'Serendipity'); var $data = array(); var $inputFields = array(); var $categories = array(); var $execute = true; var $debug = true; var $counter = 0; function getImportNotes() { // TODO: I18n! return '

This importer is still work in progress. It can currently import most things of the database. HOWEVER it can NOT import previously installed plugins (including their configuration) or any database tables of installed plugins. Those must be migrated manually. Also, you must use FTP to transfer your uploaded images to the new location.

Please do a test-run first if you are SQL-savvy. If you encounter any errors, save the message output you get - it will definitely help debugging!

This is NOT an importer meant for upgrading Serendipity. This importer assumes that both Serendipity installations use the same version.

It is strongly advised that you test this importer in an isolated environment first, do not use it on a production blog unless you made sure it works in a cloned installation. Always make a backup of both the source and the target blog.

After these precautions: The importer code generally works very well for me and my purposes. Your mileage may vary.

'; } function __construct($data) { global $serendipity; $this->data = $data; $this->inputFields = array(array('text' => INSTALL_DBHOST, 'type' => 'input', 'name' => 'host', 'default' => $serendipity['dbHost']), array('text' => INSTALL_DBUSER, 'type' => 'input', 'name' => 'user', 'default' => $serendipity['dbUser']), array('text' => INSTALL_DBPASS, 'type' => 'fullprotected', 'name' => 'pass'), array('text' => INSTALL_DBNAME, 'type' => 'input', 'name' => 'name', 'default' => $serendipity['dbName']), array('text' => INSTALL_DBPREFIX, 'type' => 'input', 'name' => 'prefix', 'default' => $serendipity['dbPrefix'] . 'import_'), array('text' => CHARSET, 'type' => 'list', 'name' => 'charset', 'value' => 'UTF-8', 'default' => $this->getCharsets(true)), array('text' => CONVERT_HTMLENTITIES, 'type' => 'bool', 'name' => 'use_strtr', 'default' => 'false'), array('text' => 'Import Targets', 'type' => 'multilist', 'name' => 'targets', 'select_size' => 6, 'default' => array( array('confkey' => 'groups' , 'confvalue' => 'Groups'), array('confkey' => 'authors', 'confvalue' => 'Authors'), array('confkey' => 'entries', 'confvalue' => 'Entries'), array('confkey' => 'media' , 'confvalue' => 'Media'), array('confkey' => 'cat' , 'confvalue' => 'Categories') ) ), array('text' => 'Make a verbose test run', 'type' => 'bool', 'name' => 'preflight', 'default' => 'false') ); } function validateData() { return sizeof($this->data); } function getInputFields() { return $this->inputFields; } function import_table(&$s9ydb, $table, $primary_keys, $where = null, $dupe_check = false, $fix_relations = false, $skip_dupes = false) { global $serendipity; echo "Starting with table {$table}..."; if ($dupe_check) { $dupes = serendipity_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}" . $table . " " . $where, false, 'both', false, $dupe_check); if (!$this->execute) { echo 'Dupe-Check:
' . print_r($dupes, true) . '
'; } } $res = $this->nativeQuery("SELECT * FROM {$this->data['prefix']}" . $table . " " . $where, $s9ydb); echo mysqli_error($s9ydb); if (!$res || mysqli_num_rows($res) < 1) { return false; } $this->counter = 100; while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($res, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $this->counter++; if (is_array($primary_keys)) { foreach($primary_keys AS $primary_key) { $primary_vals[$primary_key] = $row[$primary_key]; if ($table == 'comments') { $primary_vals['entry_id'] = $row['entry_id']; } unset($row[$primary_key]); } } else { $primary_vals = array(); } $insert = true; if (is_array($fix_relations)) { foreach($fix_relations AS $primary_key => $fix_relation) { foreach($fix_relation AS $fix_relation_table => $fix_relation_primary_key) { if ($table == 'comments' && $fix_relation_table == 'entries') { $assoc_val = $primary_vals['entry_id']; } elseif (isset($primary_vals[$fix_relation_primary_key])) { $assoc_val = $primary_vals[$fix_relation_primary_key]; } else { $assoc_val = $row[$primary_key]; } if (!$this->execute && empty($assoc_val)) { if ($this->debug) { echo '
                                echo '
'; } } $new_val = $this->storage[$fix_relation_table][$fix_relation_primary_key][$assoc_val]; if ($skip_dupes && $assoc_val == $new_val) { $insert = false; } if (!empty($new_val)) { $row[$primary_key] = $new_val; } if (!$this->execute && $this->debug) { echo "Fix relation from $fix_relation_table.$fix_relation_primary_key={$primary_vals[$fix_relation_primary_key]} to {$row[$primary_key]} (assoc_val: $assoc_val)"; } } } } if ($insert) { if ($dupe_check && isset($dupes[$row[$dupe_check]])) { if ($this->debug) { echo "Skipping duplicate:
" . print_r($dupes[$row[$dupe_check]], true) . "
"; } foreach($primary_vals AS $primary_key => $primary_val) { $this->storage[$table][$primary_key][$primary_val] = $dupes[$row[$dupe_check]][$primary_key]; $this->storage['dupes'][$table][$primary_key][$primary_val] = $dupes[$row[$dupe_check]][$primary_key]; } } elseif ($this->execute) { serendipity_db_insert($table, $this->strtrRecursive($row)); foreach($primary_vals AS $primary_key => $primary_val) { $dbid = serendipity_db_insert_id($table, $primary_key); $this->storage[$table][$primary_key][$primary_val] = $dbid; } echo "Migrated entry #{$dbid} into {$table}."; } else { if ($this->debug) { echo 'DB Insert:
