var Saba; (function (Saba) { Saba.applyMyMethods = function (myClass, presetClass, applyConstructor) { for (var p in myClass.prototype) { if (myClass.prototype.hasOwnProperty(p)) { if (p === 'constructor' && !applyConstructor) { continue; } Object.defineProperty(presetClass.prototype, p, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(myClass.prototype, p)); } } }; Saba.toIntArray = function (list) { var ret = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { ret[i] = parseInt(list[i]); } return ret; }; })(Saba || (Saba = {})); var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; function __() { this.constructor = d; } d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __()); }; //============================================================================= // Saba_Tachie.js //============================================================================= /*:ja * @author Sabakan * @plugindesc 立ち絵を簡単に表示するプラグインです。別途画像が必要です * * * @param leftPosX * @desc 左側に立つ場合のx座標です * @default 0 * * @param rightPosX * @desc 右側に立つ場合のx座標です * @default 400 * * @param posY * @desc 全員のy座標です * @default 0 * * @param actor1offset * @desc アクター1のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor2offset * @desc アクター2のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor3offset * @desc アクター3のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor4offset * @desc アクター4のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor5offset * @desc アクター5のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor6offset * @desc アクター6のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor7offset * @desc アクター7のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor8offset * @desc アクター8のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor9offset * @desc アクター9のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param actor10offset * @desc アクター10のキャラのx座標,y座標の補正値です * @default 0, 0 * * @param balloonEnabled * @desc ウィンドウに吹き出しをつける場合、trueにします。 * @default true * * @param windowColor * @desc 各キャラのウィンドウカラーの配列です(0だとデフォルト色) * @default 3, 0, 1, 2, 1 * * @param enableFaceLayer * @desc actor01_face_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param enableBodyLayer * @desc actor01_body_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param enableHairLayer * @desc actor01_hair_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param enableOuterBackLayer * @desc actor01_out_b_back_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param enableOuterMainLayer * @desc actor01_out_b_main_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param enableOuterFrontLayer * @desc actor01_out_b_front_1.png などのレイヤーを使う場合 trueにします * @default true * * @param useTextureAtlas * @desc バラバラの画像でなく、一枚のアトラス画像を使うか? TexturePackerを使い、actor01.png actor01.json などが必要です * @default false * * @param skipKey * @desc メッセージスキップに使うボタンです * @default control * * @param windowHideKey * @desc ウィンドウ消去に使うボタンです * @default shift * * @param inactiveActorTone * @desc 喋っていない方のキャラの Tone です * @default -80, -80, -80, 0 * * @param toneChangeDuration * @desc 喋っていない方のキャラの Tone を変える時の時間です * @default 25 * * * @param nameLeft * @desc 名前の表示ウィンドウの左の領域です * @default 30 * * @param fontSize * @desc メッセージウィンドウのフォントサイズです * @default 28 * * @param windowMargin * @desc メッセージウィンドウの表示位置の空きです。上、右、下、左の順です * @default 0, 0, 0, 0 * * @param windowPadding * @desc メッセージウィンドウの文字と枠の空きです。上、右、下、左の順です * @default 0, 0, 0, 0 * * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window1 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window2 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window3 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window4 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window5 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Window6 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon1 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon2 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon3 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon4 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon5 * @requiredAssets img/system/Tachie_Balloon6 * @requiredAssets img/tachie/actor01_01 * @requiredAssets img/tachie/* * * @help * Ver 2016-04-04 23:24:36 * * 左側に立つキャラは、pictureId 11 のピクチャで表示しているので、 * イベントコマンドで pictureId 11 を対象とすることで操作できます。 * * 同様に、右側に立つキャラは、pictureId 12 * * ■画像の設定方法 * img/tachie フォルダを使います。 * ここに、全キャラ分の立ち絵画像を入れてください。 * ※「未使用ファイルを含まない」には非対応なので、 *  手動でコピーしてください。 * * 以下、アクター1の場合の例です。 * * actor01_<<表情ID>>.png *  →表情 * actor01_body_<<ポーズID>>.png *  →体 * actor01_face_<<ポーズID>>.png *  →後ろ髪 * actor01_hair_<<ポーズID>>.png *  →頭 * actor01_hoppe.png *  →ほっぺ * actor01_in_<<衣装ID>>_bottom.png *  →パンツ * actor01_in_<<衣装ID>>_top.png *  →ブラ * actor01_out_<<衣装ID>>_front_<<ポーズID>>.png * actor01_out_<<衣装ID>>_main_<<ポーズID>>.png * actor01_out_<<衣装ID>>_back_<<ポーズID>>.png *  →上着 * * 必要ない場合でも、画像をよみに行ってエラーになる場合があります。 * その場合、透明な画像を入れておいてください。 * * * * プラグインコマンド * Tachie showLeft actorId x y opacity # 立ち絵を左側に表示する * Tachie showRight actorId x y opacity # 立ち絵を右側に表示する * Tachie hideLeft # 左側の立ち絵を非表示にする * Tachie hideRight # 右側の立ち絵を非表示にする * Tachie face actorId faceId # アクターの表情を変更する * Tachie pose actorId poseId # アクターのポーズを変更する * Tachie hoppe actorId hoppeId # アクターのほっぺを変更する * Tachie outer actorId cosId # アクターのアウターを変更する * Tachie innerTop actorId cosId # アクターのブラを変更する * Tachie innerBottom actorId cosId # アクターのパンツを変更する * Tachie preload actorId # アクターの現在のコスを事前に読み込んでおく * Tachie preloadFaces actorId 1 2 3... # アクターの表情を事前に読み込んでおく * Tachie notClose on # ウィンドウを閉じないようにする * Tachie notClose off # ↑を解除する * Tachie showName hoge # 名前欄に hoge を表示する * Tachie hideName # 名前欄を非表示にする * Tachie clear # 立ち絵を全て非表示にする * Tachie hideBalloon # 一時的に吹き出しを非表示にする * Tachie deactivateAll # すべてのキャラを暗くします * * */ var Saba; (function (Saba) { var Tachie; (function (Tachie) { var parameters = PluginManager.parameters('Saba_Tachie'); var leftPosX = parseInt(parameters['leftPosX']); var rightPosX = parseInt(parameters['rightPosX']); var posY = parseInt(parameters['posY']); var nameLeft = parseInt(parameters['nameLeft']); var fontSize = parseInt(parameters['fontSize']); var windowMarginParam = parameters['windowMargin'].split(','); var windowMargin = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < windowMarginParam.length; i++) { windowMargin[i] = parseInt(windowMarginParam[i]); if (isNaN(windowMargin[i])) { windowMargin[i] = 0; } } var windowPaddingParam = parameters['windowPadding'].split(','); var windowPadding = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < windowPaddingParam.length; i++) { windowPadding[i] = parseInt(windowPaddingParam[i]); if (isNaN(windowPadding[i])) { windowPadding[i] = 0; } } var inactiveActorToneStr = parameters['inactiveActorTone'].split(','); var inactiveActorTone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (var i = 0; i < inactiveActorToneStr.length; i++) { inactiveActorTone[i] = parseInt(inactiveActorToneStr[i]); if (isNaN(inactiveActorTone[i])) { inactiveActorTone[i] = 0; } } var toneChangeDuration = parseInt(parameters['toneChangeDuration']); Tachie.windowColors = {}; Tachie.offsetX = {}; Tachie.offsetY = {}; for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { var offset1 = String(parameters['actor' + i + 'offset']).split(','); Tachie.offsetX[i] = parseInt(offset1[0] || '0'); Tachie.offsetY[i] = parseInt(offset1[1] || '0'); if (isNaN(Tachie.offsetX[i])) { Tachie.offsetX[i] = 0; } if (isNaN(Tachie.offsetY[i])) { Tachie.offsetY[i] = 0; } } for (var i = 0; i < 99; i++) { Tachie.windowColors[i + 1] = 0; } var colors = String(parameters['windowColor']).split(','); for (var i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { var color = parseInt(colors[i]); if (!isNaN(color)) { Tachie.windowColors[i + 1] = color; } } var balloonEnabled = parameters['balloonEnabled'] === 'true'; var enableFaceLayer = parameters['enableFaceLayer'] === 'true'; var enableBodyLayer = parameters['enableBodyLayer'] === 'true'; var enableHairLayer = parameters['enableHairLayer'] === 'true'; var enableOuterBackLayer = parameters['enableOuterBackLayer'] === 'true'; var enableOuterMainLayer = parameters['enableOuterMainLayer'] === 'true'; var enableOuterFrontLayer = parameters['enableOuterFrontLayer'] === 'true'; var useTextureAtlas = parameters['useTextureAtlas'] === 'true'; Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1 = 11; Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2 = 12; var ACTOR_PREFIX = '___actor'; Tachie.LEFT_POS = 1; Tachie.RIGHT_POS = 2; Tachie.MESSAGE_SKIP_KEY = parameters['skipKey']; Tachie.WINDOW_HIDE_KEY = parameters['windowHideKey']; // ステートのメモ欄で、立ち絵のポーズを指定する時のキーです。 var TACHIE_POSE_META_KEY = 'tachiePoseId'; // ステートのメモ欄で、立ち絵の表情を指定する時のキーです。 var TACHIE_FACE_META_KEY = 'tachieFaceId'; var _Game_Interpreter_pluginCommand = Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand; var _Game_Picture_initTarget = Game_Picture.prototype.initTarget; var _Sprite_Picture_updateBitmap = Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateBitmap; var _Sprite_Picture_loadBitmap = Sprite_Picture.prototype.loadBitmap; var _Game_Actor_initMembers = Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers; var _Game_Actor_addNewState = Game_Actor.prototype.addNewState; var _Game_Actor_clearStates = Game_Actor.prototype.clearStates; var _Game_Actor_eraseState = Game_Actor.prototype.eraseState; var DataManager_extractSaveContents = DataManager.extractSaveContents; DataManager.extractSaveContents = function (contents) {, contents); for (var _i = 0, _a = $gameParty.members(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var actor = _a[_i]; actor.setCacheChanged(); } }; var _Game_Interpreter = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Interpreter, _super); function _Game_Interpreter() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Game_Interpreter.prototype.pluginCommand = function (command, args) {, command, args); if (command !== 'Tachie' && command !== '立ち絵') { return; } switch (args[0]) { case 'notClose': $gameTemp.tachieAvairable = args[1] === 'on'; break; case 'showName': $gameTemp.tachieName = args[1]; break; case 'hideName': $gameTemp.tachieName = null; break; case 'hideBalloon': $gameTemp.hideBalloon = true; break; case 'preloadPicture': ImageManager.loadPicture(args[1]); break; case 'clearWindowColor': $gameTemp.tachieActorId = 0; break; case 'windowColor': $gameTemp.tachieActorId = parseInt(args[1]); break; case 'inactiveAll': // 後方互換用 case 'deactivateAll': { var picture1 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); var picture2 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); if (picture1 && != '') { var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, inactiveActorTone, toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } if (picture2 && != '') { var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2, inactiveActorTone, toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } break; } case 'hideLeft': { var picture1 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); var commands = []; if (picture1 && picture1.opacity() > 0) { var c_1 = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, 0, 0, 0, picture1.x(), picture1.y(), 100, 100, 0, 0, 30, true] }; commands.push(c_1); } var c_2 = { 'code': 235, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1] }; commands.push(c_2); for (var _i = 0, commands_1 = commands; _i < commands_1.length; _i++) { var c_3 = commands_1[_i]; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c_3); } break; } case 'hideRight': { var picture2 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); var commands = []; if (picture2 && picture2.opacity() > 0) { var c_4 = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, 0, 0, 0, picture2.x(), picture2.y(), 100, 100, 0, 0, 30, true] }; commands.push(c_4); } var c_5 = { 'code': 235, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2] }; commands.push(c_5); for (var _a = 0, commands_2 = commands; _a < commands_2.length; _a++) { var c_6 = commands_2[_a]; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c_6); } break; } case 'hide': { var picture1 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); var picture2 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); var commands = []; if (picture1 && picture1.opacity() > 0) { var c_7 = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, 0, 0, 0, picture1.x(), picture1.y(), 100, 100, 0, 0, 30, false] }; commands.push(c_7); } if (picture2 && picture2.opacity() > 0) { var c_8 = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2, 0, 0, 0, picture2.x(), picture2.y(), 100, 100, 0, 0, 20, false] }; commands.push(c_8); } if (commands.length > 0) { commands[0]['parameters'][11] = true; } for (var _b = 0, commands_3 = commands; _b < commands_3.length; _b++) { var c_9 = commands_3[_b]; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c_9); } var c2 = { 'code': 356, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': ["Tachie clear"] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1 + commands.length, 0, c2); } break; case 'clear': { var picture1 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); var picture2 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); if (picture1) { picture1.erase(); } if (picture2) { picture2.erase(); } } break; case 'showLeft': case 'showRight': $gameTemp.hideBalloon = false; ImageManager.isReady(); if (!args[1]) { console.error("\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u30B3\u30DE\u30F3\u30C9" + command + "\u306E" + args[0] + "\u306E\u5F15\u6570\u304C\u8DB3\u308A\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3002actorId \u304C\u5FC5\u8981\u3067\u3059"); return; } var actorId = parseInt(args[1]); var x = parseInt(args[2] || '0'); var y = parseInt(args[3] || '0'); var opacity = parseInt(args[4] || '255'); this.tachiePictureCommnad(args[0], actorId, x, y, opacity); break; case 'face': case 'pose': case 'hoppe': case 'outer': case 'innerTop': case 'innerBottom': { if (!args[1]) { console.error("\u30D7\u30E9\u30B0\u30A4\u30F3\u30B3\u30DE\u30F3\u30C9" + command + "\u306E" + args[0] + "\u306E\u5F15\u6570\u304C\u8DB3\u308A\u307E\u305B\u3093\u3002actorId \u304C\u5FC5\u8981\u3067\u3059"); return; } var actor = $[1])); if (!actor) { throw new Error('立ち絵コマンド: ' + args[0] + ' の' + args[1] + 'のアクターが存在しません'); } if (args[2] == null) { throw new Error('立ち絵コマンド: ' + args[0] + ' の第二引数が存在しません'); } this.tachieActorCommnad(actor, args[0], args[2], args); } break; case 'preload': { var actor = $[1])); actor.preloadTachie(); } break; case 'preloadFaces': { var actor = $[1])); args.splice(0, 2); actor.preloadFaces(args); } break; default: console.error(args[0]); } }; _Game_Interpreter.prototype.tachiePictureCommnad = function (command, actorId, x, y, opacity) { var yy = y + posY; switch (command) { case 'showLeft': { $gameTemp.tachieActorId = actorId; $gameTemp.tachieActorPos = Tachie.LEFT_POS; var lastTone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (opacity < 255) { var picture_1 = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); if (picture_1 && picture_1.tachieActorId === actorId) { opacity = 255; lastTone = picture_1.tone(); } } var xx = x + leftPosX; $gameScreen.showPicture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, ACTOR_PREFIX + actorId, 0, xx, yy, 100, 100, opacity, 0); var picture = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); picture.tint(lastTone, 0); var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, [0, 0, 0, 0], toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); if (opacity < 255) { var c = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, 0, 0, 0, xx, yy, 100, 100, 255, 0, 15, true] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } var rightPicture = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); if (rightPicture && != '') { var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2, inactiveActorTone, toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } break; } case 'showRight': { $gameTemp.tachieActorId = actorId; $gameTemp.tachieActorPos = Tachie.RIGHT_POS; var lastTone = [0, 0, 0, 0]; var picId = Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2; if (opacity < 255) { var picture_2 = $gameScreen.picture(picId); if (picture_2 && picture_2.tachieActorId === actorId) { opacity = 255; lastTone = picture_2.tone(); } } var xx = x + rightPosX; $gameScreen.showPicture(picId, ACTOR_PREFIX + actorId, 0, xx, yy, 100, 100, opacity, 0); var picture = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2); picture.tint(lastTone, 0); var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID2, [0, 0, 0, 0], toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); if (opacity < 255) { var c = { 'code': 232, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [picId, 0, 0, 0, xx, yy, 100, 100, 255, 0, 15, true] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } var leftPicture = $gameScreen.picture(Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1); if (leftPicture && != '') { var c = { 'code': 234, 'indent': this._indent, 'parameters': [Tachie.DEFAULT_PICTURE_ID1, inactiveActorTone, toneChangeDuration, false] }; this._list.splice(this._index + 1, 0, c); } break; } } }; _Game_Interpreter.prototype.tachieActorCommnad = function (actor, command, arg2, args) { switch (command) { case 'face': actor.setFaceId(parseInt(arg2)); break; case 'pose': actor.setPoseId(parseInt(arg2)); break; case 'hoppe': actor.setHoppeId(parseInt(arg2)); break; case 'outer': this.validateCosId(args, arg2); actor.setOuterId(arg2); break; case 'innerTop': this.validateCosId(args, arg2); actor.setInnerTopId(arg2); break; case 'innerBottom': this.validateCosId(args, arg2); actor.setInnerBottomId(arg2); break; case 'outerItem': var outerId = parseInt(arg2); if (outerId === 0) { actor.setOuterItemId(0); break; } var outer = new Game_Item($dataArmors[outerId]); if (!outer.isOuter()) { throw new Error('Armor ID ' + outerId + 'はアウターではありません' + JSON.stringify($dataArmors[outerId].meta)); } actor.setOuterItemId(outerId); break; case 'innerTopItem': var innerTopId = parseInt(arg2); var innerTop = new Game_Item($dataArmors[innerTopId]); if (!innerTop.isInnerTop()) { throw new Error('Armor ID ' + innerTopId + 'はインナートップではありません' + JSON.stringify($dataArmors[innerTopId].meta)); } actor.setInnerTopItemId(innerTopId); break; case 'innerBottomItem': var innerBottomId = parseInt(arg2); var innerBottom = new Game_Item($dataArmors[innerBottomId]); if (!innerBottom.isInnerBottom()) { throw new Error('Armor ID ' + innerBottomId + 'はインナーボトムではありません' + JSON.stringify($dataArmors[innerBottomId].meta)); } actor.setInnerBottomItemId(innerBottomId); break; } }; _Game_Interpreter.prototype.validateCosId = function (command, id) { var re = /[a-z]/; if (!re.exec(id)) { throw new Error('コスチュームIDが不正です:' + id + ' command:' + command); } }; return _Game_Interpreter; }(Game_Interpreter)); var _Scene_Map_create = Scene_Map.prototype.create; Scene_Map.prototype.create = function () {; for (var _i = 0, _a = $gameParty.battleMembers(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var actor = _a[_i]; actor.preloadTachie(); } }; Game_Interpreter.prototype.setup = function (list, eventId) { this.clear(); this._mapId = $gameMap.mapId(); this._eventId = eventId || 0; this._list = []; for (var _i = 0, list_1 = list; _i < list_1.length; _i++) { var c = list_1[_i]; this._list.push(c); } }; ImageManager.loadTachie = function (filename, hue) { return this.loadBitmap('img/tachie/', filename, hue, true); }; var _Game_Item = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Item, _super); function _Game_Item() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Game_Item.prototype.isOuter = function () { return this.outerId() != null; }; _Game_Item.prototype.isInnerTop = function () { return this.innerTopId() != null; }; _Game_Item.prototype.isInnerBottom = function () { return this.innerBottomId() != null; }; _Game_Item.prototype.outerId = function () { return this.object().meta['outer']; }; _Game_Item.prototype.innerTopId = function () { return this.object().meta['innerTop']; }; _Game_Item.prototype.innerBottomId = function () { return this.object().meta['innerBottom']; }; return _Game_Item; }(Game_Item)); ; var _Game_Actor = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Actor, _super); function _Game_Actor() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "baseId", { get: function () { return 'actor' + this.actorId().padZero(2) + '_'; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "poseId", { get: function () { if (this._statePoseId) { return this._statePoseId; } return this._poseId; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "faceId", { get: function () { if (this._stateFaceId) { return this._stateFaceId; } if (!this._faceId) { return 0; } return this._faceId; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "hoppeId", { get: function () { return this._hoppeId; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "outerId", { get: function () { if (this._outerId != null) { return this._outerId; } if (this._outerItemId === 0) { return 'a'; } if (this._castOffOuter) { return 'a'; } return $dataArmors[this._outerItemId].meta['outer']; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "innerBottomId", { get: function () { if (this._innerBottomId != null) { return this._innerBottomId; } if (this._innerBottomItemId === 0) { return 'a'; } if (this._castOffInnerBottom) { return 'a'; } return $dataArmors[this._innerBottomItemId].meta['innerBottom']; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "innerTopId", { get: function () { if (this._innerTopId != null) { return this._innerTopId; } if (this._innerTopItemId === 0) { return 'a'; } if (this._castOffInnerTop) { return 'a'; } return $dataArmors[this._innerTopItemId].meta['innerTop']; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "outerArmor", { get: function () { if (this._outerItemId === 0) { return null; } return $dataArmors[this._outerItemId]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "innerBottomArmor", { get: function () { if (this._innerBottomItemId === 0) { return null; } return $dataArmors[this._innerBottomItemId]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "innerTopArmor", { get: function () { if (this._innerTopItemId === 0) { return null; } return $dataArmors[this._innerTopItemId]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "tachieOffsetX", { get: function () { return Tachie.offsetX[this.actorId()] || 0; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(_Game_Actor.prototype, "tachieOffsetY", { get: function () { return Tachie.offsetY[this.actorId()] || 0; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); _Game_Actor.prototype.initMembers = function () {; this._faceId = 1; this._poseId = 1; this._hoppeId = 0; this._outerItemId = 0; this._innerTopItemId = 0; this._innerBottomItemId = 0; this._castOffInnerTop = false; this._castOffInnerBottom = false; this._castOffOuter = false; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.isDirty = function () { return this._dirty; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setDirty = function () { this._dirty = true; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.clearDirty = function () { this._dirty = false; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.isCacheChanged = function () { return this._cacheChanged; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setCacheChanged = function () { this._cacheChanged = true; this.setDirty(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.clearCacheChanged = function () { this._cacheChanged = false; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.castOffOuter = function () { if (this._castOffOuter) { return; } this._castOffOuter = true; this.setDirty(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.castOffInnerBottom = function () { if (this._castOffInnerBottom) { return; } this._castOffInnerBottom = true; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.castOffInnerTop = function () { if (this._castOffInnerTop) { return; } this._castOffInnerTop = true; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.isCastOffOuter = function () { return this._castOffOuter; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.isCastOffInnerTop = function () { return this._castOffInnerTop; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.isCastOffInnerBottom = function () { return this._castOffInnerBottom; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.tachieArrayString = function () { return [this.faceId, this.hoppeId, this.outerId, this.innerBottomId, this.innerTopId].toString(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.hasOuter = function () { return this.outerId !== 'a'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.hasInnerBottom = function () { return this.innerBottomId !== 'a'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.hasInnerTop = function () { return this.innerTopId !