package WebService::Dropbox; use strict; use warnings; use Carp (); use Fcntl qw(F_GETFL F_SETFL O_NONBLOCK SEEK_SET SEEK_END); use JSON; use Net::OAuth; use URI; use URI::Escape; our $VERSION = '1.22'; my $request_token_url = ''; my $access_token_url = ''; my $authorize_url = ''; __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ key secret request_token request_secret access_token access_secret root no_decode_json error code request_url request_method timeout /); $WebService::Dropbox::USE_LWP = 0; sub import { eval { require Furl::HTTP; require IO::Socket::SSL; };if ($@) { __PACKAGE__->use_lwp; } } sub use_lwp { require LWP::UserAgent; require HTTP::Request; $WebService::Dropbox::USE_LWP++; } sub new { my ($class, $args) = @_; bless { key => $args->{key} || '', secret => $args->{secret} || '', request_token => $args->{request_token} || '', request_secret => $args->{request_secret} || '', access_token => $args->{access_token} || '', access_secret => $args->{access_secret} || '', root => $args->{root} || 'dropbox', timeout => $args->{timeout} || (60 * 60 * 24), no_decode_json => $args->{no_decode_json} || 0, no_uri_escape => $args->{no_uri_escape} || 0, env_proxy => $args->{lwp_env_proxy} || $args->{env_proxy} || 0, }, $class; } sub login { my ($self, $callback_url) = @_; my $body = $self->api({ method => 'POST', url => $request_token_url }) or return; my $response = Net::OAuth->response('request token')->from_post_body($body); $self->request_token($response->token); $self->request_secret($response->token_secret); my $url = URI->new($authorize_url); $url->query_form( oauth_token => $response->token, oauth_callback => $callback_url ); $url->as_string; } sub auth { my $self = shift; my $body = $self->api({ method => 'POST', url => $access_token_url }) or return; my $response = Net::OAuth->response('access token')->from_post_body($body); $self->access_token($response->token); $self->access_secret($response->token_secret); } sub account_info { my $self = shift; $self->api_json({ url => '' }); } sub files { my ($self, $path, $output, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; if (ref $output eq 'CODE') { $opts->{write_code} = $output; # code ref } elsif (ref $output) { $opts->{write_file} = $output; # file handle binmode $opts->{write_file}; } else { open $opts->{write_file}, '>', $output; # file path Carp::croak("invalid output, output must be code ref or filehandle or filepath.") unless $opts->{write_file}; binmode $opts->{write_file}; } $self->api({ url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params, %$opts }); return if $self->error; return 1; } sub files_put { my ($self, $path, $content, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; $self->api_json({ method => 'PUT', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), content => $content, extra_params => $params, %$opts }); } sub files_post { my ($self, $path, $content, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), content => $content, extra_params => $params, %$opts }); } sub files_put_chunked { my ($self, $path, $content, $params, $opts, $limit) = @_; $limit ||= 4 * 1024 * 1024; # A typical chunk is 4 MB my $upload; $upload = sub { my $data = shift; my $buf; my $total = $limit; my $chunk = 1024; my $tmp = File::Temp->new; while (my $read = read($content, $buf, $chunk)) { $tmp->print($buf); $total -= $read; if ($chunk > $total) { $chunk = $total; } last unless $chunk; } if ($total == $limit) { $data->{upload_id} or die 'read error.'; return $self->commit_chunked_upload( $path, { upload_id => $data->{upload_id}, ( $params ? %$params : () ) }, $opts) || die $self->error; } $tmp->flush; $tmp->seek(0, 0); $data = $self->chunked_upload($tmp, { ( $data ? %$data : () ), ( $params ? %$params : () ) }, $opts) or die $self->error; $upload->({ upload_id => $data->{upload_id}, offset => $data->{offset} }); }; $upload->(); } sub chunked_upload { my ($self, $content, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; $self->api_json({ method => 'PUT', url => $self->url('', ''), content => $content, extra_params => $params, %$opts }); } sub commit_chunked_upload { my ($self, $path, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params, %$opts }); } sub metadata { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub delta { my ($self, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('', ''), extra_params => $params }); } sub revisions { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub restore { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub search { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub shares { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub media { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub copy_ref { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $self->api_json({ method => 'GET', url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params }); } sub thumbnails { my ($self, $path, $output, $params, $opts) = @_; $opts ||= {}; if (ref $output eq 'CODE') { $opts->{write_code} = $output; # code ref } elsif (ref $output) { $opts->{write_file} = $output; # file handle binmode $opts->{write_file}; } else { open $opts->{write_file}, '>', $output; # file path Carp::croak("invalid output, output must be code ref or filehandle or filepath.") unless $opts->{write_file}; binmode $opts->{write_file}; } $opts->{extra_params} = $params if $params; $self->api({ url => $self->url('' . $self->root, $path), extra_params => $params, %$opts, }); return if $self->error; return 1; } sub create_folder { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; $params->{root} ||= $self->root; $params->{path} = $self->path($path); $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('', ''), extra_params => $params }); } sub copy { my ($self, $from, $to_path, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; $params->{root} ||= $self->root; $params->{to_path} = $self->path($to_path); if (ref $from) { $params->{from_copy_ref} = $from->{copy_ref}; } else { $params->{from_path} = $self->path($from); } $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('', ''), extra_params => $params }); } sub move { my ($self, $from_path, $to_path, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; $params->{root} ||= $self->root; $params->{from_path} = $self->path($from_path); $params->{to_path} = $self->path($to_path); $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('', ''), extra_params => $params }); } sub delete { my ($self, $path, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; $params->{root} ||= $self->root; $params->{path} ||= $self->path($path); $self->api_json({ method => 'POST', url => $self->url('', ''), extra_params => $params }); } # private sub parse_error ($) { eval { decode_json($_[0])->{error} } || $_[0]; } sub api { my ($self, $args) = @_; $args->{method} ||= 'GET'; $args->{url} = $self->oauth_request_url($args); $self->request_url($args->{url}); $self->request_method($args->{method}); return $self->api_lwp($args) if $WebService::Dropbox::USE_LWP; if (my $write_file = delete $args->{write_file}) { $args->{write_code} = sub { $write_file->print($_[3]); }; } if (my $write_code = delete $args->{write_code}) { $args->{write_code} = sub { if ($_[0] =~ qr{ \A 2 }xms) { $write_code->(@_); } else { $self->error(parse_error($_[3])); } }; } my ($minor_version, $code, $msg, $headers, $body) = $self->furl->request(%$args); $self->code($code); if ($code !~ qr{ \A 2 }xms) { unless ($self->error) { $self->error($body || $msg); } return; } else { $self->error(undef); } return $body; } sub api_lwp { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $headers = []; if ($args->{write_file}) { $args->{write_code} = sub { my $buf = shift; $args->{write_file}->print($buf); }; } if ($args->{content}) { my $buf; my $content = delete $args->{content}; $args->{content} = sub { read($content, $buf, 1024); return $buf; }; my $assert = sub { $_[0] or Carp::croak( "Failed to $_[1] for Content-Length: $!", ); }; $assert->(defined(my $cur_pos = tell($content)), 'tell'); $assert->(seek($content, 0, SEEK_END), 'seek'); $assert->(defined(my $end_pos = tell($content)), 'tell'); $assert->(seek($content, $cur_pos, SEEK_SET), 'seek'); my $content_length = $end_pos - $cur_pos; push @$headers, 'Content-Length' => $content_length; } if ($args->{headers}) { push @$headers, @{ $args->{headers} }; } my $req = HTTP::Request->new($args->{method}, $args->{url}, $headers, $args->{content}); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; $ua->timeout($self->timeout); $ua->env_proxy if $self->{env_proxy}; my $res = $ua->request($req, $args->{write_code}); $self->code($res->code); if ($res->is_success) { $self->error(undef); } else { $self->error(parse_error($res->decoded_content)); } return $res->decoded_content; } sub api_json { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $body = $self->api($args) or return; return if $self->error; return $body if $self->no_decode_json; return decode_json($body); } sub oauth_request_url { my ($self, $args) = @_; Carp::croak("missing url.") unless $args->{url}; Carp::croak("missing method.") unless $args->{method}; my ($type, $token, $token_secret); if ($args->{url} eq $request_token_url) { $type = 'request token'; } elsif ($args->{url} eq $access_token_url) { Carp::croak("missing request_token.") unless $self->request_token; Carp::croak("missing