︠f09e8dd2-8098-4a54-8ff3-54f8c8744aa6i︠ %md R Basics -------- Just a demo, how R can be called from Sage to do something useful. **Note: every block of code starts with `%r` to switch to R-mode.** Use `%default_mode r` in a single bock to switch `r` to be the default. ︡f6cdcb20-ffe0-42b4-b77e-4f6f46e1be55︡{"done":true,"md":"R Basics\n--------\n\nJust a demo, how R can be called from Sage to do something useful.\n\n**Note: every block of code starts with `%r` to switch to R-mode.** Use `%default_mode r` in a single bock to switch `r` to be the default."} ︠9bc1495a-b023-418a-a05f-f6fbdc30ee2bs︠ %r x <- c(1,4,3,4,3,2,3,2,3,6,3) summary(x) ︡3fe0356d-33d8-4ed6-b02d-457926a3890c︡{"stdout":" Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. \n 1.000 2.500 3.000 3.091 3.500 6.000 "}︡{"done":true}︡ ︠635e9bd6-4ea8-43ac-a439-cb25d76a1f08s︠ %r x[1] x[2] ︡6d09689d-f487-4377-8ad8-bca4a56fb2f2︡{"html":"1"}︡{"html":"4"}︡{"done":true}︡ ︠9c10d845-42a6-4165-9e30-2cf1f7100609s︠ %r z <- sample(-5:5, 30, replace=T) z summary(z) ︡1f23e821-e0a4-4ef9-9ab3-e383be2860d7︡{"html":"
  1. 5
  2. \n\t
  3. 2
  4. \n\t
  5. 3
  6. \n\t
  7. -1
  8. \n\t
  9. -1
  10. \n\t
  11. -1
  12. \n\t
  13. 2
  14. \n\t
  15. -5
  16. \n\t
  17. -4
  18. \n\t
  19. -5
  20. \n\t
  21. 0
  22. \n\t
  23. -5
  24. \n\t
  25. -3
  26. \n\t
  27. 2
  28. \n\t
  29. 5
  30. \n\t
  31. 1
  32. \n\t
  33. 5
  34. \n\t
  35. 5
  36. \n\t
  37. 2
  38. \n\t
  39. 3
  40. \n\t
  41. 3
  42. \n\t
  43. 3
  44. \n\t
  45. 5
  46. \n\t
  47. -2
  48. \n\t
  49. -1
  50. \n\t
  51. -1
  52. \n\t
  53. -5
  54. \n\t
  55. 2
  56. \n\t
  57. 3
  58. \n\t
  59. -5
  60. \n
\n"}︡{"stdout":" Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. \n -5.00 -1.75 1.50 0.40 3.00 5.00 "}︡{"done":true}︡ ︠bbc2bcdd-1b14-44e0-b943-0f4540cefdd3s︠ %r plot(-5:5, sample(-5:5, 11, replace=F)) ︡06c82160-e426-46d4-8505-131ee675b0e7︡{"file":{"filename":"/tmp/tmpQE6EHh.png","show":false,"text":null,"uuid":"64e72d68-1ba5-4d16-b5c3-dfea34408365"},"once":false}︡{"html":""}︡{"done":true}︡ ︠0b590cf1-31dc-449a-b987-d5d915f02899i︠ %md Linear Regression ----------------- ︡28be9462-47df-404a-88cd-d47d79572c00︡{"done":true,"md":"Linear Regression\n-----------------"} ︠62845916-965e-40d0-b5e7-81d1a0d6a353s︠ %r X <- sort(runif(100, -5,5)) Y <- -2 + 1.1 * X + rnorm(100, 0, 5) lmobj <- lm(Y ~ X) summary(lmobj) ︡127ef386-380b-4893-892a-5697dd7aa64a︡{"stdout":"\nCall:\nlm(formula = Y ~ X)\n\nResiduals:\n Min 1Q Median 3Q Max \n-10.3505 -3.1704 -0.1131 3.0550 14.0648 \n\nCoefficients:\n Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) \n(Intercept) -1.3877 0.5326 -2.606 0.0106 * \nX 1.0741 0.1821 5.900 5.2e-08 ***\n---\nSignif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1\n\nResidual standard error: 5.323 on 98 degrees of freedom\nMultiple R-squared: 0.2621,\tAdjusted R-squared: 0.2546 \nF-statistic: 34.81 on 1 and 98 DF, p-value: 5.199e-08\n"}︡{"done":true}︡ ︠e5aafc80-c433-4e20-a395-0303cd2e9606i︠ %md It is also possible to `plot` the R-object `lmobj` to learn more about the linear regression. ︡a5171f8a-93ca-463b-9efc-7cf0b0dd14c8︡{"done":true,"md":"It is also possible to `plot` the R-object `lmobj` to learn more about the linear regression."} ︠6572ca5a-3897-4b71-8162-e9faf1d407bds︠ %r plot(lmobj) ︡d17b2846-38d2-4e22-b90b-5e5874d133ca︡{"file":{"filename":"/tmp/tmpes7qU4.png","show":false,"text":null,"uuid":"b8af6c24-bcab-4672-a02f-c3a9879dcb78"},"once":false}︡{"html":""}︡{"file":{"filename":"/tmp/tmpUwu66O.png","show":false,"text":null,"uuid":"7161b3ee-e1b6-4d8c-bb24-fc0667611102"},"once":false}︡{"html":""}︡{"file":{"filename":"/tmp/tmp4ht2NL.png","show":false,"text":null,"uuid":"efdc28d7-5ba7-4037-8d4d-b183778dcb5f"},"once":false}︡{"html":""}︡{"file":{"filename":"/tmp/tmpgshuz6.png","show":false,"text":null,"uuid":"53b3d40d-d5d8-4c1b-9b30-9fde0112bee3"},"once":false}︡{"html":""}︡{"done":true}︡