import os import pathlib import flask import tensorflow as tf APP = flask.Flask(__name__) def load_model(model_file_repath='./models/text-classification-model'): """Loads trained model for inferencing to be done. Parameters ---------- model_file_repath : str, optional Relative path of saved model, by default './models/text-classification-model' Returns ------- model : tf.keras.Model Loaded trained model. """ curr_path = pathlib.Path().absolute() model_file_abs_path = curr_path / model_file_repath loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(model_file_abs_path) return loaded_model MODEL = load_model() @APP.route('/predict', methods=["POST"]) def predict(): """Flask resource for: - receiving request with text input - respond with binary sentiment (positive/negative) Returns ------- res_output : flask.response object Response object with the application/json mimetype. """ if flask.request.method == "POST": req_input = flask.request.json model_prediction = MODEL.predict([req_input['text']]) if model_prediction > 0.5: sentiment = 'positive' else: sentiment = 'negative' res_output = flask.jsonify({'sentiment': sentiment}) return res_output if __name__ == '__main__': port = int(os.environ.get("PORT", 80))'', port=port)