== 'a'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setFaceId = function (n) { if (this._faceId === n) { return; } this._faceId = n; this.setDirty(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setHoppeId = function (n) { if (this._hoppeId === n) { return; } this._hoppeId = n; this.setDirty(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setPoseId = function (n) { if (this._poseId === n) { return; } this._poseId = n; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setOuterId = function (newId) { if (this._outerId === newId) { return; } this._outerId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setOuterItemId = function (newId) { if (this._outerItemId === newId) { return; } this._outerItemId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setInnerBottomId = function (newId) { if (this._innerBottomId === newId) { return; } this._innerBottomId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setInnerBottomItemId = function (newId) { if (this._innerBottomItemId === newId) { return; } this._innerBottomItemId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setInnerTopId = function (newId) { if (this._innerTopId === newId) { return; } this._innerTopId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.setInnerTopItemId = function (newId) { if (this._innerTopItemId === newId) { return; } this._innerTopItemId = newId; this.setCacheChanged(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.preloadTachie = function () { if (useTextureAtlas) { if (PIXI.TextureCache[this.bodyFrontFile() + '.png']) { } else { new PIXI.SpriteSheetLoader('img/tachie/actor' + this.actorId().padZero(2) + '.json', false).load(); } } else { this.doPreloadTachie(this.outerBackFile()); //this.doPreloadTachie(this.outerShadowFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.outerMainFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.outerFrontFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.bodyBackFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.bodyFrontFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.innerBottomFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.innerTopFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.hairFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.hoppeFile()); this.doPreloadTachie(this.faceFile()); } }; _Game_Actor.prototype.preloadFaces = function (faceIds) { if (useTextureAtlas) { return; } for (var _i = 0, faceIds_1 = faceIds; _i < faceIds_1.length; _i++) { var faceId = faceIds_1[_i]; this.doPreloadTachie(this.baseId + faceId.padZero(2)); } }; _Game_Actor.prototype.doPreloadTachie = function (file) { if (!file) { return; } ImageManager.loadTachie(file); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.outerBackFile = function () { if (!enableOuterBackLayer) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'out_' + this.outerId + '_back_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.outerShadowFile = function () { if (!this.hasOuter()) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'out_' + this.outerId + '_shadow_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.outerMainFile = function () { if (!enableOuterMainLayer) { return null; } if (!this.hasOuter()) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'out_' + this.outerId + '_main_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.outerFrontFile = function () { if (!enableOuterFrontLayer) { return null; } if (!this.hasOuter()) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'out_' + this.outerId + '_front_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.bodyBackFile = function () { if (!enableBodyLayer) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'body_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.bodyFrontFile = function () { if (!enableFaceLayer) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'face_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.innerBottomFile = function () { if (!this.hasInnerBottom()) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'in_' + this.innerBottomId + '_bottom'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.innerTopFile = function () { if (!this.hasInnerTop()) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'in_' + this.innerTopId + '_top'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.hairFile = function () { if (!enableHairLayer) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'hair_' + this.poseId; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.hoppeFile = function () { if (this.hoppeId === 0) { return null; } return this.baseId + 'hoppe'; }; _Game_Actor.prototype.faceFile = function () { return this.baseId + this.faceId.padZero(2); }; /** * @override */ _Game_Actor.prototype.addNewState = function (stateId) {, stateId); this.updatePoseAndFaceByStates(); }; /** * @override */ _Game_Actor.prototype.clearStates = function () {; this.updatePoseAndFaceByStates(); }; /** * @override */ _Game_Actor.prototype.eraseState = function (stateId) {, stateId); this.updatePoseAndFaceByStates(); }; _Game_Actor.prototype.updatePoseAndFaceByStates = function () { var lastStatePoseId = this._statePoseId; var lastStateFaceId = this._stateFaceId; this._statePoseId = null; this._stateFaceId = null; for (var _i = 0, _a = this._states; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var stateId = _a[_i]; var state = $dataStates[stateId]; if (state.meta[TACHIE_POSE_META_KEY]) { this._statePoseId = parseInt(state.meta[TACHIE_POSE_META_KEY]); } if (state.meta[TACHIE_FACE_META_KEY]) { this._stateFaceId = parseInt(state.meta[TACHIE_FACE_META_KEY]); } } if (this._statePoseId != lastStatePoseId) { this.setDirty(); this.setCacheChanged(); } if (this._stateFaceId != lastStateFaceId) { this.setDirty(); } }; return _Game_Actor; }(Game_Actor)); var _Game_Picture = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Picture, _super); function _Game_Picture() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Game_Picture.prototype.initTarget = function () {; this.tachieActorId = this.getTachieActorId(); }; _Game_Picture.prototype.getTachieActorId = function () { var matcher = /^___actor([-+]?