# Change Log All changes to this project are documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## [Unreleased] ## [10.0.2] - 2016-11-22 ### Changed - Refactor the package.json script instructions in the README.md ## [10.0.1] - 2016-11-22 ### Changed - Fix badge URLs in the README.md ## [10.0.0] - 2016-11-21 ### Added - Add a Gitter chat badge to README.md - Add `prefer-numeric-literals` rule to disallow `parseInt()` in favor of binary, octal, and hexadecimal literals - Add `no-restricted-properties` to not disallow certain object properties - Add `line-comment-position` rule to enforce position of line comments - Add `lines-around-directive` rule to require newlines around directives - Add `ignoreStrings`, `ignoreRegExpLiterals`, and `ignoreTemplateLiterals` options to `max-len` rule - Add `CallExpression` option to `indent` rule - Add ES7 and ES8 environments - Add `experimentalObjectRestSpread` parser option to React rules - Add `func-name-matching` rule to require function names to match the name of the variable or property to which they are assigned - Add `anonymous`, `asyncArrow`, `named` options to the `space-before-function-paren` rule - Add the `functionPrototypeMethods` option to the `wrap-iife` rule - Add `no-useless-return` rule to disallow redundant return statements - Remove deprecated `prefer-reflect` rule - Add `no-return-await` rule to disallow unnecessary `return await` - Add `react/no-children-prop` rule to prevent passing of children as props - Add `react/no-unescaped-entities` rule to prevent invalid characters from appearing in markup - Add `react/jsx-tag-spacing` rule to validate whitespace in and around the JSX opening and closing brackets ### Changed - Change Gitter badge to a matching flat icon - Default to ES6 rules - Re-categorize `comma-dangle` rule under stylistic issues - Improve the description of the `comma-style` rule - Update `eslint` dependency to ^3.10.2 - Enable `react/prop-types` rule with `skipUndeclared` option - Change to the `multiline-multiprop` option for the `react/jsx-first-prop-new-line` rule - Update `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to ^6.7.1 ## [9.1.1] - 2016-08-30 ### Changed - Sort the rules by the official ESLint rule order ## [9.1.0] - 2016-08-30 ### Changed - Disable the `sort-keys` rule ## [9.0.0] - 2016-08-29 ### Added - Add Node v4.5, v6.3, and v6.4 to continuous testing - Add `sort-keys` rule to require object keys to be sorted - Add `no-template-curly-in-string` rule to disallow template literal placeholder syntax in regular strings - Add a `ryansobol/express` environment - Add `props` option to `no-self-assign` rule to disallow self-assignment of properties - Add `symbol-description` rule to require symbol description - Add `class-methods-use-this` rule to not enforce that class methods utilize `this` - Add `react/forbid-component-props` rule to not forbid certain props on Components - Add `react/no-danger-with-children` to prevent problems with children and `props.dangerouslySetInnerHTML` - Add `react/no-unused-prop-types` to prevent definitions of unused prop types - Add `react/style-prop-object` to enforce style prop value being an object - Add `type-annotations` order option for the `react/sort-comp` rule ### Changed - Update `eslint` dependency to ^3.4.0 - Update `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to ^6.2.0 - Replace `no-native-reassign` with `no-global-assign` - Replace `no-negated-in-lhs` with `no-unsafe-negation` - Replace `no-spaced-func` with `func-call-spacing` - Move `sort-imports` to ECMAScript 6 rules - Silence the log output of `npm run lint` - Exempt `'a'` from `id-length` rule - Change deprecated `allow-null` option for `eqeqeq` rule ### Removed - Remove support for Node v5 - Remove Node v5 from continuous testing ## [8.0.0] - 2016-08-04 ### Added - Add `no-tabs` to disallow tabs in file ### Changed - Update eslint dependency to ^3.2.2 - Disable `react/prefer-stateless-function` rule - Allow tailing directory to be specified for npm run lint command - Add `react/no-find-dom-node` to prevent usage of findDOMNode - Use the default options for `react/self-closing-comp` - Rename `react/no-comment-textnodes` to `react/jsx-no-comment-textnodes` - Rename `react/wrap-multilines` to `react/jsx-wrap-multilines` ### Removed - Remove `react/require-extension` rule ## [7.7.0] - 2016-07-21 ### Changed - Disable `arrow-body-style` rule ## [7.6.0] - 2016-07-16 ## Added - Add `allowParens: true` option to `no-confusing-arrow` - Add `functions` option to `no-extra-parens` ## [7.5.0] - 2016-07-16 ### Added - Add `react/require-render-return` to enforce ES5 or ES6 class for returning value in render function - Add `react/jsx-first-prop-new-line` to configure the position of the first property - Add `react/jsx-no-target-blank` to prevent usage of unsafe `target='_blank'` - Add `react/require-optimization` to not enforce React components to have a shouldComponentUpdate method - Add `react/jsx-filename-extension` to restrict file extensions that may contain JSX - Add `react/no-render-return-value` to prevent usage of the return value of React.render - Add `react/no-comment-textnodes` to prevent comments from being inserted as text nodes - Add option to `react/self-closing-comp` to check HTML tags - Add `multiline-ternary` to not enforce newlines between operands of ternary expressions - Add documentation on how to include `.jsx` files in the linting ### Changed - Update eslint-plugin-react dependency to ^5.2.2 - Fix missing `jsx-space-before-closing` rule - Improve the browser, ES6, Node, and React configuration docs - Improve the parser options configuration docs - Improve the ESLint environments configuration docs ## [7.4.0] - 2016-07-04 ### Added - Add `no-useless-rename` to disallow renaming import, export, and destructured assignments to the same name - Add `unicode-bom` to disallow the Unicode Byte Order Mark (BOM) - Add `no-prototype-builtins` to allow use of `Object.prototypes` builtins directly - Add `max-lines` to enforce a maximum file length - Add `no-mixed-operators` to allow mixes of different operators - Add `object-curly-newline` to not require line breaks inside braces - Add `rest-spread-spacing` enforce spacing between rest and spread operators and their expressions ### Changed - Update eslint dependency to ^3.0.0 ## [7.3.1] - 2016-06-05 ### Added - Document Materialize environment configuration ### Removed - Remove unnecessary comma in `.eslintrc.js` ## [7.3.0] - 2016-06-05 ### Added - Add a read-only `Materialize` global ## [7.2.0] - 2016-05-19 ### Added - Add `no-useless-escape` to disallow unnecessary escape characters - Add `max-statements-per-line` to enforce a max number of statements per line - Add `no-duplicate-imports` to disallow duplicate imports - Add `no-unsafe-finally` to disallow control flow statements in finally blocks - Add `no-useless-computed-key` to disallow unnecessary computed property keys - Add `object-property-newline` to not enforce placing object properties on separate lines ### Changed - Test with Node.js 4.4, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11, 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2 on TravisCI - Update eslint dependency to ^2.10.2 ## [7.1.0] - 2016-03-20 ### Added - Add `argsIgnorePattern` to `no-unused-vars` rule - Add `react/prefer-stateless-function` to enforce stateless components written as a pure function ### Changed - Update eslint-plugin-react dependency to ^4.2.3 ## [7.0.0] - 2016-03-14 ### Changed - Disable the `consistent-return` rule ## [6.2.0] - 2016-03-13 ### Added - Add `newline-before-return` to require newline before return statement - Add `no-restricted-globals` to disallow specific global variables - Add node v5.8 to continuous test ### Changed - Update eslint dependency to ^2.3.0 ### Removed - Remove close and issue number from CHANGELOG ## [6.1.0] - 2016-02-27 ### Changed - Update eslint-plugin-react dependency to ^4.1.0 ## [6.0.6] - 2016-02-27 ### Added - Add node v5.7 to continuous test ## [6.0.5] - 2016-02-27 ### Changed - Change to `ryansobol/browser` in usage sections of the README ## [6.0.4] - 2016-02-21 ### Changed - Fix broken link in the README ## [6.0.3] - 2016-02-21 ### Changed - Rename supplement configuration to environment configuration ## [6.0.2] - 2016-02-21 ### Changed - Clarify usage instructions in the README ## [6.0.1] - 2016-02-20 ### Changed - Fix environments example in the README - Fix React examples in the README - Add MIT License badge - Make README headers consistent - Clarify the run step in the usage sections of the README - Link to ESLint environments in the README - Credit colleagues and students