#!/bin/bash VERSION="0.4.0" BRANCH=master CUSTOM="" ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_0_JOB=pinephone-1.0-rootfs ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_1_JOB=pinephone-1.1-rootfs ROOTFS_PINETAB_JOB=pinetab-rootfs ROOTFS_PINETABDEV_JOB=pinetab-rootfs ROOTFS_PINEPHONEPRO_JOB=pinephonepro-rootfs ROOTFS_PINETAB2_JOB=pinetab2-rootfs ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_0_DIR=pinephone-1.0 ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_1_DIR=pinephone-1.1 ROOTFS_PINETAB_DIR=pinetab ROOTFS_PINETABDEV_DIR=pinetab ROOTFS_PINEPHONEPRO_DIR=pinephonepro ROOTFS_PINETAB2_DIR=pinetab2 UBOOT_PINEPHONE_1_0_FILE=boot.pinephone10.scr UBOOT_PINEPHONE_1_1_FILE=boot.pinephone11.scr UBOOT_PINETAB_FILE=boot.pinetab.scr UBOOT_PINETABDEV_FILE=boot.pinetabdev.scr UBOOT_PINEPHONEPRO_FILE=boot.pinephonepro.scr UBOOT_PINETAB2_FILE=boot.pinetab2.scr MOUNT_ROOT=./root MOUNT_BOOT=./boot # Parse arguments # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash POSITIONAL=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]] do key="$1" case $key in -b|--branch) BRANCH="$2" shift shift ;; -h|--help) echo "Sailfish OS flashing script for Pine64 devices" echo "" printf '%s\n' \ "This script will download the latest Sailfish OS image for the Pine" \ "Phone, Pine Phone dev kit, or Pine Tab. It requires that you have a" \ "micro SD card inserted into the computer." \ "" \ "usage: flash-it.sh [-b BRANCH]" \ "" \ "Options:" \ "" \ " -c, --custom Install from custom dir. Just put you rootfs.tar.bz2" \ " and u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin into dir and system will "\ " istalled from it" \ " -b, --branch BRANCH Download images from a specific Git branch." \ " -h, --help Print this help and exit." \ "" \ "This command requires: parted, sudo, wget, tar, unzip, lsblk," \ "mkfs.ext4." \ ""\ "Some distros do not have parted on the PATH. If necessary, add" \ "parted to the PATH before running the script." exit 0 shift ;; -c|--custom) CUSTOM="$2" shift shift ;; *) # unknown argument POSITIONAL+=("$1") # save it in an array for later shift # past argument ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL[@]}" # restore positional parameters # Helper functions # Error out if the given command is not found on the PATH. function check_dependency { dependency=$1 command -v $dependency >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "${dependency} not found. Please make sure it is installed and on your PATH."; exit 1; } } # Add sbin to the PATH to check for commands available to sudo function check_sudo_dependency { dependency=$1 local PATH=$PATH:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin check_dependency $dependency } # Determine if wget supports the --show-progress option (introduced in # 1.16). If so, make use of that instead of spewing out redirects and # loads of info into the terminal. function wget_cmd { wget --show-progress > /dev/null 2>&1 status=$? # Exit code 2 means command parsing error (i.e. option does not # exist). if [ "$status" == "2" ]; then echo "wget -O" else echo "wget -q --show-progress -O" fi } # Check dependencies check_dependency "sudo" check_dependency "wget" check_dependency "tar" check_dependency "unzip" check_dependency "lsblk" check_dependency "jq" check_sudo_dependency "parted" check_sudo_dependency "mkfs.ext4" check_sudo_dependency "losetup" check_sudo_dependency "sfdisk" # If use custom dir check it if [ "$CUSTOM" != "" ]; then if ! [ -d "$CUSTOM" ]; then echo -e "\e[1m\e[97m!!! Directory ${CUSTOM} not exist !!!\e[0m" exit 2; fi if ! [ -f "$CUSTOM/rootfs.tar.bz2" ]; then echo -e "\e[1m\e[97m!!! rootfs ${CUSTOM}/rootfs.tar.bz2 not found !!!