RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.48.1 --------------------------------- 1. Fixed a bug in the launch script which meant that memory settings weren't detected correctly unless java was installed on the system. 2. Made all preferences for the read count quantitation be remembered between runs. 3. Removed spurious additional label in the BAM file import options dialog. 4. Don't add projects which fail to load to the recently used file list. 5. Update install instructions for M1 mac users. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.48.0 --------------------------------- A mix of bugfixes and some internal restructuring 1. Fixed the crash reporter which couldn't cope with https URLs 2. Changed the cache folder code to reduce the number of files created in a single directory. 3. Added an option to the BAM file import to bring in data which has barcodes or sample names embedded in the read IDs 4. Show the strand in the feature search results. 5. Vastly improve the speed of switching chromosomes or resizing the chromosome view when lots of tracks are being displayed. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.47.2 --------------------------------- Many bugfixes... 1. Fix cache crash in seqmonk_import 2. Add java executable detection to seqmonk_import 3. Increase min R version to 4.0.3 because of bioconductor changes 4. Fix OSX launcher to work on older version of OSX 5. Allow 1-to-many comparisons in the DESeq filter 6. Fix stored filter preferences crash 7. Fix edge case mistake in feature filter overlaps 8. Automatically detect new OSX R Framework location 9. Update name cache when renaming features RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.47.1 --------------------------------- This version contains some minor fixes. Changes include: 1. Increased the minimum R version to 4.x.x. since R3.6 no longer works for installing BioConductor packages. 2. Hopefully finally stop OSX from trying to compile R packages from source when it doesn't need to. 3. Improve the efficiency of displaying annotation counts 4. Make genomes with annotation versions >99 sort correctly 5. Increase the number of allowed nodes in the probe list overlap plot to 500 6. Add more options to the logistic regression filter RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.47.0 --------------------------------- This version introduces some major changes for users of Mac OSX and improves a lot of existing functionality. There are two major changes of note: 1. The way the OSX package is built has been changed so that we can deal with the new security model in OSX v10.15 (Catalina). People working on that version will have found that they were unable to load or save data to anywhere other than their home directory. This new version now tests for limited disk access on OSX and if it finds it it will point to instructions for how SeqMonk can be given more generous permissions to read data from places like USB drives, network shares and the Desktop. 2. We've made a relatively minor change to the way that RNA-Seq quantitation works. When we merge transcript isoforms we used to prefer matching transcripts based on them having compatible names (eg ABC-201 would merge with ABC-202), *and* based on them actually overlapping in the genome. We found though that some gene models from Ensembl broke these assumptions (ie there are cases with two different genes with identical names which overlap, and cases of genes with multiple transcripts which don't overlap). These cases are all nuts but they exist so we need to deal with them. We've now changed to prefer using the "gene_id" annotation on transcripts to decide which ones to merge, which deals better with these edge cases. What this means though is that if you have an existing RNA-Seq analysis in a project and you re-quantitate it having moved to the new SeqMonk version that your probe set will be replaced as it won't match the exsting set because of these changes. You will therefore need to either re-create your filtered lists using the new probe set - or stick to an older version of SeqMonk to finish off those existing projects. Other more minor changes are: 3. Improve the default matching options and save name for annotated probe reports. 4. Added a vistory event for adding annotation 5. Added replicate set colouring to boxplots and beanplots 6. Made the default heatmap colours more friendly to colourblind people 7. Changed the min R version to 3.6 as Bioconductor is broken for versions older than that. 8. Fixed a StarWars layout bug for multiple lists and one store. 9. Use https to communicate with web services 10. Try to improve R package installs on OSX RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.46.0 --------------------------------- The v1.46.0 release introduces a couple of new features and fixes some bugs. The main changes are: 1. In statistical tests which can use more than 2 replicate sets we now remember the order of selection of the sets in the options so that the meaning of the fold change values is deterministic, ie if you are comparing WT and KO you can choose to have the change as either WT/KO or KO/WT in the report. 2. Fixed a bug where the intersect lists filter could make project files which couldn't be re-loaded. 3. Added suitable track headers to make exported BED files more compatible with UCSC browser 4. Allowed custom distances for "not close to" feature filter 5. Added an option to define co-factors when constructing a linear model for DESeq2. 6. Fixed the save data option in the quantitation trend heatmap 7. Fixed PCA domain quantitation probe generation 8. Added the current quantitation values to the HiC report 9. Make the annotation set name the same as the feature name for imported annotation. 10. Made the linux launch script SLURM aware so it configures memory limits correctly. 11. Fix the warning of replacing probes in the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline so it only warns if it's actually going to replace them. 12. In DESeq2 pairwise comparisons we now report both the raw log2FoldChange and the shrunken log2FoldChange. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.45.4 --------------------------------- This release is a bugfix release for the last version which resolves an issue where small probes might not be drawn in the chromsome view if their inferred size was less than 1 pixel. It also introduces a copule of other minor changes: 1. Fix a probe drawing optimisation bug which caused some small probes not to be drawn. 2. Add the option to highlight replicate sets in the line graph. 3. Annotate the variance filter results with the actual variance values which were used for the test. 4. Improved the efficiency of drawing raw reads in the chromosome view for replicate sets and data groups. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.45.3 --------------------------------- This release adds some useful functionality and cleans up a lot of the new functions which have been added in recent releases. The main changes are: 1. Indexed colours now duplicate if you're looking at expanded replicate sets 2. Genome view block display now works 3. Added an option to apply the same manual correction to all samples 4. Added an option to make an annotation track instead of a probe set for all probe generators 5. Allow probe sets to be called something other than "All Probes" 6. Allow annotated probe reports to be annotated with list values from any combination of probe lists 7. Allow any images to be pasted into Vistories 8. Added a --introns option to the command line importer 9. Fixed per-probe normalisation when the "Use visible stores" option is selected 10. Added the ability to label multiple points in all scatterplot type displays 11. Added a new normalisation method based on subtracting a linear trend from your data 12. Added a "sum" and "divide" option to to per-probe normalisation 13. Make seqmonk prompt on exit if a vistory has been modified and viewed but not saved. 14. Allow all graphics exports to go straight to the clipboard 15. Created a vistory event for hierarchical cluster probe generation RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.45.2 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix and stability release which tidies up a number of areas. The main changes are: 1. Update vistory filter events to have the number of probes and the name of the filter attached to them. 2. Fix a versioning bug when cross-importing annotation from another project. Also allow cross importing between different annotation versions of the same genome assembly. 3. Added a duplicate list filter which makes it easier to create additional structure in a set of filtered probes. 4. Allow images to be moved up and down in vistories 5. Make the difference quantitation introduce NA values for ratio measures when the total number of observations is very small. 6. Fix an updating bug when changing the number of pseudo chromosomes when building a custom genome. 7. When auto-creating Data Groups only add each data set to one group. 8. Allow the creation of projects using just a control genome. 9. Add a save option to the probe list overlap matrix. 10. Improve the description of the percentile value filter. 11. Generate vistory events for probe lists created in plots 12. Add the replicate set name to the plot area in variation plots. 13. Fix the genome view image export to not include scroll bars. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.45.1 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix release which resolves some issues in the previous release. It also adds some minor additional functionality. Changes in this release are: 1. We fixed a bug in the packaging script for OSX which meant that SeqMonk was not using the bundled JRE and was reliant on the presence of a Java installation on the host machine. This also caused a failure to launch on machines running a version of Java older than 1.8. 2. We updated our BAM parser from the old samtools java library to the newer htslib parser. This should resolve crashes caused when the mapping command line recorded in the BAM header contained a colon. Using the newer parser should also be somewhat quicker. 3. We fixed some limitations in Vistories. The table of contents in the HTML report won't now truncate on smaller screens. We capture some additional events which we were missing before. Additional fixes will follow in future releases. 4. We fixed a crash in the List Annotation Value filter. 5. We added a new display option to change how replicate sets treat probes which have quantitations for some (but not all) of their members. Previously we had returned an NA value for the mean of the probe if any member contained an NA. You can now choose to return the mean of however many members contain valid values to give more complete coverage of your data. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.45.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v1.45.0 is a major release which introduces some big changes in the program. The two major changes with this release are: 1. The introduction of Vistories, which are a way of documenting your SeqMonk analysis. This is a document mixing the automatic collection of events in the program with embedding graphics and tables and allowing you to annotate the analysis with titles and text. Vistories can be saved and loaded and can be exported to HTML files for archiving and distribution. 2. With the change in licensing of the Oracle JRE we have made the decision to stop relying on a JRE on the host computer and are instead shipping embedded copies of the AdoptOpenJDK distributions of java along with SeqMonk. This means that we now have platform specific versions of SeqMonk for Windows, Linux and OSX, and that the install procedure is much simpler than before since java is no longer required to be separately installed. In addition to these major features we have added a number of other changes in this release. - The LIMMA filter can now analyse multiple replicate sets in a single operation. - A bug in the Probe Trend plot when using the "scale within each data store" option was fixed. - We have removed the option to allow the storage of uncompressed project files. In future all project files will be compressed. - The list annotation filter can now use annotations coming from lists other than the one you are filtering. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.44.0 --------------------------------- This release makes a major change in the way that probe lists annotations are handled to make them much more flexible. It also introduces some new filtering, visualisation and reporting options as well as fixing a bug in the read position probe generator. Major changes are: - Probe lists can now record multiple named attributes (and can have no attribute at all). This means that a statistical filter can now record a p-value, q-value and fold change all together in the same list for example. - Added a probe list annotation value filter to allow for additional filtering based on the contents of a probe lists annotations. - Updated the DESeq and EdgeR, LIMMA, T-test/ANOVA, Intensity Diff filters to record p-value,q-value and log2 fold change. - Added a volcano plot to visualise hits for statistical search result lists. Works for DESeq and EdgeR at the moment and will support more tests in future. - Added a custom layout for the chromosome view to more efficiently handle the structure of the tracks, especially where there are large numbers of tracks in a project. - Added an option to do bulk renaming of data stores to the DataSet editor - Improved the layout of data tracks when there are a lot of them - Added a track number to the data track selector - Fixed a bug in the read position probe generator which meant that reads on different strands were counted separately even if the ignore strand option was selected - Added fastseg to the R package requirements to make sure its there for people using the segmentation tool - Made changes to improve the speed of project saving - Fixed a crash in the PCA plot when the data contains no variance - Added an option to export annotation tracks as a BED file - Added a match by name option to the feature report - Added a generic NOT option to all feature filter matching types - Updated the R installer code to respect a locally set preferred CRAN repository, and to use the new BiocManager to install bioconductor packages if appropriate. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.43.0 --------------------------------- This release adds some interesting new functionality for segregating quantitation, and has some speed improvements as well as fixing some bugs. Main changes were: - Fixed a bug which broke data imports in Bed and BedPE format - Added drawing optimisation to the chromosome view to make it more efficient displaying tracks with very high coverage - Sped up the operation of DataGroups and ReplicateSets when collating raw reads - Added a new intersect lists filter to provide more filtering options when combining lists together - Changed the order of operations when saving files to reduce the chances of data loss if something odd happens to the filesystem whilst saving - Improved the efficiency of the read position probe generator - Added a segmentation filter to split quantitations into physically connected groups - Added the ability to cross import annotation tracks between projects - Added an annotation editor to make it easy to rename or delete large batches of annotation quickly - Reduced the compression when saving to make it quicker - Fixed a crash in the variance intensity difference filter if null quantitations were present RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.42.1 --------------------------------- This release was an opportunity for a general cleanup of a lot of cosmetic issues which had been building up, as well as addressing a number of bugs. Things which we fixed were: - Fixed the text alignment on a lot of plot axes to be more pretty - Fixed a data scaling bug on the QQ plot which sometimes missed out the last point - Fixed a crash in LIMMA when data contained NA values - Fixed a cancellation bug in the HiC heatmap - Fixed a null pointer bug in the proportion of library bug - Added an option to save the data from the quantitation trend plot - Added whitespace support to generic text import - We now record the import options used when importing data - Handle platforms where we can't automatically open a web browser better - Fixed a bug where the read position probe generator only did a single chromosome - Improved the layout of the quantitation trend heatmap - Fixed a bug with NA or infinite values in the quantitation trend plot RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.42.0 --------------------------------- This release has a fix for a potentially nasty data import bug introduced in v1.40.1 and adds some new visualisation features. ############################# # Important Data Import Bug # ############################# We are indebted to John Chuang for spotting a data import bug which was introduced in v1.40.1 and which could corrupt data imported from sorted BAM files containing duplicated sequences. We'll do a full write up elsewhere but the details of the bug can be seen in: In short, if you have imported a sorted BAM file using SeqMonk v1.40.1 or v1.41.0 then you may have had some duplicate reads silently discarded. The issue could also theoretically affect sorted files, but the number of sequences affected would be extremely low and is unlikely to materially affect any datasets. Projects which had data imported in an earlier version of seqmonk, and the project was opened and saved in the affected versions are *not* affected. The bug is in the import step. If you imported sorted files into an affected version of the program then we recommend that you create a new project and re-import the BAM files using seqmonk v1.42.0 (or later). Other changes in this release: - Added a size factor normalisation quantitation - Fixed a data update bug when creating custom genomes - Added a new Quantitation Trend Heatmap plot, and optimised the old Quantitation Trend Plot code - Worked around an EdgeR installation bug which caused the EdgeR filter to break. - Fixed a problem with the linux themeing on Ubuntu 18.04 RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.41.0 --------------------------------- This release adds some new functionality, but also tidies up a lot of existing features, making them work more smoothly. - Added a QQ plot - Improved the options and multiple testing correction in the logistic regression filter. - Fixed a slowness issue when working with hundreds of samples. - Added a mechanism to allow projects to update to newer versions of core annotations in the same assembly. - Added a fix for the RNA-Seq QC plot when there isn't a rRNA track in the annotation. - Modified the DESeq filter to allow multiple group comparisons by using the Likelihood ratio test. - Report the parameters estimated by the RNA-Seq pipeline. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.40.1 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix release of seqmonk which adds some optimisations to the background data model and fixes a number of bugs. - Changed the internal data model to store positions and counts separately to make the storage of heavily duplicated data much more efficient - Added a LIMMA statistical filter - Modified the GTF parser to better deal with the structure of Ensembl GTF files. - Changed all of the launchers so you can pass a file name to open. Allows file extensions to be associated with seqmonk so you can open projects by double clicking on them. - Improve the merging of transcripts in the RNA-Seq pipeline to use gene ids where they are present in the annotation so we don't get spurious merging of overlapping transcripts on the same strand which are annotated as belonging to different genes. - Updated the genome processing scripts so that gene_ids are added to all transcripts - Fixed a crash in the aligned probes plot when no data stores are visible - Fixed a display bug for the list of features in the feature filter and quantitation trend plot. - Fixed an inefficient packing algorithm when the number of reads was too great to be displayed within the available height of the chromosome view. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.40.0 --------------------------------- This release does some major reorganisation of the filtering menu as well as adding new functionality. Major changes are: - Completely restructured the statistics filter menus so that they are now arranged by the type of data they apply to. - Added an option to detect and remove duplication in the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline. - Added a new variant of the EdgeR filter which can work on for/rev ratio data such as methylation data. - Added an option to change the startup memory settings from the usual preferences dialog. - Added an R debug mode to make it easier to track down problems with R based functionality. - Fixed a bug in the variation plot for data containing NaN values - Fixed a regression which meant some functionality didn't work on systems running java 1.6 - Added an option to create data groups or replicate sets from pre-prepared lists of data store names. - Added a global correction to the aligned probes plot to make the plots more directly comparable. - Fixed a bug in the exporting of images from the aligned probes plot. - Collated error messages to help interpreting large numbers of errors. - Added a strand bias plot RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.39.0 --------------------------------- This release is a mix of new features and bug and usability fixes for existing features. Major changes are: - Added the ability to have multiple annotation versions for the same genome assembly release. We needed a way to update the annotations used for some of the major eukaryotic genomes, when the sequence level assembly hadn't actually changed. All genomes can now have multiple versions distinguished by the Ensembl release number from which they came. The genome selection interface now shows the different annotation versions for the same genome assembly grouped together. - Added a parser for the BEDPE file format - Added a better filtering for absolute change to the binomial, chi-square and logistic regression filters. - The hierarchical cluster plot now allows for the highlighting of replicate sets at the top. - The gene set filter now provides the option to use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as well as the t-test when finding changing gene sets - Altered the feature filter to allow it to simultaneously use multiple feature tracks - Improved the scaling of the aligned probes plot so that the absolute numbers reported are more meaningful - Added a scale bar to the aligned probes plot - Fixed a crash in the PCA plot when no data remained after removing null values - Fixed a crash when saving results from the correlation matrix - Fixed a bug which allowed replicate sets to be added to other replicate sets when auto-creating sets in the data store tree RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.38.2 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix release which mainly addresses a bug in the most recent jave release on OSX. Specific changes in this release are: - Fixed a hang bug specifically triggered in java v1.8_131 when creating any report. The bug doesn't affect other platforms, or previous versions of the JRE. - Fixed a problem with the auto-setup of the perplexity setting in the Tsne plot which affected projects with fewer than 7 samnples. - Fixed a bug which caused the intensity gene set plot to not clean up temporary probe lists when the list of hits was sorted. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.38.1 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix release which addresses some issues found in the previous release. Specifically - We fixed a performance bug when creating custom genomes from fasta or gff files with very large numbers of sequences in them. This would have affected people building custom genomes from very fragmented sets of contigs. - We added a scale bar to the HiC heatmap - We changed the TSNE code to use Rtnse instead of tsne to work round a bug and to improve performance - We added some more debugging output to the launch script to make it easier to debug launching problems - We fixed a bug in the SplicingEfficiency pipeline affecting genomes with non-Ensembl naming schemes - We fixed a bug in PCA plotting when showing labels in plots with overlapping points RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.38.0 --------------------------------- This release adds some new plotting options for data store similarity and greatly improves the workflow for the analysis of splicing as well as adding some more general bug fixes and improvements. Major changes are: - Added a TSNE plot for clustering data stores - Added colouring to the correlation matrix - Added a logistic regression splicing statistical filter - Greatly improved the efficiency of the exactly overlap quantitation - Added strand information to probe reports - Fixed a bug in the launcher for UTF8 locales - Fixed a bug in the normalisation of paired end RNA-Seq data - Fixed a crash in bioconductor installation RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.37.1 --------------------------------- This release is a minor bugfix release. Updating to this release is only necessary for people directly affected by one of the bugs below: - Fixed a bug in the reporting of R errors where the full R trace wasn't attached to the crash report making it difficult to identify the cause of R problems. - Fixed a bug in the generation of custom genomes where feature names containing a forward slash in their names would cause a failure of the feature caching system. - Fixed an out of date warning in the RNA-Seq pipeline which hadn't been updated to the new option names in the BAM import dialog. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.37.0 --------------------------------- This release adds a lot of new and modified functionality to make the program easier to use for some common tasks. The changes in this release are: - Added an option to the ChiSquare and Logistic Regression statistics to resample the read ratios based on a current normalised percentage quantitation. Provides lots of new possibilities for the analysis of BS-Seq data. - Changed the heatmap view to use the currently set positive/negative scale when performing euclidean clustering - Fixed a bug in PCA plotting where NA or infinite quantitated values were present - Rewrote the features filter to make it much more powerful - Fixed a bug in seqmonk_import if you specified a filename in the current directory - Updated seqmonk_import to allow the import of bismark coverage files - Fixed error reporting in seqmonk_import - Hugely optimised the exact overlap quantitation - Made the status bar show the stand of any highlighted probe - Allow the crash email to be changed from the preferences dialog - Added more options to deduplication to account for different duplication types - Stopped the RNA-Seq QC plot from duplicating prefixes when doing multiple filters RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.36.0 --------------------------------- This release adds one new major piece of functionality to seqmonk and fixes a bug in the bean plot. The new functionality is a non-interactive import script 'seqmonk_import'. This script allows you to create a new seqmonk project in a completely automated way so that you don't need to launch an interactive session to do your initial data import. This can be really useful where data might be stored on a cluster where interactive sessions are impractical, and will save the hassle of having to transfer all of the BAM files to a local machine to set up the project. The bug fix affects the high end of the quantitation distribution in beanplots. In some cases probes with counts in the highest bins were being counted multiple times causing the top end of the plot to stretch in a way which didn't actually reflect the distribution of the data. This issue is now fixed. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v1.35.0 --------------------------------- We're having our windows 10 moment. We've finally got fed up of people asking why we're not at version 1 yet, so you'll see that the version bump is a little larger than normal on this release. SeqMonk has been plenty stable for several years already so I guess it's justified. This release brings in some new features and some updates to existing features which should make it easier to work with. - Added a new setup screen the first time the program is run to try to make it easier to set sensible locations for the cache and genomes folders. - Added the ability to generate PCA plots to compare data stores, and use the rotations in a given PC to select sets of probes which characterise that PC. - Added a probe list collation filter to make it easy to intersect large numbers of probe lists. Renamed the old combine filter to 'logically combine' - Improved BedGraph export so you can now output multiple files in one go and made them immediately compatible with bedGraphToBigWig so you can more easily load them into UCSC browser. - Fixed a bug in the quantitation of probes using the new multi-genome projects - Added a duplication quantitation - Cleaned up and removed a load of functions in the menus which we're pretty sure no one ever used. - Fixed a bug on windows systems when the Documents folder was set to be the seqmonk genomes folder. Got to learn a lot about the madness of windows junction files. - Allow the per-probe normalisation to use either the median or the mean - Fixed a bug when importing HiC data from BAM files and applying a MAPQ filter. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.34.1 --------------------------------- This release is a bugfix release which addresses 3 problems found in the last release. 1) Fixed a crash in the beanplot where the quantitated value for the first probe in a set is null. 2) Fixed a problem where you couldn't select small chromosomes in the genomes view. 3) Fixed a hang when trying to move to very short probe positions from a report. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.34.0 --------------------------------- This release adds a couple of new features which might be useful for the analysis of some data types and adds some fixes and improvements. * We've added some tools to help with the analysis of transcription termination. These include a termination quantitaiton which looks at the proportional loss of read signal as you pass a putative termination site at the end of a transcript. We also have a statistical test for this where we use a contingency test to test whether the loss of read counts is significant or not. * In the read position probe generator you can now design probes just within a target region or within an existing probe list. * We've added a new beanplot display which is much better for looking at the overall structure of multiple genomes than the boxwhisker plot we had been using up to this point. * We've changed the default options for the import of BAM files. SeqMonk will now set the default MAPQ filter value to 20 rather than having it default to zero. If no read in the first 100,000 in the file has a MAPQ >=20 then the filter will be set to the maximum observed MAPQ value. In most cases this will mean that only high quality alignments will be imported. You should check that the value detected makes sense with the aligner you used though as some files may not produce a sensible value from the first 100k reads. If you want to keep the previous behaviour (no MAPQ filtering) you should either delete the MAPQ value, or set it to 0. * We fixed a bug in v0.33.0 where it couldn't reimport data which came from v0.33.0 * We've added a new shortcut (Control+I) to trigger an import from BAM file * We've changed the behaviour of most plots regarding how they treat the display of replicate sets. For a while we've had the ability to exand replicate sets in the chromosome view so you could see the individual replicates rather than looking at the mean (this is configurable in the display preferences). We've now made it so that in all plots which pick up their data stores based on what's visible, and which aren't displaying variance information, we will make them show the individual stores within the replicate set if the option to expand replicate sets is turned on the display preferences. * We fixed a bug in the calculation of the total quantitaiton value in the datastore summary report. A floating point precision problem meant that this value could end up being inaccurate when large numbers of small integers were quantitated. * We've changed the display of remote genomes in the import genomes step to show the date at which the genomes were created so you can cite this if you want to know exactly which version of the Ensembl annotations were used for a given genome assembly. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.33.0 --------------------------------- This release is a major release which introduces some significant new functionality to the program, much of it designed to make it easier to work with very large datasets, most of which are likely to be single-cell data. Major changes in this release are: * The addition of a new chromosome view report which allows for the bulk export of chromosome views around a set of probes to be exported. * Improved the ability of the RNA-Seq pipeline to detect isoform to merge when using non-Ensembl genome annotations. * Improved the RNA-Seq QC report to add some new metrics, and to allow the selection and tagging of samples with poor looking QC. * Changed the data store tree to allow the samples to be re-ordered in the chromomosome view based on the tree, or to split stores into replicate sets based on their clustering within the tree. * Added a new probe list generator - the shuffled probe list generator which randomly repositions an existing set of probes. * Added an option to the auto-split tool to let it be case insensitive * Changed the genome selector to be alphabetically ordered * Added an option to the data set editor to revert all names to the original file names. * Made the aligned probes plot support multiple probe lists and also use consistent scaling. * Made the scaling consistent between all sub-plots in a box whisker and star wars plot collection. * Added a data export option to the box whisker plot. * Added probe names to the Hierarchical cluster plot. * Added a variance plot to look at variability within a replicate set * Added a variance filter to select probes based on their variability * Added an intensity difference variance filter to identify probes with unusually high variability * Fixed a problem where the chromosome view couldn't be resized if too many tracks were loaded * Made it so that a data track will have a minimum size if it has been selected from the data view * Added an option to have add-in control genomes which can supplement any standard genome. Started by adding in a genome for ERCC spike-in controls. * Fixed a bug where gff3 files weren't being loaded in custom genomes * Made the duplication plot work across multiple data stores at once. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.32.1 --------------------------------- This release provides a fix seen on some systems where all R sessions displaying the R console would hang. In addition this release greatly improves the reporting of R crashes so that the full R log file is now automatically sent with the crash report and users don't have to retrieve this separately. We have also fixed a number of layout issues in the interface where on some systems some buttons or options might not be visible on screen without making dialogs or windows larger. This particularly affected projects using very long dataset or group names. We know that there are more of this type of issue in the program and will keep working to fix all of these, but if you do hit this issue, please report which dialog you saw it in so we can make sure we sort that one out. Finally, one nice new small feature. In the line graph display you can now click on a line to see which probe it came from, and can double click on the line to go to that point in the chromosome view. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.32.0 --------------------------------- This release adds some new statistical and visualisation tools as well as providing more general improvements in functionality. One OS specific change in this release is that we have changed a restriction on OSX, where we had disabled the use of the Apple style menus on machines running java 7 due to a bug in older versions of java 7 on OSX. The original bug now appears to be fixed so we've re-enabled apple style menus for all versions. If you find that after you start a new project that the menu item to import data is still greyed out, then please update your version of java to the latest version to get the fix. Main changes are: * Added a duplication plot which provides an easier way to get as assessment of the level of technical (as opposed to biological) duplication in your data. The idea for the basic structure of the plot was taken from dupRadar ( which is a bioconductor package which allows this type of plot to be created in a more automated fashion. * Added a binomial for/rev statistical test which is useful for comparing bisulphite datasets where there is an overall change in the level of methylation between your samples, and you want to know which points change to an unusual level rather than just finding ones which change at all. * Changed the auto create groups/set tool to operate sequentially so a data set won't be added to more than one group. * Fixed a bug where gff3 files in custom genomes weren't being loaded. * Fixed a bug where you couldn't edit preferences if your R executable was found in the path. * Added a data export option to the quantitation trend plot. * Added a check to the windows launcher for people trying to run SeqMonk on a 64 bit windows system, but using only a 32 bit version of the JRE. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.31.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.31.1 is a bug fix release which addresses some issues found in the previous release. The major change in this release is an alteration of the way paired end data from SAM/BAM files are imported. In previous versions of SeqMonk the importing of paired end data relied on the data provided in the TLEN field in the SAM/BAM file. We have now seen a number of cases where the data provided in this field is unreliable (either wrong or missing), so we have made the decision to recalculate the insert sizes based on the information provided in the alignment fields. This fixes the corner cases where the TLEN information was wrong (at least all of the ones we've found). This change means that if you have an existing project where you have imported paired end data it would not be a good idea to compare it to more files imported by this (or newer) versions of SeqMonk. Instead, we would recommend re-importing your data with this version to be sure you don't see artifacts from the differences in the import filters. Previous analyses performed on imported paired end data are generally not likely to have been adversely affected by the TLEN problems, since they only affected a small subset of reads for paired reads which were discordantly mapped (dovetail overlaps mostly). If you had run an analysis where the distribution of insert sizes was of critical importance (ATAC-seq for example) it might be advisable to re-import your data with this new version and confirm that your data looks the same way. In addition to this we have made some other fixes in this release: 1) We fixed a bug in the logistic regression filter which only affected analyses when probes from only a single chromosome were analysed. 2) We updated the MA plot to fix a crash when presented with null quantitations, and to add the same highlighting options which were already present in the scatter plot. 3) We added some version checking to the R detection code so that we need to have a relatively recent version of R in order to pass the test, ie one which is new enough to be able to install the dependencies we need. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.31.0 --------------------------------- This release makes some usability improvements and adds some new functionality 1) Added an option to estimate and subtract DNA contamination to the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline. 2) Added an option to specify that libraries are paired end to the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline so that counts are per-fragment instead of per-read 3) Added an import filter for MethylKit files 4) Retired the import filters for Eland and Maq since these formats are not commonly seen (you can still import these through the generic text import) 5) Added an option to save the underlying data from the RNA-Seq QC plot 6) Added an option to save the underlying data from the small RNA QC plot 7) Fixed a spurious warning about non-integer data in the EdgeR and DESeq filters 8) Fix timing based errors when quickly switching chromosomes 9) Improved the UI for removing stale temp files 10) Added an option to extract the centres of reads in the visible stores parser 11) Fixed some UI breakage when data stores, features or probe lists had very long names 12) Added a binomial-based test for differential methylation calling. 13) Fixed a bug which made the Help file dialog not open when seqmonk was installed under a Windows UNC path RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.30.2 --------------------------------- This release adds a few small fixes to make the program easier to work with 1) We've changed the default font in SVG files from 'sans-serif' to 'Arial' to work around a bug in Adobe Illustrator which meant that it wouldn't open our SVG files directly. 2) We've added a work round to an R limitation which meant that the automatic installation of R dependencies didn't work for users running without admin privileges who had never created a local R library. 3) We added some extra checks to the DESeq and EdgeR filters so that you get a friendly warning if you try to run them with normalised data, rather than generating a crash report. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.30.1 --------------------------------- This is a bugfix release which addresses an issue in the installation of R dependencies in the v0.30.0 release. The v0.30.0 release contained a bug in the R dependency checking and installation code relating to the DESeq2 statistical filter. Whilst the filter required the DESeq2 biconductor module to be installed, the checking code was only checking for the DESeq (not 2) module, so even if the initial check said your R installation was complete, the DESeq2 filter would not run. We have fixed this bug in the new release. In addition there are two small functional additions. In both the probe name filter and the feature filter there is now an option to make the matching of names case sensitive. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.30.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.30.0 is a major release which adds some significant new statistical capabilities to the program. The major function in this release is the addition of a bridge between seqmonk and R which allows seqmonk filters to use R scripts to do the statistical calculation, but then transparently import the results back into SeqMonk. This requires a new set of preferences to locate R and to manage the dependencies used within the filters. Functionality added in this release is: * Added a DESeq2 based statistical filter for count based sequence data * Added an EdgeR based statistical filter for count based sequence data * Added a logistic regression filter for bisulphite sequence data with replicates * Added a gene set intensity difference filter for functional analysis * Added an import filter for Bismark coverage (.cov) files * Removed the option to import paired end data as HiC since this makes no sense * Changed the way you select data / control pairs in the relative quantitation to make it clearer * Fixed memory checking bug on systems with non EN_US language settings * Added a plot to graphically show the relationships between multiple probe lists * Make the RNA-Seq pipeline not create new probes if the probes it will make are just the same as the current set. * Added an import filter for QuasR data * Fix loading of help files when you have non ASCII characters in your path * Make the custom genome builder understand compressed fastq and gff files * Fix a memory bug introduced in Java8 for 32 bit JVMs In addition a number of minor bugs have been fixed and some performance optimisations have been included. If you find any issues with this release, please report these in our bugzilla instance at or send them to RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.29.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.29.0 is a major release which adds a set of new features which are likely to be of use in studies which contain large numbers of samples (for example single cell experiments) as well as other general improvements. * Added an Even Coverage probe generator to make probes with the same number of reads in them over the whole genome. * Added an exportable scale display to the data zoom control so you can add this to figures easily. * Added the ability to show variability in a number of different ways when showing replicate sets in the chromosome view. * Added the ability to split replicate sets into their component tracks in the chromosome view. * Added code to auto-detect the most likely import settings for paired end and spliced BAM files and to set these as the defaults. * Optimised the importing of spliced BAM files so they should now load significantly more quickly than before. * Put all of the chromosome display options into a single preferences pane and removed them from the toolbar, replacing them with a button to open the new pane. * Added an active transcription quantitation pipeline which quantitates reads in introns rather than exons. * Added an option to the data store tree to re-order the tracks in the display based on their correlation. * Added options to the read position probe generator. It can now operate within just the currently visible region, and can group valid positions together in sets. * Removed the option to have empty probes discarded during probe generation since there are better ways to do this now. * Improved the display of data tracks so that we can stack more of them into a standard view. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.28.0 --------------------------------- * Added more options to the Distance to Feature quantitation * Improved the efficiency with which large HiC heatmaps are drawn * Added a tabular view to show the levels of overlaps between a set of probe lists * Added the Star Wars plot for plotting means and confidence intervals in a manner similar to a boxplot. * Added a genetrap quantitation pipeline * Added a proportion of library statistics filter * Added a euclidian distance mode for heirarcical clustering * Added an RNA-Seq QC plot * Added the ability to normalise in groups when doing Match Distributions * Added an option to go to a centred window of a specified size * Changed the quantitation model to allow probes in individual samples to not store a value. Applied this to Bisulphite Quantitation rather than using flag values to indicate probes which didn't have enough data to calculate a value. Changed the default filtering options to be much more lax. * Added a BAM import option to choose to import only primary alignments from a BAM file, and made this the default. * Added a popup menu item to make it easy to convert probe lists into annotation tracks * Added a small RNA QC plot * Added an import option for text files which contain a position and a count * Added an option to do bulk find/replace renaming of DataSets * Added a new Percentile Feature Probe Generator which makes sets of probes spaced evenly over features. * Fixed a bug in the MACS caller when there were very low numbers of reads. * Added a display option to show data as coloured blocks rather than bars. * Added the option to reverse any selected gradient in the chromosome view. * Added an option to design running window probes only within the currently visible region. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.27.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.27.0 adds some new convenience features and fixes some bugs found in the previous release. New features include: * Improved the RNA-Seq quantitation to not group together features with the same name which don't physically overlap. * Added an option to the visible stores parser to filter reads by length during import. * Added an option to the visible stores parser to down-sample large datasets. * Added a new tool to automatically create sample groups or replicate sets based on finding text patterns within the sample names. Bugs fixed include: * GFF3 files are now added to new custom genomes by default * Improved the efficiency of removing large numbers of tracks from the view * Increased the default stack size to fix a bug in sorting very large numbers of reads. * Made efficiency improvement in the loading of HiC datasets. * Removed debugging code from the HiC heatmap view which was causing slow downs * Fixed a bug in p-value multiple testing correction in HiC heatmaps which could create negative p-values when large numbers of comparisons were made. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.26.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.26.0 adds a critical fix for the new OSX Mavericks release and also adds some new functionality to make it easier to deal with incomplete genome assemblies or other custom genomes. Major features are: * Fixed the launcher on OSX to adapt to changes in OSX Mavericks which broke the auto configuration code. * Fixed a bug which caused the program to hang after downloading a new genome in response to opening an existing seqmonk project. * Added a new graphical tool to aid in the creation of custom genomes meaning that you can now create custom genomes including pseudo chromosomes from either a collection of fasta files or a GTF file. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.25.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.25.0 is a major release which introduces some significant new functionality into the program and enhances many of the existing features. New features in this release include: * Added a Chi-Square statistical filter which operates on pairs of data stores rather than forward / reverse reads within a single data store. This can be used for the analysis of allele specific expression, or other experiment types where the division of reads between separate data stores is important. * The feature probe generator options have been re-designed to make them less confusing. We have also added an option to design probes around the centre of a feature. * The feature search now reports the number of hits in the results, and allows for searches with no search term to retrieve all instances of a given feature. * The RNA-Seq quantitation method now tries to determine if the data you're quantitating was imported appropriately for this kind of quantitation and warns you if it looks wrong. * Import settings are remembered for multiple text annotation imports to save time when importing multiple files. * Added an option to skip the deduplication step when running the MACS probe generator. * Added a Venn Diagram plot * Annotation from GFF now imports all of the expanded information rather than just the feature positions. * When re-importing data you can now filter the reads imported against a set of features, to either keep or exclude those which overlap any instance of that feature. * Changed the line graph to do median based per-probe normalisation rather than expanding every probes scale from 0 to 1. * Added a data export option to all histograms. * Added a random probe generator * Added a quantitation trend plot which summarises the quantitation of the current probe set over regions around a set of features. * The aligned probes plot can now display multiple plots in a single panel, and provides control over how the probes are ordered within the plot. * Added a set of colour gradient options to the hierarchical cluster plot so you can easily try out different colour schemes. * Added a domainogram plot to look for concerted changes in quantitation over different window sizes * Updated the relative quantitation options so you can now use different references for different samples. * Extended the aliases.txt file format so that aliases can now supply an offset as well as a chromosome name. This makes it much easier to create virtual genomes from sets of contigs yet still import data mapped against the original contigs. * Added a new search option which lets you find sets of features by supplying a list of their names. * The probe trend plot can now plot out multiple probe lists as well as multiple data stores. * Allow negative extensions in the re-import parser so you can contract as well as lengthen probes. * Added a separate log transformation quantitation method. * Added a probe list description report which provides a nice HTML summary of all of the options and data used to generate a probe list. This is an easy way to document the results of your analysis to allow others to reproduce it in future. * Added an option to add comments to any probe set or probe list so you can record the rationale for the choice of settings. These comments also appear in the new probe list description report. * Added a subset normalisation quantitation which does a global normalisation to just a subset of your full probe set. In addition we have fixed several minor bugs and improved a lot of the documentation. If you find any problems with this release please report these in our bugzilla instance at: RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.24.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.24.1 addresses a small number of bugs which were identified in the last release. Users of v0.24.0 are advised to upgrade to this new version. Specifically the bugs which have been fixed are: * The quantitated values calculated by the RNA-Seq pipeline were incorrect if you chose not to merge transcript isoforms when performing the quantitation. The total count correction was incorrectly being performed on the total number of bases in the data instead of the total number of reads. This meant that the values reported were much lower than they should have been. However, the values would all have been lower by the same factor so any differential analysis performed would still be valid. If you repeat the analysis with the fixed version you should get the same result, but with absolute values which are much higher. * The visible stores parser was broken and produced an error instead of re-importing data. This is now fixed. * The MACS probe generator was using the default values for all analyses and wasn't picking up changes made by the user. This is now fixed. * The MACS probe generator wasn't correctly resetting after a cancelled run and had to be completely restarted to work again. This is now fixed. * The intensity difference filter would throw an error if it was run with a probe list containing fewer than 100 probes. This is now fixed, and the filter will also now issue a warning if you try to use an already filtered list to run it. * An improvement has been made to the random coverage estimation for the MACS parser which takes the read lengths rather than just their number into account. * A formatting bug which affected the axes of the probe trend plot has been fixed. This caused very large decimal numbers to be shown in the y axis and often these were positioned all on top of each other in the middle of the axis. This should now be resolved. * There was a bug which allowed no lists to be selected in the highlight sublists option of the scatterplot. This is now fixed. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.24.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.24.0 fixes some issues which were present in previous releases but also adds some interesting new features which will hopefully be of use. The main new features are: * Added the ability to export all probe reports in GFF format * Added a pipeline to detect antisense transcription from directional RNA-Seq libraries. * Added a system which can provide immediate feedback to submitted crash reports if they're ones we've seen before and for which we can offer useful feedback. * Added a chi-square based contingency test filter which is useful for bisulphite sequencing libraries (and possibly others too). * Added an ID field to reports for cases where the name of a feature isn't useful or unique * Added a probe length quantitation option * Added a probe name filter which allows you to specify a large list of names and selects probes which match any of them * Added an option to merge all transcripts in the RNA-Seq pipeline to create a single gene level measure of transcription * Changed the active store parser to a visible stores parse to allow the easy re-import of multiple datasets in a single operation * Added an option to generate raw counts to the RNA-Seq quantitation pipeline to allow for easy interfacing with tools such as DESeq which require this * Added a smoothing subtraction quantitation method which can be used to detect sudden local changes in quantitation * Added the ability to select the order of highlighted probe lists in the scatterplot Some changes have also been made to address problems in previous versions: * We fixed a bug which would produce incorrect p-values following multiple testing correction, but only affected p-values which were initially very high (p>~0.3) * We fixed an unnecessary level of multiple testing correction in the intensity difference filter which meant that some candidates which could have been reported were not. Typically we see around a 10% increase in the number of candidates in the new correction method over the previous version. * We changed the behaviour of the BAM import filter for paired end data which were mapped with a spliced read mapper. We now show the second read of the pair with the same direction as the first read to indicate the direction of the fragment and preserve the direction in strand specific libraries. * The "load probes from file" probe generator has been removed. It was never very well supported and its functionality is better performed by importing the data into an annotation track and using the feature probe generator. * A couple of timing bugs were fixed which prevented the import of extra annotation on some linux installations. * In HiC analysis we have removed some optimisations in the testing which were leading to unrealistically low p-values for some interactions. We now test against the full set of possible interactions, only making an exception to correct for only cis interactions when all trans interactions have been specifically excluded. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.23.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.23.1 is a bug fix release which addresses an issue seen when importing some types of data which contain invalid chromosome names. Instead of reporting these as import errors and continuing with the import v0.23.0 sometimes reported these as fatal errors and stopped importing data. This problem did not affect all import methods, and did not affect data without any chromosome name problems. Any data successfully imported with the previous version will have been imported correctly. In addition this release contains a few other minor improvements: * A new smoothing quantitation method has been added which can create rolling averages for any existing quantitation * A fix was added for some filters which caused crashes by adding the same probe more than once to a probe list. * A new option was added to the HiC heatmap to save all currently valid interaction ends as a probe list * A new option was added to the HiC cis/trans quantitation to correct the values by the cis/trans ratio of the chromosome they're on, to look at variation along a chromosome. * The cis/trans scatterplot now has an option to filter the results seen by chromosome. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.23.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.23.0 is a major release which adds some significant new features to the program, as well as featuring a complete rewrite and dramatic expansion in the tools available for HiC analysis. The HiC tools are now much more robust, both statistically and in terms of code quality than before and whilst we appreciate more feedback and testing it should be possible to routinely use this release for HiC analysis. The HiC code should also be much more memory efficient than before allowing the analysis of larger datasets on modest hardware. This release changes the internal format used to store HiC data in seqmonk project files and also adds support for saving some new display options, so projects created with this version are not able to be opened in older versions of the program. Older projects will still open correctly in this version. Major changes in this release are: * Added an option to the BAM/SAM import code to filter by mapping quality during import. * Renamed the RPKM pipeline to the RNA-Seq pipeline (since it didn't actually do RPKM by default), and added an option to quantitate strand-specific libraries. * Added a splicing efficiency quantitation pipeline which allows you to measure the relative densities of reads in introns and exons. This pipeline relies on the naming conventions in Ensembl and will only therefore work with genomes whose genes/transcripts use this convention (most of our internally supported genome do). * Added a filter to match features to probes based on their names. Also allowed annotation reports to match features based on their names. * Added a peak calling probe generator which uses the MACS methodology to call peaks. * Rewrote the HiC statistics to be based on a binomial test rather than the chi-square tests used before. This idea came thanks to a a collaboration with Robert Sugar and Bori Gerle from Nicholas Luscombe's group. The new statistical model solves some of the artefacts seen in previous releases and is generally more robust and appropriate. * Added several new display options. The quantitated data view can now be viewed as bars, lines or points. You can also change the type of colour gradient used for quantitated data. Indexed colours have also been changed to be more friendly to colour blind users by default. * The hierarchical cluster plot now has a scale bar. The cluster display now shows probe names on mouseover, and you can double click to show the selected probe in the main chromosome display. * Fixed a bug which cased the program to not launch on some Windows machines running a 32 bit version of java 7. * Allow the user to make annotation tracks from a selected subset of feature search results, rather than having to use the whole set. * Changed all windowed filters to be able to use a set of features as the windows in which to group probes. * Added an option to create a single HiC other ends dataset from a set of probe locations. * The scatter plot view now allows you to highlight sublists of the main probe list in different colours. * HiC heatmaps can now be coloured by a range of different properties. * Added an option to create annotated interaction reports from HiC heatmaps. * Added an option to filter HiC heatmaps by probe lists. * Added an option to double click on interactions in a HiC heatmap to see them in the main chrmosome view. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.22.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.22.0 is a major release which contains a substantial overhaul of the tools available for the visualisation and analysis of HiC data. The release contains a large number of new tools, views and options pertaining to HiC data but you should be warned that many of these tools are still under active development, and as such there are very likely still problems with some of the implementations, and the speed of these tools may be somewhat slower than we may be able to achieve in future releases. Alongside the HiC changes there are also numerous fixes and improvements to existing functionality, so this update is recommended for all users of SeqMonk. Major changes in this release include: * The deduplication filter now allows you to select the criteria used to decide which of a set of duplicate probes to keep. * The HiC distance plot can now be constructed from the reads underlying the active probe list, rather than having to use the entire dataset. * We have added a feature name filter which selects probes based on a match between their name and the name of features in an annotation track * The statistical model for HiC data has been completely rewritten and is now based on an obs/exp calculation taking into account a number of different experimental biases seen in HiC experiments, including an optional correction for physical linkage, which wasn't previously available. * The re-import data parse now has an additional option for HiC data which allows you to exclude all trans read pairs from the reimported data. * The option to plot out a heatmap for multiple HiC datasets has been removed. This never worked very well and won't be replaced until we have something which gives a more realistic and useful view of the differences between HiC datasets. * A new quantitation method allows the calculation of eigenvector values for the principal component in HiC datasets to aid in the detection of chromatin domains. * A new probe generator was added which creates probes by flexibly merging consecutive probes in an existing probe set. * All windowed filters now allow you to set your window size as a number of consecutive probes, rather than an actual physical distance. * We've added the ability to construct multiple toolbars and flexibly add and remove these. The only new toolbar in this release is a HiC toolbar, but others may be added in the future. * A new quantitation method has been added for 4C datasets constructed from HiC datasets. It quantitates with the enrichment value taken fom the HiC data model. * A HiC cis:trans scatterplot view has been added. * The HiC heatmap now has an option to filter interactions based on the maximum distance of the interaction to allow you to focus on short range interactions. * The hierarchical cluster plot now has the option for whether to apply per-probe normalisation when drawing the plot (this was mandatory before). Since many of the HiC tools are new and haven't received large scale testing with real world data we'd appreciate feedback (positive or negative) or bug reports to help us to improve things for future releases. You can send this to, or put it into our bugzilla system at: RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.21.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.21.0 adds some significant new features to many areas of the program, and fixes a number of bugs. Part of this release is a change to the seqmonk file format to make it more compact for large datasets. This change means that files generated with this version will not be able to be read with older versions of the program, however all older seqmonk files will still be read by v0.21.0. Another major change in this version is that the projects URL has changed. The old BBSRC address will still work, but the official project URL is now: Because the URL is tied to the code in a number of places this change also means that we have had to change the launchers for SeqMonk. If you made up your own custom launcher you will find that this no longer works and you should use one of the launchers now supplied with the program. Major features in this release include: 1) All filters now have a complete record of the options used to run them - this now includes (where appropriate) the quantitation options used, so you can have a complete record of the way you generated a list of regions of interest. 2) A new Monte-Carlo statistical filter has been added. This filter allows you to test the significance of a subset of probes from a larger group in a completely distribution independent manner. 3) A new quantitation pipeline has been introduced for the quantitation of methylation over larger areas. This pipeline makes the quantitative analysis of bisulphite methlyation data much quicker and easier. 4) A new hierarchical clustering view has been added to allow you to rigorously define groups of probes from looking at their patterns of change over multiple conditions. 5) A new HiC quantitation method allows you to quantitate probes by their cis/trans ratio. 6) Many improvements and optimisations have been made to the HiC heatmap views, including the ability to cluster probes based on their heatmap profiles. 7) A new option has been added to create HiC other end datasets from all probes in a probe list in a single operation. 8) Scatterplots and MA plots are now interactive in that you can mouse over any single point and see the name of the probe underlying that point (or double click to see it in the chromosome view). Some features have also received bug fixes or improvements: 1) The intensity difference filter has had it's statistical model improved so the calculation is now much quicker than before. It has also moved from using a Bonferoni to a Benjamini and Hochberg correction so you should see more hits from a search. 2) A bug was fixed in the HiC import code which affected datasets where once read from a pair failed to import (and therefore triggered a warning). After this point the reads could become mis-paired leading to incorrect representation of the data. This bug has now been fixed, but anyone using data from older versions which generated warnings when imported should re-import their data using this version. 3) A bug was fixed in the BoxWhisker plot which affected the automatic scaling of the plots. In some cases inappropriate scales would be used and plots could partially fall off screen. The plots should always now be scaled appropriately. 4) The SVG generator code has been made more efficient and now writes directly to your SVG file rather than building the SVG file in memory. We also fixed a bug when some text strings were causing invalid SVG files to be created. If you find any problems with this new release then please report them in our bugzilla - which has also changed address (though the old address will still work for a while). The new address to use is: RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.20.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.20.0 fixes a data corruption bug in probe lists containing multiple probes at the same location, an overzealous Intensity Difference filter, and a display bug when working with deduplicated HiC data. It also introduces some new functionality. All users of older versions are strongly advised to upgrade to this release. The changes made in v0.19.0 to speed up the handling of large numbers of probes and reads introduced a bug in the saving and reloading of probe lists. In some cases you may have generated multiple probes over the same genomic position (for example making mRNA probes over transcripts whose position varies internally, but whose start and end is the same). Due to a problem in sorting these probes it is possible that some gene lists will have omitted some probes from the saved project file which should have been there. This bug would not have generated an error message - the only symptom would have been the re-loaded lists being incomplete. It's safest to assume that any filtered gene lists constructed from feature based probes in v0.19.0 are suspect, and recalculate these. Projects saved in older versions of the program are unaffected, and raw data from v0.19.0 will be OK too. It's only the probe lists which might not be right. You may have been affected by this bug if: 1) You made multiple probes over the same genomic location. From the automated generators the only one which can do this is the feature generator. If you used anything else you're OK. If you selected the option to 'Remove exact duplicates' in the feature generator you're also OK. and 2) You ran a filter which caused the order of the probes to change. In practice this means any of the statistical fitlers, or the random filter. Values filters, position filters or feature filters shouldn't have triggered the bug. If in doubt it's probaby safest to redo your filtering. Your full probe list won't be affected, only the filtered lists. We have also fixed a problem with the Intensity Difference filter where it was adding the same probe to the filtered set of hits multiple times. This bug was therefore pretty much guaranteed to trigger the gene list corruption bug discussed above, so any gene lists made with the Intensity Difference Filter should be considered suspect. Any hits you had found would be OK (but would have been reported multiple times). You just need to rerun the filter with the new version of the program. In v0.19.0 (but not in v0.18.0) the conventional view of HiC data incorrectly showed data deduplicated at the individual read level, not the HiC read pair level. This would affect the view of the data in the chromosome view and also any quantitations made. HiC views of the data would not have been affected. The problem only affected newly imported data. Saving and reopening the project would cause the correct data to be shown. We have added a new quantitation method which is similar to the read count quantitation but operates on HiC read pairs. It will count hits where either end of a pair sits within a probe, but will not count pairs where both ends fall into the same probe twice. We have added a new quantitation pipeline for producing 'wiggle' plots of the type commonly seen in web based genome browsers. This type of plot is a quick way to have an initial quantitative look at your raw data, but is less useful as the basis for a subsequent analysis. The quantitation pipeline is present solely as a convenience - you can do exactly the same quantitation using the running window probe generator and the base pair quantitaiton method, but having this in a pipeline should make it quicker and easier to use. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.19.0 --------------------------------- This release makes some internal changes in the way that reads and probe lists are stored to greatly improve memory usage and load speeds for projects. These changes shouldn't affect the rest of the program, but any change to the core data model runs the risk of introducing bugs, so we're very keen to hear of any problems people encounter. The upside of these changes is that projects should now load in about half the time they used to, and memory usage should also be greatly reduced whilst running the program. It should also be possible to create many more probes than before without exhausting the available memory. There was also a problem when saving and reloading probe sets that more information was stored than necessary. This has been fixed in this release. Other changes in this release are: 1) Many of the plotting options which used to be accessed under the View menu have now been moved to a new Plots menu since we were getting to the stage where the View menu would have been taller than some peoples screens! 2) The read density options have been changed such that the low density plot now has the density previously provided by the medium setting. Medium produces what high used to produce, and high density is now an even higher setting where each read takes up only 1px of screen height (ie as dense as it can be). 3) We have added an option which allows you to rename the features from an imported annotation set. Previously you could change the name of the set itself, but not the features it contained. 4) We have added an option to colour quantitated probes by datatset rather than having each probe coloured by the magnitude of the value associated with it. This makes for cleaner displays when you have many tracks of data visible together. The colour schemes used here have also been made consistent across several of the other displays and plots within the program. 5) The probe generator options panel now defaults to not filtering out probes containing no data. The option is still present, but not selected by default. 6) The aligned probes plot has been improved to allow any number of probes to be analysed (it used to be restricted to 1000 probes). The colouring of the probes has also been improved and a contrast control has been added. 7) The relative probe trend plot has been changed to prevent getting 'smiling' plots where you have partially overlapping reads in many of your probes. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.18.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.18.0 adds some useful new features and makes some changes to make the program easier to work with. The major new additions are: 1) The introduction of analysis pipelines as simple ways to run probe generation, quantitation and filtering in a single step. 2) An RNA-Seq pipeline which can perform RPKM calculations on all transcripts in a genome. 3) Data caching when loading datasets is now parallelised which improves loading times on machines with more than one CPU core 4) The HiC heatmap can now be viewed as a matrix of probes rather than by genomic position. 5) The HiC heatmap plots now have much clearer interactive controls for the filters they can apply. 6) A new historgram plot to view the distribution of inter-end HiC distances was added. 7) The GoTo dialog now remembers the last 10 positions you selected in the genome so you can easily move back to them. 8) A SeqMonk reimport parser was added which allows you to extract data sets from one SeqMonk file and import them into another one (as long as they're based on the same genome assembly) 9) A deduplication filter allows you to remove redundancy in a probe list based on either probe names or positional overlaps. 10) We added a new 'scale' option to the per-probe normalisation which linearly scales all values between 0 (lowest) and 1 (highest) We also fixed a few bugs found in recently introduced features: - The MA plot is now oriented so that the sample labels match the data (they were the wrong way round before) - The distance filtering in the HiC heatmap is now fixed. Before it was calculating distances and filtering even when probes were on different chromosomes. - When importing annotation we were creating a blank annotation set named after the import file and putting the real features in a set with [1] at the end. This was an error in the code used to split up really big annotation sets which had now been fixed. - The windows launcher has been updated to fix a bug calculating memory settings when using a computer using a non EN locale. - Fixed a bug which prevented the preview window from working when using the Generic Text import option on gzipped text files. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.17.