Description =========== L2U-AutoComplete is a package for [Sublime Text 2/3]( with support for the L2U API for HRG-LME. It is based on [SublimeLove]( Installation ============ You can install this package through [Package Control](, simply use Command Palette: Package Control Install Package -> L2U-AutoComplete. Alternatively, you can install this package by running the following command in your Packages directory: git clone git:// Auto completion ------------------------------------------------------------ AssetLoader,L2U 以及 game_object_utils **常用函数**的自动补全 > 常用函数是指在项目的lua代码中经常被调用的一些函数,去除如 L2U.SetGameObjectLocalPosition() 之类的已经在 game_object_utils 中重新封装的函数,避免大家越过 game_object_utils 直接调用,以及去除应用场景较为狭窄的函数,如 ConnectToHost 等普通业务逻辑无需用到的函数,以保持函数列表的整洁,从此以后输入一些关键词即可自动出现列表提供选择 输入 ```find```
提供可选参数特殊标识功能,如此处选择第一个则自动补全以下字符 ```lua L2U.FindGameObject( goName, parentGO:1, mustExist:2 ) ``` 通过TAB键可自动选中下一个参数直接修改即可,齐王上次提到的多态问题,通过可选参数后的数字来标识,如以上示例,parentGO和mustExist都为可选参数,对应以下三种实现 ```csharp public static GameObject FindGameObject( string goName ) public static GameObject FindGameObject( string goName, GameObject parentGO ) public static GameObject FindGameObject( string goName, GameObject parentGO, bool mustExist ) ``` 每个函数只在函数列表中出现一次,大幅度提高在不知道函数名的情况下仅靠关键词来筛选的效率。 Snippets -------- There are snippets for most built-in Lua functions, some LuaJIT functions, and LuaDoc tags are available in comments. For example. "@param" expands to "-- @param type name desc". 原代码风格已修改至符合LME内部代码风格,修改前: ```lua for i,v in ipairs(table_name) do print(i,v) end ``` 修改后: ```lua for i, v in ipairs( table_name ) do print( i, v ) end ``` Error checking -------------- By default any Lua file will be run through luac -p and the first encountered error is outlined. The error is displayed in the status bar. To disable or change this behavior ```json { "live_parser": true, "live_parser_style": "{dot|circle|outline}", "live_parser_persistent:" false, "luac_path": "luac" } ``` Auto completion --------------- Pressing Ctrl+Space in an open Lua file will show the autocompletions for the L2U & gameObject-utils API as well as Lua function snippets. Those L2U & gameObject-utils functions which are not overloaded (only one possible argument combination), will fill in the argument names for you.