#!/usr/bin/python -OO # Copyright 2007-2019 The SABnzbd-Team # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. """ sabnzbd.directunpacker """ import os import re import time import threading import subprocess import logging import sabnzbd import sabnzbd.cfg as cfg from sabnzbd.misc import int_conv, clip_path, long_path, remove_all, \ format_time_string, real_path, remove_file from sabnzbd.encoding import TRANS, unicoder from sabnzbd.decorators import synchronized from sabnzbd.newsunpack import build_command, EXTRACTFROM_RE, EXTRACTED_RE, rar_volumelist from sabnzbd.postproc import prepare_extraction_path from sabnzbd.utils.rarfile import RarFile from sabnzbd.utils.diskspeed import diskspeedmeasure if sabnzbd.WIN32: try: # Use patched version of subprocess module for Unicode on Windows import subprocessww except ImportError: pass # Load the regular POpen (which is now patched on Windows) from subprocess import Popen # Need a lock to make sure start and stop is handled correctlty # Otherwise we could stop while the thread was still starting START_STOP_LOCK = threading.RLock() MAX_ACTIVE_UNPACKERS = 10 ACTIVE_UNPACKERS = [] RAR_NR = re.compile(r'(.*?)(\.part(\d*).rar|\.r(\d*))$', re.IGNORECASE) class DirectUnpacker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, nzo): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.nzo = nzo self.active_instance = None self.killed = False self.next_file_lock = threading.Condition(threading.RLock()) self.unpack_dir_info = None self.rarfile_nzf = None self.cur_setname = None self.cur_volume = 0 self.total_volumes = {} self.unpack_time = 0.0 self.success_sets = {} self.next_sets = [] nzo.direct_unpacker = self def stop(self): pass def save(self): pass def reset_active(self): self.active_instance = None self.cur_setname = None self.cur_volume = 0 self.rarfile_nzf = None def check_requirements(self): if not cfg.direct_unpack() or self.killed or not self.nzo.unpack or self.nzo.bad_articles or sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_PROBLEM: return False return True def set_volumes_for_nzo(self): """ Loop over all files to detect the names """ none_counter = 0 found_counter = 0 for nzf in self.nzo.files + self.nzo.finished_files: nzf.setname, nzf.vol = analyze_rar_filename(nzf.filename) # We matched? if nzf.setname: found_counter += 1 if nzf.setname not in self.total_volumes: self.total_volumes[nzf.setname] = 0 self.total_volumes[nzf.setname] = max(self.total_volumes[nzf.setname], nzf.vol) else: none_counter += 1 # Too much not found? Obfuscated, ignore results if none_counter > found_counter: self.total_volumes = {} @synchronized(START_STOP_LOCK) def add(self, nzf): """ Add jobs and start instance of DirectUnpack """ if not cfg.direct_unpack_tested(): test_disk_performance() # Stop if something is wrong if not self.check_requirements(): return # Is this the first set? if not self.cur_setname: self.set_volumes_for_nzo() self.cur_setname = nzf.setname # Analyze updated filenames nzf.setname, nzf.vol = analyze_rar_filename(nzf.filename) # Are we doing this set? if self.cur_setname == nzf.setname: logging.debug('DirectUnpack queued %s for %s', nzf.filename, self.cur_setname) # Is this the first one of the first set? if not self.active_instance and not self.is_alive() and self.have_next_volume(): # Too many runners already? if len(ACTIVE_UNPACKERS) >= cfg.direct_unpack_threads(): logging.info('Too many DirectUnpackers currently to start %s', self.cur_setname) return # Start the unrar command and the loop self.create_unrar_instance() self.start() elif not any(test_nzf.setname == nzf.setname for test_nzf in self.next_sets): # Need to store this for the future, only once per set! self.next_sets.append(nzf) # Wake up the thread to see if this is good to go with self.next_file_lock: self.next_file_lock.notify() def run(self): # Input and output linebuf = '' last_volume_linebuf = '' unrar_log = [] rarfiles = [] extracted = [] start_time = time.time() # Need to read char-by-char because there's no newline after new-disk message while 1: if not self.active_instance: break char = self.active_instance.stdout.read(1) linebuf += char if not char: # End of program break # Error? Let PP-handle it if linebuf.endswith(('ERROR: ', 'Cannot create', 'in the encrypted file', 'CRC failed', 'checksum failed', 'You need to start extraction from a previous volume', 'password is incorrect', 'Write error', 'checksum error', 'start extraction from a previous volume')): logging.info('Error in DirectUnpack of %s: %s', self.cur_setname, linebuf.strip()) self.abort() if linebuf.endswith('\n'): # List files we used if linebuf.startswith('Extracting from'): filename = TRANS((re.search(EXTRACTFROM_RE, linebuf.strip()).group(1))) if filename not in rarfiles: rarfiles.append(filename) # List files we extracted m = re.search(EXTRACTED_RE, linebuf) if m: # In case of flat-unpack, UnRar still prints the whole path (?!) unpacked_file = TRANS(m.group(2)) if cfg.flat_unpack(): unpacked_file = os.path.basename(unpacked_file) extracted.append(real_path(self.unpack_dir_info[0], unpacked_file)) # Did we reach the end? if linebuf.endswith('All OK'): # Stop timer and finish self.unpack_time += time.time() - start_time ACTIVE_UNPACKERS.remove(self) # Add to success rarfile_path = os.path.join(self.nzo.downpath, self.rarfile_nzf.filename) self.success_sets[self.cur_setname] = (rar_volumelist(rarfile_path, self.nzo.password, rarfiles), extracted) logging.info('DirectUnpack completed for %s', self.cur_setname) self.nzo.set_action_line(T('Direct Unpack'), T('Completed')) # List success in history-info msg = T('Unpacked %s files/folders in %s') % (len(extracted), format_time_string(self.unpack_time)) msg = '%s - %s' % (T('Direct Unpack'), msg) self.nzo.set_unpack_info('Unpack', '[%s] %s' % (unicoder(self.cur_setname), msg)) # Write current log and clear unrar_log.append(linebuf.strip()) linebuf = '' last_volume_linebuf = '' logging.debug('DirectUnpack Unrar output %s', '\n'.join(unrar_log)) unrar_log = [] rarfiles = [] extracted = [] # Are there more files left? while self.nzo.files and not self.next_sets: with self.next_file_lock: self.next_file_lock.wait() # Is there another set to do? if self.next_sets: # Start new instance nzf = self.next_sets.pop(0) self.reset_active() self.cur_setname = nzf.setname # Wait for the 1st volume to appear self.wait_for_next_volume() self.create_unrar_instance() start_time = time.time() else: self.killed = True break if linebuf.endswith('[C]ontinue, [Q]uit '): # Stop timer self.unpack_time += time.time() - start_time # Wait for the next one.. self.wait_for_next_volume() # Possible that the instance was deleted while locked if not self.killed: # If unrar stopped or is killed somehow, writing will cause a crash try: # Give unrar some time to do it's thing self.active_instance.stdin.write('C\n') start_time = time.time() time.sleep(0.1) except IOError: self.abort() break # Did we unpack a new volume? Sometimes UnRar hangs on 1 volume if not last_volume_linebuf or last_volume_linebuf != linebuf: # Next volume self.cur_volume += 1 self.nzo.set_action_line(T('Direct Unpack'), self.get_formatted_stats()) logging.info('DirectUnpacked volume %s for %s', self.cur_volume, self.cur_setname) # If lines did not change and we don't have the next volume, this download is missing files! if last_volume_linebuf == linebuf: if not self.have_next_volume(): logging.info('DirectUnpack failed due to missing files %s', self.cur_setname) self.abort() else: logging.debug('Duplicate output line detected: "%s"', last_volume_linebuf) last_volume_linebuf = linebuf # Show the log if linebuf.endswith('\n'): unrar_log.append(linebuf.strip()) linebuf = '' # Add last line unrar_log.append(linebuf.strip()) logging.debug('DirectUnpack Unrar output %s', '\n'.join(unrar_log)) # Make more space self.reset_active() if self in ACTIVE_UNPACKERS: ACTIVE_UNPACKERS.remove(self) # Set the thread to killed so it never gets restarted by accident self.killed = True def have_next_volume(self): """ Check if next volume of set is available, start from the end of the list where latest completed files are Make sure that files are 100% written to disk by checking md5sum """ for nzf_search in reversed(self.nzo.finished_files): if nzf_search.setname == self.cur_setname and nzf_search.vol == (self.cur_volume+1) and nzf_search.md5sum: return nzf_search return False def wait_for_next_volume(self): """ Wait for the correct volume to appear But stop if it was killed or the NZB is done """ while not self.have_next_volume() and not self.killed and self.nzo.files: with self.next_file_lock: self.next_file_lock.wait() @synchronized(START_STOP_LOCK) def create_unrar_instance(self): """ Start the unrar instance using the user's options """ # Generate extraction path and save for post-proc if not self.unpack_dir_info: try: self.unpack_dir_info = prepare_extraction_path(self.nzo) except: # Prevent fatal crash if directory creation fails self.abort() return # Get the information extraction_path, _, _, one_folder, _ = self.unpack_dir_info # Set options if self.nzo.password: password_command = '-p%s' % self.nzo.password else: password_command = '-p-' if one_folder or cfg.flat_unpack(): action = 'e' else: action = 'x' # The first NZF self.rarfile_nzf = self.have_next_volume() # Generate command rarfile_path = os.path.join(self.nzo.downpath, self.rarfile_nzf.filename) if sabnzbd.WIN32: # For Unrar to support long-path, we need to cricumvent Python's list2cmdline # See: https://github.com/sabnzbd/sabnzbd/issues/1043 command = ['%s' % sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND, action, '-vp', '-idp', '-o+', '-ai', password_command, '%s' % clip_path(rarfile_path), '%s\\' % long_path(extraction_path)] else: # Don't use "-ai" (not needed for non-Windows) command = ['%s' % sabnzbd.newsunpack.RAR_COMMAND, action, '-vp', '-idp', '-o+', password_command, '%s' % rarfile_path, '%s/' % extraction_path] if cfg.ignore_unrar_dates(): command.insert(3, '-tsm-') # Let's start from the first one! self.cur_volume = 1 stup, need_shell, command, creationflags = build_command(command, flatten_command=True) logging.debug('Running unrar for DirectUnpack %s', command) self.active_instance = Popen(command, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, startupinfo=stup, creationflags=creationflags) # Add to runners ACTIVE_UNPACKERS.append(self) # Doing the first logging.info('DirectUnpacked volume %s for %s', self.cur_volume, self.cur_setname) @synchronized(START_STOP_LOCK) def abort(self): """ Abort running instance and delete generated files """ if not self.killed and self.cur_setname: logging.info('Aborting DirectUnpack for %s', self.cur_setname) self.killed = True # Save reference to the first rarfile rarfile_nzf = self.rarfile_nzf # Abort Unrar if self.active_instance: # First we try to abort gracefully try: self.active_instance.stdin.write('Q\n') time.sleep(0.1) except IOError: pass # Now force kill self.active_instance.kill() # We need to wait for it to kill the process self.active_instance.wait() # Wake up the thread with self.next_file_lock: self.next_file_lock.notify() # No new sets self.next_sets = [] self.success_sets = {} # Remove files if self.unpack_dir_info: extraction_path, _, _, one_folder, _ = self.unpack_dir_info # In case of flat-unpack we need to remove the files manually if one_folder: # RarFile can fail for mysterious reasons try: rar_contents = RarFile(os.path.join(self.nzo.downpath, rarfile_nzf.filename), all_names=True).filelist() for rm_file in rar_contents: # Flat-unpack, so remove foldername from RarFile output f = os.path.join(extraction_path, os.path.basename(rm_file)) remove_file(f) except: # The user will have to remove it themselves logging.info('Failed to clean Direct Unpack after aborting %s', rarfile_nzf.filename, exc_info=True) else: # We can just remove the whole path remove_all(extraction_path, recursive=True) # Remove dir-info self.unpack_dir_info = None # Reset settings self.reset_active() def get_formatted_stats(self): """ Get percentage or number of rar's done """ if self.cur_setname and self.cur_setname in self.total_volumes: # This won't work on obfuscated posts if self.total_volumes[self.cur_setname] >= self.cur_volume and self.cur_volume: return '%02d/%02d' % (self.cur_volume, self.total_volumes[self.cur_setname]) return self.cur_volume def analyze_rar_filename(filename): """ Extract volume number and setname from rar-filenames Both ".part01.rar" and ".r01" """ m = RAR_NR.search(filename) if m: if m.group(4): # Special since starts with ".rar", ".r00" return m.group(1), int_conv(m.group(4)) + 2 return m.group(1), int_conv(m.group(3)) else: # Detect if first of "rxx" set if filename.endswith('.rar'): return os.path.splitext(filename)[0], 1 return None, None def abort_all(): """ Abort all running DirectUnpackers """ logging.info('Aborting all DirectUnpackers') for direct_unpacker in ACTIVE_UNPACKERS: direct_unpacker.abort() def test_disk_performance(): """ Test the incomplete-dir performance and enable Direct Unpack if good enough (> 40MB/s) """ if diskspeedmeasure(sabnzbd.cfg.download_dir.get_path()) > 40: cfg.direct_unpack.set(True) logging.warning(T('Direct Unpack was automatically enabled.') + ' ' + T('Jobs will start unpacking during the downloading to reduce post-processing time. Only works for jobs that do not need repair.')) else: logging.info('Direct Unpack was not enabled, incomplete folder disk speed below 40MB/s') cfg.direct_unpack_tested.set(True) sabnzbd.config.save_config()