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.17.1 is a minor bugfix release which fixes a couple of problems which ocurred in the last release: 1) OSX users with more than 10000MB of RAM will now have their memory settings configured correctly, and not have the wrapper script die. 2) HiC plots can now successfully be constructed when using probe sets with more than 45,000 probes. 3) HiC plot calculation will now produce a sensible error message and show the plot to the stage it got to if more than 2^31 interactions are found. 4) The labels for the MA plot are now positioned in a more relevant place. In addition to these some new positional controls have been added to the HiC plot to make it easier to move from the HiC plot back to the main genome view. A new quantitation method has been added which simply assigns a fixed value to every probe in every data store. This can be useful when you want to see where your probes are without going through a full quantitation run. As a final bonus to Linux users the .desktop file has been altered so that the SVG logo file is used in preference to a low-res PNG. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.17.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.17.0 adds some major new functionality and should make the initial setup and configuration of the program easier. The major changes are: 1) Support for HiC data. All data import filters now add an option to specify that this is HiC data. HiC data expects that all reads are presented as consecutive pairs in the input data. This read pairing is then retained in the data model. HiC pairs can be on different chromosomes and have no limit on how far away they can be on the same chromosome. The pairs are not joined graphically in the chromsome view, but the HiC other end information is displayed when mousing over a HiC read. HiC data can be convted into 4C datasets for any arbitary region by using the new File > Import Data > HiC other ends import option. HiC datasets can also be visualisaed and analysed using the new HiC heatmap plot. Because the amount of information required to specify a HiC pair is approx 3X the size of normal data the memory requirements for HiC data also increases by ~3X, so a 64-bit machine with 6+GB RAM is recommended for this type of data. 2) New launch scripts with automatic memory configuration. The launch scripts for all platforms have been improved such that they now automatically tailor the memory assignment based on the capabilities of the machine on which they are running. The need to manually set up memory usage limits should now be removed. For windows users the old bat file launch scripts have been replaced with a native windows exe file which can configure memory usage and launch seqmonk. 3) All data import filters now support reading from files which have been gzip compressed, even if this is not performed natively by the mapping program used. 4) A new MA plot view provides an easy way to see the relationship between average quantitation and difference between two data stores. 5) A new Z-score quantitation method allows you to transform any existing set of quantitaiton values into Z-scores to allow for better normalisation of data with differing levels of variability. 6) A new Match Distributions quantitaiton method allows you to transform any set of quantitations such that they will all have exactly matched distributions to allow for optimal comparisons. 7) A new differences statistics filter provides a simple yet effective way to look for differences between two or more data sets which do not need to have replicates, and which may show intensity dependent levels of variability. 8) The program now supports (although doesn't recommend!) the import of very large annotation sets containing in excess of 1 million features. The support means that these now won't suck the life out of your machine, but they're still not going to be quick. 9) Multiple annotation sets can now be imported in a single operation. 10) All data import operations are now cancellable. 11) When browsing for a project to open you now have a preview window which will extract genome and sample names from the files you select. 12) Finally, we have made (another) change to the way that empty probes are handled during quantitation when the quantitated values are log transformed. In the last few releases any empty probe was initially assigned a value of 0.01 before any additional normalisation was applied. This allowed the data to be log transformed, but meant that empty values were set far away from the rest of the data. This large difference had some unwanted side effects, where empty probes would dominate any lists of the largest changes in probes, and odd groupings of probes would emerge when replicate sets were quantitated, making further analysis difficult. In this release the value assigned to empty probes has been changed to 0.9. This is a far more conservative threshold to use, but should de-emphasise what are poorly measured probes and should remove the biases seen from the more extreme value previously employed. Because of the introduction of changes to the SeqMonk project file format, files created with v0.17.0 cannot be opened in older versions of the program. Projects created in older versions can be opened with this version. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.16.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v16.0 adds some new functionality and fixes some bugs. Linux users should note that there is now a bundled launcher for the program on linux and this should be used in preference to any launch scripts which you may have developed internally. The main changes in this release are: 1) A wrapper script for linux (called simply 'seqmonk') which can be used to start the program and set the memory usage. Windows users should continue to use the bundled bat files to start the program and mac users should use the Mac application bundle (although the linux launch wrapper will also work on a Mac). Any custom launch scripts people had been using on Linux should be replaced with the new wrapper script. 2) We have provided a work round for the long-standing problem of not being able to import paired end data coming from tophat. The work round should enable the import of paired end data from all versions of tophat, even those which did not correctly fill out the insert size field in their BAM/SAM files. 3) Feature search results can now be converted into annotation tracks. 4) The manual cluster correlation filter now allows you to correlate against up to 12 different profiles simultaneously and will place probes in the highest correlating cluster if they could theoretically have been added to multiple clusters. 5) The existing probe list generator now keeps the probe names from the original probe set when creating the new one. 6) The percentile normalisation quantitation can now optionally use just the probes in a probe list as the basis for the normalisation parameter calculation (although the correction factor is applied to all probes) 7) The probe trend plot can now calculate a plot over the currently visible region in the chromosome view rather than having to use a probe list. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.15.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.15.0 adds some new tools which will be of use for the analysis of differential splicing and possibly other types of data. It also makes some improvements to the way in which some of the existing tools work. This version also makes some changes to the way that empty probes are handled during quantitation, so you should read the detailed notes below to see how this might impact you. The major changes are: 1) An additional option in the SAM/BAM import tool to allow you to import introns instead of exons if splitting spliced reads. 2) A new probe generator which puts a probe over every different read position in the selected data sets. 3) A new quantitation method which counts the number of exact overlaps between reads and probes. 4) A new probe generator which can deduplicate sets of probes to remove redundant probes and merge together overlapping ones. 5) A new option to import annotation from GFFv3 or GTF files. Features imported from these files can be prefixed to allow the separation of features of the same type from different sources. 6) A new option in the Probe Trend Plot which provides a way to weight each probe equally in the final plot. The original method is still available and weights based on total numbers of reads. The new method is less susceptible to artefacts coming from a small number of probes containing a large number of reads. 7) Histogram plots now allow zooming on the x-axis using the same click and drag method as the chromosome view. One other change which is implemented in this release is the way that empty values are treated in log transformed quantitations. In previous releases the raw probe/base counts were increased by 1 before log transforming to avoid infinite values when log transforming. This mostly worked OK when global corrections were always performed to the largest dataset (since a count of 1 would always equate to 1 real read or less). With the introduction of the option to normalise per million reads this method of transformation could produce the peverse situation where an empty probe in one dataset could have a quantitated value much higher than a probe in another dataset which contained several reads. SeqMonk v0.15.0 therefore changes how empty probes are treated to hopefully produce a situation which although not ideal, should at least produce sensible results in all cases. The simple change which was made is that if a quantitation is to be log transformed then empty probes are given a quantitated value of 0.1 before any subsequent corrections for total read count or probe length are applied. This means that within any dataset empty probes will always be 10-fold lower in value than the lowest probe which contained some real data. However this way of handling the data can have some slightly odd effects: 1) Empty probes will not have the same value in different data stores which contain different numbers of reads and have been corrected for total read count. This is in contrast to previous versions where empty probes would always have had a log transformed value of zero (even where zero was a relatively high value). 2) If correcting for probe length then not all empty probes will have the same quantitated value within a data set. This behaviour was also in the previous version. Since there's no way to set a sensible default length for an empty probe there really isn't a better way to handle this. 3) Because log transformed empty probes will now often generate negative values you may well see that the quantitative chromosome tracks switch to a positive and negative scale, even though only empty probes receive negative values. It's worth remembering that you can force the scale to show only positive values using the second icon from the left on the toolbar, and this will then hide the empty probes with negative values. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.14.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.14.1 fixes a couple of important bugs in data import and adds some new minor features. The major change in this release is a fix for two bugs which affect the import of paired end data in either SAM/BAM or bowtie format. The bug fixed is more serious in SAM/BAM import and appears to have existed since the switch to using the picard libraries in v0.13.0. It affects only paired end data where the first read of the pair was mapped to the reverse strand of the genome. In these cases the position of the read was incorrectly anchored to the start of the read instead of the end. In effect this moves the position of the mapped read along the genome by the length of the read, so a pair of reads from a 50bp paired end sequencing experiment which should have mapped from 1000-2000bp will appear at 950-1950. Reads on the forward strand will appear in the correct position, and reads imported as single end (even if they come from a paired end mapping) will be positioned correctly. The bowtie import bug is more minor, but again affects paired end reads where the first read is on the reverse strand. In these cases both the start and end positions will be one base lower than they should have been, so a read which should have mapped from 1000-2000bp will map at 999-1999. We would urge anyone affected by these bugs to reimport their data and to check that the results of their analysis are not materially affected by the mispositioning of these reads. Other changes in this release include: - Running SeqMonk without a cache directory now classes as an error on the initial status screen, since we have now had a few bug reports from people not enabling the cache folder. - Paried end reads from SAM/BAM files which do not have a reported insert size are not imported and a warning will be generated for them. This will prevent people from trying to import tophat data as paired end where the tophat files do not supply this field in the BAM file and the results of such an import are currently nonsensical. - When reimporting an existing dataset we have added the option to reverse the strand of all of the mapped positions so you can create a reversed copy of a dataset easily. - Improved the smoothing in the probe trend plot - Added an option in the Running Window Probe Generator to just make probes inside an existing probe set, so you could generate 100bp probes over promoters in the genome for example. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.14.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.14.0 adds a few new features and fixes a load of bugs. The new features include: - A new cumulative distribution plot which allows you to compare the whole distribution of quantitated values for several data stores or probe lists. - A new secondary quantitation method - the percentile normalisation quantitation allows you to take an existing set of quantitated values and normalise them to a particular point in their distribution. This would be useful in cases where the existing option to normalise to total read count does not produce an acceptable match between the distributions across your data stores. - The annotation readers now allow the import of multiple files in the same operation. Newly imported annotation tracks are now displayed immediately by default - When using the generic text import for annotation data you can now manually specify a feature type rather than having to have this in the file, or simply using the file name. - A scale bar has been added to the genome view - The trend plot now uses a normal progress display and can be cancelled Bugs which have been fixed include: - Exported SVG files now correctly quote any text they contain so that special characters in figures can't corrupt the XML. - Negative numbers in filters can now be entered directly without having to do the number first then go back to add the minus. - Folders in the genome folder which don't contain any assemblies are not shown in the genome selector. - When using the probe list probe set generator the description from the original probe set is now kept and appended so you can still see the options you used to create the new set. - Fixed a hang in the line graph display when normalising values which were the same in all conditions. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.13.