%Books @book{pythonv1, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{Hands on Programming with Python: Theory and Practice}}, publisher = {Amazon Publisher (independently)}, year = 2020, volume = 1, edition = 1, month = 7, url = {https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08C6W4X7P}, note = {In this book, programming concepts are theoretically introduced and explained. Then, their application is presented in the context of a programming language (Python) to finally introduce examples of use. }, isbn = {979-8656766715} } @article{Alvarez_Rodr_guez_2022, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.4064466}, url = {https://doi.org/10.2139%2Fssrn.4064466}, year = 2022, publisher = {Elsevier {BV}}, author = {Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a Alvarez-Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and Roy Mendieta and Eduardo Cibri{\'{a}}n and Juan Llorens}, title = {Towards an Evaluation Model to Quantitively Measure Toolchain Interoperability: A Case Study of Digital Hardware Design (Work in Progress)}, journal = {{SSRN} Electronic Journal}} %JCR Journals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @Article{app132413075, AUTHOR = {Suárez López, Diana and Álvarez-Rodríguez, José María and Molina-Cardenas, Marvin}, TITLE = {{Toward a Model to Evaluate Machine-Processing Quality in Scientific Documentation and Its Impact on Information Retrieval}}, JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {13}, YEAR = {2023}, NUMBER = {24}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {13075}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/24/13075}, ISSN = {2076-3417}, ABSTRACT = {The lack of quality in scientific documents affects how documents can be retrieved depending on a user query. Existing search tools for scientific documentation usually retrieve a vast number of documents, of which only a small fraction proves relevant to the user’s query. However, these documents do not always appear at the top of the retrieval process output. This is mainly due to the substantial volume of continuously generated information, which complicates the search and access not properly considering all metadata and content. Regarding document content, the way in which the author structures it and the way the user formulates the query can lead to linguistic differences, potentially resulting in issues of ambiguity between the vocabulary employed by authors and users. In this context, our research aims to address the challenge of evaluating the machine-processing quality of scientific documentation and measure its influence on the processes of indexing and information retrieval. To achieve this objective, we propose a set of indicators and metrics for the construction of the evaluation model. This set of quality indicators have been grouped into three main areas based on the principles of Open Science: accessibility, content, and reproducibility. In this sense, quality is defined as the value that determines whether a document meets the requirements to be retrieved successfully. To prioritize the different indicators, a hierarchical analysis process (AHP) has been carried out with the participation of three referees, obtaining as a result a set of nine weighted indicators. Furthermore, a method to implement the quality model has been designed to support the automatic evaluation of quality and perform the indexing and retrieval process. The impact of quality in the retrieval process has been validated through a case study comprising 120 scientific documents from the field of the computer science discipline and 25 queries, obtaining as a result 21% high, 39% low, and 40% moderate quality.}, DOI = {10.3390/app132413075} } @Article{app132111999, AUTHOR = {Cibrián, Eduardo and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María and Mendieta, Roy and Llorens, Juan}, TITLE = {{Towards a Method to Enable the Selection of Physical Models within the Systems Engineering Process: A Case Study with Simulink Models}}, JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {13}, YEAR = {2023}, NUMBER = {21}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {11999}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/13/21/11999}, ISSN = {2076-3417}, ABSTRACT = {The use of different techniques and tools is a common practice to cover all stages in the development life-cycle of systems generating a significant number of work products. These artefacts are frequently encoded using diverse formats, and often require access through non-standard protocols and formats. In this context, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) emerges as a methodology to shift the paradigm of Systems Engineering practice from a document-oriented environment to a model-intensive environment. To achieve this major goal, a formalised application of modelling is employed throughout the life-cycle of systems to generate various system artefacts represented as models, such as requirements, logical models, and multi-physics models. However, the mere use of models does not guarantee one of the main challenges in the Systems Engineering discipline, namely, the reuse of system artefacts. Considering the fact that models are becoming the main type of system artefact, it is necessary to provide the capability to properly and efficiently represent and retrieve the generated models. In light of this, traditional information retrieval techniques have been widely studied to match existing software assets according to a set of capabilities or restrictions. However, there is much more at stake than the simple retrieval of models or even any piece of knowledge. An environment for model reuse must provide the proper mechanisms to (1) represent any piece of data, information, or knowledge under a common and shared data model, and (2) provide advanced retrieval mechanisms to elevate the meaning of information resources from text-based descriptions to concept-based ones. This need has led to novel methods using word embeddings and vector-based representations to semantically encode information. Such methods are applied to encode the information of physical models while preserving their underlying semantics. In this study, a text corpus from MATLAB Simulink models was preprocessed using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and trained to generate word vector representations. Then, the presented method was validated using a testbed of MATLAB Simulink physical models in which verbalisations of models are transformed into vectors. The effectiveness of the proposed solution was assessed through a use case study. Evaluation of the results demonstrates a precision value of 0.925, a recall value of 0.865, and an F1 score of 0.884.}, DOI = {10.3390/app132111999} } @article{ALVAREZRODRIGUEZ2023103744, title = {Towards a method to quantitatively measure toolchain interoperability in the engineering lifecycle: a case study of digital hardware design.}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Roy Mendieta and Eduardo Cibrián and Juan Llorens}, year = 2023, journal = {Computer Standards & Interfaces}, pages = 103744, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2023.103744}, issn = {0920-5489}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920548923000259}, keywords = {Software tools, Software reusability, Web Services, Software as a service, Internet} } @article{frontiers2023, doi = {10.3389/feduc.2023.1106679}, url = {https://doi.org/10.3389%2Ffeduc.2023.1106679}, year = 2023, month = {feb}, publisher = {Frontiers Media {SA}}, volume = {8}, author = {Heyul Chavez and Bill Chavez-Arias and Sebastian Contreras-Rosas and Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a Alvarez-Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and Carlos Raymundo}, title = {Artificial neural network model to predict student performance using nonpersonal information}, journal = {Frontiers in Education}} @Article{app112311378, AUTHOR = {Poza, Jesús and Moreno, Valentín and Fraga, Anabel and Álvarez-Rodríguez, José María}, TITLE = {Genetic Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Generate Textual Patterns for Requirements Authoring}, JOURNAL = {Applied Sciences}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2021}, NUMBER = {23}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {11378}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/23/11378}, ISSN = {2076-3417}, ABSTRACT = {The writing of accurate requirements is a critical factor in assuring the success of a project. Text patterns are knowledge artifacts that are used as templates to guide engineers in the requirements authoring process. However, generating a text pattern set for a particular domain is a time-consuming and costly activity that must be carried out by specialists. This research proposes a method of automatically generating text patterns from an initial corpus of high-quality requirements, using genetic algorithms and a separate-and-conquer strategy to create a complete set of patterns. Our results show this method can generate a valid pattern set suitable for requirements authoring, outperforming existing methods by 233%, with requirements ratio values of 2.87 matched per pattern found; as opposed to 1.23 using alternative methods.