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In addition to ``Lights Out,'' many more recent computer game puzzles can be modeled as confused electrician games. We provide examples of this, and explain how to solve such games using the Smith normal form of a matrix. We note that in many cases, this method is very efficient compared to another, more obvious, method.}, author = {Edgar, Tom and Sklar, Jessica K.}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, date = {2016}, issn = {0025570X, 19300980}, journaltitle = {Mathematics Magazine}, number = {1}, pages = {3--13}, title = {A Confused Electrician Uses Smith Normal Form}, volume = {89}, } @article{10.4169/math.mag.90.2.126, abstract = {Lights Out is a game played on a grid of light-up buttons. At the start of the game, the lights are lit in a seemingly random configuration. A button changes states whenever it or one of its neighbors is pressed. The goal is to turn all of the lights out. Light chasing is a simple strategy for winning Lights Out by using a lookup table. In this article we examine how to construct these lookup tables for several variations of the game.}, author = {LEACH, C. DAVID}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, date = {2017}, issn = {0025570X, 19300980}, journaltitle = {Mathematics Magazine}, number = {2}, pages = {126--133}, title = {Chasing the Lights in Lights Out}, volume = {90}, } @article{Cremona2016, author = {Cremona, John}, date = {2016}, doi = {10.1007/s10208-016-9306-z}, issn = {1615-3383}, journaltitle = {Foundations of Computational Mathematics}, pages = {1--13}, title = {The L-Functions and Modular Forms Database Project}, } @article{DBLP:journals/corr/DehayeKKLPT16, author = {Dehaye, Paul-Olivier and Kohlhase, Michael and Konovalov, Alexander and Lelièvre, Samuel and Pfeiffer, Markus and Thiéry, Nicolas M.}, crossref = {CICM16}, date = {2016}, journaltitle = {CoRR}, title = {Interoperability in the OpenDreamKit Project: The Math-in-the-Middle Approach}, volume = {abs/1603.06424}, } @inproceedings{CICM16, author = {Kohlhase, Michael and Johansson, Moa and Miller, Bruce and de Moura, Leonardo and Tompa, Frank}, publisher = {Springer}, booktitle = {{Intelligent Computer Mathematics} 2016}, date = {2016}, eventdate = {2016-07-25/2015-07-29}, eventtitle = {Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics}, isbn = {978-3-319-20615-8}, keywords = {conference}, label = {CICM16}, number = {9791}, series = {LNAI}, title = {Intelligent Computer Mathematics}, venue = {Bialystok, Poland}, } @article{Tabrizi20167, author = {Tabrizi, Mehdi}, date = {2016}, doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.radphyschem.2016.05.018}, issn = {0969-806X}, journaltitle = {Radiation Physics and Chemistry}, keywords = {Linewidth}, pages = {7--12}, title = {Influence of multiple scattering of relativistic electrons on the linewidth of Parametric X-ray Radiation produced in the extremely Bragg geometry in the absence of photoabsorption}, volume = {127}, } @book{calculoCientifico2016, author = {Aceña, Dr. Andrés and Armijos, Dr. Jairo and Llerena, Fis. Mario}, publisher = {Observatorio Astronómico de Quito-Escuela Politécnica Nacional}, date = {2016}, note = {https://oaq.epn.edu.ec/documentos/ManualSageMathOAQ.pdf}, title = {Manual de Cálculo científico en SageMath}, } @article{KalvodaStarosta2015, author = {Kalvoda, Tomáš and Starosta, Štěpán}, language = {cze}, publisher = {Jednota českých matematiků a fyziků}, date = {2015}, journaltitle = {Pokroky matematiky, fyziky a astronomie}, number = {4}, pages = {300--313}, title = {Počítáme otevřeně se SageMath}, volume = {60}, } @thesis{Kertels2016, author = {Kertels, Fabian}, institution = {Technische Universität Darmstadt}, date = {2016}, title = {Singular weight products on lattices with small discriminant}, type = {Master's Thesis}, } @article{JGAA-349, author = {{Bannister}, {Michael} J. and {Devanny}, {William} E. and {Eppstein}, {David} and {Goodrich}, {Michael} T.}, date = {2015}, doi = {10.7155/jgaa.00349}, journaltitle = {Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications}, number = {2}, pages = {619--656}, title = {The Galois Complexity of Graph Drawing: Why Numerical Solutions are Ubiquitous for Force-Directed, Spectral, and Circle Packing Drawings}, volume = {19}, } @inproceedings{BanDevEpp-GD-14, author = {Bannister, Michael J. and Devanny, William E. and Eppstein, David and Goodrich, Michael T.