openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 1.0.0 title: NERM API description: The NERM API can be used to access and modify various resources in your environment. license: name: MIT servers: - url: 'https://{tenantName}' variables: tenantName: default: acmeco description: Tenant name assigned to customer paths: /audit_events/query: post: summary: Query for Audit events description: |- This endpoint provides a search engine for Audit Events by optionally combining subject_type, type, and subject_id to narrow down the audit events. A Subject Type of Profile links up to the AuditableProfile types. An Subject Type of WorkflowSession links up to the AuditableWorkflow types. An Subject Type of Get/Post/Patch/Delete links up to the AuditableApi types. The remaining Subject Types link up to the ActiveRecord types (configuration changes). - Any workflow audit event created as of 10/11/2024 will be able to be queried by workflow name, workflow uid, or workflow profile type. - Any profile audit event created as of 10/11/2024 will be able to be queried by profile type. - The entity_type parameter has been updated to subject_type, which now matches what is in the response object. - With the additional query filters added, there is a max of 5 filter parameters at one time (aside from pagination parameters) To accommodate these changes, an API contract change was required. Please read the updated API documentation for the new request syntax. operationId: search tags: - audits requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: audit_events: type: object properties: offset: description: How many records to skip before pulling records to return. type: integer format: int32 example: 100 sort_by: description: A column that we are sorting these records from. type: string example: created_at limit: description: The limiting count for the amount of records returned. type: integer example: 10 format: int32 maximum: 100 order: description: Which direction the list should be sorted by type: string enum: - asc - desc example: asc filters: type: object properties: created_at: description: Search for record based on the created_at date type: object properties: gt: description: Greater Than - search for events with a date greater than the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' lt: description: Less Than - search for events with a date less than the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' eq: description: Equal - search for events with a date equal to the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' subject_type: description: Categorization of audit event. type: string enum: - Profile - WorkflowSession - Email - FormAttributeForm - FormAttribute - Form - IdproxyPermission - NeAttributeOption - NeAttribute - Notification - WorkflowPage - ProfilePage - Permission - PortalRegistrationWorkflow - Portal - ProfileTypeRole - ProfileType - RoleProfile - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole - IdproxyRole - SecurityQuestion - UserManager - UserProfile - UserRole - User - Validation - VerificationEmail - WorkflowAction - CreateWorkflow - UpdateWorkflow - AutomatedWorkflow - BatchWorkflow - ExpirationWorkflow - InvitationWorkflow - LoginWorkflow - PasswordResetWorkflow - RegistrationWorkflow - Get - Post - Patch - Delete example: Profile type: description: The type of audit event type: string enum: - AuditableProfileCreate - AuditableProfileUpdate - AuditableProfileDestroy - AuditableBulkProfileUpdate - AuditableProfileContributorAdd - AuditableProfileContributorRemove - AuditableProfileContributorRoleAdd - AuditableProfileContributorRoleRemove - AuditableProfileOwnerUpdate - AuditableProfileWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowActionSkippedEvent - AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent - AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent - AuditableWorkflowAssignedEvent - AuditableWorkflowAutoAssignedEvent - AuditableWorkflowBatchCompleteEvent - AuditableWorkflowClosedEvent - AuditableWorkflowDuplicateCheckStartEvent - AuditableWorkflowDuplicateResolutionEvent - AuditableWorkflowFailedEvent - AuditableWorkflowIdentityProofedEvent - AuditableWorkflowInvitationSentEvent - AuditableWorkflowLdapProvidedEvent - AuditableWorkflowNotificationSentEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingApprovalEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingAssignmentEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingFulfillmentEvent - AuditableWorkflowFulfilledEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingIdentityProofEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingLdapEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingRequestEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingReviewEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileCreatedEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileSelectEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileUpdatedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRejectedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRequestMadeEvent - AuditableWorkflowRestApiEvent - AuditableWorkflowReviewedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRunningWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowSoapApiEvent - AuditableWorkflowStatusChangedEvent - AuditableWorkflowStoredProcedureEvent - AuditableWorkflowUnassignEvent - AuditableWorkflowWaitingForWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowWorkflowChangedEvent - ActiveRecordCreate - ActiveRecordUpdate - ActiveRecordDestroy - AuditableApiEvent example: AuditableProfileCreate subject_id: description: Identifier of the subject type: string format: uuid example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 data: type: object properties: profile_id: description: The profile id associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid workflow_id: description: The workflow id associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid workflow_name: description: The workflow name associated with the event type: string example: My Workflow workflow_uid: description: The workflow uid associated with the event type: string example: my_workflow profile_type_id: description: The profile type associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid responses: '200': description: AuditEvents content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: audit_events: type: array items: type: object properties: created_at: description: Search for record based on the created_at date type: object properties: gt: description: Greater Than - search for events with a date greater than the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' lt: description: Less Than - search for events with a date less than the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' eq: description: Equal - search for events with a date equal to the value type: string format: date example: '2024-10-18T16:41:23.232+00:00 | 10/18/2024' subject_type: description: Categorization of audit event. type: string enum: - Profile - WorkflowSession - Email - FormAttributeForm - FormAttribute - Form - IdproxyPermission - NeAttributeOption - NeAttribute - Notification - WorkflowPage - ProfilePage - Permission - PortalRegistrationWorkflow - Portal - ProfileTypeRole - ProfileType - RoleProfile - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole - IdproxyRole - SecurityQuestion - UserManager - UserProfile - UserRole - User - Validation - VerificationEmail - WorkflowAction - CreateWorkflow - UpdateWorkflow - AutomatedWorkflow - BatchWorkflow - ExpirationWorkflow - InvitationWorkflow - LoginWorkflow - PasswordResetWorkflow - RegistrationWorkflow - Get - Post - Patch - Delete example: Profile type: description: The type of audit event type: string enum: - AuditableProfileCreate - AuditableProfileUpdate - AuditableProfileDestroy - AuditableBulkProfileUpdate - AuditableProfileContributorAdd - AuditableProfileContributorRemove - AuditableProfileContributorRoleAdd - AuditableProfileContributorRoleRemove - AuditableProfileOwnerUpdate - AuditableProfileWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowActionSkippedEvent - AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent - AuditableWorkflowApprovedEvent - AuditableWorkflowAssignedEvent - AuditableWorkflowAutoAssignedEvent - AuditableWorkflowBatchCompleteEvent - AuditableWorkflowClosedEvent - AuditableWorkflowDuplicateCheckStartEvent - AuditableWorkflowDuplicateResolutionEvent - AuditableWorkflowFailedEvent - AuditableWorkflowIdentityProofedEvent - AuditableWorkflowInvitationSentEvent - AuditableWorkflowLdapProvidedEvent - AuditableWorkflowNotificationSentEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingApprovalEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingAssignmentEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingFulfillmentEvent - AuditableWorkflowFulfilledEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingIdentityProofEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingLdapEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingRequestEvent - AuditableWorkflowPendingReviewEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileCreatedEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileSelectEvent - AuditableWorkflowProfileUpdatedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRejectedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRequestMadeEvent - AuditableWorkflowRestApiEvent - AuditableWorkflowReviewedEvent - AuditableWorkflowRunningWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowSoapApiEvent - AuditableWorkflowStatusChangedEvent - AuditableWorkflowStoredProcedureEvent - AuditableWorkflowUnassignEvent - AuditableWorkflowWaitingForWorkflowEvent - AuditableWorkflowWorkflowChangedEvent - ActiveRecordCreate - ActiveRecordUpdate - ActiveRecordDestroy - AuditableApiEvent example: AuditableProfileCreate subject_id: description: Identifier of the subject type: string format: uuid example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 data: type: object properties: profile_id: description: The profile id associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid workflow_id: description: The workflow id associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid workflow_name: description: The workflow name associated with the event type: string example: My Workflow workflow_uid: description: The workflow uid associated with the event type: string example: my_workflow profile_type_id: description: The profile type associated with the event type: string example: 7d8c53ca-e99d-485c-9524-ea3849e82c79 format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user: post: summary: Create a new user operationId: postUser description: Create a new user tags: - users requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user: type: object properties: name: type: string required: true description: The user name example: Bob email: type: string format: email required: true description: The user email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: The user type example: NeprofileUser profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: The user profile id example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e title: type: string description: The user description example: my_user_title status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled required: true description: The user status example: Active login: type: string required: true description: The user login example: my_user group_strings: type: string description: The user group strings example: 'Administrator_group,Developer_group' locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA password: type: string description: The user password required: false example: U*bF7hy9fW responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /users: get: summary: Get users operationId: getUsers description: This endpoint can retrieve users from Lifecycle or you can search for users using parameters tags: - users parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: name in: query description: object name for filtering required: false schema: type: string example: name - name: login in: query description: The user login to search by required: false schema: type: string - name: title in: query description: The user title to search by required: false schema: type: string - name: status in: query description: status value for filtering required: false schema: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated example: Active - name: email in: query description: The user email to search by required: false schema: type: string format: email - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: users: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple new users operationId: postUsers description: Create multiple new users tags: - users requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: users: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string required: true description: The user name example: Bob email: type: string format: email required: true description: The user email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: The user type example: NeprofileUser profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: The user profile id example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e title: type: string description: The user description example: my_user_title status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled required: true description: The user status example: Active login: type: string required: true description: The user login example: my_user group_strings: type: string description: The user group strings example: 'Administrator_group,Developer_group' locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA password: type: string description: The user password required: false example: U*bF7hy9fW responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: users: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple users operationId: patchUsers description: Update multiple users tags: - users requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: users: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid required: true writeOnly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: ID of the profile example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin group_strings: type: string description: The group strings example: 'Administrator_group,Developer_group' locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: users: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/users/{id}': get: summary: Find user by id operationId: getUser description: Info for a specific user tags: - users parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a user by id operationId: patchUser description: Update a user by id tags: - users parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid required: true writeOnly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: ID of the profile example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin group_strings: type: string description: The