}, DOI = {10.3390/app112311378} } @article{colomo-palacios_coding_2020, title = {Coding vs presenting: a multicultural study on emotions}, volume = {ahead-of-print}, issn = {0959-3845}, shorttitle = {Coding vs presenting}, url = {https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/ITP-12-2019-0633/full/html}, doi = {10.1108/ITP-12-2019-0633}, language = {en}, number = {ahead-of-print}, urldate = {2020-08-26}, journal = {Information Technology \& People}, author = {{Colomo-Palacios, Ricardo and Casado-Lumbreras, Cristina and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María and Yilmaz, Murat}}, month = aug, year = {2020} } @article{alvarez2020, title = {{Semantic recovery of traceability links between system artifacts (in Press)}}, volume = {30(10)}, issn = {0218-1940}, url = {https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0218194020400197}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218194020400197}, language = {en}, journal = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE)}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Roy Mendieta and Valentín Moreno and Miguel Sánchez-Puebla and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2020}, pages = {1415-1442} } @article{murga2020, title = {{A Sentiment Analysis Software Framework for the support of Business information architecture in the tourist sectors}}, volume = {}, issn = {978-3-662-62307-7}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-662-62308-4_8}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-62308-4_8}, language = {en}, journal = {Large-scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems journal (TLDKS)}, author = {{Javier Murga and Gianpierre Zapata and Heyul Chavez and Carlos Raymundo and Javier Moguerza and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2020}, pages = {} } @article{zapata-2019, title = {{Business Information Architecture for successful project implementation based on Sentiment Analysis in the tourist sector (in Press)}}, volume = {52}, issn = {0925-9902}, url = {https://link.springer.com/journal/10844}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10844-019-00564-x}, language = {en}, journal = {Journal of Intelligent Information Systems}, author = {{Gianpierre Zapata and Javier Murga and Carlos Raymundo and Francisco Dominguez and Javier Martínez and José María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2019}, pages = {1--21} } @article{cervantes-2019, title = {{LINDASearch: A Faceted Search System for Linked Open Datasets}}, volume = {}, issn = {1022-0038}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11276-019-02029-z}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11276-019-02029-z}, language = {en}, journal = {Wireless Networks}, author = {{José Luis Sánchez-Cervantes and Luis Omar Colombo-Mendoza and Giner Alor-Hernández and Jorge Luis García-Alcaráz and José María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Alejandro Rodríguez-González}}, year = {2019}, pages = {1--19} } @article{alor-hernandez_scientific_2018, title = {Scientific {Programming} {Techniques} and {Algorithms} for {Data}-{Intensive} {Engineering} {Environments}}, volume = {2018}, issn = {1058-9244, 1875-919X}, url = {https://www.hindawi.com/journals/sp/2018/1351239/}, doi = {10.1155/2018/1351239}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-11-06}, journal = {Scientific Programming}, author = {Alor-Hernández, Giner and Mejía-Miranda, Jezreel and Álvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María}, month = nov, year = {2018}, pages = {1--3} } @article{alvarez-rodriguez_survey_2018, title = {Survey of {Scientific} {Programming} {Techniques} for the {Management} of {Data}-{Intensive} {Engineering} {Environments}}, volume = {2018}, issn = {1058-9244, 1875-919X}, url = {https://www.hindawi.com/journals/sp/2018/8467413/}, doi = {10.1155/2018/8467413}, language = {en}, urldate = {2018-10-31}, journal = {Scientific Programming}, author = {Álvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María and Alor-Hernández, Giner and Mejía-Miranda, Jezreel}, month = oct, year = {2018}, pages = {1--21} } @article{SRL2018, title = {{Enabling system artefact exchange and selection through a Linked Data layer}}, journal = "J. UCS (JUCS)", year = "2018", volume = "24", number = "11", pages = "1536--1560", date = "2018-11-28", month = "nov", doi = {10.3217/jucs-024-11-1536}, issn = "0948-695x", url = "http://www.jucs.org/jucs_24_11/enabling_system_artefact_exchange", author = {{Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez and Roy Mendieta and Jose Luis de la Vara and Anabel Fraga and Juan Llorens}} } @article{AlorHernandez2018517, title = {{Preface Special Issue on Educational Applications on the Web of Data: New trends and perspectives}}, journal = {{Telematics and Informatics}}, volume = "35", number = "3", pages = "517 - 519", year = "2018", note = "SI: EduWebofData ", issn = "0736-5853", doi = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2018.03.015", url = "https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0736585318303009", author = {{Giner Alor-Hernández and Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez}} } @article{delaVara2017179, title = {{An analysis of safety evidence management with the Structured Assurance Case Metamodel}}, journal = "Computer Standards & Interfaces ", volume = "50", number = "", pages = "179 - 198", year = "2017", note = "", issn = "0920-5489", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2016.10.002", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0920548916301179", author = "Jose Luis de la Vara and Gonzalo Génova and Jose María Álvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens", } @article{ijee2016, title = {{An Agile Framework Definition for creating an engineering Massive Open Online Course from scratch. A case study.}}, journal = "International Journal of Engineering Education", volume = "35", number = "5(B)", pages = "2360–2373", year = "2016", note = "", doi="", url="\url{http://www.ijee.ie/contents/c320516B.html}", issn = "0949149X", author = {{Antonio de Amescua and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and María-Isabel Sanchez-Segura and Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez}} } @article{CSI2015, title = {{Enabling policy making processes by unifying and reconciling corporate names in public procurement data. The CORFU technique.}}, journal = "Computer Standards & Interfaces", volume = "41", number = "1", pages = "28-38", year = "2015", note = "", doi="10.1016/j.csi.2015.02.009", url="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csi.2015.02.009", issn = "0920-5489", author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Michalis Vafopoulos and Juan Llorens}} } @article{Sky2015, title = {{SKYWare: The unavoidable convergence of Software towards Runnable Knowledge}}, journal = "J. UCS (JUCS)", year = "2015", volume = "21", number = "11", pages = "1405--1424", date = "2015-11-01", issn = "0948-695x", author = {{Iaakov Exman and Anabel Fraga and Juan Llorens and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}} } @article{skillRank2015, title = {{Skillrank: Towards a hybrid method to assess quality and confidence of professional skills in social networks}}, journal = "Scientific Programming", volume = "2015", number = "2015", pages = "13", year = "2015", note = "0", issn = "", doi="http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/451476", url="http://www.hindawi.com/journals/sp/aip/451476/", author = {{José María Álvarez-Rodríguez and Ricardo Colomo-Palacios and Vladimir Stantchev}} } @article{editorialComind2014, title = {{Editorial of the Special Issue: New trends on E-Procurement applying Semantic Technologies}}, journal = "Computers in Industry", volume = "65", number = "5", pages = "797-799", year = "2014", note = "", issn = "0166-3615", doi = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compind.2014.04.002", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166361514000803", keywords = "e-Procurement", keywords = "Semantics", keywords = "Interoperability", keywords = "Supply chain", keywords = "Public procurement ", author = "Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos"} @article{DBLP:journals/scp/GayoJR14, author = {Jos{\'{e}} Emilio Labra Gayo and Johan Jeuring and Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a {\'{A}}lvarez Rodr{\'{\i}}guez}, title = {Inductive representations of {RDF} graphs}, journal = {Sci. Comput. Program.}, year = {2014}, volume = {95}, pages = {135--146}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scico.2013.12.011}, doi = {10.1016/j.scico.2013.12.011}, timestamp = {Sun, 12 Oct 2014 22:14:43 +0200}, biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/scp/GayoJR14}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org} } @article{CesarAcota2014, title = {{ACOTA: A Multilingual and semi-automatic collaborative tagging web-based approach}}, journal = "Journal of Web Engineering", volume = "1", number = "2", pages = "160 -- 180", year = "2014", note = "", issn = "1540-9589", author = {{César Luis Alvargonzález and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and José Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos}} } @article{eProcComind2014, title = {{New trends on E-Procurement applying Semantic Technologies: Current Status and Future Challenges}}, journal = "Computers in Industry", volume = "65", number = "5", pages = "800-820", year = "2014", note = "", doi="10.1016/j.compind.2014.04.005", url="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0166361514000803", issn = "0166-3615", author = "Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos"} @article{DBLP:journals/fgcs/KourtesisAP14, author = "Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Dimitrios Kourtesis and Iraklis Paraskakis", title = {Semantic-based QoS management in cloud systems: Current status and future challenges}, journal = {Future Generation Comp. Syst.}, volume = {32}, year = {2014}, pages = {307-323}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2013.10.015}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{DBLP:journals/chb/RodriguezGGP14, author = {Jose Mar\'{\i}a Alvarez-Rodr\'{\i}guez and Jos{\'e} Emilio Labra Gayo and Alejandro Rodr\'{\i}guez Gonz{\'a}lez and Patricia Ord{\'o}{\~n}ez de Pablos}, title = {{Empowering the access to public procurement opportunities by means of linking controlled vocabularies. A case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the European e-Procurement sector}}, journal = {Computers in Human Behavior}, volume = {30}, year = {2014}, pages = {674-688}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2013.07.046}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{ dblp1369696, title = {{Towards a journalist-based news recommendation system: The Wesomender approach}}, author = {Alejandro Montes-García and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Marcos Martínez-Merino}, author_short = {Montes-García, A. and María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J. and Martínez-Merino, M.}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2013}, key = {dblp1369696}, id = {dblp1369696}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/eswa/Montes-GarciaRGM13}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2013.06.032}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl. (ESWA)}, pages = {6735-6741}, number = {17}, volume = {40}, text = {Expert Syst. Appl. (ESWA) 40(17):6735-6741 (2013)} } @article{DBLP:journals/eswa/GonzalezTHJA12, author = {Alejandro Rodr\'{\i}guez Gonz{\'a}lez and Javier Torres Ni{\~n}o and Gandhi Hern{\'a}ndez-Chan and Enrique Jim{\'e}nez-Domingo and Jos{\'e} Mar\'{\i}a {A}lvarez-Rodr\'{\i}guez}, title = {{Using agents to parallelize a medical reasoning system based on ontologies and description logics as an application case}}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl.}, volume = {39}, number = {18}, year = {2012}, pages = {13085-13092}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.05.093}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{ dblp1602320, title = {{Towards a Practical Solution for Data Grounding in a Semantic Web Services Environment}}, author = {Miguel García Rodríguez and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Diego Berrueta Muñoz and Luis Polo Paredes and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos}, author_short = {García Rodríguez, M. and María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Berrueta Muñoz, D. and Polo Paredes, L. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J. and Ordóñez de Pablos, P.}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, key = {dblp1602320}, id = {dblp1602320}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/jucs/RodriguezRMPGP12}, url = {http://www.jucs.org/jucs_18_11/towards_a_practical_solution}, journal = {J. UCS (JUCS)}, pages = {1576-1597}, number = {11}, volume = {18}, doi={10.3217/jucs-018-11-1576}, text = {J. UCS (JUCS) 18(11):1576-1597 (2012)} } @article{DBLP:journals/eswa/Casado-LumbrerasGAP12, author = {Cristina Casado-Lumbreras and Alejandro Rodr\'{\i}guez Gonz{\'a}lez and Jos{\'e} Mar\'{\i}a {A}lvarez-Rodr\'{\i}guez and Ricardo Colomo Palacios}, title = {{PsyDis: Towards a diagnosis support system for psychological disorders}}, journal = {Expert Syst. Appl.}, volume = {39}, number = {13}, year = {2012}, pages = {11391-11403}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2012.04.033}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{ dblp1595411, title = {{Towards a Pan-European E-Procurement Platform to Aggregate, Publish and Search Public Procurement Notices Powered by Linked Open Data: the Moldeas Approach}}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Francisco Adolfo Cifuentes Silva and Giner Alor-Hernández and Cuauhtémoc Sánchez and Jaime Alberto Guzmán Luna}, author_short = {María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J. and Adolfo Cifuentes Silva, F. and Alor-Hernández, G. and Sánchez, C. and Alberto Guzmán Luna, J.}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, key = {dblp1595411}, id = {dblp1595411}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/ijseke/AlvarezLSASL12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S0218194012400086}, journal = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE)}, pages = {365-384}, number = {3}, volume = {22}, text = {International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (IJSEKE) 22(3):365-384 (2012)} } %%JOURNALS @article{vafopoulos_insights_2013, title = {{Insights in Global Public Spending}}, issn = {1556-5068}, url = {http://www.ssrn.com/abstract=2264958}, doi = {10.2139/ssrn.2264958}, urldate = {2013-11-24}, journal = {{SSRN} Electronic Journal}, author = {Vafopoulos, Michalis N. and Rodríguez, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Meimaris, Marios and Xidias, Ioannis and Klonaras, Michailis and Vafeiadis, Giorgos}, year = {2013} } @article{DBLP:journals/ijmso/GonzalezRCP12, author = {Alejandro Rodr\'{\i}guez Gonz{\'a}lez and Jos{\'e} Mar\'{\i}a {A}lvarez-Rodr\'{\i}guez and Cristina Casado-Lumbreras and Ricardo Colomo Palacios}, title = {{Towards an ontology for psychological disorders}}, journal = {IJMSO}, volume = {7}, number = {4}, year = {2012}, pages = {260-268}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJMSO.2012.051489}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @article{ dblp1576018, title = {{A MapReduce Implementation of the Spreading Activation Algorithm for Processing Large Knowledge Bases Based on Semantic Networks}}, author = {Jorge González Lorenzo and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, author_short = {González Lorenzo, J. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J. and María Álvarez Rodríguez, J.}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, key = {dblp1576018}, id = {dblp1576018}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/ijksr/LorenzoGR12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/jksr.2012100105}, journal = {IJKSR}, pages = {47-56}, number = {4}, volume = {3}, text = {IJKSR 3(4):47-56 (2012)} } @article{ dblp1576021, title = {{An Extensible Framework to Sort out Nodes in Graph-Based Structures Powered by the Spreading Activation Technique: The ONTOSPREAD Approach}}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos}, author_short = {María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J. and Ordóñez de Pablos, P.}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2012}, key = {dblp1576021}, id = {dblp1576021}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/journals/ijksr/RodriguezGP12}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/jksr.2012100106}, journal = {IJKSR}, pages = {57-71}, number = {4}, volume = {3}, text = {IJKSR 3(4):57-71 (2012)} } @inproceedings{Alvarez:2011:QEM:2075561.2075618, author = {{A}lvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Mar\'{\i}a and Labra, Jos{\'e} Emilio and Calmeau, Ram\'{o}n and Mar\'{\i}n, \'{A}ngel and Mar\'{\i}n, Jos{\'e} Luis}, title = {{Query Expansion Methods and Performance Evaluation for Reusing Linking Open Data of the European Public Procurement Notices}}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence}, series = {CAEPIA'11}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-3-642-25273-0}, location = {La Laguna, Spain}, pages = {494--503}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2075561.2075618}, acmid = {2075618}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, } @article{ grounding2009, title = {{Declarative Data Grounding Using a Mapping Language}}, author = {Miguel García-Rodríguez and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo}, bibtype = {article}, type = {article}, year = {2009}, url = {http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/cods2009.pdf}, journal = {Communications of SIWN}, pages = {57-71}, number = {4}, volume = {3}, issn={1757-4439} } %Book Chapter @incollection{alor-hernandez_faselod:_2019, address = {Cham}, title = {{FASELOD}: {A} {Faceted} {Search} {Engine} in {Linked} {Open} {Datasets} {Using} {Voice} {Recognition}}, volume = {815}, isbn = {978-3-030-06148-7 978-3-030-06149-4}, shorttitle = {{FASELOD}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-030-06149-4_11}, urldate = {2019-01-20}, booktitle = {Current {Trends} in {Semantic} {Web} {Technologies}: {Theory} and {Practice}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {López-Ochoa, Betia Lizbeth and Sánchez-Cervantes, José Luis and Alor-Hernández, Giner and Paredes-Valverde, Mario Andrés and Alvarez-Rodríguez, José María}, editor = {Alor-Hernández, Giner and Sánchez-Cervantes, José Luis and Rodríguez-González, Alejandro and Valencia-García, Rafael}, year = {2019}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-06149-4_11}, pages = {245--267} } @inbook{bubbles2016-bc, title={{Beyond Interoperability in the Systems Engineering Process for the Industry 4.0 (To be published)}}, url={\url{http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319519043}}, publisher={Springer Verlag on Intelligent Systems Reference Library }, author={Aleksander Lodwich and Jose Mar\'{i}a Alvarez-Rodr\'{i}guez}, booktitle = {Current Trends on Knowledge-Based Systems: Theory and Applications}, year = {2017}, pages = {1-22}, isbn = {1868-4394}, doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-51905-0" } @inbook{webindexlod, title={{Publishing Statistical Data following the Linked Open Data Principles: The Web Index Project}}, url={http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/publishing-statistical-data-following-linked/77207/}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Jose Mar\'{i}a Alvarez-Rodr\'{i}guez and Clement, Jules and Gayo, Jos\'{e} Emilio Labra and Farhan, Hania and Ordoñez De Pablos, Patricia}, booktitle = {Cases on Open-Linked Data and Semantic Web Applications}, year = {2013}, pages = {199--226}, doi = "10.4018/978-1-4666-2827-4.ch011" } @inbook{organizationsLod, title={{Enabling the Matchmaking of Organizations and Public Procurement Notices by Means of Linked Open Data}}, url={http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/enabling-matchmaking-organizations-public-procurement/77202}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos }, booktitle = {Cases on Open-Linked Data and Semantic Web Applications}, year = {2013}, pages = {105--131}, doi = "10.4018/978-1-4666-2827-4.ch006" } @inbook{pscsLod, title={{Enhancing the Access to Public Procurement Notices by Promoting Product Scheme Classifications to the Linked Open Data Initiative}}, url={http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/enhancing-access-public-procurement-notices/77197}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Luis Polo-Paredes, Emilio Rubiera-Azcona, Alejandro Rodríguez-González, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos }, booktitle = {Cases on Open-Linked Data and Semantic Web Applications}, year = {2013}, pages = {1--27}, doi = "10.4018/978-1-4666-2827-4.ch001" } @inbook{euroalertLOD, title={{Euroalert.net: Aggregating Public Procurement Data to Deliver Commercial Services to SMEs}}, url={http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/euroalert-net-aggregating-public-procurement/69590}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Jose Luis Marín, Mai Rodríguez, Ángel Marín, Ramón Calmeau, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Luis Polo-Paredes, Emilio Rubiera-Azcona, Alejandro Rodríguez-González, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos}, booktitle = {E-Procurement Management for Successful Electronic Government Systems}, year = {2013}, pages = {114--130}, doi = "10.4018/978-1-4666-2119-0.ch007" } @inbook{ontologiesLOD, title={{Emergent Ontologies by Collaborative Tagging for Knowledge Management}}, url={http://www.igi-global.com/chapter/emergent-ontologies-collaborative-tagging-knowledge/71848}, publisher={IGI Global}, author={Weena Jimenez , César Luis Alvargonzález, Pablo Abella Vallina, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo}, booktitle = {Advancing Information Management through Semantic Web Concepts and Ontologies}, year = {2013}, pages = {54--69}, doi = "10.4018/978-1-4666-2494-8.ch002" } @article{DBLP:journals/corr/LodwichR16, author = {Aleksander Lodwich and Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a {\'{A}}lvarez Rodr{\'{\i}}guez}, title = {{Bubbles: a data management approach to create an advanced industrial