\e[0m" exit 2; fi if ! [ -f "$CUSTOM/boot.scr" ]; then echo -e "\e[1m\e[97m!!! uboot config ${CUSTOM}/boot.scr not found !!!\e[0m" exit 2; fi else # Different branch for some reason? if [ "${BRANCH}" != "master" ]; then echo -e "\e[1m\e[97m!!! Will flash image from ${BRANCH} branch !!!\e[0m" fi # Header echo -e "\e[1m\e[91mSailfish OS Pine64 device flasher V$VERSION\e[0m" echo "========================================" echo "" echo "NOTE: Before continuing installation, please ensure you have TowBoot installed on your device" echo "See https://tow-boot.org/devices/index.html for guidance on installation" echo "This script has been tested with Towboot installed on the Pinephone EMMC and PinephonePro SPI" echo "" # Image selection echo -e "\e[1mWhich image do you want to flash?\e[0m" select OPTION in "PinePhone 1.0 (Development) device" "PinePhone 1.1 (Brave Heart) or 1.2 (Community Editions) device" "PineTab device" "PineTab Dev device" "Pinephone Pro" "Pinetab 2"; do case $OPTION in "PinePhone 1.0 (Development) device" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_0_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_0_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINEPHONE_1_0_FILE; break;; "PinePhone 1.1 (Brave Heart) or 1.2 (Community Editions) device" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_1_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONE_1_1_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINEPHONE_1_1_FILE; break;; "PineTab device" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINETAB_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINETAB_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINETAB_FILE; break;; "PineTab Dev device" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINETABDEV_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINETABDEV_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINETABDEV_FILE; break;; "Pinephone Pro" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONEPRO_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINEPHONEPRO_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINEPHONEPRO_FILE; break;; "Pinetab 2" ) ROOTFS_JOB=$ROOTFS_PINETAB2_JOB; ROOTFS_DIR=$ROOTFS_PINETAB2_DIR; UBOOT_FILE=$UBOOT_PINETAB2_FILE; break;; esac done # Downloading images echo -e "\e[1mDownloading images...\e[0m" WGET=$(wget_cmd) ROOTFS_DOWNLOAD="https://gitlab.com/sailfishos-porters-ci/dont_be_evil-ci/-/jobs/artifacts/$BRANCH/download?job=$ROOTFS_JOB" echo $ROOTFS_DOWNLOAD if [ -f "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip" ]; then read -p "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip exists. Do you want to keep it? " yn case $yn in [Nn]* ) rm "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip"; esac fi if [ ! -f "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip" ]; then $WGET "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip" "${ROOTFS_DOWNLOAD}" || { echo >&2 "Root filesystem image download failed. Aborting." exit 2 } fi fi # Select flash target echo -e "\e[1mWhich SD card do you want to flash?\e[0m" lsblk echo "raw" read -p "Device node (/dev/sdX): " DEVICE_NODE echo "Flashing image to: $DEVICE_NODE" echo "WARNING: All data will be erased! You have been warned!" echo "Some commands require root permissions, you might be asked to enter your sudo password." #create loop file for raw.img if [ $DEVICE_NODE == "raw" ]; then sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=${ROOTFS_JOB}.img bs=1 count=0 seek=16G DEVICE_NODE="./${ROOTFS_JOB}.img" fi # Creating EXT4 file system echo -e "\e[1mCreating EXT4 file system...