#!/bin/bash # Script to add a Test site to a server configured with CherokeePostGIS echo -e "What FQDN will be used to access the test site? : \c " read sitename ln -sf /home/web2py /home/prod ln -sf /home/prod ~ cd /home git clone --recursive git://github.com/web2py/web2py.git test cd test # 2.20.4 git reset --hard 777c305 git submodule update --init --recursive ln -s /home/test ~ cp -f /home/test/handlers/wsgihandler.py /home/test cat << EOF > "/home/test/routes.py" #!/usr/bin/python default_application = 'eden' default_controller = 'default' default_function = 'index' routes_onerror = [ ('eden/400', '!'), ('eden/401', '!'), ('eden/509', '!'), ('eden/*', '/eden/errors/index'), ('*/*', '/eden/errors/index'), ] EOF ############## # Sahana Eden ############## # Install Sahana Eden cd /home/test/applications # @ToDo: Stable branch git clone git://github.com/sahana/eden.git # Fix permissions chown web2py /home/test chown web2py /home/test/applications/admin/cache chown web2py /home/test/applications/admin/cron chown web2py /home/test/applications/admin/databases chown web2py /home/test/applications/admin/errors chown web2py /home/test/applications/admin/sessions chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/cache chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/cache chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/cron mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/databases chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/databases mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/errors chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/errors chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/models mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/sessions chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/sessions chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/static/img/markers mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/static/cache/chart chown web2py -R /home/test/applications/eden/static/cache mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/gis_cache mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/images mkdir -p /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/tracks chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/uploads chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/gis_cache chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/images chown web2py /home/test/applications/eden/uploads/tracks ln -s /home/test/applications/eden /home/test # Configure Matplotlib mkdir /home/test/.matplotlib chown web2py /home/test/.matplotlib cp /home/test/handlers/wsgihandler.py /home/test echo "os.environ['MPLCONFIGDIR'] = '/home/test/.matplotlib'" >> /home/test/wsgihandler.py # Configure cp /home/web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py /home/test/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|settings.base.public_url = .*\"|settings.base.public_url = \"http://$sitename\"|" /home/test/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|settings.mail.sender = .*\"|#settings.mail.sender = disabled|" /home/test/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|#settings.database.database = \"sahana\"|settings.database.database = \"sahana-test\"|" /home/test/applications/eden/models/000_config.py # Configure uwsgi ## Add Scheduler config cat << EOF > "/home/test/run_scheduler.py" #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys if '__file__' in globals(): path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) os.chdir(path) else: path = os.getcwd() # Seems necessary for py2exe sys.path = [path]+[p for p in sys.path if not p==path] # import gluon.import_all ##### This should be uncommented for py2exe.py import gluon.widget from gluon.shell import run # Start Web2py Scheduler -- Note the app name is hardcoded! if __name__ == '__main__': run('eden',True,True,None,False,"from gluon import current; current._scheduler.loop()") EOF cat << EOF > "/home/test/uwsgi.ini" [uwsgi] uid = web2py gid = web2py chdir = /home/test/ module = wsgihandler mule = run_scheduler.py workers = 2 cheap = true idle = 1000 harakiri = 1000 pidfile = /tmp/uwsgi-test.pid daemonize = /var/log/uwsgi/test.log socket = master = true EOF touch /tmp/uwsgi-test.pid chown web2py: /tmp/uwsgi-test.pid # Init script for uwsgi cat << EOF > "/etc/init.d/uwsgi-test" #! /bin/bash # /etc/init.d/uwsgi-test # daemon=/usr/local/bin/uwsgi pid=/tmp/uwsgi-test.pid args="/home/test/uwsgi.ini" # Carry out specific functions when asked to by the system case "\$1" in start) echo "Starting uwsgi" start-stop-daemon -p \$pid --start --exec \$daemon -- \$args ;; stop) echo "Stopping script uwsgi" start-stop-daemon --signal INT -p \$pid --stop \$daemon -- \$args ;; restart) \$0 stop sleep 1 \$0 start ;; reload) echo "Reloading conf" kill -HUP \`cat \$pid\` ;; *) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/uwsgi-test {start|stop|restart|reload}" exit 1 ;; esac exit 0 EOF chmod a+x /etc/init.d/uwsgi-test # If you want the service enabling at boot: #update-rc.d uwsgi-test defaults /etc/init.d/uwsgi-test start cat << EOF > "/tmp/update_cherokee.py" vserver = """ vserver!40!collector!enabled = 1 vserver!40!directory_index = index.html vserver!40!document_root = /var/www vserver!40!error_handler = error_redir vserver!40!error_handler!503!show = 0 vserver!40!error_handler!503!url = /maintenance.html vserver!40!error_writer!