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"name": "sidecar_collector_configuration", "version": "1" }, "id": "f3d1c54a-23a8-4311-851a-559202e07e55", "data": { "collector_id": { "@type": "string", "@value": "2cf46086-0da0-4a14-b3fe-b6e567195c28" }, "title": { "@type": "string", "@value": "Filebeat - DHCP Server" }, "color": { "@type": "string", "@value": "#f8bbd0" }, "template": { "@type": "string", "@value": "# Needed for Graylog\nfields_under_root: true\nfields.collector_node_id: ${sidecar.nodeName}\nfields.gl2_source_collector: ${sidecar.nodeId}\n\noutput.logstash:\n hosts: [\"graylog.lab.lan:5044\"]\n \npath.data: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\cache\\winlogbeat\\data\npath.logs: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\logs\n\nfilebeat.inputs:\n- type: log\n enabled: true\n encoding: utf-8\n paths:\n - \"C:/Windows/System32/dhcp/DhcpSrvLog-*.log\"\n include_lines: [\"^[0-9]{2},\"]\n fields_under_root: true\n processors:\n - add_tags:\n tags: dhcpserver\n\n- type: log\n enabled: true\n paths:\n - \"C:/Windows/Logs/DNS/windns.log\"\n processors:\n - add_tags:\n tags: dnsserver\n \n " } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.0.0" } ] }, { "v": "1", "type": { "name": "sidecar_collector", "version": "1" }, "id": "2cf46086-0da0-4a14-b3fe-b6e567195c28", "data": { "name": { "@type": "string", "@value": "filebeat_windows" }, "service_type": { "@type": "string", "@value": "svc" }, "node_operating_system": { "@type": "string", "@value": "windows" }, "executable_path": { "@type": "string", "@value": "C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\filebeat.exe" }, "execute_parameters": { "@type": "string", "@value": "-c \"%s\"" }, "validation_parameters": { "@type": "string", "@value": "test config -c \"%s\"" }, "default_template": { "@type": "string", "@value": "# Needed for Graylog\nfields_under_root: true\nfields.collector_node_id: ${sidecar.nodeName}\nfields.gl2_source_collector: ${sidecar.nodeId}\n\noutput.logstash:\n hosts: [\"graylog.lab.lan:5044\"]\n \npath.data: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\cache\\winlogbeat\\data\npath.logs: C:\\Program Files\\Graylog\\sidecar\\logs\n\nfilebeat.inputs:\n- type: log\n enabled: true\n paths:\n - C:\\logs\\log.log" } }, "constraints": [ { "type": "server-version", "version": ">=5.0.0" } ] } ] }