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@article{DavidThiery2011, author = {David, Marie-Claude and Thiéry, Nicolas M.}, date = {2011}, journaltitle = {Journal of Algebra and Its Applications}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.3044}, number = {5}, pages = {995--1106}, title = {Exploration of finite-dimensional Kac Algebras and lattices of intermediate subfactors of irreducible inclusions}, volume = {10}, } @thesis{Deka2005, author = {Deka, Lipika}, institution = {Department of Mathematics}, location = {University of California, Davis, USA}, date = {2005}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0512536}, title = {Fermionic Formulas For Unrestricted Kostka Polynomials And Superconformal Characters}, type = {phdthesis}, } @article{DekaSchilling2006, author = {Deka, Lipika and Schilling, Anne}, date = {2006}, journaltitle = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0509194}, number = {7}, pages = {1435--1461}, title = {New fermionic formula for unrestricted Kostka polynomials}, volume = {113}, } 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title = {Macdonald polynomials at roots of unity}, } @article{DescouensMorita2008, author = {Descouens, Francois and Morita, Hideaki}, date = {2008}, journaltitle = {European Journal of Combinatorics}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0611522}, number = {2}, pages = {395--410}, title = {Factorization formulas for Macdonald polynomials}, volume = {29}, } @misc{DuchampEtAl2004, author = {Duchamp, Gerard and Kacem, Hatem Hadj and Laugerotte, Eric}, date = {2004}, howpublished = {arXiv:cs/0405060}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/cs/0405060}, title = {An unexpected application of minimization theory to module decompositions}, } @thesis{Gouraud2004, author = {Gouraud, Sandrine-Dominique}, institution = {Université Paris XI}, date = {2004}, note = {http://www.lri.fr/these.habilitation.php?ths=23}, title = {Utilisation des Structures Combinatoires pour le Test Statistique}, type = {phdthesis}, } @incollection{HivertThiery2004A, author = {Hivert, Florent and Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, editor = 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Manresa}, booktitle = {In Jornada de Recerca EPSEM 2006}, date = {2006}, pages = {83--84}, title = {Generaci{ó} ordenada de classes d'estructures combinat{ò}ries (Ordered Generation of Combinatorial Structures)}, } @article{MauriceThiery2001, author = {Maurice, Pouzet and Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, date = {2001}, journaltitle = {Comptes Rendus de l'Acad{é}mie des Sciences. S{é}rie I. 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Acad{é}mie des Sciences Paris S{é}rie I}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0510218}, number = {6}, pages = {365--369}, title = {Construction of dendriform trialgebras}, volume = {342}, } @article{NovelliThibon2007, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves}, date = {2007}, journaltitle = {Fundamenta Mathematicae}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0511200}, pages = {189--241}, title = {Hopf algebras and dendriform structures arising from parking functions}, volume = {193}, } @article{NovelliThibon2008A, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves}, date = {2008}, journaltitle = {Advances in Applied Mathematics}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/math/0512570}, number = {1}, pages = {8--35}, title = {Noncommutative Symmetric Functions and Lagrange Inversion}, volume = {40}, } @misc{NovelliThibon2008B, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves}, date = {2008}, howpublished = {arXiv:0806.3682}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0806.3682}, title = {Free quasi-symmetric functions and descent algebras for wreath products, and noncommutative multi-symmetric functions}, } @article{NovelliThibon2009A, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves}, date = {2009}, journaltitle = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.3235}, number = {4}, pages = {864--874}, title = {A one-parameter family of dendriform identities}, volume = {116}, } @article{NovelliThibon2009B, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves}, date = {2009}, journaltitle = {The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, note = {http://www.combinatorics.org/Volume_16/Abstracts/v16i2r21.html}, number = {2}, title = {Superization and (q,t)-specialization in combinatorial Hopf algebras}, volume = {16}, } @misc{NovelliEtAl2009, author = {Novelli, Jean-Christophe and Thibon, Jean-Yves and Williams, Lauren K.