}, location = {Berlin, Heidelberg}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD'14)}, date = {2014}, eprint = {1408.1422}, pages = {149--161}, title = {{The Galois complexity of graph drawing}}, } @inproceedings{7465262, author = {Buchin, Kevin and Creemers, Daan and Lazzarotto, Andrea and Speckmann, Bettina and Wulms, Jules}, booktitle = {2016 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis)}, date = {2016-04}, doi = {10.1109/PACIFICVIS.2016.7465262}, keywords = {data visualisation;geography;greedy algorithms;text analysis;geo word clouds;geographic regions;greedy strategy;spatial relevance;text-based data sets;text-based visualization;Data visualization;Electronic mail;Flickr;Labeling;Shape;Spatial databases;Tag clouds;I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation}, note = {http://lazza.dk/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/GeoWordClouds2016.pdf}, pages = {144--151}, title = {Geo word clouds}, } @article{DBLP:journals/corr/AbrahamsenAM17, author = {Abrahamsen, Mikkel and Adamaszek, Anna and Miltzow, Tillmann}, date = {2017}, journaltitle = {CoRR}, title = {Irrational Guards are Sometimes Needed}, volume = {abs/1701.05475}, } @article{2017arXiv170310937W, author = {{Wang}, Q.-R. and {Gu}, Z.-C.}, date = {2017-03}, eprint = {1703.10937}, eprintclass = {cond-mat.str-el}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journaltitle = {ArXiv e-prints}, keywords = {Condensed Matter - Strongly Correlated Electrons,High Energy Physics - Theory,Mathematical Physics}, title = {{Towards a complete classification of fermionic symmetry protected topological phases in 3D and a general group supercohomology theory}}, } @article{Gazestani2017, author = {Gazestani, Vahid H. and Hampton, Marshall and Shaw, Aubie K. and Salavati, Reza and Zimmer, Sara L.}, date = {2017}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2017.08.012}, issn = {0020-7519}, journaltitle = {International Journal for Parasitology}, keywords = {Hidden Markov modelling}, title = {Tail characteristics of Trypanosoma brucei mitochondrial transcripts are developmentally altered in a transcript-specific manner}, } @article{vsamec2018increasing, author = {Šamec, Elizabeta and Fresl, Krešimir and Baniček, Maja}, publisher = {Hrvatski savez građevinskih inženjera}, date = {2017}, doi = {10.14256/JCE.2132.2017}, journaltitle = {Građevinar}, number = {12.}, pages = {1075--1084}, title = {Increasing efficiency of iterative application of the force density method}, volume = {69}, } @article{2018arXiv180400208B, author = {{Beck}, M. and {Leon}, E.}, date = {2018-03}, eprint = {1804.00208}, eprintclass = {math.CO}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journaltitle = {ArXiv e-prints}, keywords = {Mathematics - Combinatorics,05C31,05A15,05C15,05C21,06A11,52B20}, title = {{Binomial inequalities of Chromatic, Flow, and Ehrhart Polynomials}}, } @book{BeckSanyal2018, author = {Beck, Matthias and Sanyal, Raman}, publisher = {American Mathematical Society}, date = {2018}, isbn = {978-1-4704-2200-4}, note = {https://www.springer.com/engineering/computational+intelligence+and+complexity/book/978-3-319-01966-6}, series = {Graduate Studies in Mathematics}, title = {Combinatorial reciprocity theorems}, volume = {195}, } @book{garfinkel2017modeling, author = {Garfinkel, Alan and Shevtsov, Jane and Guo, Yina}, publisher = {Springer}, date = {2017}, title = {Modeling Life: The Mathematics of Biological Systems}, } @book{taillet2017optique, author = {Taillet, Richard}, publisher = {De Boeck Superieur}, date = {2017}, title = {Optique géométrique}, } @article{kapcak2018, author = {Kapçak, Sinan}, date = {2018}, journaltitle = {The Electronic Journal of Mathematics & Technology}, number = {2}, pages = {292--308}, title = {Discrete Dynamical Systems with SageMath}, volume = {12}, } @article{2018arXiv180510709C, author = {{Chan}, S. and {Hanselman}, J. and {Li}, W.}, date = {2018-05}, eprint = {1805.10709}, eprintclass = {math.NT}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journaltitle = {ArXiv e-prints}, keywords = {Mathematics - Number Theory}, title = {Ranks, $2$-Selmer groups, and Tamagawa numbers of elliptic curves with $\mathbb Z / 2\mathbb Z \times \mathbb Z / 8\mathbb Z$-torsion}, } @article{2017arXiv170404175A, author = {{Angella}, D.