#!/bin/bash # Script to configure an Eden server # - assumes that install-eden-cherokee-postgis.sh has been run echo -e "What domain name should we use? : \c " read DOMAIN echo -e "What host name should we use? : \c " read hostname sitename=$hostname".$DOMAIN" echo -e "What template should we use? [default] : \c " read template if [[ ! "$template" ]]; then template="default" fi # @ToDo: Generate a random password echo Note that web2py will not work with passwords with an @ in them echo -e "What is the new PostgreSQL password: \c " read password echo "Now reconfiguring system to use the hostname: $hostname" cd /etc filename="hosts" sed -i "s|localhost.localdomain localhost|$sitename $hostname localhost.localdomain localhost|" $filename cd /etc filename="hostname" echo $hostname > $filename cd /etc filename="mailname" echo $sitename > $filename # Update system (in case run at a much later time than the install script) apt-get update apt-get upgrade -y # Disabled to ensure we keep Stable version from Install #cd ~web2py #git pull cd ~web2py/applications/eden git pull # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Email # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo configure for Internet mail delivery dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Sahana Eden # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Setting up Sahana" # Copy Templates cp ~web2py/applications/eden/modules/templates/000_config.py ~web2py/applications/eden/models sed -i "s|settings.base.template = \"default\"|settings.base.template = \"$template\"|" ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i 's|EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = False|EDITING_CONFIG_FILE = True|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|akeytochange|$sitename$password|" ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|#settings.base.public_url = \"\"|settings.base.public_url = \"http://$sitename\"|" ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i 's|#settings.base.cdn = True|settings.base.cdn = True|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py # PostgreSQL echo "CREATE USER sahana WITH PASSWORD '$password';" > /tmp/pgpass.sql su -c - postgres "psql -q -d template1 -f /tmp/pgpass.sql" rm -f /tmp/pgpass.sql su -c - postgres "createdb -O sahana -E UTF8 sahana -T template0" #su -c - postgres "createlang plpgsql -d sahana" # PostGIS #su -c - postgres "psql -q -d sahana -f /usr/share/postgresql/9.6/extension/postgis--2.3.0.sql" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d sahana -c 'CREATE EXTENSION postgis;'" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d sahana -c 'GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO sahana;'" su -c - postgres "psql -q -d sahana -c 'GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO sahana;'" # Configure Database sed -i 's|#settings.database.db_type = "postgres"|settings.database.db_type = "postgres"|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i "s|#settings.database.password = \"password\"|settings.database.password = \"$password\"|" ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i 's|#settings.gis.spatialdb = True|settings.gis.spatialdb = True|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py # Create the Tables & Populate with base data sed -i 's|settings.base.migrate = False|settings.base.migrate = True|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py cd ~web2py sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/noop.py # Configure for Production sed -i 's|#settings.base.prepopulate = 0|settings.base.prepopulate = 0|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py sed -i 's|settings.base.migrate = True|settings.base.migrate = False|' ~web2py/applications/eden/models/000_config.py cd ~web2py sudo -H -u web2py python web2py.py -S eden -M -R applications/eden/static/scripts/tools/compile.py # Schedule backups for 02:01 daily echo "1 2 * * * root /usr/local/bin/backup" >> "/etc/crontab" #read -p "Press any key to Reboot..." echo "Now rebooting.." reboot # END