parse, numericKeys = [ 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11 ]; Date.parse = function (date) { var timestamp, struct, minutesOffset = 0; // ES5 § states that the string should attempt to be parsed as a Date Time String Format string // before falling back to any implementation-specific date parsing, so that’s what we do, even if native // implementations could be faster // 1 YYYY 2 MM 3 DD 4 HH 5 mm 6 ss 7 msec 8 Z 9 ± 10 tzHH 11 tzmm if ((struct = /^(\d{4}|[+\-]\d{6})(?:-(\d{2})(?:-(\d{2}))?)?(?:T(\d{2}):(\d{2})(?::(\d{2})(?:\.(\d{3}))?)?(?:(Z)|([+\-])(\d{2})(?::(\d{2}))?)?)?$/.exec(date))) { // avoid NaN timestamps caused by “undefined” values being passed to Date.UTC for (var i = 0, k; (k = numericKeys[i]); ++i) { struct[k] = +struct[k] || 0; } // allow undefined days and months struct[2] = (+struct[2] || 1) - 1; struct[3] = +struct[3] || 1; if (struct[8] !== 'Z' && struct[9] !== undefined) { minutesOffset = struct[10] * 60 + struct[11]; if (struct[9] === '+') { minutesOffset = 0 - minutesOffset; } } timestamp = Date.UTC(struct[1], struct[2], struct[3], struct[4], struct[5] + minutesOffset, struct[6], struct[7]); } else { timestamp = origParse ? origParse(date) : NaN; } return timestamp; }; }(Date));