interoperability layer for critical systems development applying reuse techniques}}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1605.07336}, year = {2016}, url = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07336}, timestamp = {Wed, 01 Jun 2016 15:51:08 +0200}, biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/journals/corr/LodwichR16}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org} } %Conferences @inproceedings{Chavez2021, doi = {10.54941/ahfe1001198}, url = {https://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1001198}, year = {2021}, publisher = {{AHFE} International}, author = {Heyul Chavez and Julio Ronceros and Sergio Salas and Gianpierre Zapata and Carlos Raymundo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Miguel Lara and Anthony De-La-Cruz and Wilmer Silva and Carlos Herrera and Nestor Mamani and Jorge Inche}, title = {Design of a low-cost digital spirometer for remote monitoring of {COPD} and {COVID} patients}, booktitle = {Human Systems Engineering and Design ({IHSED}2021) Future Trends and Applications} } @INPROCEEDINGS{modelica2023, author={{Clément Coïc and Mark Williams and Juan Carlos Mendo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Marcus Karel}}, booktitle={{The 15th International Modelica Conference}}, title={{Linking Design Requirements to FMUs to create LOTAR compliant mBSE models}}, doi = {https://www.conftool.com/modelica2023/index.php/Coïc-Linking_Design_Requirements_to_FMUs_to_create_LOTAR_compliant_mBSE_models-168_a.pdf?page=downloadPaper&filename=Coïc-Linking_Design_Requirements_to_FMUs_to_create_LOTAR_compliant_mBSE_models-168_a.pdf&form_id=168&form_version=final}, year={2023}, volume={}, url={https://2023.international.conference.modelica.org}, pages={} } @unpublished{asidic2023, title= {{A Graph-Based Aircraft Object Model for Certification-Driven Multidisciplinary Analysis of Commercial Airplanes}}, author = {{Javier Herrero and Bruno Correia and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2023}, note= {Aerospace Structural Impact Dynamics International Conference (Presentation)}, url={https://asidiconference.org/?page_id=4660} } @unpublished{iveres2023, title= {{Investigación en monitorización en redes sociales}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2023}, note= {Ciencia y Tecnología Ante la Desinformación en Europa. Proyecto Iveres. (Presentation)}, url={https://iveres.es/directo/} } @unpublished{lotar2023, title= {{A method to represent and search physical models within the Systems Engineering process.}}, author = {{Eduardo Cibrián and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2023}, note= {MBSE Workshop for LOTAR and PDES (Presentation)} } @unpublished{sese2022, title= {{Making engineering work products available in the long term through context-based interoperability}}, author = {{Juan Carlos Mendo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2022}, note= {South Systems Engineering Tour (SESE) 2022 (Presentation)} } @INPROCEEDINGS{citis2023, author={Diana Suárez López and Jose María {{Alvarez-Rodríguez}}}, booktitle={{Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology & Systems}}, title={{Recuperación de información en IoT basada en ontologías de dominio}}, doi = {http://www.risti.xyz/issues/ristie57.pdf}, year={2023}, volume={57}, url={http://www.risti.xyz/issues/ristie57.pdf}, pages={231--239} } @INPROCEEDINGS{icps2022, author={Eduardo Cibrián and Roy Mendieta and Juan Llorens and Jose María {{Alvarez-Rodríguez}}}, booktitle={{The 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS)}}, title={{Discovering traces between textual requirements and logical models. A case study in the functional design of hardware (Accepted)}}, doi = {10.1109/ICPS51978.2022.9816910}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={} } @INPROCEEDINGS{noms2022, author={Eduardo Cibrián and Roy Mendieta and Juan Llorens and Jose María {{Alvarez-Rodríguez}}}, booktitle={NOMS 2022 Workshops - MFI4.0}, title={{Towards the reuse of physical models within the development life-cycle: a case study of Simulink models (Accepted)}}, doi = {10.1109/NOMS54207.2022.9789840}, year={2022}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-6} @unpublished{summit2022, title= {{Sustainability Development Goals Radar (Keynote, Sustainability Summit 2022)}}, author = {{Pere Vila and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2022}, url = {https://tech.ebu.ch/events/sustainability2022} note= {Sustainability Summit 2022 (Keynote)} } %2019 Conferences: TBA @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364382, author = {Chancasanampa-Mandujano, Jesenia and Espinoza-Poblete, Karla and Sotelo-Raffo, Juan and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{Inventory Management Model Based on a Stock Control System and a Kraljic Matrix to Reduce Raw Materials Inventory}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364382}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364382}, abstract = {This research project proposes a supply management model in a consumer goods company in Lima, Peru, to improve stock control and avoid raw materials stockouts and overstock. A Kraljic matrix was used to identify products based on their criticality considering material segmentation, warehouse capacity and times, and ABC segmentation to classify products on each quadrant of the matrix. This project also focuses on defining purchasing and supply strategies in each quadrant of the matrix. This model involves the development of three processes that are related to a new purchasing strategy: economic order quantity, lot-for-lot ordering, and just in time. This new system is based on a more accurate inventory because continuous improvement attracts employees' attention and engages them in reducing the number of manual notifications made by operators every month. Moreover, after implementing the new procedure for recording inventories, the inventory record was 87% accurate, whereas, in the past, the inventory was not counted and was performed by employees of other areas.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {33–38}, numpages = {6}, keywords = {Stock management, Inventory management, Supplier, Raw material, Inventory holdings}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364380, author = {Cruces-Flores, Daniella and Valdivia-Capellino, Gustavo and Ramirez-Valdivia, Cesar and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{A Cooperative Logistics Management Model Based on Traceability for Reducing the Logistics Costs of Coffee Storage in Peru's Agro-Export Sector}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364380}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364380}, abstract = {This article describes how using logistics management models in collaboration with a process traceability system improves storage management processes in the coffee supply chain by reducing losses and high storage-related logistics costs, with support from a digital transformation process. For the purposes of this study, data on times and costs incurred as per the corresponding criteria and purchasing power, errors in order specifications, and delivery delays that result in losses were used, as these cause coffee to lose market value within an organization in a cooperative setting (business associations).}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {49–52}, numpages = {4}, keywords = {Cooperative model, Logistics management model, Traceability system}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364381, author = {Conislla-Murquia, Teresa and Saico-Sulla, Anait and Le\'{o}n-Chavarri, Claudia and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{Lean Healthcare Model for Increasing the Availability of Products in Pharmaceutical SMEs}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364381}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364381}, abstract = {Nowadays, retailers in the trade industry are focused on meeting customers' needs, as their priority is to make as many sales per day as possible. Stockouts lead to unattended sales, which mean loss of income. This endangers the place of the MSBs in the industry. This paper aims to prove that proposing a supply management model will reduce the number of lost sales due to stockouts. For this study, we analyzed three key processes (purchasing, storage and distribution), where we identified problems such as incomplete shipments and unfulfilled POs and replacement requests. To prove the viability of our proposal, a pilot was carried out in a pharmacy that has five dispensing premises and a central warehouse, which improved its stock availability from 82% to 89.5%.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {13–17}, numpages = {5}, keywords = {Pharmaceutical MSBs, Supply Management Models, Purchase Policies, Lean Healthcare, Stock Availability}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364377, author = {Chaman-Cortez, Carlos and Palomino-Encarnaci\'{o}n, Adrian and Perez-Paredes, Maribel and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{Precision Farming Model to Increase the Production of Exportable Blueberries by Implementing an Adapting-to-Change Approach and Risk Assessment in Agribusinesses in Peru's Coastal Regions}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364377}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364377}, abstract = {This paper aims to introduce a model that focuses on companies in the agribusiness industry, specifically blueberry producers, so that blueberries with exporting potential, which are profitable products, can predominate. This model encompasses two essential areas: human resources, a key factor in this sector, and the production itself. To this end, several management tools are implemented to address issues related to change resistance and poor activity planning, in addition to technological contribution based on drones, which will allow for a greater assessment of the daily behavior in the cultivated areas and the identification of anomalies in real time. This way, collaborators can promptly react and correct them. All these related tools will help achieve the general objective and encourage the growth of these companies, which majorly contribute to the Peruvian economy.