}, date = {2017-04}, eprint = {1704.04175}, eprintclass = {math.DG}, eprinttype = {arXiv}, journaltitle = {ArXiv e-prints}, keywords = {Mathematics - Differential Geometry,68W30,53A30,32C35,57T15,32Q99}, title = {{SageMath experiments in Differential and Complex Geometry}}, } @article{10.4169/college.math.j.48.2.90, abstract = {We visually investigate Viète's method for funding for the roots of the depressed cubic equation using transformations and complex plots from Sage to consider the three cases.}, author = {Edgar, Tom and Meyer, N. Chris}, publisher = {Mathematical Association of America}, date = {2017}, issn = {07468342, 19311346}, journaltitle = {The College Mathematics Journal}, number = {2}, pages = {90--96}, title = {A Visual Validation of Viète's Verification}, volume = {48}, } @article{Harrington2017, abstract = {We consider reduction of dimension for nonlinear dynamical systems. We demonstrate that in some cases, one can reduce a nonlinear system of equations into a single equation for one of the state variables, and this can be useful for computing the solution when using a variety of analytical approaches. In the case where this reduction is possible, we employ differential elimination to obtain the reduced system. While analytical, the approach is algorithmic and is implemented in symbolic software such as MAPLE or SageMath. In other cases, the reduction cannot be performed strictly in terms of differential operators, and one obtains integro-differential operators, which may still be useful. In either case, one can use the reduced equation to both approximate solutions for the state variables and perform chaos diagnostics more efficiently than could be done for the original higher-dimensional system, as well as to construct Lyapunov functions which help in the large-time study of the state variables. A number of chaotic and hyperchaotic dynamical systems are used as examples in order to motivate the approach.}, author = {Harrington, Heather A. and Van Gorder, Robert A.}, date = {2017}, doi = {10.1007/s11071-016-3272-5}, issn = {1573-269X}, journaltitle = {Nonlinear Dynamics}, number = {1}, pages = {715--734}, title = {Reduction of dimension for nonlinear dynamical systems}, volume = {88}, } @article{Roberto2016, author = {Roberto, Roson}, date = {2016-09}, journaltitle = {University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics Research Paper Series}, number = {23}, title = {PAMS.py: A GAMS-Like Modeling System Based on Python and SAGE}, } @book{HarrisPeering2017, author = {Harris, John and Kohl, Karen and Perry, John}, publisher = {Lulu}, date = {2017-11}, note = {Draft number 13}, title = {Peering into Advanced Mathematics through Sage-colored Glasses}, } @article{NazariehIdentification2016, author = {Nazarieh, Maryam and Wiese, Andreas and Will, Thorsten and Hamed, Mohamed and Helms, Volkhard}, date = {2016-07}, journaltitle = {BMC Systems Biology}, title = {Identification of key player genes in gene regulatory networks}, volume = {10}, } @unpublished{McKayConcreteAlg2018, author = {McKay, Ben}, date = {2018}, note = {https://github.com/Ben-McKay/concrete-algebra}, title = {Concrete Algebra}, } @thesis{Ziegler2015, author = {Ziegler, Konstantin}, institution = {Rheinische Friedrich-Willhelms-Universität Bonn}, location = {Bonn, Germany}, date = {2015-04}, note = {http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2015/3981/3981.pdf}, title = {Counting classes of special polynomials}, type = {Dissertation}, } @article{benito2012sage, author = {Benito, Pilar and de-la-Concepción, Daniel and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_1.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {3--16}, title = {{Sage computations of ${\mathfrak sl}_2 (k)$-Levi extensions}}, volume = {5}, } @article{celerier2012walsh, author = {Celerier, Charles and Joyner, David and Melles, Caroline and Phillips, David and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_2.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {19--35}, title = {On the Walsh-Hadamard transform of monotone Boolean functions}, volume = {5}, } @article{cruz2012exercise, author = {Cruz, Pedro and Oliveira, Paula and Seabra, Dina and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_3.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {37--44}, title = {Exercise templates with Sage}, volume = {5}, } @article{fahlberg2012experiences, author = {Fahlberg-Stojanovska, Linda and Stojanovski, Vitomir and Fahlberg, Tim and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_4.