{ "experience": [ { "title": "Senior Research Scientist", "company": "Crimson Vista", "location": "USA", "start": "December 2020", "end": "Present", "description": [ "1. Litigation support for legal cases requiring cybersecurity knowledge and source code reviews", "2. Technical consulting for businesses involving infrastructure, blockchain, security, distributed systems, data, and more", "3. Computer Science research and publishing that jointly contributes to a PhD" ], "links": [] }, { "title": "Software/Site Reliability Engineer", "company": "SAP Qualtrics", "location": "Provo, UT", "start": "August 2019", "end": "December 2020", "description": [ "Software Development:" "Developed on and maintained central data pipeline which processes all customer and internal data, using MySQL Galera, Redis, Couchbase, RabbitMQ/Kafka, Java, Go", "Oversaw design & development of a MongoDB XDCR (Cross Datacenter Replication) & conflict resolution distributed service (Go)", "Designed and implemented event-sourcing microservice cluster in Go using AWS SNS/SQS/KMS, Nomad container orchestration, MongoDB", "DevOps / Site Reliability Engineering:", "Automated service creation, testing, deployment, secret injection, upgrading Docker containers and VMs using HashiCorp Nomad, Puppet, Consul & Hiera; Jenkins", "Built dockerized scale tests with artillery.io", "Created and responded to on-call alerts and metrics to monitor 400+ backend servers running in production using Grafana, Sensu, Consul, Prometheus, Sumologic, VictorOps", ], "links": [] }, { "title": "Data Engineer (Internship)", "company": "Capital One", "location": "McLean, VA", "start": "June 2019", "end": "August 2019", "description": [ "Won 1st place at Capital One's Hackathon of 540 interns with the Fiber Chrome extension: integrates Amazon shoppers' budget/credit card data & warnings into the site to improve financial literacy", "Used natural language processing in Python to generate crime reports of Anti-Money Laundering, bundled as a microservice", "Built Angular UI for 1000+ crime investigators with detailed bank account data visualizations, an editor to write/export case reports, and automatic sentence generation for selected transactions", "Built data pipeline that securely aggregates KYC customer data from AWS SQL/NoSQL databases" ], "links": [ { "title": "First Place Hackathon Budgeting Chrome Extension Code", "description": "This Chrome Extension was our entry for the 2019 Intern Onboarding Hackathon at Capital One. After two rounds of judging projects by 540 software engineering interns, this extension won first place.", "url": "https://github.com/ryanwest6/amazon-budget-chrome-extension" } ] }, { "title": "Security Researcher (Part-Time)", "company": "Internet Security Research Lab (BYU)", "location": "BYU, Provo, UT", "start": "April 2019", "end": "August 2019", "description": [ "Led 6-man team of researchers on designing a system to detect ransomware and extract the encryption keys it used from RAM; co-authored research grant proposal", "Researched CONIKS distributed PKI and Signal Protocol for man-in-the-middle attack vulnerability", "Provided extensive blockchain & distributed systems support/knowledge to PhD's & professors" ], "links": [] }, { "title": "Blockchain Software Engineer", "company": "The Sovrin Foundation", "location": "Provo, UT", "start": "March 2018", "end": "June 2019", "description": [ "Developed an open-source decentralized identity network (Hyperledger Indy) using blockchain & elliptic-curve cryptography in Rust & Python", "Researched/Designed Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus algorithms & key revocation for GDPR", "Implemented cryptocurrency/fiat billing systems capable of processing 10k+ txns/sec with Docker", "Author of open-source cryptographic connection protocol for secure key/credential exchange", "Built Jenkins CI/CD pipeline & finance servers with Terraform, SaltStack & AWS EC2/S3/Lambda", "Conducted interviews for, hired, and mentored software development interns across 4 continents" ], "links": [ { "title": "Fiat Reconciliation Tool in Python", "description": "An example of open-source code I contributed to Hyperledger. This tool looks at transactions downloaded from the Sovrin identity blockchain and calculates invoices to send to whoever wrote to the ledger. The tool uses a blockchain downloader and query library that I also wrote: https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/steward-tools/tree/master/local_ledger.", "url": "https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/steward-tools/tree/master/fiat_reconciliation" }, { "title": "Hyperledger Indy Paper: Connection Protocol", "description": "Hyperledger Indy secure connection protocol proposal that I co-authored which was accepted by the community and is now being implemented across many apps and wallets.", "url": "https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/tree/master/text/0031-connection-protocol" } ] }, { "title": "Lead Software Developer & Researcher", "company": "Configurable Computing Lab (BYU)", "location": "BYU, Provo, UT", "start": "April 2017", "end": "October 2018", "description": [ "Wrote a compression algorithm to reduce data files’ size by 99%", "Led software development of an embedded system running Arch Linux, designed to measure FPGA reliability using simulated radiation injection (maintained SVN/Git repos with ~30k lines of code)", "Implemented multi-threaded client & embedded web server in C/C++ with RESTful API in Python", "Improved network FPGA sniffer to intercept 15x more packets" ], "links": [ { "title": "JCM Server in C/C++", "description": "The JCM (Jtag Configuration Manager) is an embedded system running Arch Linux. It is used in the Configurable Computing Lab at BYU, and its purpose is to monitor the response that FPGA devices have when exposed to radiation. The JCM can also emulate the behavior of radiation and inject faults into the FPGA configuration memory, providing a safe, efficient way to do radiation tests.", "url": "https://github.com/ryanwest6/Jcm_Server" } ] }, { "title": "Teacher Assistant for Digital Systems", "company": "Department of Computer Engineering", "location": "BYU, Provo, UT", "start": "January 2017", "end": "April 2017", "description": [ "Helped ~90 students design and implement a microprocessor, instruction set architecture (MIPS), assembly code for their processor, and other digital logic projects in Vivado using Verilog" ], "links": [] } ] }