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See here for a list of supported currencies.", "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NON_EMPTY" } ], "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "specifyCurrency", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": true } ], "displayName": "Currency Code", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "currencyCode", "type": "TEXT" } ] }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "detail" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "add" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "remove" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "checkout" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "checkout_option" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "purchase" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "refund" }, { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "click" } ], "displayName": "Action Data", "name": "actionFieldGroup", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_OPEN", 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Use the Apply to SKUs column to include a comma-separated list of product IDs/SKUs to which the Product-scoped Custom Dimension should be applied. Leave the column value empty if you want the dimension to be applied to all products.", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "addCustomDimensions", "checkboxText": "Enable Product-scoped Custom Dimensions for products", "type": "CHECKBOX" }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "addCustomDimensions", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": true } ], "name": "customDimensions", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "POSITIVE_NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Index", "name": "index", "isUnique": false, "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Value", "name": "value", "type": "TEXT" }, { "valueValidators": [ { "args": [ "^(\\S+)?$" ], "errorMessage": "There should be no whitespace in the applyTo value", "type": "REGEX" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Apply to SKUs", "name": "applyTo", "type": "TEXT", "valueHint": "e.g. shirt1,shoes2,shoes3" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Custom Dimension" } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-scoped Custom Metrics", "name": "customMetricsGroup", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "help": "Add Product-scoped Custom Metrics to the products array of this hit. 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Leave the column value empty if you want the metric to be applied to all products.", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "addCustomMetrics", "checkboxText": "Enable Product-scoped Custom Metrics for products", "type": "CHECKBOX" }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "addCustomMetrics", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": true } ], "name": "customMetrics", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "POSITIVE_NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Index", "name": "index", "isUnique": false, "type": "TEXT" }, { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Value", "name": "value", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Apply to SKUs", "name": "applyTo", "type": "TEXT", "valueHint": "e.g. shirt1,shoes2,shoes3" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Custom Metric" } ] } ] }, { "displayName": "Impressions Viewed", "name": "impressionView", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "displayName": "Impressions", "name": "impressionsData", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_OPEN", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "name": "impressions", "paramTableColumns": [ { "param": { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NON_EMPTY" } ], "displayName": "ID (SKU)", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "id", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": true }, { "param": { "displayName": "Name", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "name", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "displayName": "List", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "list", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "displayName": "Brand", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "brand", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "displayName": "Category", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "category", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "displayName": "Variant", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "variant", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "valueValidators": [ { "args": [ "^(-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)?$" ], "errorMessage": "Currency must be formatted correctly, e.g. 10 or 10.30.", "type": "REGEX" } ], "displayName": "Price", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "price", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false }, { "param": { "valueValidators": [ { "args": [ "^(\\d+)?$" ], "errorMessage": "Position must be an integer", "type": "REGEX" } ], "displayName": "Position", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "position", "type": "TEXT" }, "isUnique": false } ], "editRowTitle": "Edit Impression", "type": "PARAM_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Impression", "newRowTitle": "Add Impression" } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-scoped Custom Dimensions", "name": "icustomDimensionsGroup", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "help": "Add Product-scoped Custom Dimensions to the impressions array of this hit. Use the Apply to SKUs column to include a comma-separated list of product IDs/SKUs to which the Product-scoped Custom Dimension should be applied. Leave the column value empty if you want the dimension to be applied to all products.", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "iaddCustomDimensions", "checkboxText": "Enable