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {251–255}, numpages = {5}, keywords = {Drones, Human resources, Farming, Blueberry, Quality}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364383, author = {Henr\'{\i}quez-Alvarado, Francisco and Luque-Ojeda, Victor and Macassi-Jauregui, Iliana and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{Process Optimization Using Lean Manufacturing to Reduce Downtime: Case Study of A Manufacturing SME in Peru}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364383}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364383}, abstract = {The sector of small industrial companies has a problem with not being able to satisfy total market demand, mainly due to factories not capitalizing on their production capacity. Consequently, a method to solve downtime related problems has been proposed, which consists of applying 5S to reduce dead time stemming from disorder and uncleanliness, while simultaneously applying value stream mapping (VSM) to find the most efficient method to conduct processes. In conclusion, by implementing these tools in this manner, it was proven that businesses in this sector could operate with up to 73% efficiency.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {261–265}, numpages = {5}, keywords = {Process optimization, 5S, SMEs, Lean manufacturing, VSM}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364379, author = {Torres-Blasido, Madeley and Yacha-Sol\'{\i}s, Diana and Sotelo-Raffo, Juan and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}, title = {{Production Management Model under the Knowledge Management Approach to Increase Labor Productivity in the Sewing Area of a Garment Production SME}}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364379}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364379}, abstract = {One of the main problems in SMEs is low human productivity, which may be attributed to the fact that many companies focus more on production and less on their human talent. That is to say, they do not give priority to the practice of knowledge management within their production chain. Therefore, a production management model is required to integrate the key elements for their efficient development. On the basis of this, a production management model was designed for this study and was focused on knowledge management in a garment production SME to achieve favorable results, both in the organization's performance and in workers' labor productivity. To validate the model, this case study was carried out at a clothing production microenterprise located in Gamarra, where low labor productivity was identified as the main problem, and one of the most affected areas was sewing. Labor productivity increased after implementing the model-in other words, each worker went from producing eight garments per hour to 12.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {278–281}, numpages = {4}, keywords = {Management model, garment production, Knowledge management, Production management, labor productivity}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } %2019 TBA @unpublished{lotar2021_4, title= {{Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Linking of requirements and physical models}}, author = {{Juan Carlos Mendo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2021}, note= {MBSE Workshop for LOTAR and PDES Q4 (Presentation)} } @unpublished{coe2021, title= {{Engineering4.0: Engineering Digitalization through task automation}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2021}, note= {COE 2021 MBSE Virtual Workshop (Presentation)}, url={\url{http://www.coe.org/p/cm/ld/fid=1173}} %https://youtu.be/B3pke2ARrt4 } @unpublished{lotar2021_2, title= {{Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE): Linking of requirements and physical models}}, author = {{Juan Carlos Mendo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2021}, note= {MBSE Workshop for LOTAR and PDES (Presentation)} } @unpublished{mexico2021, title= {{Engineering 4.0: addressing the Digitalization of Engineering through semantics}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2021}, note= {IWoSemTech: International Workshop on Semantic Technologies. (Presentation)}, %URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @unpublished{lotar2021, title= {{Sailing the V: engineering digitalization through task automation and reuse}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2021}, note= {MBSE Workshop for LOTAR and PDES (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{https://es.slideshare.net/josem.alvarez/lotarpdes-engineering-digitalization-through-task-automation-and-reuse-in-the-development-lifecycle-249398014}} } @unpublished{sese2021, title= {{Where Systems Engineering meets AI/ML}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2021}, note= {South European Systems Engineering Tour-SESE 2021 (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{https://es.slideshare.net/josem.alvarez/sese-2021-where-systems-engineering-meets-aiml}} } @unpublished{prostep2021, title= {{Sailing the V: engineering digitalization through task automation and reuse}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2021}, note= {ProStep IVIP Simposium 2021 (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{https://www.prostep-ivip-symposium.org/en/program/}} } @unpublished{lotar2020, title= {{Empowering digitalization within engineering processes. Concept, technologies and use cases.}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2020}, note= {MBSE Workshop for LOTAR and PDES (Presentation)}, %URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @unpublished{elra2020, title= {{Semantic technologies applied to the media sector: Case studies of the RTVE}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2020}, note= {1st Training seminar of the IMOLA III project (Keynote)}, %URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @inproceedings{10.1145/3364335.3364378, author = {{Valverde-Curi, Harwi and De-La-Cruz-Angles, Alexis and Cano-Lazarte, Mercedes and Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Maria and Raymundo-Iba\~{n}ez, Carlos}}, title = {Lean Management Model for Waste Reduction in the Production Area of A Food Processing and Preservation SME}, year = {2019}, isbn = {9781450376532}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3364335.3364378}, doi = {10.1145/3364335.3364378}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Industrial and Business Engineering}, pages = {256–260}, numpages = {5}, keywords = {5S, SMED, TPM, Productivity}, location = {Hong Kong, Hong Kong}, series = {ICIBE 2019} } @INPROCEEDINGS{9080370, author={K. {Aquino-Arrieta} and F. {Fernandez-Mejia} and C. {Cespedes-Blanco} and C. {Raymundo-Ibañez} and Jose María {Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, booktitle={2020 9th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM)}, title={Business Architecture Model Adapted to Predictive Analysis for Customer's Increasing of SMEs of Furnitures Industry through Digital Tools}, year={2020}, doi = {10.1109/ICITM48982.2020.9080370}, url = {https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9080370}, volume={}, number={}, pages={176-180}} @INPROCEEDINGS{9080358, author={J. {Castillo-Carmelino} and E. {Castro-Nagatomy} and M. {Perez-Paredes} and C. {Raymundo-Ibañez} Jose María {{Alvarez-Rodríguez}}}, booktitle={2020 9th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM)}, title={Digitization Model for Reducing Costs and Operating Times in Peruvian Banks}, doi = {10.1109/ICITM48982.2020.9080358}, year={2020}, volume={}, number={}, pages={166-170},} @inproceedings{mendieta2020, author={Roy Mendieta and Eduardo Cibrián and Juan Llorens and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Enabling system artifacts reuse through the semantic representation of engineering models: a case study of Simulink models (accepted)}}, booktitle={{The Fourteenth International Conference on Advances in Semantic Processing SEMAPRO 2020}}, year={2020}, pages={30-35}, url={http://www.thinkmind.org/index.php?view=article&articleid=semapro_2020_2_20_30010}, isbn={978-1-61208-813-6} } @inproceedings{dns2020, author={Jose Luis de la Vara and Borja López and Eugenio Parra and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Ontology Configuration Management for Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering in Industry (Accepted)}}, booktitle={{50th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks)-Industrial Track}}, year={2020}, pages={37-40}, url={{}}, doi = {10.1109/DSN-S50200.2020.00022}, isbn={} } @InProceedings{ICTS2020, author={Diana López and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, editor="Rocha, {\'A}lvaro and Ferr{\'a}s, Carlos and Montenegro Marin, Carlos Enrique and Medina Garc{\'i}a, V{\'i}ctor Hugo", title="Quality in Documentation: Key Factor for the Retrieval Process", booktitle="Information Technology and Systems", year="2020", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="67--74", doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-40690-5_7}, abstract="This work aims to identify the latest progress, techniques and/or models implemented to improve the information quality in the information retrieval process, as well as the defined metrics to evaluate the quality of the content; therefore, a review of research work carried out in the last five years is presented, in the analysis carried out it was shown that 44{\%} of the retrieval systems focus on improving the indexation of the documents allowing better accessibility, which leads to optimal growth at the time of extraction, the other 66{\%} points to the quality of the response of the queries; as a result, it was found that the common factors that affect quality when searching, retrieving and representing the information available to the user, among which are user satisfaction, the quality of the classification and the quality of the text itself.", isbn="978-3-030-40690-5" } @inproceedings{ai4se2020, author={Eduardo Cibrián and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Valentín Moreno and Juan de Meer}, title={{Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for commercial analysis in the audiovisual sector: a case study of designing TV schedules (Accepted)}}, booktitle={{INCOSE Artificial Intelligence for Systems Engineering (AI4SE) Workshop}}, year={2019}, pages={}, url={{}}, isbn={} } @inproceedings{wosocer2019, author={Jose Luis de la Vara, Eugenio Parra, Luis Alonso, Roy Mendieta, Borja Lopez and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Integration of Tool Support for Assurance and Certification and for Knowledge-Centric Systems Engineering (Accepted)}}, booktitle={{The 9th IEEE International Workshop on Software Certification, Co-located with the ISSRE 2019 conference}}, year={2019}, pages={}, url={{https://sites.google.com/view/wosocer2019/wosocer2019}}, isbn={} } @inproceedings{isko2019, author={Miguel Ángel Rozalén Soriano, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Isabel, Álvaro Aranda Jiménez, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Generación automática de palabras clave para monitorizar dominios en redes sociales}}, booktitle={{14º Congreso ISKO España (4º ISKO España-Portugal)}}, year={2019}, pages={}, url={{https://fbd.ub.edu/isko2019/sites/isko2019/files/2019-07/ProgramaDefinitu-ISKOweb_3juliol.pdf}}, isbn={} } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/seke/RodriguezML19, author = {Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a {\'{A}}lvarez-Rodr{\'{\i}}guez and Valentin Moreno and Juan Llor{\'{e}}ns}, title = {{Formal ontologies and data shapes within the Software Engineering development lifecycle}}, booktitle = {The 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, {SEKE} 2019, Hotel Tivoli, Lisbon, Portugal, July 10-12, 2019.