at Galvanize in README - Rename npm script to lint ## [6.0.0] - 2016-02-20 ### Added - Add semicolons to config examples (fixes #5) - Add ryansobol/browser config - Add ryansobol/mocha config - Add ryansobol/jquery config - Add README section on additional ESLint environments #### React - Add `react/jsx-space-before-closing` rule to validate spacing before closing bracket ### Changed - Clarify the language and examples in the README - Tighten up the Philosophy section of the README - Link to the ESLint philosophy in the README - Update `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to ^4.0.0 #### React - Change `react/sort-comp` rule to support static methods - Rename `react/jsx-sort-prop-types` rule to `react/sort-prop-types` - Change `react/display-name` rule to use `ignoreTranspilerName` option ## [6.0.0-beta.1] - 2016-02-13 ### Added #### Stylistic Issues - Add `no-bitwise` to not disallow use of bitwise operators - Add `no-restricted-syntax` to not disallow use of certain syntax in code ### Changed - Test with Node.js 4.3, 5.5, and 5.6 on TravisCI - Change the description to shareable (fixes #4) ## [6.0.0-alpha.2] - 2016-02-13 ### Added #### Best Practices - Add `array-callback-return` to enforce returns in callbacks of array's methods - Add `no-empty-function` to disallow use of empty functions - Add `no-extra-label` to disallow unnecessary labels - Add `no-implicit-globals` to disallow var and named functions in global scope - Add `no-self-assign` to disallow assignments where both sides are the same - Add `no-unmodified-loop-condition` to disallow unmodified conditions of loops - Add `no-unused-labels` to disallow unused labels #### ECMAScript 6 - Add `no-new-symbol` to disallow use of the new operator with the Symbol object - Add `no-useless-constructor` to disallow unnecessary constructor - Add `prefer-rest-params` to suggest rest parameters instead of arguments #### Node.js and CommonJS - Add `no-restricted-imports` to not restrict usage of specified node imports #### Stylistic Issues - Add `id-blacklist` to not blacklist certain identifiers to prevent their use - Add `newline-per-chained-call` to not enforce newline after each chained call - Add `no-whitespace-before-property` to disallow whitespace before properties - Add `one-var-declaration-per-line` to require newlines around var declarations - Add `sort-imports` to sort import declarations within module - Add `template-curly-spacing` to enforce spacing in template strings - Add `yield-star-spacing` to enforce spacing around the * in yield* expressions ### Changed - Tweak the `README.md` file - Update `eslint` dependencies to ^2.0.0 #### Best Practices - Replace `no-empty-label` with `no-labels` #### Stylistic Issues - Change `sort-vars` to sort variables within the same declaration block ### Fixed - Fix the compare links in the `CHANGLOG.md` file ## [6.0.0-alpha.1] - 2016-01-24 ### Added - Add `'node'` keyword to `package.json` file #### ECMAScript 6 - Add `no-arrow-condition` to disallow arrow funcs where a condition is expected - Add `prefer-reflect` to not suggest using Reflect methods until more supported #### React - Add `react/jsx-equals-spacing` to enforce spaces around equal signs in JSX - Add `react/jsx-handler-names` to enforce event handler naming in JSX #### Stylistic Issues - Add `max-depth` rule to specify the max depth blocks can be nested (4 levels) - Add `max-len` rule to specify the max length of a line (80 chars, ignore URLs) - Add `max-params` rule to limit the number of function parameters (3) - Add `max-statements` rule to specify the max statements in a function (15) - Add `no-negated-condition` to disallow negated conditions - Add `no-plusplus` to disallow use of `++` and `--` except in for loops - Add `require-jsdoc` to not require JSDoc comments - Add `space-before-keywords` to require a space before keywords ### Changed - Move the changelog to a dedicated `CHANGLOG.md` file - Include Ryan Sobol in the `LICENSE` file - Change `package.json` to `eslint-config-ryansobol` - Default to ES5 rules - Update CircleCI and NPM badges - Extend `ryansobol/core` for ES5, ES6, and React rules - Update `node` dependency to >=4.2.0 - Change to TravisCI and build against Node.js >=4.2.0 - Order rules alphabetically - Split Node specific `env` and `rules` into `ryansobol/node` config - Enforce `consistent-as-needed` for this project's `quote-props` rule - Update `eslint` dependencies to ^2.0.0-beta.2 - Update `.eslintrc.js` to extend `ryansobol/es6` and `ryansobol/node` - Update `eslint-plugin-react` dependencies to ^3.16.0 - Change `eslint-plugin-react` to a regular dependency - Update the `README.md` file #### Best Practices - Change `block-scoped-var` rule to an error - Change `consistent-return` rule to an error - Change `curly` rule to an error - Change `default-case` rule to an error - Change `dot-location` rule to an error - Change `dot-notation` rule to an error - Change `guard-for-in` rule to disabled - Change `no-alert` rule to an error - Change `no-div-regex` rule to an error - Change `no-else-return` rule to an error - Change `no-extra-bind` rule to an error - Change `no-floating-decimal` rule to an error - Change `no-implicit-coercion` rule to an error - Change `no-invalid-this` rule to an error - Change `no-lone-blocks` rule to an error - Change `no-multi-spaces` rule to an error - Change `no-new` rule to an error - Change `no-octal` rule to an error - Change `no-process-env` rule to disabled - Change `no-script-url` rule to an error - Change `no-sequences` rule to an error - Change `no-throw-literal` rule to an error - Change `no-unused-expressions` rule to an error - Change `no-useless-concat` rule to an error - Change `no-warning-comments` rule to disabled - Change `radix` rule to `'as-needed'` - Change `wrap-iife` rule to an error - Change `yoda` rule to an error except ranges #### ECMAScript 6 - Change `arrow-parens` rule to an error - Change `arrow-spacing` rule to an error - Change `generator-star-spacing` rule to an error and be more explicit - Change `no-class-assign` rule to an error - Change `object-shorthand` rule to an error - Change `prefer-const` rule to an error - Change `prefer-template` rule to an error - Change `no-arrow-condition` rule to `no-confusing-arrow` - Change all keyword spacing rules to `keyword-spacing` #### Node.js and CommonJS - Update comment to official docs - Change `callback-return` rule to disabled - Change `handle-callback-err` rule to an error - Change `no-new-require` rule to an error - Change `no-path-concat` rule to disabled - Change `no-process-exit` rule to disabled - Change `no-sync` rule to an error #### Possible Errors - Change `comma-dangle` rule to `'never'` - Change `no-console` rule to an error - Change `no-constant-condition` rule to an error - Change `no-debugger` rule to an error - Change `no-empty` rule to an error - Change `no-extra-boolean-cast` rule to an error - Change `no-extra-parens` rule to an error - Change `no-extra-semi` rule to an error - Change `no-func-assign` rule to an error - Change `no-inner-declarations` rule to an error - Change `no-irregular-whitespace` rule to an error - Change `no-negated-in-lhs` rule to an error - Change `no-regex-spaces` rule to an error - Change `no-sparse-arrays` rule to an error - Change `no-unexpected-multiline` rule to an error #### React - Change `react/display-name` rule to an error - Change `react/forbid-prop-types` rule to forbid vague `object` prop type - Change `react/jsx-boolean-value` rule to `'always'` enforce boolean JSX attrs - Change `react/jsx-closing-bracket-location` rule to enforce `'line-aligned'` - Change `react/jsx-curly-spacing` rule to an error - Change `react/jsx-indent-props` rule to an error - Change `react/jsx-indent` rule to an error - Change `react/jsx-no-bind` rule to an error - Change `react/jsx-sort-prop-types` rule to an error - Change `react/jsx-sort-props` rule to an error - Change `react/no-danger` rule to an error - Change `react/no-multi-comp` rule to an error - Change `react/no-string-refs` rule to an error - Change `react/no-unknown-property` rule to an error - Change `react/prefer-es6-class` rule to disabled - Change `react/prop-types` rule to disabled - Change `react/require-extension` rule to include `'.jsx'` - Change `react/self-closing-comp` rule to an error - Change `react/sort-comp` rule to an error and use the default order - Change `react/wrap-multilines` rule to an error and prevent wrapping parens #### Strict Mode - Change `strict` rule to `'safe'` #### Stylistic Issues - Change `array-bracket-spacing` rule to an error - Change `block-spacing` rule to an error - Change `brace-style` rule