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.error vserver!40!error_writer!type = file vserver!40!logger = combined vserver!40!logger!access!buffsize = 16384 vserver!40!logger!access!filename = /var/log/cherokee/cherokee.access vserver!40!logger!access!type = file vserver!40!match = wildcard vserver!40!match!domain!1 = $sitename vserver!40!match!nick = 0 vserver!40!nick = Test vserver!40!rule!700!expiration = epoch vserver!40!rule!700!expiration!caching = public vserver!40!rule!700!expiration!caching!must-revalidate = 1 vserver!40!rule!700!expiration!caching!no-store = 0 vserver!40!rule!700!expiration!caching!no-transform = 0 vserver!40!rule!700!expiration!caching!proxy-revalidate = 1 vserver!40!rule!700!handler = common vserver!40!rule!700!handler!allow_dirlist = 0 vserver!40!rule!700!handler!allow_pathinfo = 0 vserver!40!rule!700!match = fullpath vserver!40!rule!700!match!fullpath!1 = /maintenance.html vserver!40!rule!500!document_root = /home/test/applications/eden/static vserver!40!rule!500!encoder!deflate = allow vserver!40!rule!500!encoder!gzip = allow vserver!40!rule!500!expiration = time vserver!40!rule!500!expiration!time = 7d vserver!40!rule!500!handler = file vserver!40!rule!500!match = fullpath vserver!40!rule!500!match!fullpath!1 = /favicon.ico vserver!40!rule!500!match!fullpath!2 = /robots.txt vserver!40!rule!500!match!fullpath!3 = /crossdomain.xml vserver!40!rule!400!document_root = /home/test/applications/eden/static/img vserver!40!rule!400!encoder!deflate = forbid vserver!40!rule!400!encoder!gzip = forbid vserver!40!rule!400!expiration = time vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!caching = public vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!caching!must-revalidate = 0 vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!caching!no-store = 0 vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!caching!no-transform = 0 vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!caching!proxy-revalidate = 0 vserver!40!rule!400!expiration!time = 7d vserver!40!rule!400!handler = file vserver!40!rule!400!match = directory vserver!40!rule!400!match!directory = /eden/static/img/ vserver!40!rule!400!match!final = 1 vserver!40!rule!300!document_root = /home/test/applications/eden/static vserver!40!rule!300!encoder!deflate = allow vserver!40!rule!300!encoder!gzip = allow vserver!40!rule!300!expiration = epoch vserver!40!rule!300!expiration!caching = public vserver!40!rule!300!expiration!caching!must-revalidate = 1 vserver!40!rule!300!expiration!caching!no-store = 0 vserver!40!rule!300!expiration!caching!no-transform = 0 vserver!40!rule!300!expiration!caching!proxy-revalidate = 1 vserver!40!rule!300!handler = file vserver!40!rule!300!match = directory vserver!40!rule!300!match!directory = /eden/static/ vserver!40!rule!300!match!final = 1 vserver!40!rule!200!encoder!deflate = allow vserver!40!rule!200!encoder!gzip = allow vserver!40!rule!200!handler = uwsgi vserver!40!rule!200!handler!balancer = round_robin vserver!40!rule!200!handler!balancer!source!10 = 2 vserver!40!rule!200!handler!check_file = 0 vserver!40!rule!200!handler!error_handler = 1 vserver!40!rule!200!handler!modifier1 = 0 vserver!40!rule!200!handler!modifier2 = 0 vserver!40!rule!200!handler!pass_req_headers = 1 vserver!40!rule!200!match = directory vserver!40!rule!200!match!directory = / vserver!40!rule!100!handler = common vserver!40!rule!100!handler!iocache = 1 vserver!40!rule!100!match = default """ source = """ source!2!env_inherited = 1 source!2!group = web2py source!2!host = source!2!interpreter = /usr/local/bin/uwsgi -s -x /home/test/uwsgi.xml source!2!nick = uWSGI 2 source!2!timeout = 1000 source!2!type = host source!2!user = web2py """ File = open("/etc/cherokee/cherokee.conf", "r") file = File.readlines() File.close() File = open("/etc/cherokee/cherokee.conf", "w") for line in file: if "source!1!env_inherited" in line: File.write(vserver) elif "icons!directory" in line: File.write(source) File.write(line) File.close() EOF python /tmp/update_cherokee.py /etc/init.d/cherokee restart ##################### # Management scripts ##################### cat << EOF > "/usr/local/bin/compile" #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -z "\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: prod or test" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/home/\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "\$1 is not a valid instance!" exit 1 fi INSTANCE=\$1 cd /home/\$INSTANCE /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE stop python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE start EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/compile cat << EOF > "/usr/local/bin/pull" #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -z "\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: prod or test" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/home/\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "\$1 is not a valid instance!" exit 1 fi INSTANCE=\$1 /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE stop cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = False/settings.base.migrate = True/g' models/000_config.py git reset --hard HEAD git pull rm -rf compiled cd /home/\$INSTANCE sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/noop.py cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = True/settings.base.migrate = False/g' models/000_config.py cd /home/\$INSTANCE python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE start EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pull cat << EOF > "/usr/local/bin/clean" #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -z "\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: prod or test" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/home/\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "\$1 is not a valid instance!" exit 1 fi INSTANCE=\$1 if [[ "\$1" = "prod" ]]; then echo "You selected: Production" echo -n "Are you absolutely sure? (yes/n):" read confirm if [ "\$confirm" != "yes" ]; then echo "Cancelled"; exit fi DATABASE="sahana" else DATABASE="sahana-\$INSTANCE" fi echo >&2 "Cleaning instance: \$INSTANCE" /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE stop cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden rm -rf databases/* rm -f errors/* rm -rf sessions/* rm -rf uploads/* echo >&2 "Dropping database: \$DATABASE" set +e pkill -f "postgres: sahana \$DATABASE" sudo -H -u postgres dropdb \$DATABASE set -e echo >&2 "Creating database: \$DATABASE" su -c - postgres "createdb -O sahana -E UTF8 \$DATABASE -T template0" if [[ "\$1" = "test" ]]; then echo >&2 "Refreshing database from Production: \$DATABASE" su -c - postgres "pg_dump -c sahana > /tmp/sahana.sql" su -c - postgres "psql -f /tmp/sahana.sql \$DATABASE" set +e cp -pr /home/prod/applications/eden/uploads/* /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden/uploads/ set -e cp -pr /home/prod/applications/eden/databases/* /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden/databases/ cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden/databases for i in *.table; do mv "\$i" "\${i/PROD_TABLE_STRING/TEST_TABLE_STRING}"; done else echo >&2 "Migrating/Populating database: \$DATABASE" #su -c - postgres "createlang plpgsql -d \$DATABASE" #su -c - postgres "psql -q -d \$DATABASE -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.6/extension/postgis--2.3.0.sql" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d \$DATABASE -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d \$DATABASE -c 'grant all on geometry_columns to sahana;'" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d \$DATABASE -c 'grant all on spatial_ref_sys to sahana;'" echo >&2 "Starting DB actions with eden" cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = False/settings.base.migrate = True/g' models/000_config.py sed -i "s/settings.base.prepopulate = 0/#settings.base.prepopulate = 0/g" models/000_config.py rm -rf compiled cd /home/\$INSTANCE sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/noop.py cd /home/\$INSTANCE/applications/eden sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = True/settings.base.migrate = False/g' models/000_config.py sed -i "s/#settings.base.prepopulate = 0/settings.base.prepopulate = 0/g" models/000_config.py fi echo >&2 "Compiling..." cd /home/\$INSTANCE python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE start # Post-pop #if [[ "\$1" = "test"]]; then # echo >&2 "pass" #else # cd /home/\$INSTANCE # sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R /home/data/import.py #fi EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/clean cat << EOF > "/tmp/update_clean.py" import hashlib db_string = settings.get_database_string()[1] prod_table_string = hashlib.md5(db_string).hexdigest() settings._db_params = None settings.database.database = "sahana-test" db_string = settings.get_database_string()[1] test_table_string = hashlib.md5(db_string).hexdigest() File = open("/usr/local/bin/clean", "r") file = File.readlines() File.close() File = open("/usr/local/bin/clean", "w") for line in file: if "TABLE_STRING" in line: line = line.replace("PROD_TABLE_STRING", prod_table_string).replace("TEST_TABLE_STRING", test_table_string) File.write(line) File.close() EOF cd /home/web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R /tmp/update_clean.py cat << EOF > "/usr/local/bin/w2p" #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -z "\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: prod or test" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/home/\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "\$1 is not a valid instance!" exit 1 fi INSTANCE=\$1 cd /home/\$INSTANCE python web2py.py -S eden -M EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/w2p cat << EOF > "/usr/local/bin/migrate" #!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -z "\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "Instance needs to be specified: prod or test" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/home/\$1" ]]; then echo >&2 "\$1 is not a valid instance!" exit 1 fi INSTANCE=\$1 /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE stop cd /home/\$INSTANCE sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = False/settings.base.migrate = True/g' applications/eden/models/000_config.py rm -rf applications/eden/compiled sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/noop.py sed -i 's/settings.base.migrate = True/settings.base.migrate = False/g' applications/eden/models/000_config.py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py /etc/init.d/uwsgi-\$INSTANCE start EOF chmod +x /usr/local/bin/migrate # 1st time setup clean test # END