}, pages = {64--93}, year = {2019}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/seke/2019}, url = {https://doi.org/10.18293/SEKE2019-114}, doi = {10.18293/SEKE2019-114}, timestamp = {Wed, 14 Aug 2019 09:30:44 +0200}, biburl = {https://dblp.org/rec/bib/conf/seke/RodriguezML19}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, https://dblp.org} } @unpublished{Incose20194, title= {{The Future of Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems exists today: the AMASS platform.}}, author = {{Jose Luis de la Vara and Luis Alonso and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2019}, note= {INCOSE International Symposium (Presentation)}, %URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @unpublished{Incose20193, title= {{Boosting Reuse and Quality in the engineering process: revamping Product Lines}}, author = {{Elena Gallego and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2019}, note= {INCOSE International Symposium (Presentation)}, %URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @article{alvarezrodriguez_elevating_2019, title = {Elevating the meaning of data and operations within the development lifecycle through an interoperable toolchain}, volume = {29}, issn = {2334-5837, 2334-5837}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/j.2334-5837.2019.00652.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.2334-5837.2019.00652.x}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2019-10-04}, journal = {INCOSE International Symposium}, author = {Alvarez‐Rodríguez, Jose María and Zuñiga, Roy Mendieta and Llorens, Juan}, month = jul, year = {2019}, pages = {1053--1071} } @article{alvarezrodriguez_challenges_2019, title = {Challenges and opportunities in the integration of the {Systems} {Engineering} process and the {AI}/{ML} model lifecycle}, volume = {29}, issn = {2334-5837, 2334-5837}, url = {https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/j.2334-5837.2019.00621.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.2334-5837.2019.00621.x}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2019-10-04}, journal = {INCOSE International Symposium}, author = {Alvarez‐Rodríguez, Jose María and Zuñiga, Roy Mendieta and Pelayo, Valentín Moreno and Llorens, Juan}, month = jul, year = {2019}, pages = {560--575} } @unpublished{ai4se, title = {Challenges and opportunities in the integration of the {Systems} {Engineering} process and the {AI}/{ML} model lifecycle}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2019}, note= {{INCOSE Artificial Intelligence for Systems Engineering (AI4SE) Workshop (Keynote)}}, URL= {\url{http://www.kr.inf.uc3m.es/ai4se/}}, } @unpublished{rtveoi22018, title= {{Social Media Radar: agencia de noticias basada en redes sociales}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2018}, note= {{IV Jornadas de OI2: "Inteligencia Artificial y Periodismo}}, URL= {\url{http://oi2media.es/}}, } @inproceedings{alvarez-rodriguez_applying_2018, address = {Barcelona, Spain}, title = {Applying spectral clustering techniques to analyze the online communities of {TV} characters and programs: a case study of the {Spanish} public television}, url = {https://sciforum.net/conference/Entropy2018-1}, booktitle = {Entropy 2018: {From} {Physics} to {Information} {Sciences} and {Geometry}}, author = {Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María and Expósito, Antonio Jose}, year = {2018} } @unpublished{oslcfest2018, title= {{OSLC KM (Knowledge Management): elevating the meaning of data and operations within the toolchain}}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Roy Mendieta and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2018}, note= {OSLC Fest 2018 (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{http://oslcfest.org/program/elevating-the-meaning-of-data-and-operation-within-the-toolchain/}}, } @unpublished{trcwordl2017, title= {Connecting Everyting:OSLC Knowledge Management}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Roy Mendieta}}, year = {2017}, note= {2nd TRC World Conference (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{https://www.reusecompany.com/trc-forum}}, } @unpublished{raing2017, title= {Big Data: tecnología al servicio del mundo audiovisual 4.0}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2017}, note= {Retos y oportunidades de la utilización de grandes datos en el sector audiovisual (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{http://www.raing.es/es/actividades/retos-y-oportunidades-de-la-utilizaci-n-de-grandes-datos-en-el-sector-audiovisual}}, } @inproceedings{kmis2017, author={Carlos Raymundo, Gianpierre Zapata, Javier Murga, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Francisco Dominguez}, title={{Predictive Model based on Sentiment Analysis for Peruvian SMEs in the sustainable tourist sector}}, booktitle={9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.}, year={2017}, pages={}, doi={}, isbn={} } @inbook{emoocs-2017, author="Jose Mar{\'i}a Alvarez-Rodr{\'i}guez, Antonio de Amescua, Javier Garc{\'i}a-Guzman, Maribel S{\'a}nchez-Segura", editor="Carlos Delgado Kloos, Patrick Jermann, Mar P{\'e}rez-Sanagust{\'i}n, Daniel T. Seaton, Su White", title={{Measuring the Degree of Innovation in Education Through the Implementation of an Indicator Based on Analyzing MOOC-Related Activities}}, bookTitle={{Digital Education: Out to the World and Back to the Campus: 5th European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit, EMOOCs 2017, Madrid, Spain, May 22-26, 2017, Proceedings}}, year="2017", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="123--133", isbn="978-3-319-59044-8", doi="10.1007/978-3-319-59044-8_14", url="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-59044-8_14" } @conference{icem2017, author={Jose Mar{\'i}a Alvarez-Rodr{\'i}guez, Antonio de Amescua, Javier Garc{\'i}a-Guzman, Maribel S{\'a}nchez-Segura}, title={{Analyzing the demand of e-Skills by means of comparing existing job openings and the catalogue of Massive Open Online Courses }}, booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference for Educational Media: ICEM 2017}, year={2017}, pages={}, doi={}, isbn={} } @conference{cisci2017, author={Rubén Mendoza and Carlos Raymundo and Francisco Domínguez and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Modelo de convergencia para la migración de una base de datos relacional a una base de datos NoSQL}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the Décima Sexta Conferencia Iberoamericana en Sistemas, Cibernética e Informática: CISCI 2017}, year={2017}, pages={138-145}, doi={https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85033219750&origin=inward&txGid=ca024162b513eff092e845b986733137}, isbn={} } @conference{modelsward17, author={Roy Mendieta and Jose Luis de la Vara and Juan Llorens and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title={{Towards Effective SysML Model Reuse}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development - Volume 1: MODELSWARD}, year={2017}, pages={536-541}, doi={}, isbn={978-989-758-210-3} } @unpublished{amass2016-1, title= {OSLC Knolwedge Management (KM)}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Luis de la Vara}}, year = {2016}, note= {AMASS Project, 2nd Plenary Meeting-October (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{http://www.amass-ecsel.eu/content/2nd-amass-general-meeting}}, } @unpublished{amass2016-2, title= {Data Storage Technology for System Artifacts}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez }}, year = {2016}, note= {AMASS Project, 2nd Plenary Meeting-October (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{http://www.amass-ecsel.eu/content/2nd-amass-general-meeting}}, } @unpublished{inn2016, title= {Metodología Lego® Serious Play® para mejorar la Participación y consolidar el Aprendizaje de Conceptos}, author = {{Antonio de Amescua, Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Eduardo Herranz Sánchez, Jose María Alvarez-Rodriguez, Fuensanta Medina-Dominguez and Román López Cortijo}}, year = {2016}, note= {Jornada de Innovación Docente 2016: Resultados y Estrategias. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid}, URL= {\url{http://www.uc3m.es/ss/Satellite/UC3MInstitucional/es/TextoMixta/1371220814336/}}, } @unpublished{cim2016, title= {Data for all and all for Data: Perspectivas y Oportunidades en la Web de Datos}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}}, year = {2016}, note= {7º Coloquio de Investigación Multidisciplinaria-CIM 2016 (Orizaba, México)}, URL= {\url{http://www.cim-tecnm.com/cim-2016}}, } @unpublished{trcwordl2016, title= {OSLC KM: A reality ready to use}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Juan Llorens, Alberto Simón and Roy Mendieta}}, year = {2016}, note= {1st TRC World Conference (Presentation)}, URL= {\url{https://www.reusecompany.com/events/338-the-reuse-company-trc-world}}, } @article {IIS2:IIS2267, author = {{Jose Fuentes, Anabel Fraga, Gonzalo Génova, Eugenio Parra, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, title = {{Applying INCOSE Rules for writing high-quality requirements in Industry}}, journal = {INCOSE International Symposium}, volume = {26}, number = {1}, issn = {2334-5837}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2334-5837.2016.00267.