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {45--53}, title = {Experiences in using Sage to integrate good study habits and problem solving techniques in engineering mathematics}, volume = {5}, } @article{ghitza2012experimental, author = {Ghitza, Alexandru and McAndrew, Angus and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_5.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {55--69}, title = {Experimental evidence for Maeda's conjecture on modular forms}, volume = {5}, } @article{paricio2012plotting, author = {Paricio, Luis Javier Hernández and Grandes, Miguel Maranón and Rodrı́guez, Marı́a Teresa Rivas and others}, publisher = {Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences}, date = {2012}, journaltitle = {Tbilisi Mathematical Journal}, note = {http://www.tcms.org.ge/Journals/TMJ/Volume5_2/Xpapers/tmj5_2_6.pdf}, number = {2}, pages = {71--99}, title = {Plotting basins of end points of rational maps with Sage}, volume = {5}, } @misc{SchmittVanZelm-AdmissibleCovers, author = {Schmitt, Johannes and van Zelm, Jason}, date = {2020}, howpublished = {arXiv:1808.05817 [math.AG]}, note = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.05817}, title = {Intersections of loci of admissible covers with tautological classes}, } @book{ComputacoMathematicaSageMath2019, author = {Silva, Leon and Santos, Marcelo and Machado, Ricardo}, publisher = {Brazilian Mathematical Society}, date = {2019}, isbn = {9788583371618}, note = {https://loja.sbm.org.br/index.php/elementos-de-computac-o-matematica-com-sagemath.html}, title = {Elementos de Computação Matemática com SageMath}, } @book{SageParaEstudiantes2020, author = {Bard, Gregory}, translator = {Sejas Viscarra, Diego}, language = {Spanish}, publisher = {online}, annotation = {Translation made by Diego Sejas Viscarra under the weekly supervision of Prof. Gregory Bard}, date = {2020}, note = {http://www.sage-para-estudiantes.com/}, shorttitle = {Sage para Estudiantes}, title = {Sage para Estudiantes de Pregrado}, } @article{MR3780407, author = {Balodi, Mamta and Palcoux, Sebastien}, date = {2018}, doi = {10.1016/j.jcta.2018.02.004}, issn = {0097-3165}, journaltitle = {J. Combin. Theory Ser. A}, note = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcta.2018.02.004}, pages = {49--69}, title = {On Boolean intervals of finite groups}, volume = {157}, } @misc{1910.12059, author = {Liu, Zhengwei and Palcoux, Sebastien and Wu, Jinsong}, date = {2019}, eprint = {arXiv:1910.12059}, note = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.12059}, title = {Fusion Bialgebras and Fourier Analysis}, } @article{bernstein2019fast, author = {Bernstein, Daniel J and Yang, Bo-Yin}, date = {2019}, journaltitle = {IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems}, pages = {340--398}, title = {Fast constant-time gcd computation and modular inversion}, } @inproceedings{bridges2020:237, author = {Kap{ç}ak, Sinan}, editor = {Yackel, Carolyn and Bosch, Robert and Torrence, Eve and Fenyvesi, Kristóf}, location = {Phoenix, Arizona}, publisher = {Tessellations Publishing}, url = {http://archive.bridgesmathart.org/2020/bridges2020-237.html}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Bridges 2020: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture}, date = {2020}, isbn = {978-1-938664-36-6}, issn = {1099-6702}, pages = {237--242}, title = {Algorithmic Art with Discrete Dynamical Systems}, } @article{Tetrapod2021, author = {Carette, Jacques and Farmer, William M. and Kohlhase, Michael and Rabe, Florian}, publisher = {Springer}, date = {2021}, journaltitle = {The Mathematical Intelligencer}, number = {1}, pages = {79--87}, title = {Big Math and the One-Brain Barrier: The Tetrapod Model of Mathematical Knowledge}, volume = {43}, } @article{AndersonCamaraPike2021, author = {Anderson, Jacqueline and Camara, Brian and Pike, John}, date = {2021}, journaltitle = {The American Mathematical Monthly}, number = {4}, pages = {337--351}, title = {Positional Voting and Doubly Stochastic Matrices}, volume = {128}, } @misc{Miesch2021, author = {Miesch, Katharina}, date = {2021}, howpublished = {Technische Universität Berlin}, note = {Bachelor thesis}, title = {Gitterangriffe auf RSA mit kleinem privaten Exponenten -- Einfluss der Parameter beim Aufbau der Gittermatrix}, } @inproceedings{BC21, author = {Bombar, Maxime and Couvreur, Alain}, editor = {Cheon, Jung Hee and Tillich, Jean-Pierre}, publisher = {Springer International Publishing}, url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.02700}, booktitle = {Post-Quantum Cryptography}, date = {2021}, eventdate = {2021-07-20/2021-07-22}, eventtitle = {International