ANIM brush format Dpaint Anim Brush IFF Format From a description by the author of DPaint, Dan Silva Electronic Arts The "Anim Brushes" of DPaint III are saved on disk in the IFF "ANIM" format. Basically, an ANIM Form consists of an initial ILBM which is the first frame of the animation, and any number of subsequent "ILBM"S (which aren't really ILBM's) each of which contains an ANHD animation header chunk and a DLTA chunk comprised of the encoded difference between a frame and a previous one. To use ANIM terminology (for a description of the ANIM format, see the IFF Anim Spec, by Gary Bonham). Anim Brushes use a "type 5" encoding, which is a vertical, byte-oriented delta encoding (based on Jim Kent's RIFF). The deltas have an interleave of 1, meaning deltas are computed between adjacent frames, rather than between frames 2 apart, which is the usual ANIM custom for the purpose of fast hardware page-flipping. Also, the deltas use Exclusive Or to allow reversable play. However, to my knowledge, all the existing Anim players in the Amiga world will only play type 5 "Anim"s which have an interleave of 0 (i.e. 2) and which use a Store operation rather than Exclusive Or, so no existing programs will read Anim Brushes anyway. The job of modifying existing Anim readers to read Anim Brushes should be simplified, however. Here is an outline of the structure of the IFF Form output by DPaint III as an "Anim Brush". The IFF Reader should of course be flexible enough to tolerate variation in what chunks actually appear in the initial ILBM. FORM ANIM . FORM ILBM first frame . . BMHD . . CMAP . . DPPS . . GRAB . . CRNG . . CRNG . . CRNG . . CRNG . . CRNG . . CRNG . . DPAN my own little chunk. . . CAMG . . BODY . FORM ILBM frame 2 . . ANHD animation header chunk . . DLTA delta mode data . FORM ILBM frame 3 . . ANHD animation header chunk . . DLTA delta mode data . FORM ILBM frame 4 . . ANHD animation header chunk . . DLTA delta mode data ... . FORM ILBM frame N . . ANHD animation header chunk . . DLTA delta mode data --- Here is the format of the DPAN chunk: typedef struct { UWORD version; /* current version=4 */ UWORD nframes; /* number of frames in the animation.*/ ULONG flags; /* Not used */ } DPAnimChunk; The version number was necessary during development. At present all I look at is "nframes". --- Here is the ANHD chunk format: typedef struct { UBYTE operation; /* =0 set directly =1 XOR ILBM mode, =2 Long Delta mode, =3 Short Delta mode =4 Generalize short/long Delta mode, =5 Byte Vertical Delta (riff) =74 (Eric Grahams compression mode) */ UBYTE mask; /* XOR ILBM only: plane mask where data is*/ UWORD w,h; WORD x,y; ULONG abstime; ULONG reltime; UBYTE interleave; /* 0 defaults to 2 */ UBYTE pad0; /* not used */ ULONG bits; /* meaning of bits: bit# =0 =1 0 short data long data 1 store XOR 2 separate info one info for for each plane for all planes 3 not RLC RLC (run length encoded) 4 horizontal vertical 5 short info offsets long info offsets -------------------------*/ UBYTE pad[16]; } AnimHdr; for Anim Brushes, I set: animHdr.operation = 5; /* RIFF encoding */ animHdr.interleave = 1; animHdr.w =; animHdr.h =; animHdr.reltime = 1; animHdr.abstime = 0; animHdr.bits = 4; /* indicating XOR */ -- everything else is set to 0. NOTE: the "bits" field was actually intended ( by the original creator of the ANIM format, Gary Bonham of SPARTA, Inc.) for use with only with compression method 4. I am using bit 2 of the bits field to indicate the Exclusive OR operation in the context of method 5, which seems like a reasonable generalization. For an Anim Brush with 10 frames, there will be an initial frame followed by 10 Delta's (i.e ILBMS containing ANHD and DLTA chunks). Applying the first Delta to the initial frame generates the second frame, applying the second Delta to the second frame generates the third frame, etc. Applying the last Delta thus brings back the first frame. The DLTA chunk begins with 16 LONG plane offets, of which DPaint only uses the first 6 (at most). These plane offsets are either the offset (in bytes ) from the beginning of the DLTA chunk to the data for the corresponding plane, or Zero, if there was no change in that plane. Thus the first plane offset is either 0 or 64. (The following description of the method is based on Gary Bonham's rewording of Jim Kent's RIFF documentation.) Compression/decompression is performed on a plane-by-plane basis. Each byte-column of the bitplane is compressed separately. A 320x200 bitplane would have 40 columns of 200 bytes each. In general, the bitplanes are always an even number of bytes wide, so for instance a 17x20 bitplane would have 4 columns of 20 bytes each. Each column starts with an op-count followed by a number of ops. If the op-count is zero, that's ok, it just means there's no change in this column from the last frame. The ops are of three kinds, and followed by a varying amount of data depending on which kind: 1. SKIP - this is a byte with the hi bit clear that says how many rows to move the "dest" pointer forward, ie to skip. It is non-zero. 2. DUMP - this is a byte with the hi bit set. The hi bit is masked off and the remainder is a count of the number of bytes of data to XOR directly. It is followed by the bytes to copy. 3. RUN - this is a 0 byte followed by a count byte, followed by a byte value to repeat "count" times, XOR'ing it into the destination. Bear in mind that the data is compressed vertically rather than horizontally, so to get to the next byte in the destination you add the number of bytes per row instead of one. The Format of DLTA chunks is as described in section 2.2.2 of the Anim Spec. The encoding for type 5 is described in section 2.2.3 of the Anim Spec.