}, date = {2009}, howpublished = {arXiv:0804.0995}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0804.0995}, title = {Combinatorial Hopf algebras, noncommutative Hall-Littlewood functions, and permutation tableaux}, } @inproceedings{Nzeutchap2006A, author = {Nzeutchap, Janvier}, booktitle = {Colloque Africain sur la Recherche en Informatique (CARI'06)}, date = {2006}, note = {http://www.cari-info.org/actes2006/142.pdf}, pages = {59--66}, title = {Finding polynomials to count lattice points. Computer explorations with MuPAD-Combinat}, } @inproceedings{Nzeutchap2006B, author = {Nzeutchap, Janvier}, booktitle = {Poster session of 18th Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics}, date = {2006}, pages = {632--644}, title = {Dual Graded Graphs and Fomin's r-correspondences associated to the Hopf Algebras of Planar Binary Trees, Quasi-symmetric Functions and Noncommutative Symmetric Functions}, } @article{Nzeutchap2008, author = {Nzeutchap, Janvier}, date = {2009}, journaltitle = {Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A}, note = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1461133}, number = {1}, pages = {143--167}, title = {Young-Fibonacci insertion, tableauhedron and Kostka numbers}, volume = {116}, } @inproceedings{Oudinet2007, author = {Oudinet, Johan}, publisher = {ACM Press}, booktitle = {RT '07: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Random Testing}, date = {2007}, note = {http://www.lri.fr/~oudinet/publis/07/rt07-oudinet.pdf}, pages = {26--29}, title = {Uniform Random Walks in Very Large Models}, } @article{Schilling2008, author = {Schilling, Anne}, date = {2008}, journaltitle = {Journal of Algebra}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0704.2046}, number = {7}, pages = {2938--2962}, title = {Combinatorial structure of Kirillov-Reshetikhin crystals of type $D\sp {(1)}\sb n,B\sp {(1)}\sb n,A\sp {(2)}\sb{2n-1}$}, volume = {319}, } @article{SchillingWang2010, author = {Schilling, Anne and Wang, Qiang}, date = {2010}, journaltitle = {The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics}, note = {http://www.combinatorics.org/Volume_17/Abstracts/v17i1r24.html}, title = {Promotion Operator on Rigged Configurations of Type A}, volume = {17}, } @thesis{Thiery1999A, author = {Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, institution = {Université Lyon I}, date = {1999}, title = {Invariants alg{é}briques de graphes et reconstruction; une {é}tude exp{é}rimentale}, type = {phdthesis}, } @misc{Thiery1999B, author = {Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, date = {1999}, howpublished = {Poster, ISSAC'99, Vancouver, Canada}, title = {Algebraic invariants of graphs; An experimental study}, } @misc{Thiery2000A, author = {Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, date = {2000}, howpublished = {Software demonstration, MEGA 2000, Bath, UK}, title = {\texttt{PerMuVAR}, a library for computing in invariant rings of permutation groups}, } @article{Thiery2000B, author = {Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, date = {2000}, journaltitle = {ACM SIGSAM Bulletin}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0812.3082}, number = {3}, pages = {9--20}, title = {Algebraic invariants of graphs: a study based on computer exploration}, volume = {34}, } @inproceedings{Thiery2001, author = {Thi{é}ry, Nicolas M.}, editor = {Cori, Robert and Mazoyer, Jacques and Morvan, Michel and Mosseri, R{é}my}, publisher = {Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science}, booktitle = {Discrete Models: Combinatorics, Computation, and Geometry, DM-CCG 2001}, date = {2001}, note = {http://www.dmtcs.org/proceedings/html/dmAA0123.abs.html}, pages = {315--328}, series = {DMTCS Proceedings}, title = {Computing Minimal Generating Sets of Invariant Rings of Permutation Groups with SAGBI-Gr{ö}bner Basis}, volume = {AA}, } @misc{Thiery2008, author = {Thiéry, Nicolas M.}, date = {2008}, howpublished = {Mémoire d'{Ha}bilitation à Diriger des Recherches}, note = {http://arxiv.org/abs/0912.2619}, title = {Algèbre Combinatoire et Effective; des graphes aux algèbres de Kac \emph{via} l'exploration informatique}, } @misc{Vives2008, author = {Vives, J.}, date = {2008}, howpublished = {Universitat Polit{è}cnica de Catalunya, Spain}, note = {Bachelor thesis}, title = {Generaci{ó} ordenada d'estructures combinat{ò}ries en MuPAD-Combinat (Ordered Generation of Combinatorial Structures in MuPAD-Combinat)}, }