to an error and enforce `'stroustrup'` style - Change `camelcase` rule to an error - Change `comma-spacing` rule to an error - Change `comma-style` rule to an error - Change `computed-property-spacing` rule to an error - Change `consistent-this` rule to an error - Change `eol-last` rule to an error - Change `func-style` rule to an error enforce `'expression'` style - Change `id-length` rule to an error and exempt `'z'`, `'e'`, `'k'`, and `'v'` - Change `indent` rule to an error and indent case statements by 1 level - Change `jsx-quotes` rule to an error - Change `key-spacing` rule to an error - Change `linebreak-style` rule to an error and enforce `'unix'` line breaks - Change `lines-around-comment` rule to an error and enforce more exemptions - Change `max-nested-callbacks` rule to an error and enforce 4 levels - Change `new-cap` rule to use its defaults - Change `new-parens` rule to an error - Change `newline-after-var` rule to an error - Change `no-lonely-if` rule to an error - Change `no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs` rule to an error - Change `no-multiple-empty-lines` rule to an error and enforce a max of 1 line - Change `no-nested-ternary` rule to an error - Change `no-new-object` rule to an error - Change `no-spaced-func` rule to an error - Change `no-trailing-spaces` rule to an error - Change `no-unneeded-ternary` rule to an error - Change `object-curly-spacing` rule to an error and enforce except in objects - Change `one-var` rule to an error - Change `operator-assignment` rule to an error - Change `operator-linebreak` rule to an error - Change `padded-blocks` rule to an error and never should be padded - Change `quote-props` rule to an error - Change `quotes` rule to an error - Change `semi-spacing` rule to an error - Change `semi` rule to an error - Change `space-after-keywords` rule to an error - Change `space-before-blocks` rule to an error - Change `space-before-function-paren` rule to an error - Change `space-in-parens` rule to an error - Change `space-infix-ops` rule to an error - Change `space-return-throw-case` rule to an error - Change `space-unary-ops` rule to an error - Change `spaced-comment` rule to an error #### Variables - Change `init-declarations` rule to disabled - Change `no-catch-shadow` rule to disabled - Change `no-shadow` rule to reports `'all'` shadowing - Change `no-unused-vars` rule to an error - Change `no-use-before-define` rule to remove exemptions ### Removed - Replace `merge` dependency with `Object.assign()` function - Remove `eslint-plugin-shopify` rules and dependencies - Remove `.nvmrc` file - Remove unnecessary `eslint --max-warnings` flag - Remove unnecessary `npm run lint` script - Remove legacy rules for old Shopify projects - Remove globals for `ryansobol/react` rules - Remove `babel-eslint` parser from `ryansobol/es6` - Remove `babel-eslint` dev dependency - Remove forced ES6 module support from `ryansobol/es6` ## [5.9.0] - 2016-01-19 ### Changed - Updated `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to 3.15 - Updated `eslint-plugin-shopify` to 2.1 - Set the default `shopify/require-flow` config to `"explicit"` ## [5.8.0] - 2016-01-07 ### Added - Added the newly introduced rules ### Changed - Updated `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to 3.14 ## [5.7.1] - 2015-12-04 ### Removed - Removed `no-arrow-condition` for `ecmascript-6` that conflicted with `arrow-body-style` rule ## [5.7.0] - 2015-12-01 ### Added - Added the new rules introduced by ESLint 1.10 ### Changed - Updated `eslint` dependency to 1.10 - Updated `eslint-plugin-react` dependency to 3.11 ## [5.6.1] - 2015-10-20 ### Fixed - Fix non-prefixed React plugin rule ## [5.6.0] - 2015-10-20 ### Added - Add new React plugin rules: `prefer-es6-class`, `no-direct-mutation-state`, and `forbid-prop-types` ## [5.5.0] - 2015-10-20 ### Changed - Converts most rules to being warnings rather than errors. Rules that catch existing bugs or that are considered bad practices are still treated as errors. ## [5.4.0] - 2015-10-06 ### Added - Adds the new rules from `eslint-plugin-shopify` ## [5.3.6] - 2015-09-25 ### Added - Added `eslint-plugin-shopify` to the ES5 config to avoid it dying on those rules ## [5.3.5] - 2015-09-25 ### Changed - Loosens restriction on usage of `this` outside of objects and classes ## [5.3.4] - 