{ "v": 1, "id": "b107c5e1-2e3f-4eaf-9881-76004278bd65", "rev": 1, "name": "VMWARE VSPHERE 8.X - Content Pack", "summary": "Content pack containing Dashboards and parsed security events only", "description": "- Dashboard 1: VCenter Dashboard with VCenter Events, SSO Activites, Virtual Machines activities\n\n- Dashboard 2: VCSA Dashboards with all the tabs associated to one application_name (field created automatically thanks to syslog)\n\n- Pipeline filtering VCenter events\n\n- Pipelines parsing security events (authentication, admin action, virtual machine activities (knowing which users did the speicifed action on the VM)", "vendor": "s0p4L1n3", "url": "https://github.com/s0p4L1n3/Graylog_Content_Pack_VMWare-8.X-forVCSA-ESXI", "parameters": [], "entities": [ { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline", "version": "1" }, "id": "1072eadb-2b33-4ec4-85ca-53116563c85a", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "VCENTER - ssoadminserver" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "pipeline \"VCENTER - ssoadminserver\"\nstage 0 match pass\nrule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - ssoadminserver 01\"\nstage 1 match pass\nrule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - ssoadminserver 02\"\nstage 2 match pass\nrule \"VMWARE ssoadminserver - vmw_vc_return_value replace carriage return\"\nstage 3 match pass\nrule \"VMWARE vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action\"\nend" }, "connected_streams": [ { "@type": "string", "@value": "d49aaba6-decf-4dda-a2c8-e58321f32fb9" } ] }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "input", "version": "1" }, "id": "278d5e3e-592b-4ac0-b69f-508c69e0f20d", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "syslogTCP" }, "configuration": { "tls_key_file": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "port": { "@type": "integer", "@value": 1515 }, "tls_enable": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "use_null_delimiter": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "recv_buffer_size": { "@type": "integer", "@value": 1048576 }, "tcp_keepalive": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "force_rdns": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "allow_override_date": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": true }, "tls_client_auth_cert_file": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "bind_address": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "tls_cert_file": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "expand_structured_data": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "max_message_size": { "@type": "integer", "@value": 2097152 }, "store_full_message": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": true }, "tls_client_auth": { "@type": "string", "@value": "disabled" }, "timezone": { "@type": "string", "@value": "NotSet" }, "charset_name": { "@type": "string", "@value": "UTF-8" }, "number_worker_threads": { "@type": "integer", "@value": 4 }, "tls_key_password": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" } }, "static_fields": {}, "type": { "@type": "string", "@value": "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.tcp.SyslogTCPInput" }, "global": { "@type": "boolean", "@value": false }, "extractors": [] }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "32a3e400-b006-4cd3-bffe-6c314e803d3f", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "Syslog - VMWARE VCENTER - extract vmw_vc_domain from vmw_vc_user" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"Syslog - VMWARE VCENTER - extract vmw_vc_domain from vmw_vc_user\"\nwhen\n has_field(\"vmw_vc_user\") AND regex(\"Event \\\\[\", to_string($message.message)).matches == true\nthen\n let msg = to_string($message.vmw_vc_user);\n \n let vcenter15 = grok(pattern: \"%{DATA:vmw_vc_domainuser}\\\\@%{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_domain}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter15);\n \n let vcenter20 = grok(pattern: \"%{DATA:vmw_vc_domain}\\\\\\\\%{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_domainuser}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter20);\n \nend\n\n" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "5c9fdeb1-107f-42e6-9c9d-bace31abb426", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main\"\nwhen\n has_field(\"application_name\") AND regex(\"vpxd-main\", to_string($message.application_name)).matches == true AND regex(\"\\\\[VpxLRO\\\\]\", to_string($message.message)).matches == false\nthen\n let msg = to_string($message.message);\n \n let vpxd_main1 = grok(pattern: \"%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM}-%{MONTHDAY}[T]%{HOUR}:?