# Sublime Text 2/3 plugin: Behave Step Finder Easily navigate to [behave](https://behave.readthedocs.org) step definitions. Based on CucumberStepFinder (https://github.com/danielfrey/sublime-cucumber-step-finder) It provides by now two commands: * One listing all steps in the open project and letting you choose a step using the built-in mechanism for search. * The second one letting you jump to the corresponding step by calling the "MatchStep"-Command when standing on a step in the features file # Installation ## Package Control Installation through [package control](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) is recommended. It will handle updating your packages as they become available. To install, do the following. * In the Command Palette, enter `Package Control: Install Package` * Search for `behaveStepFinder` ## Mac OSX (manual) cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 2/Packages git clone git://github.com/s1ider/sublime-behave-step-finder.git behaveStepFinder ## Linux/Windows Not tested yet. Contributions are welcome. If keyboard settings are provided, it should work. ## Usage The default key-binding for "search" is `super + y`, respectively `ctrl + super + m` for "match". Change it if one is already used in your configuration ## Configuration The following settings are available so far. { "behave_features_path" : "features", "behave_step_pattern" : ".*_steps.*\\.py", "behave_code_keywords" : ["given", "when", "then", "and", "but"] } The plugin looks for `behave_features_path` as a direct subdirectory of your project. Override this setting if your steps are located in a different subdirectory. In the given features directory it uses the second setting for finding step-files recursively matching the `behave_step_pattern` For finding the matching step, behaveStepFinder needs to know which are the behave-keywords. Since there are different keywords beside English, you can configure them in `behave_code_keywords`.