import codecs import datetime import socket import logging import construct from typing import Any, List, Optional # noqa: F401 from .protocol import Message _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DeviceException(Exception): """Exception wrapping any communication errors with the device.""" pass class DeviceError(DeviceException): """Exception communicating an error delivered by the target device.""" pass class DeviceInfo: """Container of miIO device information. Hardware properties such as device model, MAC address, memory information, and hardware and software information is contained here.""" def __init__(self, data): """ Response of a Xiaomi Smart WiFi Plug {'ap': {'bssid': 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF', 'rssi': -68, 'ssid': 'network'}, 'cfg_time': 0, 'fw_ver': '1.2.4_16', 'hw_ver': 'MW300', 'life': 24, 'mac': '28:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF', 'mmfree': 30312, 'model': 'chuangmi.plug.m1', 'netif': {'gw': '', 'localIp': '', 'mask': ''}, 'ot': 'otu', 'ott_stat': [0, 0, 0, 0], 'otu_stat': [320, 267, 3, 0, 3, 742], 'token': '2b00042f7481c7b056c4b410d28f33cf', 'wifi_fw_ver': 'SD878x-14.76.36.p84-702.1.0-WM'} """ = data def __repr__(self): return "%s v%s (%s) @ %s - token: %s" % (["model"],["fw_ver"],["mac"], self.network_interface["localIp"],["token"]) @property def network_interface(self): """Information about network configuration.""" return["netif"] @property def accesspoint(self): """Information about connected wlan accesspoint.""" return["ap"] @property def model(self) -> Optional[str]: """Model string if available.""" if["model"] is not None: return["model"] return None @property def firmware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Firmware version if available.""" if["fw_ver"] is not None: return["fw_ver"] return None @property def hardware_version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Hardware version if available.""" if["hw_ver"] is not None: return["hw_ver"] return None @property def raw(self): """Raw data as returned by the device.""" return class Device: """Base class for all device implementations. This is the main class providing the basic protocol handling for devices using the ``miIO`` protocol. This class should not be initialized directly but a device-specific class inheriting it should be used instead of it.""" def __init__(self, ip: str = None, token: str = None, start_id: int=0, debug: int=0) -> None: """ Create a :class:`Device` instance. :param ip: IP address or a hostname for the device :param token: Token used for encryption :param start_id: Running message id sent to the device :param debug: Wanted debug level """ self.ip = ip self.port = 54321 if token is None: token = 32 * '0' if token is not None: self.token = bytes.fromhex(token) self.debug = debug self._timeout = 5 self._device_ts = None # type: datetime.datetime self.__id = start_id self._device_id = None def do_discover(self) -> Message: """Send a handshake to the device, which can be used to the device type and serial. The handshake must also be done regularly to enable communication with the device. :rtype: Message :raises DeviceException: if the device could not be discovered.""" m = if m is not None: self._device_id = m.header.value.device_id self._device_ts = m.header.value.ts if self.debug > 1: _LOGGER.debug(m) _LOGGER.debug("Discovered %s with ts: %s, token: %s", self._device_id, self._device_ts, codecs.encode(m.checksum, 'hex')) else: _LOGGER.error("Unable to discover a device at address %s", self.ip) raise DeviceException("Unable to discover the device %s" % self.ip) return m @staticmethod def discover(addr: str=None) -> Any: """Scan for devices in the network. This method is used to discover supported devices by sending a handshake message to the broadcast address on port 54321. If the target IP address is given, the handshake will be send as an unicast packet. :param str addr: Target IP address""" timeout = 5 is_broadcast = addr is None seen_addrs = [] # type: List[str] if is_broadcast: addr = '' is_broadcast = True"Sending discovery to %s with timeout of %ss..", addr, timeout) # magic, length 32 helobytes = bytes.fromhex( '21310020ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_BROADCAST, 1) s.settimeout(timeout) s.sendto(helobytes, (addr, 54321)) while True: try: data, addr = s.recvfrom(1024) m = Message.parse(data) # type: Message _LOGGER.debug("Got a response: %s", m) if not is_broadcast: return m if addr[0] not in seen_addrs:" IP %s (ID: %s) - token: %s", addr[0], m.header.value.device_id.decode(), codecs.encode(m.checksum, 'hex')) seen_addrs.append(addr[0]) except socket.timeout: if is_broadcast:"Discovery done") return # ignore timeouts on discover except Exception as ex: _LOGGER.warning("error while reading discover results: %s", ex) break def send(self, command: str, parameters: Any=None, retry_count=3) -> Any: """Build and send the given command. Note that this will implicitly call :func:`do_discover` to do a handshake, and will re-try in case of errors while incrementing the `_id` by 100. :param str command: Command to send :param dict parameters: Parameters to send, or an empty list FIXME :param retry_count: How many times to retry in case of failure :raises DeviceException: if an error has occured during communication.""" self.do_discover() cmd = { "id": self._id, "method": command, } if parameters is not None: cmd["params"] = parameters send_ts = self._device_ts + datetime.timedelta(seconds=1) header = {'length': 0, 'unknown': 0x00000000, 'device_id': self._device_id, 'ts': send_ts} msg = {'data': {'value': cmd}, 'header': {'value': header}, 'checksum': 0} m =, token=self.token) _LOGGER.debug("%s:%s >>: %s", self.ip, self.port, cmd) if self.debug > 1: _LOGGER.debug("send (timeout %s): %s", self._timeout, Message.parse(m, token=self.token)) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.settimeout(self._timeout) try: s.sendto(m, (self.ip, self.port)) except OSError as ex: _LOGGER.error("failed to send msg: %s", ex) raise DeviceException from ex try: data, addr = s.recvfrom(1024) m = Message.parse(data, token=self.token) self._device_ts = m.header.value.ts self._device_id = m.header.value.device_id if self.debug > 1: _LOGGER.debug("recv from %s: %s", addr[0], m) self.__id =["id"] _LOGGER.debug("%s:%s (ts: %s, id: %s) << %s", self.ip, self.port, m.header.value.ts,["id"], if "error" in raise DeviceError(["error"]) try: return["result"] except KeyError: return except construct.core.ChecksumError as ex: raise DeviceException("Got checksum error which indicates use " "of an invalid token. " "Please check your token!") from ex except OSError as ex: _LOGGER.error("Got error when receiving: %s", ex) if retry_count > 0: _LOGGER.warning("Retrying with incremented id, " "retries left: %s", retry_count) self.__id += 100 return self.send(command, parameters, retry_count - 1) raise DeviceException("No response from the device") from ex def raw_command(self, cmd, params): """Send a raw command to the device. This is mostly useful when trying out commands which are not implemented by a given device instance. :param str cmd: Command to send :param dict params: Parameters to send""" return self.send(cmd, params) def info(self) -> DeviceInfo: """Get miIO protocol information from the device. This includes information about connected wlan network, and harware and software versions.""" return DeviceInfo(self.send("", [])) @property def _id(self) -> int: """Increment and return the sequence id.""" self.__id += 1 if self.__id >= 9999: self.__id = 0 return self.__id @property def raw_id(self) -> int: """Return the sequence id.""" return self.__id