""" Based on https://github.com/jvinet/eip712, adjustments by https://github.com/uxio0 Routines for EIP712 encoding and signing. Copyright (C) 2022 Judd Vinet Uxío Fuentefría Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import re from typing import Any, Dict, Tuple from eth_abi import encode as encode_abi from eth_typing import Hash32 from hexbytes import HexBytes from ..utils import fast_keccak def encode_data(primary_type: str, data, types): """ Encode structured data as per Ethereum's signTypeData_v4. https://docs.metamask.io/guide/signing-data.html#sign-typed-data-v4 This code is ported from the Javascript "eth-sig-util" package. """ encoded_types = ["bytes32"] encoded_values = [hash_type(primary_type, types)] def _encode_field(name, typ, value): if typ in types: if value is None: return [ "bytes32", "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", ] else: return ["bytes32", fast_keccak(encode_data(typ, value, types))] if value is None: raise Exception(f"Missing value for field {name} of type {type}") # Accept string bytes if "bytes" in typ and isinstance(value, str): value = HexBytes(value) # Accept string uint and int if "int" in typ and isinstance(value, str): value = int(value) if typ == "bytes": return ["bytes32", fast_keccak(value)] if typ == "string": # Convert string to bytes. value = value.encode("utf-8") return ["bytes32", fast_keccak(value)] if typ.endswith("]"): # Array type if value: parsed_type = typ[: typ.rindex("[")] type_value_pairs = [_encode_field(name, parsed_type, v) for v in value] data_types, data_hashes = zip(*type_value_pairs) else: # Empty array data_types, data_hashes = [], [] h = fast_keccak(encode_abi(data_types, data_hashes)) return ["bytes32", h] return [typ, value] for field in types[primary_type]: typ, val = _encode_field(field["name"], field["type"], data[field["name"]]) encoded_types.append(typ) encoded_values.append(val) return encode_abi(encoded_types, encoded_values) def encode_type(primary_type: str, types) -> str: result = "" deps = find_type_dependencies(primary_type, types) deps = sorted([d for d in deps if d != primary_type]) deps = [primary_type] + deps for typ in deps: children = types[typ] if not children: raise Exception(f"No type definition specified: {type}") defs = [f"{t['type']} {t['name']}" for t in types[typ]] result += typ + "(" + ",".join(defs) + ")" return result def find_type_dependencies(primary_type: str, types, results=None): if results is None: results = [] primary_type = re.split(r"\W", primary_type)[0] if primary_type in results or not types.get(primary_type): return results results.append(primary_type) for field in types[primary_type]: deps = find_type_dependencies(field["type"], types, results) for dep in deps: if dep not in results: results.append(dep) return results def hash_type(primary_type: str, types) -> Hash32: return fast_keccak(encode_type(primary_type, types).encode()) def hash_struct(primary_type: str, data, types) -> Hash32: return fast_keccak(encode_data(primary_type, data, types)) def eip712_encode(typed_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Tuple[bytes, Hash32, Hash32]: """ Given a dict of structured data and types, return a 3-element tuple of the encoded, signable data. 0: The magic & version (0x1901) 1: The encoded types 2: The encoded data """ try: parts = ( bytes.fromhex("1901"), hash_struct("EIP712Domain", typed_data["domain"], typed_data["types"]), ) if typed_data["primaryType"] == "EIP712Domain": raise TypeError("primaryType cannot be EIP712Domain") return ( *parts, hash_struct( typed_data["primaryType"], typed_data["message"], typed_data["types"], ), ) except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError) as exc: raise ValueError(f"Not valid {typed_data}") from exc def eip712_encode_hash(typed_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Hash32: """ :param typed_data: EIP712 structured data and types :return: Keccak256 hash of encoded signable data """ return fast_keccak(b"".join(eip712_encode(typed_data)))