2015-09-23 ### Added - Add `_` as an exception to the identifier length rule ## [5.3.3] - 2015-09-22 ### Changed - Demote `console.log` to a warning ## [5.3.2] - 2015-09-22 ### Changed - Allow node things in ES6 config (for Webpack-style imports, like React's images) ## [5.3.1] - 2015-09-21 ### Added - Added a few more exceptions to identifier length rule ### Fixed - Fix issue where ES6 config was not inheriting from core config ## [5.3.0] - 2015-09-21 ### Changed - Reorganized the project to have a core set of rules that are added to by each config (instead of setting and overriding) - Allow non-global requires ## [5.2.2] - 2015-09-21 ### Fixed - Fixed some issues with the parsers and plugins specified by the configs ## [5.2.1] - 2015-09-21 ### Fixed - Fixed a dependency issue ## [5.2.0] - 2015-09-21 ### Added - Added the Shopify plugin and initial rule defaults ## [5.1.1] - 2015-09-21 ### Fixed - Fix URLs in `package.json` ## [5.1.0] - 2015-09-21 ### Added - Added an ES5 version of the config - Added a few minor exceptions to the `id-length` rule ## [5.0.0] - 2015-09-21 ### Changed - Prevent implicit coercions ## [4.0.0] - 2015-09-18 ### Changed - Force `let` in all cases. `const` is allowed but not enforced (use it sparingly to indicate immutable primitives). - Force function declarations (`function foo() {}`) over function expressions (`var foo = function() {}`) - Force variable initialization at definition (i.e., no `let foo;`, must be assigned) - Force parens for arrow function parameters regardless of arity, and force spaces around the actual arrow - Prefer template strings over concatenation, and spread (`...`) over `.apply()` - Other minor rule additions and updates ## [3.0.4] - 2015-09-18 ### Changed - Allow function declarations to be used before defined (avoids issues with, for example, functions that call each other recursively) ## [3.0.3] - 2015-09-18 ### Changed - Avoid escape in quote styles ## [3.0.2] - 2015-09-17 ### Fixed - Forgot to bump to package.json version ## [3.0.1] - 2015-09-17 ### Changed - Use jsx-quotes instead of react/jsx-quotes ## [3.0.0] - 2015-09-17 ### Changed - Enforce trailing commas on multiline literals - Enforce double quotes for JSX to be in line with XML - Don't allow spacing inside object literals ## [2.0.1] - 2015-09-15 ### Changed - Minor project cleanup ### Fixed - Fixed typo in one rule ## [2.0.0] - 2015-09-15 ### Changed - All warnings are now errors ### Removed - Removed some rules relating to complexity, maximum length, and nesting depth ## [1.0.7] - 2015-09-14 ### Changed - Loosens restriction on `==` for `null` checking (which Flow requires for Maybe types) ## [1.0.6] - 2015-09-14 ### Added - Adds global Flow types for React (`ReactClass` and `ReactElement`) ## [1.0.5] - 2015-09-14 ### Changed - Prefer `var` until Flow adds support for `const`/ `let` ## [1.0.4] - 2015-09-10 ### Changed - Allow `continue` ## [1.0.3] - 2015-09-09 ### Changed - Prefer `const`/ `let` ## [1.0.2] - 2015-09-08 ### Changed - Updated React linting rules ## [1.0.1] - 2015-09-08 ### Removed - Removed unnecessary dependencies ## [1.0.0] - 2015-09-08 ### Added - Initial commit [Unreleased]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v10.0.2...HEAD [10.0.2]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v10.0.1...v10.0.2 [10.0.1]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v10.0.0...v10.0.1 [10.0.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v9.1.1...v10.0.0 [9.1.1]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v9.1.0...v9.1.1 [9.1.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v9.0.0...v9.1.0 [9.0.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v8.0.0...9.0.0 [8.0.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.7.0...v8.0.0 [7.7.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.6.0...v7.7.0 [7.6.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.5.0...v7.6.0 [7.5.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.4.0...v7.5.0 [7.4.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.3.1...v7.4.0 [7.3.1]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.3.0...v7.3.1 [7.3.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.2.0...v7.3.0 [7.2.0]: https://github.com/ryansobol/eslint-config-ryansobol/compare/v7.1.0...v7.2.0 [7.1.0]: 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