%{MINUTE}(?::?%{SECOND})\\\\+%{DATA:TZ} %{DATA:vmw_vc_info} %{DATA:vmw_vc_component}\\\\[%{DATA:vmw_vc_component_id}\\\\] \\\\[%{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_orig_sub_opid_elements}\\\\] %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_desc}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vpxd_main1);\n \nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "03c663ff-7da5-4055-825c-1ac89e2b1c30", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main - VPXLRO 1" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main - VPXLRO 1\"\nwhen\n has_field(\"application_name\") AND regex(\"vpxd-main\", to_string($message.application_name)).matches == true AND regex(\"\\\\[VpxLRO\\\\]\", to_string($message.message)).matches == true\nthen\n let msg = to_string($message.message);\n \n let vpxdmain1 = grok(pattern: \"%{YEAR}-%{MONTHNUM}-%{MONTHDAY}[T]%{HOUR}:?%{MINUTE}(?::?%{SECOND})\\\\+%{DATA:TZ} %{DATA:vmw_vc_info} %{DATA:vmw_vc_component}\\\\[%{DATA:vmw_vc_component_id}\\\\] \\\\[Originator@6876 vmw_vc_sub=%{DATA:vmw_vc_sub} vmw_vc_opID=%{DATA:vmw_vc_opID}\\\\] %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_desc}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vpxdmain1);\n \nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline", "version": "1" }, "id": "0024c592-75fc-4778-ad2f-130ef7e14953", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "VCENTER - vpxd-main - vpxLRO" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "pipeline \"VCENTER - vpxd-main - vpxLRO\"\nstage 0 match either\nrule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main - VPXLRO 1\"\nstage 1 match either\nrule \"Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - vpxd-main - VPXLRO 2\"\nend" }, "connected_streams": [ { "@type": "string", "@value": "d49aaba6-decf-4dda-a2c8-e58321f32fb9" } ] }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "9b14f2f7-853c-4dbf-86b7-2d2d0aac808a", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "VMWARE vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"VMWARE vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action\"\n\nwhen \n has_field(\"vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action\")\nthen\n\n let msg = to_string($message.vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action);\n \n let ssoadminserveraction1 = grok(pattern: \"vmw_vc_user account \\\\'\\\\{Name: %{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\, Domain: %{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_domain}\\\\}\\\\'\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserveraction1);\n \n let ssoadminserveraction2 = grok(pattern: \"principal \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\'\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserveraction2);\n\n let ssoadminserveraction3 = grok(pattern: \"local %{DATA:vmw_vc_target_type} vmw_vc_user \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\' with\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserveraction3);\n \n let ssoadminserveraction4 = grok(pattern: \"local %{DATA:vmw_vc_target_type} vmw_vc_user \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\' %{DATA:vmw_vc_resetting_target}word\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserveraction4);\n \n let ssoadminserveraction5 = grok(pattern: \"local %{DATA:vmw_vc_target_type} \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\' with\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserveraction5);\n \n let ssoadminserveraction6 = grok(pattern: \"users \\\\'\\\\[\\\\{Name: %{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_name}\\\\, Domain: %{DATA:vmw_vc_sso_domain}\\\\}\\\\]\\\\' to local %{DATA:vmw_vc_target_type} '%{DATA:vmw_vc_target_group}'\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n 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%{HOSTNAME:vmw_vc_datacenter_name}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter13);\n \n let vcenter14 = grok(pattern: \"%{DATA:vmw_vc_scan_status} scanned %{HOSTNAME:vmw_vc_virtual_machine_name} for %{DATA:vmw_vc_upgrade_component} upgrades.