\e[0m" for PARTITION in $(ls ${DEVICE_NODE}*) do echo "Unmounting $PARTITION" sudo umount $PARTITION done #Delete all partitions sudo sfdisk --delete $DEVICE_NODE #Create partitions sudo parted $DEVICE_NODE mklabel msdos --script sudo parted $DEVICE_NODE mkpart primary ext4 32MB 256MB --script sudo parted $DEVICE_NODE mkpart primary ext4 256MB 8192MB --script #Create a 3rd partition for home. Community encryption will format it. sudo parted $DEVICE_NODE mkpart primary ext4 8192MB 100% --script if [ $DEVICE_NODE == "./${ROOTFS_JOB}.img" ]; then echo "Prepare loop file" sudo losetup -D sudo losetup -Pf ${ROOTFS_JOB}.img LOOP_NODE=$(ls /dev/loop?p1 | cut -c10-10) DEVICE_NODE="/dev/loop$LOOP_NODE" fi # use p1, p2 extentions instead of 1, 2 when using sd drives if [ $(echo $DEVICE_NODE | grep mmcblk || echo $DEVICE_NODE | grep loop) ]; then BOOTPART="${DEVICE_NODE}p1" ROOTPART="${DEVICE_NODE}p2" HOMEPART="${DEVICE_NODE}p3" else BOOTPART="${DEVICE_NODE}1" ROOTPART="${DEVICE_NODE}2" HOMEPART="${DEVICE_NODE}3" fi sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -L boot $BOOTPART # 1st partition = boot sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -L root $ROOTPART # 2nd partition = root sudo mkfs.ext4 -F -L home $HOMEPART # 3rd partition = home # Flashing rootFS echo -e "\e[1mFlashing rootFS...\e[0m" mkdir "$MOUNT_ROOT" if [ "$CUSTOM" != "" ]; then TEMP="${CUSTOM}/rootfs.tar.bz2" else unzip "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip" TEMP=$(ls $ROOTFS_DIR/*/*.tar.bz2) echo "$TEMP" fi sudo mount $ROOTPART "$MOUNT_ROOT" # Mount root partition sudo tar -xpf "$TEMP" -C "$MOUNT_ROOT" # TODO: pinephone 1.0: tar (child): lbzip2: Cannot exec: No such file or directory sync # Copying kernel to boot partition echo -e "\e[1mCopying kernel to boot partition...\e[0m" mkdir "$MOUNT_BOOT" sudo mount $BOOTPART "$MOUNT_BOOT" # Mount boot partition echo "Boot partition mount: $MOUNT_BOOT" sudo sh -c "cp -r $MOUNT_ROOT/boot/* $MOUNT_BOOT" #Only copy boot script if not Pinetab2 if [ "$OPTION" != "Pinetab 2" ]; then echo $(ls $MOUNT_BOOT) echo -e "\e[1mCopying UBoot script to boot partition...\e[0m" if [ "$CUSTOM" != "" ]; then sudo sh -c "cp '${CUSTOM}/boot.scr' '$MOUNT_BOOT/boot.scr'" else sudo sh -c "cp '$MOUNT_BOOT/$UBOOT_FILE' '$MOUNT_BOOT/boot.scr'" fi sync else #Flash the uboot supplied with the release if [ -f "$MOUNT_BOOT/u-boot-rockchip.bin" ]; then read -p "Do you want to flash uboot? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) sudo dd if="$MOUNT_BOOT/u-boot-rockchip.bin" of="${DEVICE_NODE}" oflag=direct seek=64 esac fi #Rewrite the boot config PARTUUID=$(sudo blkid $ROOTPART -s PARTUUID -o value) sed "s/ROOTUUID/$PARTUUID/" $MOUNT_BOOT/extlinux/extlinux.conf.in | sudo tee $MOUNT_BOOT/extlinux/extlinux.conf > /dev/null; fi #Rewrite the home config read -p "Are you installing to an SD card? " yn if [ "$OPTION" == "Pinephone Pro" ]; then DEVICESD="mmcblk1" DEVICEEMMC="mmcblk2" elif [ "$OPTION" == "Pinetab 2" ]; then DEVICESD="mmcblk0" DEVICEEMMC="mmcblk1" else DEVICESD="mmcblk0" DEVICEEMMC="mmcblk2" fi case $yn in [Yy]* ) sudo sed -i "s/$DEVICEEMMC/$DEVICESD/" $MOUNT_ROOT/etc/sailfish-device-encryption-community/devices.ini; esac read -p "Clear root password? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) sudo sed -i '0,/:!:/{s/:!:/::/}' $MOUNT_ROOT/etc/shadow; esac # Clean up files echo -e "\e[1mCleaning up!\e[0m" for PARTITION in $(ls ${DEVICE_NODE}*) do echo "Unmounting $PARTITION" sudo umount $PARTITION done sudo losetup -D if [ "$CUSTOM" == "" ]; then read -p "Do you want to keep ${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip? " yn case $yn in [Yy]* ) CUSTOM=true; rm -r "$ROOTFS_DIR"; esac fi if [ "$CUSTOM" == "" ]; then rm "${ROOTFS_JOB}.zip" rm -r "$ROOTFS_DIR" fi sudo rm -rf "$MOUNT_ROOT" sudo rm -rf "$MOUNT_BOOT" # Done :) echo -e "\e[1mFlashing $DEVICE_NODE OK!\e[0m" echo "You may now remove the SD card and insert it in your Pine64 device!"