### 1.12.0 * Compatibility: Foundry V12 support ### 1.11.5 * Bugfix: Fixed placement of Camera Views with Taskbar mode ### 1.11.4 * Bugfix: Fixed placement in canvas with taskbar ### 1.11.3 * Bugfix: Fixed placement in canvas with taskbar * Compatibility: Fixed Tokenizer window ### 1.11.1 * Compatibility: Fixed module metadata ### 1.11.0 * Compatibility: Foundry V11 support ### 1.10.0 * Compatibility: Foundry V10 support ### 1.9.8 * Reintroduce: Click outside to minimize all windows, does not include pinned windows ### 1.9.7 * Compatibility: Support PDFoundry when restoring open windows enabled on session start * Enhancement: Simple click on Taskbar mode now maximizes clicked window * Bugfix: Corrected some issues in the behavior of minimize/restore header buttons ### 1.9.6 * Rollback: Click outside to minimize all windows, includes pinned windows too again ### 1.9.5 * Bugfix: Minimize on click outside won't minimize anything if any token is active * Compatibility: Minimize on click outside won't minimize dialogs ### 1.9.4 * Enhancement: Minimize on click outside won't minimize pinned windows * Compatibility: Minimize on click outside won't minimize 'Destiny Tracker' From StarWarsFFG ### 1.9.3 * Enhancement: Simplified logic for locking window movement * Bugfix: Fixed Forien Quest window not moving (Thanks XtraButtery) * Bugfix: Fixed some issues in window movements lock when reopening (Thanks roguedevjake) ### 1.9.2 * Compatibility: PDFoundry now works well with bar modes * Bugfix: Limited height of windows when using Taskbar modes * Bugfix: Resolved problem with Bottom Taskbar when browser size changes ### 1.9.1 * Localization: Japanese thanks to Brother Sharp * Bugfix: Fixed minimum and maximum window heights when using Taskbar mode ### 1.9.0 * Enhancement: New setting 'Bottom Taskbar' allows for bottom dedicated area for open windows. Feedback welcome! ### 1.8.1 * Defaults: Reverted to some more conservative defaults for "Click Outside" and "Remember Pinned Windows" to be disabled ### 1.8.0 * Enhancement: New setting 'Minimize Everything on Outside Click', enabled by default * Enhancement: 'Remember Pinned Windows' will now also remember sidebar tabs (floating chat, playlists, etc) * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where minimized windows could be moved out of the bar ### 1.7.8 * Bugfix: Fixed an issue with remember pinned windows on startup where some events did not trigger in some system actors * Bugfix: Fixed an issue where minimizing a window too fast, would disable the minimize button * Bugfix: Added color to pinned icon to make it clear the window pinned * Bugfix: Shifted default colors to users without Minimal UI to be softer ### 1.7.7 * Compatibility: Taskbar mode support for: Monk's Enhanced Journal, SoundBoard by Blitz, Simple Calendar, Inline WebViewer, Forien's Quest Log ### 1.7.6 * Compatibility: OneJournal and Monk's Enhanced Journal ### 1.7.5 * Bugfix: Fixed an issue with the right sidebar margins in relation to taskbar mode * Build: Support for Foundry V9 as a major release ### 1.7.4 * Bugfix: Use libwrapper to reposition windows rather than innerHeight ### 1.7.3 * Bugfix: Better support for multiple screen resolution sizes with Taskbar mode ### 1.7.2 * Bugfix: Organized Minimize is now a setting per user and not global (i.e. per client) ### 1.7.1 * Bugfix: Top Taskbar mode corrected an issue in calculation of unsupported windows minimization * Bugfix: Top Taskbar mode limited height of minimum height for settings ### 1.7.0 * Enhancement: New Organized Minimize Mode "Taskbar Top" fixes a taskbar on top of all canvas for minimized windows (Check screenshot!) * Deprecation: Persistent modes now deprecated in favor of Tasbkar mode. Earlier persistent mode did not give the experience I hoped for. Feedback is welcome and consider a ko-fi! ### 1.6.3 * Compatibility: Forien's Quest Log V9+ ### 1.6.2 * Enhancement: Adjust Top bar positioning alongside Minimal UI Logo and Navigation settings ### 1.6.1 * Bugfix: Fixed a specific bug when restoring loaded windows that cannot be opened again * Bugfix: Rolled back some risky decisions in favor of compatibility over functionality ### 1.6.0 * Enhancement: Persistent Window mode will now work universally (Can detect module apps like Fate Utilities, Inline WebViewer, FXMaster, etc.) * Enhancement: Persistent Mode of Windows will now minimize "non-important" windows into the bar as well, as opposed to leave them floating * Compatibility: PopOut! support improved * Default: Setting Persisted TopBar mode is now the default (Risky in terms of compatibility, but I give my vote of confidence!) * Default: Setting remember pinned windows is now set by default (I like it and use it!) ### 1.5.3 * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where some modules might trigger some ghost windows that trick Window Controls and thus throwing an error (Thank you Casanova for helping find it) ### 1.5.2 * Bugfix: Fixed a bug when combining persisted mode and remember pinned windows, where closing them would not be remembered ### 1.5.1 * Enhancement: Remember Pinned Windows will now also remember position and size of windows (at the time of getting pinned) * Enhancement: Remember Pinned Windows will start minimized * Bugfix: Fixed wrong rounded corners in pinned windows * Bugfix: Fixed pinned mode not setting up correctly in persisted loaded windows * Bugfix: Fixed a certain situation where minimizing windows would not work after unpinning them * Compatibility: Inline WebViewer window application now counts for persisted bar mode ### 1.5.0 * Enhancement: New Feature (experimental, disabled by default) remembers the pinned windows for next sessions! * Compatibility: GM Screen entries should no longer spawn persistent window tabs * Bugfix: Fixed a specific situation when unpinning and closing very fast caused in a minimize because of double clicking recognition ### 1.4.1 * Enhancement: Added Roll Tables to supported window types for Persistent Mode * Bugfix: Minor style adjustments for the horizontal bar ### 1.4.0 * Enhancement: V9 Support and Internal code quality improvements (thanks to the community for the help!) * Bugfix: Fixed a specific situation when double clicking on minimize would double minimize ### 1.3.5 * Bugfix: Small pixel position tweak in the positioning of bottom bar ### 1.3.4 * Compatibility: Make better use of space with Minimal UI ### 1.3.3 * Bugfix: Restored an accidentally deleted bugfix for minimized windows appearing below navigation context menus ### 1.3.2 * Enhancement: Color markings when persistent mode windows are already open ### 1.3.1 * Enhancement: Persistent mode windows will be brought to top on click in the bar * Enhancement: Ironed out animations all over the module (Feedback welcome) * Enhancement: Persistent mode windows show a minimize button when open and can toggle * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where windows closed with ESC wouldn't remember the original position afterwards * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where closing left side windows on the bar would move maximized windows of the right * Bugfix: Fixed a bug with bottom located windows were not being restored correctly after minimized * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where closed windows from the bar would not remember correctly the windows length ### 1.3.0 * Enhancement: Organized Minimize windows will auto adjust their positions when closing other windows * Enhancement: Pinned windows will no longer minimize on `ESC`. Double Tapping `ESC` will do instead. Configurable in Settings * Enhancement: Organized Minimize windows will be smarter when looking for an empty space in the panel * Enhancement: Added smoother animations to Organized Minimized in any of the "Bar" modes * Bugfix: Overflow minimized windows will no longer go to the panel positions, instead they will be minimized in place * Bugfix: Improved overall stability by simplification of logic ### 1.2.5 * Bugfix: Fixed Bar cleanup with unsupported modules or applications * Bugfix: Fixed persistent mode bug when opening duplicated tokens * Localization: Thank you, @Grayhead for improving German Language and Settings configuration! ### 1.2.4 * Bugfix: Fixed journal switching between text and images also broken in 1.2.3 ### 1.2.3 * Bugfix: Fixed Journal switching between text and images broken in 1.2.2 * Bugfix: Fixed persistent mode when updating names of open windows ### 1.2.2 * Bugfix: Improved stability after ugly code cleanup ### 1.2.1 * Bugfix: Fixed an issue caused by Windows with non-letter characters in Persistent BAR mode to disappear ### 1.2.0 * Enhancement: When using Organized Minimize with BAR, minimized or persisted Windows CANNOT be moved (Unless overflowed).This will prevent accidental moves. If undesired, use modes without a BAR. This was very requested by the community :-) ### 1.1.8 * Localization: Thank you @Grayhead for adding German language to Window Controls! ### 1.1.7 * Bugfix: Fixed missing language localizations of previous build ### 1.1.6 * Bugfix: Fixed ghost tabs appearing when changing scenes in persistent mode setting ### 1.1.5 * Bugfix: Fixed a situation where the persistent mode bar would not disappear after closing last open window ### 1.1.4 * Bugfix: Tweaked some race condition parameters for better stability ### 1.1.3 * Bugfix: Fixed pinned handouts not staying pinned after changing from text to image ### 1.1.2 * Enhancement: Replaced [Token] from minimized Windows to shorten header titles * Enhancement: Window Pin button enabled by default because I think it is cool * Bugfix: Fixed a bug preventing the bar from disappearing in some situations * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where windows would not correctly restore to their proper size * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where pressing Escape to all Windows did not clean the interface properly * Bugfix: Fixed a bug where closing minimized windows threw an error in some situations * Bugfix: Reduced code redundancies ### 1.1.1 * Bugfix: Fixed context menu priority in Scene right click when top bar is used (Thanks @Grayhead) * Bugfix: Improved compatibility between pinned windows and windows that might close themselves (i.e. image-text journals) (Thanks @Grayhead) ### 1.1.0 * Feature: New Persistent Bar mode where open windows are also visible in the Panel (Experimental!!!) ### 1.0.2 * Bugfix: Fixed windows restoring to a wrong size when exceeding taskbar width ### 1.0.1 * Compatibility: Changing multiple settings now works fine with 0.8.3+ ### 1.0.0 * Initial Release