\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter14);\n \n let vcenter15 = grok(pattern: \"Warning message on %{DATA:vmw_vc_virtual_machine_name} on %{IPV4:vmw_vc_esxi_hosting_ip} in %{DATA:vmw_vc_target}\\\\: USB device \\\\\\\"%{DATA:vmw_vc_usb_device}\\\\\\\" %{DATA:vmw_vc_status_action} to the virtual machine.\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter15);\n \n let vcenter16 = grok(pattern: \"%{DATA:vmw_vc_virtual_machine_name} %{DATA:vmw_vc_status_action} the guest OS on %{IPV4:vmw_vc_esxi_hosting_ip} in %{HOSTNAME:vmw_vc_datacenter_name}\\\\: Cannot complete operation because %{DATA:vmw_vc_target_object} in this virtual machine\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(vcenter16);\n \nend\n\n" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "2e0ac21f-4dda-4699-adce-7ff44f710f4a", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "VMWARE ssoadminserver - vmw_vc_return_value replace carriage return" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"VMWARE ssoadminserver - vmw_vc_return_value replace carriage return\"\n\nwhen \n has_field(\"vmw_vc_return_value\") AND regex(\"Vmodl method\", to_string($message.vmw_vc_desc)).matches == true\nthen\n let carr_message = regex_replace(\"\\\\\\\\n\", to_string($message.\"vmw_vc_return_value\"),\"\",true);\n\n set_field (\"vmw_vc_return_value\", carr_message);\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "dashboard", "version": "2" }, "id": 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%{DATA:target_domain}\\\\}\\\\'\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver6);\n \n let ssoadminserver5 = grok(pattern: \"\\\\[User \\\\{Name: %{DATA:vmw_vc_user}\\\\, Domain: %{DATA:vmw_vc_domain}\\\\} with vmw_vc_role \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_role}\\\\'\\\\] %{DATA:vmw_vc_user_action} %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver5);\n \n let ssoadminserver4 = grok(pattern: \"Vmodl method %{DATA:method} return value is %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_return_value}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver4);\n \n let ssoadminserver7 = grok(pattern: \"\\\\[User %{USERNAME:vmw_vc_user}\\\\] %{DATA:vmw_vc_user_action} %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_target_action}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver7);\n \n let ssoadminserver8 = grok(pattern: \"User \\\\{Name: %{DATA:vmw_vc_user}\\\\, Domain: %{DATA:vmw_vc_domain}\\\\} with vmw_vc_role \\\\'%{DATA:vmw_vc_role}\\\\' logged %{DATA:vmw_vc_logged_action}\\\\.\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver8);\n \n let ssoadminserver9 = grok(pattern: \"%{WORD:vmw_vc_token} for vmw_vc_SubjectNameId \\\\[value=%{DATA:vmw_vc_SubjectNameId}\\\\@%{DATA:vmw_vc_domain}\\\\, vmw_vc_format=%{DATA:vmw_vc_format}\\\\] %{GREEDYDATA:vmw_vc_ssoadminserver_action}\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver9);\n \n let ssoadminserver10 = grok(pattern: \"%{DATA:vmw_vc_info} created in vmw_vc_pool %{USERNAME:vmw_vc_pool} \\\\[vmw_vc_tenantName=%{DATA:vmw_vc_tenantName}\\\\, vmw_vc_username=%{DATA:vmw_vc_username}\\\\@%{DATA:vmw_vc_domain}\\\\, vmw_vc_authType=%{DATA:vmw_vc_authType}\\\\, vmw_vc_useGCPort=%{DATA:vmw_vc_useGCPort}\\\\, vmw_vc_connectionString=%{DATA:vmw_vc_connectionString}\\\\]\", value: to_string(msg), only_named_captures: true);\n set_fields(ssoadminserver10);\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "aab97ff1-1271-44f5-95cb-188b7f5838ce", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "VMWARE Replace carriage return" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, "source": { "@type": "string", "@value": "rule \"VMWARE Replace carriage return\"\n\nwhen \n has_field(\"message\")\nthen\n let rep_message = regex_replace(\"\\\\\\\\n-->\", to_string($message.\"message\"),\"\",true);\n\n set_field (\"message\", rep_message);\nend" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.2.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "pipeline_rule", "version": "1" }, "id": "b3186be2-9e3d-4deb-83f7-21571a7e26b6", "data": { "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "Syslog - VMWARE ESXI - ssoadminserver 01" }, "description": { "@type": "string", "@value": "" }, 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