import os os.chdir("src") try: SAGE_SHARE = os.environ['SAGE_SHARE'] except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("SAGE_SHARE undefined, maybe run `sage -sh`?") def safe_makedirs(dir): try: os.makedirs(dir) except OSError: if not os.path.isdir(dir): raise def install_cremona(): from sqlite3 import connect cremona_root = os.path.join(SAGE_SHARE, 'cremona') safe_makedirs(cremona_root) target = os.path.join(cremona_root, 'cremona_mini.db') print("Creating database {0}".format(target)) if os.path.exists(target): os.remove(target) con = connect(target) con.execute('CREATE TABLE t_class(rank INTEGER, class TEXT PRIMARY KEY,' ' conductor INTEGER)') con.execute('CREATE TABLE t_curve(curve TEXT PRIMARY KEY, class TEXT, tors' ' INTEGER, eqn TEXT UNIQUE)') con.execute('CREATE INDEX i_t_class_conductor ON t_class(conductor)') con.execute('CREATE INDEX i_t_curve_class ON t_curve(class)') class_data = [] curve_data = [] for line in open(os.path.join('common', 'allcurves.00000-09999')): N, iso, num, eqn, r, tors = line.split() cls = N + iso cur = cls + num if num == "1": class_data.append((N, cls, r)) curve_data.append((cur, cls, eqn, tors)) con.executemany('INSERT INTO t_class(conductor,class,rank) VALUES' ' (?,?,?)', class_data) con.executemany('INSERT INTO t_curve(curve,class,eqn,tors) VALUES' ' (?,?,?,?)', curve_data) con.commit() def install_ellcurves(): ellcurves_root = os.path.join(SAGE_SHARE, 'ellcurves') # Remove previous installs (possibly with bad permissions, see # import shutil try: shutil.rmtree(ellcurves_root) except OSError: pass safe_makedirs(ellcurves_root) # Open all source files from the "ellcurves" directory containing # a database of curves with given rank. In the install directory, # we store all curves from the "allcurves" Cremona database by rank, # as well as the curves from "ellcurves". rank_src = {'rank0': None, 'rank1': None, 'rank2': None} # Not in "ellcurves" for r in os.listdir('ellcurves'): if not r.startswith("."): rank_src[r] = open(os.path.join('ellcurves', r)) # Create files for each rank of elliptic curves in the databases. rank_dst = {} for r in rank_src: filename = os.path.join(ellcurves_root, r) print("Creating text file {0}".format(filename)) rank_dst[r] = open(filename, 'w') # Write the curves from the "allcurves" database to the rank file for line in open(os.path.join('common', 'allcurves.00000-09999')): r = "rank" + line.split()[4] rank_dst[r].write(line) # Now append the ranks from the "ellcurves" database for r, f in rank_src.items(): if f is not None: rank_dst[r].write( if __name__ == '__main__': install_cremona() install_ellcurves()