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.13.1 fixes a load of bugs, makes some usability improvements and adds one new feature to the program: The new feature is a correlation matrix which quickly produces a table showing the pairwise correlations of all currently visible data stores. To improve the usability of the program all figures and graphs now have proper axis scale labels on them, in addition to whatever interactive labels may have appeared previously. This should make the figures easier to interpret when exported from SeqMonk. Notable bugs which were fixed include: - DataSets and DataGroups are now deleted correctly even if they were present in a Replicate Set. - The windowed differences filter no longer crashes when the data store groups you select aren't the same size - The relative quantitation method can now use a Replicate Set as a reference - The default settings for the distribution position filter now work without having to be changed - Fixed a crash when reloading projects containing a probe list with a blank description. Projects which used to crash should now open correctly with this version. - Fixed a bug in the Probe Trend Plot which caused the graphs to suddenly (and incorrectly) jump RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.13.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.13.0 introduces a new new features into the program which will hopefully be useful to many people: 1) You can now import data in BAM format, and the SAM import should be significantly faster than before. This is due to the use of the picard BAM/SAM reader in the SeqMonk import filter. 2) There is now a line graph display option which allows you to easily track the quantitation of a set of probes over a number of different data stores. 3) We have added a correlation cluster filter which will find groups of probes with the same pattern of quantitation over a number of different conditions, and a pair of correlation filters which allow you to find probes with similar quantitation profiles to a reference over a series of data stores. 4) You can now export any quantitated track in bedGraph format to load into other genome browsers. 5) There is a new quantitation method which performs per-probe normalisation on an existing set of quantitated values. Since SeqMonk now needs to use the external picard libraries for SAM/BAM import you may need to change any custom launchers you have written for the program. This won't be an issue if you use the .bat launcher or the Mac application bundle since these have already been updated to include the reference to the picard libraries. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.12.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.12.0 adds one major new feature and fixes a couple of bugs. The new feature is that the genome view can now show your quantitated data over the whole genome. To see this you need to have quantitated your data, and then simply select a data store from the data panel. In addition you can now drag a region within the data view to select what you want to see in the chromosome view. You can also export either the chromosome view or the data view by selecting the appropriate option under File > Export current view. Bugs which were fixed include: * The replicate set editor now lets you remove data stores from an existing set without crashing * The genome view now updates correctly when only one track is shown in the chromosome view * Fixed the optimisation of quantitated data drawing to work properly with negative values RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.11.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.11.0 fixes a few bugs and adds in some significant new features. Importantly, the SeqMonk file format has been updated in this release, so files created with v0.11.0 cannot be opened using older versions of the program. Files created with older SeqMonk versions will still be read correctly by this version. Important bugs which were fixed include: * A fix in the SAM file parser which failed to read in SAM files containing unmapped reads. * A fix which prevents the core annotation sets being re-cached each time they are read. * Extending reads read though the GFF parser now works correctly New functionality in this release includes: * Biological replicates can now be combined in a replicate set. This is in addition to the ability to combine DataSets into a DataGroup. Replicate sets are not themselves quantitated, but show the mean quantitation of the DataStores they contain. * A new statistical filter, the Replicate Set Stats filter, makes use of the replicate set information to allow a statistical comparison of groups via t-test or Anova to identify significantly changing probes. * BoxWhikser plots can now show plots representing multiple probe lists from the same DataStore. * The bismark import filter now supports splitting Non-CpG methylation into CHH and CHG context (a feature added in bismark 0.2.0). * A new plot, the aligned probes plot allows to view a summary of the read distribution over up to 1000 probes, and is a complement to the existing probe trend plot. * A new launcher 'run_seqmonk_64bit.bat' has been added to the installation and can be used by people using a 64 bit version of java and who have at least 6GB of RAM. If this doesn't on your system you can still use the original run_seqmonk.bat on any windows system. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.10.2 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.10.2 is a bugfix release which fixes a number of minor issues in the program. - Spliced reads can now be imported without splitting and will span the proposed splice junction - You can now extend reads and remove duplicates when using the generic text import - Saving a project can now be cancelled safely - The main menu is now reset correctly when a second project is opened - The feature filter should now be much quicker when dealing with large numbers of probes or features - Fixed caching problems for the update checker - Don't allow empty probe sets to be generated - Reports can now be cancelled and restarted correctly - The cache indicator now shows when the cache is actually being used - The probe group report annotation should now be much quicker - The remote genome selector is now split by letter to cope better with the large number of available genomes - The crash reporter can now provide some more useful messages, and can store your email to save having to type it in each time RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.10.1 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.10.1 is a bugfix release which fixes two bugs which were identified. It also adds a few new layout options for the raw read display in the chromosome view. The bugs fixed were: 1) For densely packed chromsome views no optimisation was being applied to the drawing of reads. This meant that thousands of objects were being drawn which couldn't be seen on screen, leading to the display taking much longer than necessary to update. The optimisation is now fixed and the displays should be much quicker than they were before. 2) If you continued to zoom out when the whole of a chromosome was already visible you would eventually hit a bug where the genome position would turn into a negative value and the genome view would show a selected region which went beyond the end of the chromosome. This has now been fixed so that the genome display always reflects the current chromosome view. The new layout options can either be found under: View > Data Track Display ..or as new buttons on the main toolbar. The new options are: 1) You can now select the density with which reads are packed into the display. There are three settings, high, medium or low density for you to choose from. Increasing the density will make each read smaller and therefore let you see more of your data in the same area. 2) When packing your reads for the chromosome data display you can opt to separate the forward and reverse reads and pack them into separate parts of the display. In this mode reads of unknown strand will appear in the middle of the display, forward reads will appear at the top, and reverse reads will appear at the bottom. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.10.0 --------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.10.0 is major release which introduces a host of new features as well as improvements to existing functionality. One of the changes in this version is an improvement to the file format used by SeqMonk. This means that files created with v0.10.0 cannot be opened in older versions of the program (older files will still work fine with v0.10.0). The major new features in this version are: 1) Probes can now have a direction associated with them. This is mostly used by the Feature Probe Generator. It allows for quantations such as "Reads on the same strand as the probe" or "Reads on the opposite strand to the probe". It also means that the probe trend plot can now reverse trends for reverse probes, meaning you can plot a complete trend for a directional probeset in one go (eg trend over all promoters). 2) When importing data you can now choose to remove duplicate reads so they never show up in the program. If you choose to keep these then all quanitation methods now support ignoring duplicate reads during the quantitation step. 3) There is now a generic text import feature for new annotation sets which provides much more flexibility for brining in external annotation. 4) You will now be notified if any of the genomes you have installed is updated on the SeqMonk genome server. This will allow you to stay up to date with any improvements to the annotation for an assembly. 5) SeqMonk now support reading and writing gzip compressed seqmonk files. Write compression is disabled by default due to the time overhead when saving, but you can turn this on at any point (or just compress the file with gzip) to reduce file sizes by a factor of about 3. This can be really useful when sending files to other people. Loading compressed files does not need to be enabled and works transparently. 6) A new quantitation method has been added. The enrichment quantiation is a very simple method (no options at all) which shows the enrichment of each region compared to a completely even distribution of the same amount of data over the whole genome. 7) We have added an import filter for bisulphite converted data measured using the bismark mapping program. This imports each methylation call as a separate read using the strand information to indicate methylated and unmethylated data. 8) A new manual correction quantitation method has been added to allow the manual adjustment of quantiation values across a whole data store using a user-supplied correction factor. This would allow you to use an external experimental result to correct your SeqMonk data. 9) You can now supply a file to add chromosome name aliases to an imported genome. This allows the importing of data where the real chromosome name can't be inferred from the data (eg moving from accession numbers to chromosome names or switching between roman and greek numbers). More minor incremental improvements are: 1) SAM file import is now much quicker for large datasets. 2) SeqMonk loading times should now be much quicker. Since this is tied to the new seqmonk file format you may not see the full benefit of these improvements until you have saved your data with the new version of the program. 3) The probe group reports now show both a mean and a standard deviation for quantitated data. 4) The initial status panel is now able to spot more problems with your SeqMonk installation and makes it easy to fix them without going into the preferences. 5) The difference filter now allows you to select two groups of DataStores and you can calculate a directional difference (eg 2-fold up in A,B vs C,D) 6) The scatterplot has improved depth colouring and now let you select on the basis of difference. It also calculates an R value for each plot. 7) When quantitating you can choose to only quantitate the currently visible datastores. This replaces the old option of only quantiating groups. 8) Creating an annotation set from a probe list now gives you an opportunity to set the type of the features created, rather than just giving them the same name as the probeset. 9) The probe trend plot now allows you to variably smooth your trends to more clearly see what's going on. If you have any problems with this release please report them in our bug tracking tool at: ..or directly to RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.9.1 -------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.9.1 is a minor bugfix release which fixes some issues people were seeing in v0.9. The main bugs which have been fixed are: 1) The help documentation failed to display if SeqMonk was installed in a directory whose name contained a space. 2) Various SeqMonk displays generated an error if they were selected before the data had been quantitated. These now display a sensible error message rather than triggering a crash report. 3) Load probes from file wasn't properly validating the positions of user supplied probes causing errors during quantiation. 4) Switching between probe lists was slower than it should have been. 5) For genomes with lots of feature tracks the initial display was too cluttered. The default view now only shows gene, mRNA and CDS if these are present. 6) The probe list probe generator generated an error every time it was run. All of these problems should be fixed in v0.9.1. Thanks to those people who reported problems. Anyone finding problems in this version can report them either using the built in crash reporter, or via our bug reporting tool at: ..or directly to RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.9 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.9 introduces two major changes and some minor additions. The major changes are: 1) Probe lists are now heirarchical. Instead of just having a flat list of all of the probe lists you have generated your lists will now form a tree structure, with new lists branching off from the parent list from which they were created. 2) We now have official support for importing additional annotation information into a project. You can load in new sets of annotation information and have them displayed alongside the annotation from the core SeqMonk genomes. Since this feature has been added we have removed the old (an unofficial) method of dropping GFF files into the Genomes folder. If you want to see this extra annotation you will need to reimport it into your projects as it won't be loaded by default. Both of these changes mean that we have had to make a change to the SeqMonk file format. This means that project created in SeqMonk v0.9 cannot be opened in older versions of the program. Projects created in older SeqMonk releases can still be opened in v0.9. Other changes in this release are listed below: * The option to load only partial information for core genome features has been removed. Instead genome information will now be cached if you choose to enable disk caching. This means that full genome annotation is always available. * A bug was fixed where the feature probe generator was not removing duplicate probes when this had been requested. * A new probe generator, the Interstital Probe Generator was added. This allows you to make probes in between the probes in an existing set. * A new Probe Length Histogram display was added. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.8 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.8 introduces one major new feature, disk caching, and several smaller features which should make life easier when analysing data. This version also fixes a data import bug in previous versions when using the SAM file format. All previous versions incorrectly interpreted the strand flag in SAM files, such that all forward reads would appear as reverse and vice versa. This bug has now been fixed but if you care about the strand of reads in older SAM files you should re-import this data so that strands are reported correctly. New features in this release are: 1) Disk Based Caching: To maximise the speed of analysis SeqMonk holds all data in memory. Whilst this is quick it means that there is a limit to how much data can be analysed in a single project and meant that a normal desktop machine might only be able to open 3 large datasets at once. SeqMonk v0.8 introduces a new option to write out data which isn't currently being used to disk to allow the analysis of much larger datasets (at least 10X as much data), at the expense of a slight delay when new data needs to be loaded back into memory (normally seen when switching between different chromosomes). To enable disk caching you need to first specify a directory where SeqMonk can save temporary files. This should be a local directory (not on a network drive). You can tell SeqMonk which directory to use under Edit > Preferences > Memory > Cache data to disk. To activate this facility you can either tick the box next to the Cache folder option, or double click the cache icon at the bottom right of the main SeqMonk screen. Changing the cache options will only apply to newly loaded data so you may need to restart SeqMonk to see any benefit. For smaller projects you will find that turning of caching will make SeqMonk quicker to use for many tasks. 