' . print_r($row, true) . '
'; } foreach($primary_vals AS $primary_key => $primary_val) { $this->storage[$table][$primary_key][$primary_val] = $this->counter; } } if (is_array($this->storage[$table]) && !empty($this->storage[$table])) { foreach($this->storage[$table] AS $primary_key => $primary_data) { foreach($primary_data AS $primary_val => $replace_val) { serendipity_set_config_var('import_s9y_' . $table . '_' . $primary_key . '_' . $primary_val, $replace_val, 99); } } } } else { if ($this->debug && !$this->execute) { echo "Ignoring Duplicate."; } } } if (!$this->execute) { echo 'Storage on '. $table . ':
' . print_r($this->storage[$table], true) . '
'; } else { echo "Finished table {$table}"; } } function import_groups(&$s9ydb) { global $serendipity; $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'groups', array('id'), null, 'name', false ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'groupconfig', array('id'), null, false, array('id' => array('groups' => 'id')), true ); } function import_authors(&$s9ydb) { global $serendipity; $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'authors', array('authorid'), null, 'username', false ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'authorgroups', false, null, false, array('authorid' => array('authors' => 'authorid'), 'groupid' => array('groups' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'config', false, ' WHERE authorid > 0', false, array('authorid' => array('authors' => 'authorid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'permalinks', false, ' WHERE type = "author" ', false, array('entry_id' => array('authors' => 'authorid')) ); } function import_entries(&$s9ydb) { global $serendipity; $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'entries', array('id'), null, false, array('authorid' => array('authors' => 'authorid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'comments', array('id'), 'ORDER BY parent_id ASC', false, array('entry_id' => array('entries' => 'id'), 'parent_id' => array('comments' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'entryproperties', false, null, false, array('entryid' => array('entries' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'references', array('id'), null, false, array('entry_id' => array('entries' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'exits', false, null, false, array('entry_id' => array('entries' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'referrers', false, null, false, array('entry_id' => array('entries' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'permalinks', false, ' WHERE type = "entry" ', false, array('entry_id' => array('entries' => 'id')) ); } function import_media(&$s9ydb) { global $serendipity; $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'images', array('id'), null, false, array('authorid' => array('authors' => 'authorid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'mediaproperties', false, null, false, array('mediaid' => array('images' => 'id')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'access', false, ' WHERE artifact_type = "directory" ', false, array('groupid' => array('groups' => 'id')) ); } function import_cat(&$s9ydb) { global $serendipity; $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'category', array('categoryid'), ' ORDER BY parentid ASC', false, array('authorid' => array('authors' => 'authorid'), 'parentid' => array('category' => 'categoryid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'entrycat', false, null, false, array('entryid' => array('entries' => 'id'), 'categoryid' => array('category' => 'categoryid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'permalinks', false, ' WHERE type = "category" ', false, array('entry_id' => array('category' => 'categoryid')) ); $this->import_table( $s9ydb, 'access', false, ' WHERE artifact_type = "category" ', false, array('groupid' => array('groups' => 'id'), 'artifact_id' => array('category' => 'categoryid')) ); serendipity_rebuildCategoryTree(); } function import() { global $serendipity; // Save this so we can return it to its original value at the end of this method. $noautodiscovery = isset($serendipity['noautodiscovery']) ? $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] : false; if ($this->data['autodiscovery'] == 'false') { $serendipity['noautodiscovery'] = 1; } if ($this->data['preflight'] == 'true') { $this->execute = false; $this->debug = true; } $this->getTransTable(); $users = array(); $entries = array(); if (!extension_loaded('mysqli')) { return MYSQL_REQUIRED; } $s9ydb = @mysqli_connect($this->data['host'], $this->data['user'], $this->data['pass']); if (!$s9ydb || mysqli_connect_error()) { return sprintf(COULDNT_CONNECT, serendipity_specialchars($this->data['host'])); } if (!@mysqli_select_db($s9ydb, $this->data['name'])) { return sprintf(COULDNT_SELECT_DB, mysqli_error($s9ydb)); } if (!is_array($this->data['targets'])) { return "No targets selected"; } $this->storage = array(); foreach($this->data['targets'] AS $target) { $this->{'import_' . $target}($s9ydb); } return true; } } return 'Serendipity_Import_Serendipity'; /* vim: set sts=4 ts=4 expandtab : */