Product-scoped Custom Dimensions for impressions", "type": "CHECKBOX" }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "iaddCustomDimensions", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": true } ], "name": "icustomDimensions", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "POSITIVE_NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Index", "name": "index", "isUnique": false, "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Value", "name": "value", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Apply to SKUs", "name": "applyTo", "type": "TEXT", "valueHint": "e.g. shirt1,shoes2,shoes3" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Custom Dimension" } ] }, { "displayName": "Product-scoped Custom Metrics", "name": "icustomMetricsGroup", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "help": "Add Product-scoped Custom Metrics to the impressions array of this hit. Use the Apply to SKUs column to include a comma-separated list of product IDs/SKUs to which the Product-scoped Custom Metric should be applied. Leave the column value empty if you want the metric to be applied to all products.", "simpleValueType": true, "name": "iaddCustomMetrics", "checkboxText": "Enable Product-scoped Custom Metrics for impressions", "type": "CHECKBOX" }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "iaddCustomMetrics", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": true } ], "name": "icustomMetrics", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "POSITIVE_NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Index", "name": "index", "isUnique": false, "type": "TEXT" }, { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NUMBER" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Value", "name": "value", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Apply to SKUs", "name": "applyTo", "type": "TEXT", "valueHint": "e.g. shirt1,shoes2,shoes3" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Custom Metric" } ] } ] }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "EQUALS", "paramValue": "promoClick" } ], "displayName": "Promotions Clicked", "name": "promotionClick", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "displayName": "Promotions", "name": "promoClickData", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_OPEN", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "name": "promotionsClicked", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NON_EMPTY" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "ID", "name": "id", "isUnique": true, "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Name", "name": "name", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Creative", "name": "creative", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Position", "name": "position", "type": "TEXT" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Promotion" } ] } ] }, { "enablingConditions": [ { "paramName": "eecAction", "type": "NOT_EQUALS", "paramValue": "promoClick" } ], "displayName": "Promotions Viewed", "name": "promotionView", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_CLOSED", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "displayName": "Promotions", "name": "promoViewData", "groupStyle": "ZIPPY_OPEN", "type": "GROUP", "subParams": [ { "name": "promotions", "simpleTableColumns": [ { "valueValidators": [ { "type": "NON_EMPTY" } ], "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "ID", "name": "id", "isUnique": true, "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Name", "name": "name", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Creative", "name": "creative", "type": "TEXT" }, { "defaultValue": "", "displayName": "Position", "name": "position", "type": "TEXT" } ], "type": "SIMPLE_TABLE", "newRowButtonText": "Add Promotion" } ] } ] } ] ___SANDBOXED_JS_FOR_WEB_TEMPLATE___ // Initialize returned object const ecommerce = { currencyCode: data.currencyCode }; // Build data objects const action = data.eecAction; const actionField = { list: data.list, step: data['checkout.step'], option: data['checkout.option'], id: data['purchase.id'], affiliation: data['purchase.affiliation'], revenue: data['purchase.revenue'], tax: data['purchase.tax'], shipping: data['purchase.shipping'], coupon: data['purchase.coupon'] }; // Map Custom Dimensions and Metrics to their products. const products = data.products; if (products && data.customDimensions) { data.customDimensions.forEach(d => { const applyTo = d.applyTo.split(','); products.forEach(p => { if (applyTo.indexOf(p.id) > -1 || applyTo[0] === '') { p['dimension' + d.index] = d.value; } }); }); } if (products && data.customMetrics) { data.customMetrics.forEach(m => { const applyTo = m.applyTo.split(','); products.forEach(p => { if (applyTo.indexOf(p.id) > -1 || applyTo[0] === '') { p['metric' + m.index] = m.value; } }); }); } // Map Custom Dimensions and Metrics to their impressions. const impressions = data.impressions; if (impressions && data.icustomDimensions) { data.icustomDimensions.forEach(d => { const applyTo = d.applyTo.split(','); impressions.forEach(i => { if (applyTo.indexOf(i.id) > -1 || applyTo[0] === '') { i['dimension' + d.index] = d.value; } }); }); } if (impressions && data.icustomMetrics) { data.icustomMetrics.forEach(m => { const applyTo = m.applyTo.split(','); impressions.forEach(i => { if (applyTo.indexOf(i.id) > -1 || applyTo[0] === '') { i['metric' + m.index] = m.value; } }); }); } const promotionViews = data.promotions; const promotionClicks = data.promotionsClicked; // Build ecommerce object if (data.eecType !== 'impressions' && data.eecType !== 'promoView' && data.eecType !== 'promoClick') { ecommerce[action] = {}; ecommerce[action].actionField = actionField; ecommerce[action].products = products; } ecommerce.impressions = impressions; if (promotionViews) { ecommerce.promoView = { promotions: promotionViews }; } if (promotionClicks) { ecommerce.promoClick = { promotions: promotionClicks }; } return { ecommerce: ecommerce }; ___NOTES___ Created on 25/06/2019, 18:49:06