import os import pathlib import re import string import yaml import tensorflow as tf def tag_punct_remover(input_text): """Does the following to a string: - lower case - remove punctuations - remove HTML tags Parameters ---------- input_text : str String of characters. Returns ------- tf.tensor Processed string converted into a tensor. """ lowercase_text = tf.strings.lower(input_text) strip_html_text = tf.\ strings.regex_replace(lowercase_text, '<[^>]+>', ' ') no_punct_text = tf.\ strings.regex_replace(strip_html_text, '[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation), ' ') no_sing_charac_text = tf.\ strings.regex_replace(no_punct_text, '\s+[a-zA-Z]\s+', ' ') sing_wspaced_text = tf.\ strings.regex_replace(no_sing_charac_text, '\s+', ' ') return sing_wspaced_text def process_file(file_path): """Reads in a text file and processes the text within it. Parameters ---------- file_path : str String of characters. Returns ------- tf.tensor Processed string converted into a tensor. """ with open(file_path, 'r') as file: curr_txt = edit_text = tag_punct_remover(curr_txt) return edit_text def main(): """Main programme to read in raw data files and process them. Data inputs and outputs are stated in `./params.yaml`. """ with open('./params.yaml', 'r') as curr_file: args = yaml.safe_load(curr_file) txt_files_list = pathlib.\ Path(args['data_prep']['raw_data_path']).rglob('*.txt') txt_files_list = list(txt_files_list) for filename in txt_files_list: curr_edit_text = process_file(filename) out_filename = re.sub('/raw/', '/processed/', str(filename)) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_filename), exist_ok=True) out_filename, curr_edit_text) if __name__ == '__main__': main()