2) Welcome Panel: When SeqMonk first starts you should now see a new welcome panel which provides an easy way to check on the state of your SeqMonk installation and should point out any problems. 3) Base Pair Quantitation: We have introduced a new quantitaiton method, the Base Pair Quantitation. Where the read count quantitation simply counts the number of read which overalap each probe, the base pair quantitation counts the number of bases from each read which overlap each probe. This method is more accurate where you have a large number of shorter probes and is particularly suited to mRNA-Seq analysis. 4) Rank Quantitation: Rank quantitation is a new quantitation method which relies on the presence of an existing quantitation. It converts the existing quantitation values to their ranked equivalents thereby taking the scale out of any differences between quantitated values. This can be useful when comparing different distributions of values. 5) Improved Contig Probe Generator: The contig probe generator has been improved to allow you to set a threshold of enrichment which is required to start/end a prospective peak. In this way you can now use this method to analyse even very dense datasets and still get an accurate assessment of the position of peaks. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.7 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.7 fixes a potential data corruption bug and introduces a couple of new features. The data corruption bug occurs in previous versions of the program where two or more DataSets had exactly the same name and then were included in a DataGroup. In these cases it was possible that the group was reconstructed incorrectly and even that the same DataSet was included in the group more than once. This new release will check all opened projects and will produce a warning if they might have been affected by this bug. Any affected DataGroups will not be reconstructed and will need to be recreated. To fix this problem it was necessary to change the file format of seqmonk project files. You will therefore find that projects created in v0.7 cannot be opened in older versions of the program. Older project files can still be opened in v0.7, but the file format will be converted when the project is next saved. There are a couple of major features added in this release: 1) The Feature Report The Feature report is a new report type which allows you to group together sets of probes based on overlaps with a class of features. Each line of the report represents one feature and a probe can be assigned to multiple features. You can choose to group together any probes which ovelap the feature, or only those which overlap exactly with the whole feature, or any of its sublocations. This report can be used to get whole transcript quantitation for mRNA seq applications and may be useful in other circumstances. 2) The ScatterPlot A scatterpot has been added which allows you to compare the quantitation of two DataStores on a 2D plot. We therefore have a full range of plots for comparing distributions - the probe value histogram for one DataStore, the ScatterPlot for two DataStores and the BoxWhisker plot for multiple DataStores. In addition to these major features there have been minor improvements to a number of other componenets: * The Eland parser has been fixed to correctly parse single end read files and to cope with genomes using contigs * The read count quantitation now allows you to do a total read count correction which is the total count only within the currently defined probset rather than across the entire genome. * You can now watch the progress of reports being generated rather than waiting with no information on screen * You can now cancel a running filter if you don't want to wait for it to complete. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.6.1 -------------------------------- This release fixes a couple of bugs in the generic data import tool. This now correctly imports data with delimiters other than tab. It also correctly interprets chromosome names ending in .txt or .fa. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.6 ------------------------------ The major improvements to SeqMonk v0.6 are in the speed of data processing. You should notice a significant speed increase over previous versions especially in data quantitation. Memory usage has also been improved somewhat. Other notable changes in this release are: * Support for more file formats. SeqMonk can now import from Maq and SAM format files - including support for spliced alignments in SAM format, such as those produced by TopHat * Expanded feature probe generator. You can now design probes around exons within features and limit probes to a single strand. * Made some long running tasks cancellable (such as probe generation and quantitation) * Added a probe trend display to look at spatial trends over an 'averaged' probe. Allows the production of metagene displays and similar plots. * Added a probe length filter * Made the SeqMonk help searchable from within the program. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.5.2 -------------------------------- Release 0.5.2 makes a couple of changes to the previous v0.5.x releases 1) There is a fix for a data import bug which prevented GFF files from being loaded and in some cases would misplace reads imported by other methods (the read would be mispositioned by the length of the read) 2) In order to accommodate the new human GRCh37 genome assembly and all future assemblies a few fixes have been implemented in the EMBL file parser. This means that in order to use the new human assembly and all future assemblies you will need to use v0.5.2 or later as these will throw errors in older versions of the program. 3) A new probe generator has been added which lets you use an existing probe list as a new probe set. 4) A new Probe filter has been added which lets you filter probes based on their relative position within the distribution of values for a given data store. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.5 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.5 has focused on making the use of the program more intuitive and user friendly. Most of the changes are relatively minor but are intended to make the program run more smoothly under most circumstances. There are some changes in this release of which you should be aware: 1) SeqMonk now saves more information in each .smk file. Specifically it now saves all of your display preferences so when you reload the file you will see exactly what you saved. For each probe list it saves a longer description of exactly what parameters were used to create the list so you can keep better track of what you did. For DataSets it now saves the original file name from which the data came (this is separate from the DataSet name, which starts out being the data file name, but you can change this). All of these changes mean that files created with SeqMonk v0.5 cannot be opened with older versions of the program. SeqMonk v0.5 will read all files created with older versions though, so you should upgrade all of your machines to v0.5 2) By default SeqMonk now only loads minimal information about each feature in your genome (just a name and a description). This saves quite a bit of memory, but means that you won't be able to see as much information when you double click on a feature and that text searches will only search the name and description for each feature. If you would like to revert to the old behaviour of loading all annotation then there is an option to change this under Edit > Preferences > Memory 3) A change has been made in the way SeqMonk decides which feature types to load. In previous versions of the program a whitelist was used so that you specified which features you wanted to see. In v0.5 this has been changed to a blacklist, such that you now specify the features you DO NOT want to load. If you don't specify any features in this list then all features will be loaded. The preferences you previously set up for this option will be reset when you first start v0.5. To change these preferences go to Edit > Preferences > Memory. 4) Each time SeqMonk starts it will now check to see if a newer version of the program is available. This should hopefully make it easier to stay up to date with future versions when they become available. If you do not want SeqMonk to perform this check you can turn this feature off under Edit > Preferences > Updates. 5) The status bar now includes a memory monitor in the bottom right hand corner. This will show you how much of your available memory you are using when the program is running and will warn you when you come close to running out of memory. If you get this warning then you should look into the Configuration section of the help documentation to see how you can either increase the amount of available memory, or turn off options to decrease the amount of memory SeqMonk requires. As always, if you find any problems with SeqMonk then please report these back to the developers, either by using our public bug reporting tool at: or by mail to RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.4 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.4 does not include any major functionality over v0.3. Most of the work in this release has gone into optimising the code such that the program runs more quickly and with a smaller memory profile. You should be able to notice a speedup in the operation of the interface. One major new feature, which you should hopefully never see, is the addition of an error reporting tool. If the program encounters an unexpected condition it should now bring up a dialog which allows you to submit an error report directly to the developers. This should help us identify where people are breaking the program in ways we hadn't thought to try! We still welcome bug reports or feature requests to or by mail to In this release support has been added for the default output format of Bowtie since this is now our alignment tool of choice. If you would like to see support for other formats please let us know. RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.3 ------------------------------ SeqMonk v0.3 is an alpha release and as such is still a work in progress. However a lot of the changes in this release are aimed at making it more useful for real world work, and we are now regularly using the program for the analysis of real data, so it's close to being a beta release. The list of major changes in this release is: - The data track can now be changed to allow the display of negative probe values. These can be generated by the differences quantitation. - A new quantitaiton method, the coverage depth quantitation has been added. This allows you to quantitate your probes based on the number of overlapping reads within them. - You can now load probe positions from a file to give you complete control over where you want them to be positioned. - The Simple Subtraction quantitation has been renamed to the Differences quantitation - All of the different read count quantitations have been merged into a single quantitation. - All histogram views have been improved to be clearer and more flexible - A new BoxWhisker plot view has been added, along with an outlier filter which allows to to filter based on a BoxWhiker plot. - A toolbar has been added to allow you to more easily access the most commonly used features. - All figures can now be exported either as PNG files or in the editable SVG format. - The help has been completely rewritten, and a better help viewer is now available. - An Eland import filter has been added to allow direct import of export or sorted files from Eland. This supports both single end or paired end reads If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please don't keep them to yourself. You can report bugs back to us either by entering them directly into our bug tracking system at: or if you like you can email them directly to me at: RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.2 ------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.2 is an alpha release and as such is still a work in progress. This release changes the file format of the .smk file. You can still open smk files from v0.1 with v0.2, but v0.2 files will not open with v0.1. This release adds import support for BED and GFF format files. These could be imported using the generic text import before, but the new filters make things quicker and easier. Please note that we have already seen examples of BED files where the columns are in the wrong order and are therefore not recognised by SeqMonk - this isn't our fault and it's not a bug! If you have a BED file which isn't recognised correctly you can still use the text import option to assign the columns correctly. We have also changed all of the import filters to allow the importing of multiple files in a single run. For text files the program assumes that the formatting is the same in all files in a batch. If this isn't the case you'll have to import them separately. There has been a change to the way SeqMonk deals with data groups. Previously these were virtual entities in which quantitiated data from individual data sets was averaged to get the value for the group. Having thought about this we've decided to handle things differently. Data groups now merge together the sequences from the individual data sets. They are also quantitated separately so you see a more relevant value for the quantitation. This means that if you change the composition of a group or add a new group you will need to rerun the quantitation before you see quantitated data for it. In your normal workflow you should therefore define groups before you define your probes or do any quantitation. Because of the way groups now work we have removed some of the statistical analysis options as we no longer feel they are appropriate for this kind of data. New statistical options will appear in future versions. If you find any bugs or have any suggestions please don't keep them to yourself. You can report bugs back to us either by entering them directly into our bug tracking system at: or if you like you can email them directly to me at: RELEASE NOTES FOR SeqMonk v0.1 ------------------------------- SeqMonk v0.1 is an alpha release and as such is still a work in progress. Although the core functionality of the program should all now be present it is very much still a work in progress. You should bear this in mind when using the software. Things may (and probably will) break and there are certainly many bugs which will need to be worked out. Having said that we are using the software for real work so hopefully it is useful in its current state. The functionality of SeqMonk is not yet complete. As such we are keen to hear from other groups if they have ideas for useful functions which could be added. These could be additions to the probe or quantitation options, different QC displays or new filters. We have initially developed the functions to support the types of analysis we require, but there are probably loads of other applications which could be supported by the core SeqMonk framework.