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.2334-5837.2016.00267.x}, pages = {1875--1889}, year = {2016}, } @unpublished{Crystal-2016, title= {Requirements Management: a knowledge-centric approach}, author = {{Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}}, year = {2016}, note= {CRYSTAL Final Dissemination Event in conjunction with 5th European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments}, URL= {\url{http://slides.com/josemariaalvarez/requirements-management-crystal-final-dissemination-event#/}}, } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/kkio/HnatkowskaR16, author = {Bogumila Hnatkowska and Jose Mar{\'{\i}}a {\'{A}}lvarez Rodr{\'{\i}}guez}, title = {{Business Rule Patterns Catalog for Structural Business Rules}}, booktitle = {Software Engineering: Challenges and Solutions - Results of the {XVIII} {KKIO} 2016 Software Engineering Conference 2016 held at September 15-17 2016 in Wroclaw, Poland}, pages = {3--16}, year = {2016}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/kkio/2016}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-43606-7_1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-43606-7_1}, timestamp = {Fri, 04 Nov 2016 10:52:11 +0100}, biburl = {http://dblp.uni-trier.de/rec/bib/conf/kkio/HnatkowskaR16}, bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography, http://dblp.org} } @incollection{fanmuy_requirements_2017, address = {Cham}, title = {Requirements {Quality} {Analysis}: {A} {Successful} {Case} {Study} in the {Industry}}, isbn = {978-3-319-49102-8 978-3-319-49103-5}, shorttitle = {Requirements {Quality} {Analysis}}, url = {http://link.springer.com/10.1007/978-3-319-49103-5_14}, language = {en}, urldate = {2017-02-27}, booktitle = {Complex {Systems} {Design} \& {Management}}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, author = {Gallego, Elena and Chalé-Góngora, Hugo-Guillermo and Llorens, Juan and Fuentes, José and Álvarez-Rodríguez, Jose María and Génova, Gonzalo and Fraga, Anabel}, editor = {Fanmuy, Gauthier and Goubault, Eric and Krob, Daniel and Stephan, François}, year = {2017}, note = {DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-49103-5\_14}, pages = {187--201} } @inproceedings{modelica2015-1, author = {Elena Gallego, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}, title = {{Reuse of Physical System Models by means of Semantic Knowledge Representation: A Case Study applied to Modelica}}, year = 2015, conference = {11th International Modelica Conference 2015}, doi={}, volume={1}, pages={}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Modelica Conference 2015 (Accepted)} } @incollection{csdm2015-1, year={2016}, isbn={978-3-319-26107-2}, booktitle={Complex Systems Design and Management}, editor={Auvray, Gérard and Bocquet, Jean-Claude and Bonjour, Eric and Krob, Daniel}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-26109-6_21}, title={{Analysis of the INCOSE Rules for Writing Good Requirement in Industry: A Tool Based Study}}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-26109-6_21}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Fuentes, JoséM. and Fraga, Anabel and Génova, Gonzalo and Álvarez, Jose and Llorens, Juan}, pages={283-283}, language={English} } @article {IIS2:IIS246, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Manuela Alejandres, Juan Llorens and Jose Fuentes}, title = {{OSLC-KM: A knowledge management specification for OSLC-based resources}}, journal = {INCOSE International Symposium}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, issn = {2334-5837}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2334-5837.2015.00046.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.2334-5837.2015.00046.x}, pages = {16--34}, year = {2015}, } @article{incose2015-1, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Manuela Alejandres, Juan Llorens and Jose Fuentes}, title = {{Semantic-based representation, enrichment and computation of product breakdown structures}}, journal = {INCOSE International Symposium}, volume = {25}, number = {1}, issn = {2334-5837}, url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/j.2334-5837.2015.00047.x}, doi = {10.1002/j.2334-5837.2015.00047.x}, pages = {35--53}, year = {2015} } @inproceedings{wise2014, author = {Tomasz Kajdanowicz, Przemysław Kazienko, Adrian Popiel, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{Layer reduction and decision fusion in relational classification for multi-layer social networks}}, year = 2014, conference = {WISE 2014 - The 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering, IWCSN 2014 - International Workshop on Computational Social Networks}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information System Engineering} } @inproceedings{incose53, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Manuela Alejandres, Juan Llorens and Jose Fuentes}, title = {{Why avoiding how when defining what? Towards an OSLC-based approach to support Model-Driven Requirements Engineering}}, year = 2014, conference = {24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium}, doi={10.1002/j.2334-5837.2014.tb03194.x}, volume={24}, pages={27-40}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium (Accepted)} } @inproceedings{incose75, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Manuela Alejandres, Juan Llorens and Jose Fuentes}, title = {{Towards a semantic-based representation and computation of quantitative indexes for quality management of requirements}}, year = 2014, conference = {24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium}, doi={10.1002/j.2334-5837.2014.tb03132.x}, volume={24}, pages={27-40}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th Annual INCOSE International Symposium (Accepted)} } @inproceedings{interop2013-2, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Juan Miguel Gómez-Berbís, Anabel Fraga, Valentín Moreno, Manuela Alejandres and Juan Llorens}, title = {{On the applicability of a formal query language to OSLC specifications. Implementing OSLQ query capabilities through a SPARQL interface}}, publisher = "Presented at the 2nd European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments, Stockholm, Sweeden", url={http://www.ices.kth.se/upload/events/13/2ebdaf1d23994eeabb2c9db51f5b927b.pdf}, year = 2013 } @incollection{mtsr2013-31, year={2013}, isbn={978-3-319-03436-2}, booktitle={Metadata and Semantics Research}, volume={390}, series={Communications in Computer and Information Science}, editor={Garoufallou, Emmanouel and Greenberg, Jane}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_31}, title={{Towards a Stepwise Method for Unifying and Reconciling Corporate Names in Public Contracts Metadata: The CORFU Technique}}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_31}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Alvarez-Rodríguez, JoseMaría and Ordoñez de Pablos, Patricia and Vafopoulos, Michail and Labra-Gayo, JoséEmilio}, pages={315-329} } @incollection{mtsr2013-19, year={2013}, isbn={978-3-319-03436-2}, booktitle={Metadata and Semantics Research}, volume={390}, series={Communications in Computer and Information Science}, editor={Garoufallou, Emmanouel and Greenberg, Jane}, doi={10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_19}, title={{Leveraging Semantics to Represent and Compute Quantitative Indexes: The RDFIndex Approach}}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03437-9_19}, publisher={Springer International Publishing}, author={Alvarez-Rodríguez, JoseMaría and Labra-Gayo, JoséEmilio and Ordoñez de Pablos, Patricia}, pages={175-187} } @inproceedings{ wsks2012, title = {{Enhancing the Access to Large Data Sets by means of Linking Controlled Vocabularies. A case study of Product Scheme Classifications in the e-Procurement sector}}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and José Emilio Labra-Gayo and Alejandro Rodríguez-González and Patricia Ordoñez De Pablos}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2012}, conference = {WSKS 2012}, booktitle = {Proceedings of WSKS 2012} } @incollection{wsks2011-1, year={2013}, isbn={978-3-642-35878-4}, booktitle={Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research}, volume={278}, series={Communications in Computer and Information Science}, editor={Lytras, MiltiadisD. and Ruan, Da and Tennyson, RobertD. and Ordonez De Pablos, Patricia and García Peñalvo, FranciscoJosé and Rusu, Lazar}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-35879-1_76}, title={{Applying MapReduce to Spreading Activation Algorithm on Large RDF Graphs}}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35879-1_76}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={Spreading Activation; MapReduce; Semantic Web; RDF}, author={Jorge González Lorenzo and José Emilio Labra Gayo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, pages={601-611} } @incollection{wsks2011-2, year={2013}, isbn={978-3-642-35878-4}, booktitle={Information Systems, E-learning, and Knowledge Management Research}, volume={278}, series={Communications in Computer and Information Science}, editor={Lytras, Miltiadis D. and Ruan, Da and Tennyson, Robert D. and Ordonez De Pablos, Patricia and García Peñalvo, Francisco José and Rusu, Lazar}, doi={10.1007/978-3-642-35879-1_55}, title={{ONTOSPREAD: A Framework for Supporting the Activation of Concepts in Graph-Based Structures through the Spreading Activation Technique}}, url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-35879-1_55}, publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg}, keywords={recommending and tagging systems; information and document retrieval; decision-support systems; algorithms; api; K.4; K.4.1; D.2; D.2.2}, author={Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Patricia Ordoñez de Pablos}, pages={454-459} } @inproceedings{metteg2011, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo, Ángel Marín, Ramón Calmeau, Jose Luis Marín}, title = {{Innovative Services to ease the Access to the Public Procurement Notices using Linking Open Data and Advanced Methods based on Semantics}}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Methodologies \& Tools enabling e Government}, volume ={1}, pages={267-282}, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{ cods2009, title = {{Declarative Data Grounding Using a Mapping Language}}, author = {Miguel García-Rodríguez and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Diego Berrueta and Luis Polo}, year={2009}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 3rd Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2009)}, url={http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/cods2009.pdf} } %Workshops @inproceedings{mtsr-2014, author = {Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Hania Farhan, Juan Castro Fernández and Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez}, title = {{Representing statistical indexes as linked data including metadata about