\d+)/; var result = matcher.exec(this._name); if (result && result.length > 1) { return parseInt(result[1]) || 0; } else { return 0; } }; return _Game_Picture; }(Game_Picture)); var _ImageManager_isReady = ImageManager.isReady; ImageManager.isReady = function () { for (var key in this._cache) { var bitmap = this._cache[key]; if (bitmap.isError()) { if (bitmap.url.indexOf('tachie') >= 0) { console.error('Failed to load: ' + bitmap.url); this._cache[key] = new Bitmap(); continue; } else { throw new Error('Failed to load: ' + bitmap.url); } } if (!bitmap.isReady()) { return false; } } return true; }; var _Game_Temp = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Temp, _super); function _Game_Temp() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Game_Temp.prototype.getActorBitmapBodyCache = function (actorId) { this.actorBitmapBodyCache = this.actorBitmapBodyCache || {}; if (!this.actorBitmapBodyCache[actorId]) { this.actorBitmapBodyCache[actorId] = new Bitmap(Graphics.width, Graphics.height); } return this.actorBitmapBodyCache[actorId]; }; _Game_Temp.prototype.getPictureBitmapCache = function (actorId) { this.actorBitmapCache = this.actorBitmapCache || {}; if (!this.actorBitmapCache[actorId]) { this.actorBitmapCache[actorId] = new Bitmap(Graphics.width, Graphics.height); } return this.actorBitmapCache[actorId]; }; return _Game_Temp; }(Game_Temp)); var _Game_Screen = (function (_super) { __extends(_Game_Screen, _super); function _Game_Screen() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Game_Screen.prototype.showActorPicture = function (actorId, pictureId, x, y) { var name = ACTOR_PREFIX + actorId; this.showPicture(pictureId, name, 0, x, y, 1, 1, 1, 0); }; _Game_Screen.prototype.getPictureId = function (picture) { for (var i = 0; i < this._pictures.length; i++) { if (this._pictures[i] === picture) { return i; } } console.error('picture not found.' + picture); }; return _Game_Screen; }(Game_Screen)); var TachieDrawerMixin = function () { this.drawTachie = function (actorId, bitmap, x, y, rect, faceId, scale, clearByDraw) { if (x === void 0) { x = 0; } if (y === void 0) { y = 0; } if (faceId === void 0) { faceId = 0; } if (scale === void 0) { scale = 1; } if (clearByDraw === void 0) { clearByDraw = false; } var actor = $; if (!actor) { console.error('アクターが存在しないため、描画をしませんでした。actorId:' + actorId); return false; } if (!ImageManager.isReady()) { return false; } actor.preloadTachie(); if (!ImageManager.isReady()) { return false; } var point = this.calcTachieActorPos(actor); if (clearByDraw) { bitmap.clear(); } if (!rect) { rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); x += point.x; y += point.y; } //rect.x += point.x; //rect.y += point.y; var cache = $gameTemp.getActorBitmapBodyCache(actor.actorId()); actor.clearDirty(); if (actor.isCacheChanged()) { cache.clear(); actor.clearCacheChanged(); this.drawTachieHair(actor, cache); this.drawTachieOuterBack(actor, cache); this.drawTachieBodyBack(actor, cache); this.drawTachieInnerBottom(actor, cache); this.drawTachieInnerTop(actor, cache); this.drawTachieOuterMain(actor, cache); this.drawTachieBodyFront(actor, cache); this.drawTachieOuterFront(actor, cache); console.log('createCache:' + actor.actorId()); } if (!$gameTemp.tachieTmpBitmap) { $gameTemp.tachieTmpBitmap = new Bitmap(Graphics.width, Graphics.height); } var tempBitmap = $gameTemp.tachieTmpBitmap; this.drawTachieCache(actor, cache, bitmap, x, y, rect, scale); tempBitmap.clear(); this.drawTachieHoppe(actor, tempBitmap); this.drawTachieFace(actor, tempBitmap, faceId); this.drawTachieCache(actor, tempBitmap, bitmap, x, y, rect, scale); return true; }; this.calcTachieActorPos = function (actor) { var dx = actor.tachieOffsetX; var dy = actor.tachieOffsetY; if (isNaN(dx)) { dx = 0; } if (isNaN(dy)) { dy = 0; } return new Point(dx, dy); }; this.drawTachieCache = function (actor, cache, bitmap, x, y, rect, scale) { var xx = -rect.x < 0 ? 0 : -rect.x; var yy = -rect.y < 0 ? 0 : -rect.y; var ww = rect.width / scale; var w = rect.width; if (w <= 0 || w + xx > cache.width) { w = cache.width - xx; ww = w / scale; } if (xx + ww > cache.width) { var xScale = (cache.width - xx) * 1.0 / ww; ww = cache.width - xx; w *= xScale; } var hh = rect.height / scale; var h = rect.height; if (h <= 0 || h + yy > cache.height) { h = cache.height - yy; hh = h / scale; } if (yy + hh > cache.height) { var yScale = (cache.height - yy) * 1.0 / hh; hh = cache.height - yy; h *= yScale; } bitmap.blt(cache, xx, yy, ww, hh, x, y, w, h); }; this.drawTachieFile = function (file, bitmap, actor, x, y, rect, scale) { if (x === void 0) { x = 0; } if (y === void 0) { y = 0; } if (scale === void 0) { scale = 1; } if (!file) { return; } if (!rect) { rect = Rectangle.emptyRectangle; } if (useTextureAtlas) { this.drawTachieTextureAtlas(file, bitmap, actor, x, y, rect, scale); } else { this.drawTachieImage(file, bitmap, actor, x, y, rect, scale); } }; this.drawTachieTextureAtlas = function (file, bitmap, actor, x, y, rect, scale) { var texture = PIXI.TextureCache[file + '.png']; if (!texture) { return; } var img = texture.baseTexture.source; var frame = texture.frame; var sx = frame.x; var sy = frame.y; var trim = texture.trim; var crop = texture.crop; var ww = crop.width / scale; var w = crop.width; var hh = crop.height / scale; var h = crop.height; var dx = (trim.x + rect.x); var dy = (trim.y + rect.y); bitmap.context.drawImage(img, sx, sy, ww, hh, dx + x, dy + y, w, h); }; this.drawTachieImage = function (file, bitmap, actor, x, y, rect, scale) { var img = ImageManager.loadTachie(file); if (!img.isReady()) { console.log('draw' + file); actor.setDirty(); return; } var xx = -rect.x < 0 ? 0 : -rect.x; var yy = -rect.y < 0 ? 0 : -rect.y; var ww = rect.width / scale; var w = rect.width; if (w <= 0 || w + xx > img.width) { w = img.width - xx; ww = w; } if (xx + ww > img.width) { var xScale = (img.width - xx) * 1.0 / ww; ww = img.width - xx; w *= xScale; } var hh = rect.height / scale; var h = rect.height; if (h <= 0 || h + yy > img.height) { h = img.height - yy; hh = h; } if (yy + hh > img.height) { var yScale = (img.height - yy) * 1.0 / hh; hh = img.height - yy; h *= yScale; } bitmap.blt(img, xx, yy, ww, hh, x, y, w, h); }; this.drawTachieHair = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.hairFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieOuterBack = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.outerBackFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieOuterShadow = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.outerShadowFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieOuterMain = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.outerMainFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieOuterFront = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.outerFrontFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieBodyBack = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.bodyBackFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieBodyFront = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.bodyFrontFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieInnerBottom = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.innerBottomFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieInnerTop = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.innerTopFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieHoppe = function (actor, bitmap) { this.drawTachieFile(actor.hoppeFile(), bitmap, actor); }; this.drawTachieFace = function (actor, bitmap, faceId) { if (faceId === 0) { faceId = actor.faceId; } var file = actor.baseId + faceId.padZero(2); this.drawTachieFile(file, bitmap, actor); }; };;;; var _Sprite_Picture = (function (_super) { __extends(_Sprite_Picture, _super); function _Sprite_Picture() { _super.apply(this, arguments); } _Sprite_Picture.prototype.updateBitmap = function () {; var picture = this.picture(); if (picture && picture.tachieActorId !== 0) { var actorId = picture.tachieActorId; var actor = $; if (actor.isDirty()) { this.redrawActorImage(); } } }; _Sprite_Picture.prototype.loadBitmap = function () { var picture = this.picture(); if (picture && picture.tachieActorId !== 0) { this.bitmap = $gameTemp.getPictureBitmapCache($gameScreen.getPictureId(picture)); this.redrawActorImage(); } else {; } }; _Sprite_Picture.prototype.redrawActorImage = function () { var picture = this.picture(); if (!picture) { return; } var actorId = picture.tachieActorId; if (actorId === 0) { return; } this.drawTachie(actorId, this.bitmap, 0, 0, null, 0, 1, true); }; return _Sprite_Picture; }(Sprite_Picture)); var Window_MessageName = (function (_super) { __extends(Window_MessageName, _super); function Window_MessageName(windowHeight) { var width = 180; var height =, 1) + 14; var x = nameLeft; var y = Graphics.boxHeight - windowHeight - windowMargin[0] - windowMargin[2] - height;, x, y, width, height); this.padding = 8; this.openness = 0; } Window_MessageName.prototype.standardPadding = function () { return 0; }; Window_MessageName.prototype.update = function () {; if ($gameMessage.positionType() !== 2) { this.visible = false; } }; Window_MessageName.prototype.draw = function (name) { if (!name) { this.visible = false; return; } this.width = this.convertEscapeCharacters(name).length * this.standardFontSize() + 40; this.contents.clear(); this.drawTextEx(name, 10, 0);; this.visible = true; }; return Window_MessageName; }(Window_Base)); var Sprite_WindowBalloon = (function (_super) { __extends(Sprite_WindowBalloon, _super); function Sprite_WindowBalloon(messageWindow) {; this._messageWindow = messageWindow; } Sprite_WindowBalloon.prototype.update = function () {; this.updateBitmap(); this.updatePosition(); }; Sprite_WindowBalloon.prototype.showBalloon = function () { if (!$gameTemp.tachieName) { this.visible = false; return; } if ($gameTemp.hideBalloon) { this.visible = false; return; } if ($gameMessage.positionType() !== 2) { this.visible = false; return; } if ($gameMessage.background() !== 0) { this.visible = false; return; } this.visible = true; }; Sprite_WindowBalloon.prototype.updateBitmap = function () { if (!balloonEnabled) { this.visible = false; return; } if (!$gameTemp.tachieName) { this.visible = false; return; } if ($gameTemp.hideBalloon) { this.visible = false; return; } if (this._windowAcrotId === $gameTemp.tachieActorId) { return; } if ($gameTemp.tachieActorId > 0) { if (!this._messageWindow.isOpen()) { this.visible = false; return; } this._windowAcrotId = $gameTemp.tachieActorId; var color_1 = Tachie.windowColors[this._windowAcrotId]; if (color_1 > 0) { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('Tachie_Balloon' + color_1); } else { this.bitmap = ImageManager.loadSystem('Tachie_Balloon'); } this.visible = true; } else { this.visible = false; this._windowAcrotId = 0; } }; Sprite_WindowBalloon.prototype.updatePosition = function () { if ($gameTemp.tachieActorPos === Tachie.LEFT_POS) { this.scale.x = 1; this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - windowMargin[1] - windowMargin[3]) / 2 - 140; } else if ($gameTemp.tachieActorPos === Tachie.RIGHT_POS) { this.scale.x = -1; this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - windowMargin[1] - windowMargin[3]) / 2 + 140; } }; return Sprite_WindowBalloon; }(Sprite_Base)); var Window_TachieMessage = (function (_super) { __extends(Window_TachieMessage, _super); function Window_TachieMessage() { this._galMode = true;; } Window_TachieMessage.prototype.windowWidth = function () { if (this._galMode) { return Graphics.boxWidth - windowMargin[1] - windowMargin[3]; } else { return; } }; ; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.numVisibleRows = function () { if (this._galMode) { return 3; } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.fittingHeight = function (numLines) { if (this._galMode) { return numLines * this.lineHeight() + this.standardPadding() * 2 + windowPadding[0] + windowPadding[2]; } else { return, numLines); } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype._refreshContents = function () { if (this._galMode) { this._windowContentsSprite.move(this.padding + 6, 0); } else {; } }; ; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.contentsHeight = function () { if (this._galMode) { return this.windowHeight() - this.standardPadding() * 2 + 20; } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype._updateContents = function () { if (this._galMode) { var w = this._width - this._padding * 2; var h = this._height - 0 * 2; if (w > 0 && h > 0) { this._windowContentsSprite.setFrame(this.origin.x, this.origin.y, w, h); this._windowContentsSprite.visible = this.isOpen(); } else { this._windowContentsSprite.visible = false; } } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.subWindows = function () { var ret =; ret.push(this._messageNameWindow); return ret; }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.createSubWindows = function () {; this._messageNameWindow = new Window_MessageName(this.windowHeight()); this._balloonSprite = new Sprite_WindowBalloon(this); this._balloonSprite.y = -39; this.addChild(this._balloonSprite); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.update = function () {; if (!this._galMode) { this.updateMessageSkip(); return; } if (this._windowSkinId !== $gameTemp.tachieActorId) { if ($gameTemp.tachieActorId > 0) { this._windowSkinId = $gameTemp.tachieActorId; var color = Tachie.windowColors[this._windowSkinId]; if (color > 0) { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem('Tachie_Window' + color); } else { this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem('Window'); } } else { this.clearWindowSkil(); } } if (this.isClosing() && this.openness < 240) { this._balloonSprite.visible = false; this._messageNameWindow.close(); } else if (this.openness >= 255) { this._balloonSprite.showBalloon(); } if (!$gameTemp.tachieAvairable && !$gameMessage.isBusy() && this.isOpen()) { this.close(); } this.updateMessageSkip(); this.updateWindowVisibility(); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.clearWindowSkil = function () { this._windowSkinId = 0; this.windowskin = ImageManager.loadSystem('Window'); $gameTemp.tachieActorId = 0; }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.updateMessageSkip = function () { if (Input.isPressed(Tachie.MESSAGE_SKIP_KEY)) { if (this._windowHide) { this.changeWindowVisibility(); } if (this.isAnySubWindowActive()) { return; } this._pauseSkip = true; this._showFast = true; this._triggered = true; this.pause = false; this._waitCount = 0; if (!this._textState) { this.terminateMessage(); } } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.updateWindowVisibility = function () { if (Input.isTriggered(Tachie.WINDOW_HIDE_KEY)) { this.changeWindowVisibility(); } else if (this._windowHide && Input.isTriggered('ok')) { this.changeWindowVisibility(); } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.changeWindowVisibility = function () { this._windowHide = !this._windowHide; if (this._windowHide && this.visible) { this.visible = false; this._messageNameWindow.visible = false; for (var _i = 0, _a = this.subWindows(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var window_1 = _a[_i]; window_1.visible = false; } } else { this.visible = true; if ($gameTemp.tachieName) { this._messageNameWindow.visible = true; } for (var _b = 0, _c = this.subWindows(); _b < _c.length; _b++) { var window_2 = _c[_b]; window_2.visible = true; } } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.isTriggered = function () { var ret = || this._triggered; this._triggered = false; return ret; }; = function () {; this._messageNameWindow.close(); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.startMessage = function () {; if (!this._galMode) { return; } if (Saba.BackLog) { Saba.BackLog.$gameBackLog.addLog($gameTemp.tachieName, $gameMessage.allText()); } this._textState.y = this.standardPadding() + windowPadding[0]; this._balloonSprite.showBalloon(); this._messageNameWindow.draw($gameTemp.tachieName); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.updatePlacement = function () { if (this._galMode) { this.y = this._positionType * (Graphics.boxHeight - this.height) / 2 - windowMargin[2]; } else {; } this.x = (Graphics.boxWidth - this.windowWidth()) / 2; }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.terminateMessage = function () { $gameMessage.clear(); if ($gameTemp.tachieAvairable) { return; } this.close(); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.textAreaWidth = function () { return this.contentsWidth() + 20; }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.standardFontSize = function () { if (this._galMode) { return fontSize; } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.lineHeight = function () { if (this._galMode) { return this.standardFontSize() + 8; } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.newLineX = function () { if (this._galMode) { var x =; return x + windowPadding[3]; } else { return; } }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.drawMessageFace = function () { this.drawFace($gameMessage.faceName(), $gameMessage.faceIndex(), 0, windowPadding[0]); }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.updateBackground = function () { this.refreshWindow();; }; Window_TachieMessage.prototype.refreshWindow = function () { if (this._galMode) { if ($gameMessage.background() !== 0 || $gameMessage.positionType() !== 2) { this.clearWindowSkil(); this._galMode = false; this.move(0, 0, this.windowWidth(), this.windowHeight()); this.createContents(); this.updatePlacement(); this._refreshContents(); } } else { if ($gameMessage.background() === 0 && $gameMessage.positionType() === 2) { this._galMode = true; this.move(0, 0, this.windowWidth(), this.windowHeight()); this.createContents(); this.updatePlacement(); this._refreshContents(); } } }; return Window_TachieMessage; }(Window_Message)); Tachie.Window_TachieMessage = Window_TachieMessage; var _Scene_Map_createMessageWindow = Scene_Map.prototype.createMessageWindow; Scene_Map.prototype.createMessageWindow = function () {; this._tachieMessageWindow = new Window_TachieMessage(); this._originalMessageWindow = this._messageWindow; this.addWindow(this._tachieMessageWindow); this._windowLayer.removeChild(this._originalMessageWindow); this._messageWindow = this._tachieMessageWindow; this._messageWindow.subWindows().forEach(function (window) { this.addWindow(window); }, this); }; var Scene_Boot_loadSystemImages = Scene_Boot.prototype.loadSystemImages; Scene_Boot.prototype.loadSystemImages = function () {; for (var i in Tachie.windowColors) { var colot = Tachie.windowColors[i]; ImageManager.loadSystem('Tachie_Window' + color); } }; Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Interpreter, Game_Interpreter); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Sprite_Picture, Sprite_Picture); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Item, Game_Item); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Actor, Game_Actor); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Screen, Game_Screen); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Picture, Game_Picture); Saba.applyMyMethods(_Game_Temp, Game_Temp); })(Tachie = Saba.Tachie || (Saba.Tachie = {})); })(Saba || (Saba = {}));