Conference on Post-Quantum Cryptography}, isbn = {978-3-030-81293-5}, keywords = {Code-based cryptography ; Gabidulin codes ; Decoding ; Rank metric ; Cryptanalysis}, pages = {3--22}, series = {LNCS}, title = {Decoding Supercodes of Gabidulin Codes and Applications to Cryptanalysis}, venue = {Daejeon, South-Korea (Virtual)}, volume = {12841}, } @inproceedings{klisura2021embedding, author = {Klisura, {Ð}or{đ}e}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2021 7th Student Computer Science Research Conference}, date = {2021}, pages = {57}, title = {Embedding Non-planar Graphs: Storage and Representation}, } @article {Artaletal2017, AUTHOR = {Artal, E. and {Cassou-Nogu{\`e}s}, Pi. and Luengo, I. and Melle, A.}, TITLE = {Bernstein polynomial of 2-{P}uiseux pairs irreducible plane curve singularities}, JOURNAL = {Methods Appl. 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RACSAM}, FJOURNAL = {Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F{\'i}sicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas. RACSAM}, VOLUME = {111}, YEAR = {2017}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {377--402}, ISSN = {1578-7303}, DOI = {10.1007/s13398-016-0298-y}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-016-0298-y}, } @incollection {ArtalCogolludoMartin21, AUTHOR = {Artal, E. and Cogolludo, J.I. and {Martín-Morales}, J.}, TITLE = {Cremona transformations of weighted projective planes, {Z}ariski pairs, and rational cuspidal curves}, BOOKTITLE = {Singularities and their interaction with geometry and low dimensional topology}, SERIES = {Trends Math.}, PAGES = {117--157}, PUBLISHER = {Birkh\"{a}user/Springer, Cham}, YEAR = {2021}, DOI = {10.1007/978-3-030-61958-9_7}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-61958-9_7}, } @article{ArtalWahl2022, author = {Artal, E. and Wahl, J.}, date = {2022}, journaltitle = {J. Singul.}, note = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5427/jsing.2022.24e}, pages = {126--144}, title = {Fundamental group of rational homology disk smoothings of surface singularities}, volume = {24}, } @article {AABGGP22, AUTHOR = {{Alan{\'i}s-L{\'o}pez}, L. and Artal, E. and Bonatti, C. and {G{\'o}mez-Mont}, X. and {Gonz{\'a}lez Villa}, M. and {Portilla Cuadrado}, P.}, TITLE = {On a quadratic form associated with a surface automorphism and its applications to Singularity Theory}, JOURNAL = {Indag. Math. (N.S.)}, FJOURNAL = {Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series}, VOLUME = {33}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {4}, PAGES = {816--843}, ISSN = {0019-3577}, MRCLASS = {14J17 (11E04 32S25)}, MRNUMBER = {4435901}, DOI = {10.1016/j.indag.2022.02.007}, URL = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indag.2022.02.007}, } @book {kapcak2023, author = {Kapçak, Sinan}, date = {2023}, title = {SageMath ile Matematik}, publisher = {Nesin Yayınevi}, note = {https://nesinkoyleri.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/sagemath_kitap_20230510.pdf}, isbn ="978-605-278-134-0" } @InProceedings{kapcak2023icdea, author="Kap{\c{c}}ak, Sinan", editor="Elaydi, Saber and Kulenovi{\'{c}}, Mustafa R. S. and Kalabu{\v{s}}i{\'{c}}, Senada", title="SageMath Tools for Stability and Bifurcation for Discrete Dynamical Systems", booktitle="Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications", year="2023", publisher="Springer International Publishing", address="Cham", pages="283--297", isbn="978-3-031-25225-9" } @thesis{Knapman2024, author = {Knapman, Ross}, institution = {Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz}, date = {2024}, note = {http://doi.org/10.25358/openscience-10397}, title = {Creation and Manipulation of Topological Magnetic Textures in Chiral and Frustrated Magnets}, type = {phdthesis}, } @misc{iwaki2024infinite, title={Infinite families of standard Cappell-Shaneson spheres}, author={Kazunori Iwaki}, year={2024}, eprint={2404.05096}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={math.GT} } @article{chen2024polygnn, title = {{PolyGNN}: Polyhedron-based graph neural network for {3D} building reconstruction from point clouds}, journal = {ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing}, volume = {218}, pages = {693-706}, year = {2024}, issn = {0924-2716}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2024.09.031}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0924271624003691}, author = {Zhaiyu Chen and Yilei Shi and Liangliang Nan and Zhitong Xiong and Xiao Xiang Zhu}, }