their computation process}}, publisher = "8th Metadata and Semantics Research Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany", url={http://mtsr-conf.org/}, year = 2014 } @inproceedings{inbast-2014, author = {Ricardo Colomo Palacios and Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez}, title = {{Semantic representation and computation of cloud-based Customer Relationship Management solutions}}, publisher = "Accepted in the Third Workshop on Industrial and Business Applications of Semantic Technologies and Knowledge-based information systems (INBAST 2014)", url={http://www.onthemove-conferences.org/index.php/inbast-14}, year = 2014 } @inproceedings{semstats-2014, author = {Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Hania Farhan, Juan Castro Fernández and Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez}, title = {{Representing verifiable statistical index computations as linked data}}, publisher = "Accepted in SemStats 2014-2nd International Workshop on Semantic Statistics in conjunction with ISWC 2014", url={http://semstats2014.wordpress.com/}, year = 2014 } @inproceedings{ldq-2014, author = {Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Eric Prud'Hommeaux, Harold Solbrig and Jose María Alvarez Rodríguez}, title = {{Validating and Describing Linked Data Portals using RDF Shape Expressions}}, publisher = "1st Workshop on Linked Data Quality (LDQ2014) in conjunction with i-Semantics 2014, Leipgzig, Germany", url={http://ldq.semanticmultimedia.org/programme}, year = 2014 } @INPROCEEDINGS{enic-2014, author={Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Ricardo Colomo-Palacios}, booktitle={Network Intelligence Conference (ENIC), 2014 European}, title={Assessing Professional Skills in a Multi-scale Environment by Means of Graph-Based Algorithms}, year={2014}, month={Sept}, pages={106-113}, organization={IEEE}, doi={10.1109/ENIC.2014.12}} @inproceedings{sese-2014, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Juan Llorens}, title = {{Connecting everything: A need in Systems Engineering and a close future using OSLC}}, publisher = "Talk in The South European Systems Engineering Tour 2014 co-located with The Swiss Society of Systems Engineering Day, Zurich, Switzerland", url={http://sese.aeis-incose.org/}, note={http://incose.ch/sites/default/files/page_images/SWISSED%20Programme%20Flyer%20Draft%2025%20June%202014.pdf}, year = 2014 } @inproceedings{interop2013-2, author = {Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{Validating statistical index data represented in RDF using SPARQL queries}}, publisher = "Presented at the RDF Validation Workshop, Practical Assurances for Quality RDF Data, Cambridge, MA, USA", url={https://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/images/d/d4/ValidatingStatisticalIndexData.pdf}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{okcon2013, author = {Michalis Vafopoulos, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Marios Meimaris, Ionnis Xidias, Michalis Klonaras, Giogos Vafeiadis}, title = {{Publicspending.net: it's time to follow the trillions}}, publisher = "Presented at the Open Knowledge Conference (OKCon), special track Open Finances and OpenSpeding, Geneva, Switzerland", url={http://okcon.org/schedule/}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{dsc2013-1, author = {César Luis-Alvargonzález, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo}, title = {{Towards a multilingual – domainless automatic collaborative tagging technique for assisting corporate know-how management}}, publisher = "The 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference. 2013", year = 2013 } @inproceedings{dsc2013-2, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{A natural language and semantic-based technique to unify corporate names in the e-Procurement sector. The CORFU approach}}, publisher = "The 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference. 2013", year = 2013 } @inproceedings{dsc2013-3, author = {Alejandro Montes-García, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo}, title = {{Towards an Adaptive and Hybrid News Recommendation System for Journalists: The Wesomender Approach}}, publisher = "The 8th South East European Doctoral Student Conference. 2013", year = 2013 } @inproceedings{samos2013, author = {Michalis Vafopoulos, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez, Marios Meimaris, Ionnis Xidias, Michalis Klonaras, Giogos Vafeiadis}, title = {{Publicspending.net: it's time to follow the trillions}}, publisher = "Presented at Samos 2013 Summit on Digital Innovation for Government, Business and Society, Samos, Greece", url={http://samos-summit.blogspot.gr/2013/04/normal-0-false-false-false-el-x-none-x.html}, year = 2013 } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/gkr/Labra13, author = {Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Johan Heuring and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{Inductive Triple Graphs: A purely functional approach to represent RDF}}, booktitle = {LNAI Series of the Third IJCAI International Workshop On Graph Structures for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}, year = {2013}, pages = {--}, url = {http://www.lirmm.fr/~croitoru/GKR/GKR2013-workingNotes.pdf} } @inproceedings{DBLP:conf/gkr/GayoJR13, author = {Jos{\'e} Emilio Labra Gayo and Johan Jeuring and Jose Mar\'{\i}a {\'A}lvarez Rodr\'{\i}guez}, title = {Inductive Triple Graphs: A Purely Functional Approach to Represent RDF}, booktitle = {GKR}, year = {2013}, pages = {92-110}, ee = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-04534-4_7}, crossref = {DBLP:conf/gkr/2013}, bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de} } @inproceedings{ dblp1377168, title = {{Insights in global public spending}}, author = {Michalis Vafopoulos and Marios Meimaris and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Ioannis Xidias and Michael Klonaras and Giorgos Vafeiadis}, author_short = {Vafopoulos, M. and Meimaris, M. and María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Xidias, I. and Klonaras, M. and Vafeiadis, G.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2013}, key = {dblp1377168}, id = {dblp1377168}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/conf/i-semantics/VafopoulosMRXKV13}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2506182.2506201}, conference = {I-SEMANTICS}, pages = {135-139}, text = {I-SEMANTICS 2013:135-139}, booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS)} } @inproceedings{ dblp1675777, title = {{Application of the spreading activation technique for recommending concepts of well-known ontologies in medical systems}}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Luis Polo and Weena Jimenez and Pablo Abella and José Emilio Labra Gayo}, author_short = {María Álvarez Rodríguez, J. and Polo, L. and Jimenez, W. and Abella, P. and Emilio Labra Gayo, J.}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2011}, key = {dblp1675777}, id = {dblp1675777}, biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/conf/bcb/RodriguezPJAG11}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2147805.2147913}, conference = {BCB}, pages = {626-635}, text = {BCB 2011:626-635}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Biomedicine (BCB)} } @inproceedings{icwe2009pravia, title = {{Integration and Interoperability on Service Oriented Architectures using Semantics}}, author = {Jose Maria Alvarez-Rodríguez and Antonio Campos}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2009}, url = {http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-484/paper14.pdf}, conference = {ICWE}, pages = {145-160}, volume = "484", issn="163-0073", booktitle = {Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium of the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) in conjunction with ICWE'2009, San Sebastian, Spain, June 22, 2009.} } @inproceedings{siedl2008, title = {{Promoting Government Controlled Vocabularies for the Semantic Web: the EUROVOC Thesaurus and the CPV Product Classification System}}, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Emilio Rubiera-Azcona and Luis Polo-Paredes}, bibtype = {inproceedings}, type = {inproceedings}, year = {2008}, url = {http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/siedl2008.pdf}, conference = {ESWC}, pages = {111-122}, volume = "1", booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Workshop, SIEDL 2008 co-located with the 5th European Semantic Web Conference, 5-6 of June, 2008, Tenerife, Spain} } @inproceedings{caepia2011, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Ramón Calmeau and Ángel Marín and Jose Luis Marían}, title = {{Query Expansion Methods and Performance Evaluation for Reusing Linking Open Data of the European Public Procurement Notices}}, publisher = "Presented at Linked Data Technologies, CAEPIA, November 2011, Tenerife, Spain", url={http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/caepia2011.pdf}, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{caepia2011-1, author = {Francisco Cifuentes-Silva, Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Ramón Calmeau and Ángel Marín and Jose Luis Marían}, title = {{An architecture and process of implantation for Linked Data environments}}, publisher = "Presented at Linked Data Technologies, CAEPIA, November 2011, Tenerife, Spain", url={http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/caepia2011_50.pdf}, year = 2011 } @inproceedings{caepia2007-1, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez and Emilio Rubiera-Azcona and Luis Polo-Paredes}, title = {{Generación automática de ontologías en SKOS de clasificaciones estándar de productos: Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV)}}, publisher = "Presented at Semantic Web Technologies, CAEPIA, September 2007, Zaragoza, Spain", url={http://www.josemalvarez.es/web/mypapers/cedi2007.pdf}, year = 2007 } @inproceedings{swlibre2006, author = {Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, title = {{Desarrollo Ágil en J2EE con herramientas OpenSource}}, publisher = "Presented at VI Jornadas de Software Libre en Asturias. Asturlinux. EUITIO, Oviedo (Spain). 2006", year = 2006 } @TECHREPORT{UU-CS-2013-009, AUTHOR = {Jose Emilio Labra-Gayo and Johan T. Heuring and Jose María Alvarez-Rodríguez}, TITLE = {{Inductive Triple Graphs: A purely functional approach to represent RDF}}, NUMBER = {UU-CS-2013-009}, INSTITUTION = {Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University}, MONTH = {February}, YEAR = {2013}, URL = {http://www.cs.uu.nl/research/techreps/UU-CS-2013-009.html} }