var express = require('express'), app = express(); var fs = require('fs'); // Postgres const { Pool } = require('pg'); var db_credentials = new Object(); db_credentials.user = 'ryez'; = process.env.AWSRDS_EP; db_credentials.database = 'zupar'; db_credentials.password = process.env.AWSRDS_PW; db_credentials.port = 5432; // Mongo var collName = 'aadatafiles'; var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var url = process.env.ATLAS; // HTML wrappers for AA data var index1 = fs.readFileSync("index1.txt"); var index3 = fs.readFileSync("index3.txt"); app.get('/s', function(req, res) { // Connect to the AWS RDS Postgres database const client = new Pool(db_credentials); // SQL query var q = `SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM sensortime AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York') as sensorday, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM sensortime AT TIME ZONE 'America/New_York') as sensormonth, count(*) as num_obs, avg(irmovement) as dailymovement, avg(potentiometerstrength) as dailymood FROM movementData GROUP BY sensorday, sensormonth;`; client.connect(); client.query(q, (qerr, qres) => { res.send(qres.rows); console.log('responded to request'); }); client.end(); }); app.get('/aa', function(req, res) { MongoClient.connect(url, function(err, db) { if (err) {return console.dir(err);} var dateTimeNow = new Date(); var today = dateTimeNow.getDay(); var tomorrow; if (today == 6) {tomorrow = 0;} else {tomorrow = today + 1} var hour = dateTimeNow.getHours(); var collection = db.collection(collName); collection.aggregate([ // start of aggr egation pipeline { $match : { $or : [ { $and: [ { queryday : today } , { startTimeHour : { $gte: hour } } // { queryday : 0 } ]}, { $and: [ { queryday : tomorrow }, { startTimeHour: { $lte: hour}} ]} ]} }, // This puts the days in the correct order WITHIN the groups { $sort: {queryday: -1 } }, // group by meeting group { $group : { _id : { //it's challenging to have my meeting name as group latLong : "$latLong", meetingGroup : "$group", address : "$address", WheelChair : "$access", }, meetingDay : { $push : "$day" }, startTimeHour : { $push : "$startTimeHour" }, startTimeMinutes : { $push : "$startTimeMinute" }, meetingType : { $push : "$meetingType" }, meetingFloor : { $push : "$floor" } } }, // group meeting groups by latLong { $group : { _id : { latLong : "$_id.latLong", }, //Everything that is associated with a single time is included in this section meetingGroups : { $push : {groupInfo : "$_id" , meetingDay : "$meetingDay", startTimeHour : "$startTimeHour", startTimeMinutes : "$startTimeMinutes", meetingType : "$meetingType", meetingFloor : "$meetingFloor"}}, } }, ]).toArray(function(err, docs) { // end of aggregation pipeline if (err) {console.log(err)} else { res.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'text/html'}); res.write(index1); res.write(JSON.stringify(docs)); res.end(index3); } db.close(); }); }); }); app.listen(process.env.PORT, function() { // app.listen(3000, function() { console.log('Server listening...'); });