request_secret.") unless $self->request_secret; $type = 'access token'; $token = $self->request_token; $token_secret = $self->request_secret; } else { Carp::croak("missing access_token, please `\$dropbox->auth;`.") unless $self->access_token; Carp::croak("missing access_secret, please `\$dropbox->auth;`.") unless $self->access_secret; $type = 'protected resource'; $token = $self->access_token; $token_secret = $self->access_secret; } my $request = Net::OAuth->request($type)->new( consumer_key => $self->key, consumer_secret => $self->secret, request_url => $args->{url}, request_method => uc($args->{method}), signature_method => 'PLAINTEXT', # HMAC-SHA1 can't delete %20.txt bug... timestamp => time, nonce => $self->nonce, token => $token, token_secret => $token_secret, extra_params => $args->{extra_params}, ); $request->sign; $request->to_url; } sub furl { my $self = shift; unless ($self->{furl}) { $self->{furl} = Furl::HTTP->new( timeout => $self->timeout, ssl_opts => { SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_PEER(), }, ); $self->{furl}->env_proxy if $self->{env_proxy}; } $self->{furl}; } sub url { my ($self, $base, $path, $params) = @_; my $url = URI->new($base . uri_escape_utf8($self->path($path), q{^a-zA-Z0-9_.~/-})); $url->query_form($params) if $params; $url->as_string; } sub path { my ($self, $path) = @_; return '' unless defined $path; return '' unless length $path; $path =~ s|^/||; return '/' . $path; } sub nonce { my $length = 16; my @chars = ( 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9' ); my $ret; for (1..$length) { $ret .= $chars[int rand @chars]; } return $ret; } sub mk_accessors { my $package = shift; no strict 'refs'; foreach my $field ( @_ ) { *{ $package . '::' . $field } = sub { return $_[0]->{ $field } if scalar( @_ ) == 1; return $_[0]->{ $field } = scalar( @_ ) == 2 ? $_[1] : [ @_[1..$#_] ]; }; } } sub env_proxy { $_[0]->{env_proxy} = defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : 1 } # Backward Compatibility sub lwp_env_proxy { shift->env_proxy(@_) } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME WebService::Dropbox - Perl interface to Dropbox API =head1 SYNOPSIS use WebService::Dropbox; my $dropbox = WebService::Dropbox->new({ key => '...', # App Key secret => '...' # App Secret }); # get access token if (!$access_token or !$access_secret) { my $url = $dropbox->login or die $dropbox->error; warn "Please Access URL and press Enter: $url"; ; $dropbox->auth or die $dropbox->error; warn "access_token: " . $dropbox->access_token; warn "access_secret: " . $dropbox->access_secret; } else { $dropbox->access_token($access_token); $dropbox->access_secret($access_secret); } my $info = $dropbox->account_info or die $dropbox->error; # download # my $fh_get = IO::File->new('some file', '>'); $dropbox->files('make_test_folder/test.txt', $fh_get) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_get->close; # upload # my $fh_put = IO::File->new('some file'); $dropbox->files_put('make_test_folder/test.txt', $fh_put) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; # filelist(metadata) # my $data = $dropbox->metadata('folder_a'); =head1 DESCRIPTION WebService::Dropbox is Perl interface to Dropbox API - Support Dropbox v1 REST API - Support Furl (Fast!!!) - Streaming IO (Low Memory) - Default URI Escape (The specified path is utf8 decoded string) =head1 API =head2 login(callback_url) - get request token and request secret my $callback_url = '...'; # optional my $url = $dropbox->login($callback_url) or die $dropbox->error; warn "Please Access URL and press Enter: $url"; =head2 auth - get access token and access secret $dropbox->auth or die $dropbox->error; warn "access_token: " . $dropbox->access_token; warn "access_secret: " . $dropbox->access_secret; =head2 root - set access type # Access Type is App folder # Your app only needs access to a single folder within the user's Dropbox $dropbox->root('sandbox'); # Access Type is Full Dropbox (default) # Your app needs access to the user's entire Dropbox $dropbox->root('dropbox'); L =head2 account_info my $info = $dropbox->account_info or die $dropbox->error; # { # "referral_link": "", # "display_name": "John P. User", # "uid": 12345678, # "country": "US", # "quota_info": { # "shared": 253738410565, # "quota": 107374182400000, # "normal": 680031877871 # }, # "email": "" # } L =head2 files(path, output, [params, opts]) - download (no file list, file list is metadata) # Current Rev my $fh_get = IO::File->new('some file', '>'); $dropbox->files('folder/file.txt', $fh_get) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_get->close; # Specified Rev $dropbox->files('folder/file.txt', $fh_get, { rev => ... }) or die $dropbox->error; # Code ref $dropbox->files('folder/file.txt', sub { # compatible with LWP::UserAgent and Furl::HTTP my $chunk = @_ == 4 ? @_[3] : $_[0]; print $chunk; }) or die $dropbox->error; # Range $dropbox->files('folder/file.txt', $fh_get) or die $dropbox->error; > "0123456789" $dropbox->files('folder/file.txt', $fh_get, undef, { headers => ['Range' => 'bytes=5-6'] }) or die $dropbox->error; > "56" L =head2 files_put(path, input) - Uploads a files my $fh_put = IO::File->new('some file'); $dropbox->files_put('folder/test.txt', $fh_put) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; # no overwrite (default true) $dropbox->files_put('folder/test.txt', $fh_put, { overwrite => 0 }) or die $dropbox->error; # create 'folder/test (1).txt' # Specified Parent Rev $dropbox->files_put('folder/test.txt', $fh_put, { parent_rev => ... }) or die $dropbox->error; # conflict prevention L =head2 files_put_chunked(path, input) - Uploads large files by chunked_upload and commit_chunked_upload. my $fh_put = IO::File->new('some large file'); $dropbox->files_put('folder/test.txt', $fh_put) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; L =head2 chunked_upload(input, [params]) - Uploads large files # large file 1/3 my $fh_put = IO::File->new('large file part 1'); my $data = $dropbox->chunked_upload($fh_put) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; # large file 2/3 $fh_put = IO::File->new('large file part 2'); $data = $dropbox->chunked_upload($fh_put, { upload_id => $data->{upload_id}, offset => $data->{offset} }) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; # large file 3/3 $fh_put = IO::File->new('large file part 3'); $data = $dropbox->chunked_upload($fh_put, { upload_id => $data->{upload_id}, offset => $data->{offset} }) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_put->close; # commit $dropbox->commit_chunked_upload('folder/test.txt', { upload_id => $data->{upload_id} }) or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 commit_chunked_upload(path, params) - Completes an upload initiated by the chunked_upload method. $dropbox->commit_chunked_upload('folder/test.txt', { upload_id => $data->{upload_id} }) or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 copy(from_path or from_copy_ref, to_path) # from_path $dropbox->copy('folder/test.txt', 'folder/test_copy.txt') or die $dropbox->error; # from_copy_ref my $copy_ref = $dropbox->copy_ref('folder/test.txt') or die $dropbox->error; $dropbox->copy($copy_ref, 'folder/test_copy.txt') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 move(from_path, to_path) $dropbox->move('folder/test.txt', 'folder/test_move.txt') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 delete(path) # folder delete $dropbox->delete('folder') or die $dropbox->error; # file delete $dropbox->delete('folder/test.txt') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 create_folder(path) $dropbox->create_folder('some_folder') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 metadata(path, [params]) - get file list my $data = $dropbox->metadata('some_folder') or die $dropbox->error; my $data = $dropbox->metadata('some_file') or die $dropbox->error; # 304 my $data = $dropbox->metadata('some_folder', { hash => ... }); return if $dropbox->code == 304; # not modified die $dropbox->error if $dropbox->error; return $data; L =head2 delta([params]) - get file list my $data = $dropbox->delta() or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 revisions(path, [params]) my $data = $dropbox->revisions('some_file') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 restore(path, [params]) # params rev is Required my $data = $dropbox->restore('some_file', { rev => $rev }) or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 search(path, [params]) # query rev is Required my $data = $dropbox->search('some_file', { query => $query }) or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 shares(path, [params]) my $data = $dropbox->shares('some_file') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 media(path, [params]) my $data = $dropbox->media('some_file') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 copy_ref(path) my $copy_ref = $dropbox->copy_ref('folder/test.txt') or die $dropbox->error; $dropbox->copy($copy_ref, 'folder/test_copy.txt') or die $dropbox->error; L =head2 thumbnails(path, output) my $fh_get = File::Temp->new; $dropbox->thumbnails('folder/file.txt', $fh_get) or die $dropbox->error; $fh_get->flush; $fh_get->seek(0, 0); L =head2 env_proxy enable HTTP_PROXY, NO_PROXY $dropbox->env_proxy; =head1 AUTHOR Shinichiro Aska =head1 SEE ALSO - L =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut