# Changelog The repository is tagged using semantic versioning, e.g. `v0.0.3`. The `master` branch consist of the latest state of CIJOE with possible hot-fixes since the last version tag, consider `master` as a preview of the next version. Changes are described in this file in a section named matching the version tag. Sections with "(Upcoming)" describe changes on the roadmap for CIJOE. Changes on the `master` branch, from the latest version tag up to and including HEAD can be subject to a git rebase. ## 0.0.35 * Added option tot disable colors in bash-output-helpers * Added option to initialize qemu-boot image from cloud-image * Cleanup SSH module ## 0.0.34 * Fixed typo in sysinf hook * Removed use of dmesg-hook in `example_01_usage.plan` * Added `example_02_usage.plan` using the dmesg-hook ## 0.0.33 * Added Dockerfile for interactive use of CIJOE * Fixed junit-representation ## 0.0.32 * The lock-hook will no longer create lock-files on the test-target, the lock-hook will as such only protect one-self against one-self, e.g. abort when the same environment is being used. When using shared resources your resource manager or CI system should provide mutual exclusion to the test-target. * The Makefile now defaults to doing user-mode uninstall + install. * Reporter: CSS and JavaScript are now embedded to avoid requiring network-access to external resources when reading the reports. ## 0.0.28 * Fixes... ## 0.0.27 * mod/qemu: added EARLY RESET and examples of device state and error-injection ## 0.0.26 * fixes... ## 0.0.25 * mod/qemu: re-done to align with the NVMe/OCSSD support in `refenv/qemu` ## 0.0.24 * hooks/sysinf: added collection of kernel config ## v0.0.23 * `bin/cij_runner`: added primitive interrupt handler * hooks: fixed invalid error-messaging * testcases/tlint: fixed description ## v0.0.22 * mod/fio: fixed showcmd for remote fio * hooks/pblk: added comment on requirements * docs: added placeholder for descr. of packages * selftest: changed messaging on error to reduce confusion * build: changed messaging on error to reduce confusion * `bin/cij_tlint`: fixed missing use-of-nonexistant check ## v0.0.21 * selftest: fixed warning-message * mod/qemu: fixed return of 'qemu::is_running' and added 'qemu::wait' * mod/qemu: exported path to NVMe/OCSSD device via QEMU_NVME_IMAGE_FPATH ## v0.0.20 * Selftest fix ## v0.0.19 * Refined selftesting for reuse by cijoe packages ## v0.0.18 * Nothing but the version number ## v0.0.17 * Yet another bunch of fixes * Changed license from BSD-2 to Apache ## v0.0.16 * CI fixes for automatic deployment ## v0.0.15 * Bunch of Python 3 and style fixes * Deprecated pblk-hooks for specific params ## v0.0.14 * `cij_reporter`: fixed rendering of elapsed wall-clock * Updated qemu module to match new 'qemu' with OCSSD support in 'qemu-img' ## v0.0.13 * A myriad of cleanup and fixes * Deprecated Python Libraries - nvm.py incomplete Python interface for liblightnvm using CLI - spdk.py testcases implemented for liblightnvm in Python, this is handled better by the liblightnvm testcases themselves, hence deprecated ## v0.0.12 * Bumped version number * Added 'clean' to release-script ## v0.0.11 * Added option to define testcases "inline" in testplan - It used to rely on a specific testsuite file - It now uses inline, when it is defined, testsuite otherwise * Added testplan/testsuite alias - To be used for briefly describing how a set of testcases relates to the testplan * Expanded usage examples * Fixes to environment sourcing and lnvm module * Fixed prefix to interactive shell ## v0.0.5 ## Test-Runner * Changed `cij_runner` arguments to positional ## Example environment definitions * Expanded declarations of reference environment ## v0.0.4 Added this CHANGELOG, a bunch of style fixes and a couple of logic fixes, and some functionality changes. # Shell Modules * Renamed `get_fib_range` to `cij::get_fib_range` * `get_exp_2_range` to `cij::get_exp_2_range` * vdbench: prefixed vars with `VDBENCH_` # Tools Changed `cij_reporter` it now takes the output path as positional argument instead of optional named argument. E.g.: ```bash # How it was cij_reporter --output /path/to/output # How it is now cij_reporter /path/to/output ```