group strings example: 'Administrator_group,Developer_group' locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readonly: true example: db6f8e8b-65c2-47d5-a0db-90bcc4e9df9e description: ID of the object to retrieve or update uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readonly: true example: user1 description: UID of the user name: type: string description: The name example: myusername email: type: string format: email description: The email example: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser default: NeprofileUser description: Type of user example: NeprofileUser title: type: string description: The title example: Director status: type: string enum: - Active - Disabled description: Status of the user example: Active login: type: string description: The login example: myLogin last_login: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the user last logged in example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' cookies_accepted_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When cookies were accepted example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' preferred_language: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA locale: type: string description: The locale the user prefers to use example: fr-CA group_strings: type: string description: 'Group strings configured on the customer''s Active Directory configuration, provided by the IDP at the moment on authentication.' example: 'Admin_group, Developer_group' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete a user operationId: deleteUser description: Delete a user tags: - users parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Info about the operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: info: description: A message confirming the operation example: object deleted '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/users/{id}/avatar': get: summary: Retrieves the URL of the user avatar operationId: getUserAvatar description: Retrieves the URL of the user avatar tags: - users parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Uploads a new user avatar operationId: postUserAvatar description: Uploads a new user avatar tags: - users parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: file: type: string format: binary responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/languages/{locale}': patch: summary: Update a language by locale operationId: patchLanguage description: Update a language by locale tags: - languages parameters: - name: language_locale in: path description: Language locale of the object required: true schema: type: string format: string example: es requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: language: type: object properties: default: type: boolean description: 'Set default to True to set a default language, to set another language to default, set default to True on the target language and the current default will become disabled' example: true enabled: type: boolean description: 'True when the language is enabled, False when it is not' example: true locale: type: string description: 'The locale string for the language, current options are- en, fr, es, de, fr-CA' example: es responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: language: type: object properties: default: type: boolean description: 'Set default to True to set a default language, to set another language to default, set default to True on the target language and the current default will become disabled' example: true enabled: type: boolean description: 'True when the language is enabled, False when it is not' example: true locale: type: string description: 'The locale string for the language, current options are- en, fr, es, de, fr-CA' example: es '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user_manager: post: summary: Create a new user-manager relationship operationId: postUserManager description: Create a new user-manager relationship tags: - user managers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_manager: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_manager: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user_managers: get: summary: Get user-manager relationships operationId: getUserManagers description: This endpoint can retrieve user-manager relationships from Lifecycle or you can search for user-manager relationships using parameters tags: - user managers parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: user_id in: query description: The ID of a user for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: bba9cfb2-96c1-4acb-ac79-a21732527265 - name: manager_id in: query description: The ID of a user for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_managers: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple new user-manager relationships operationId: postUserManagers description: Create multiple new user-manager relationships tags: - user managers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_managers: type: array items: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 - type: object properties: user_managers: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple user-manager relationships operationId: patchUserManagers description: Update multiple user-manager relationships tags: - user managers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_managers: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 - type: object properties: user_managers: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/user_managers/{id}': get: summary: Find user-manager relationship by id operationId: getUserManager description: Info for a specific user-manager relationship tags: - user managers parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_manager: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a user-manager relationship by id operationId: patchUserManager description: Update a user-manager relationship by id tags: - user managers requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_manager: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_manager: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /roles: get: summary: Get roles operationId: getRoles description: This endpoint can retrieve roles from NERM. Optionally you can provide parameters to filter results. tags: - roles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple new roles operationId: postRoles description: Create multiple new users tags: - roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: roles: type: array items: type: object properties: uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 example: sponsors_role type: type: string enum: - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple roles operationId: patchRoles description: Update multiple users tags: - roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: roles: type: array items: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole description: The type of role example: NeprofileRole name: type: string example: Sponsors description: The name of the user role archived: type: boolean description: 'Set to true to archive, false to unarchive' example: true groups: type: array description: Role groups items: type: string example: ad_group_name responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /role: post: summary: Create a new role operationId: postRole description: Create a new role tags: - roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role: type: object properties: uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 example: sponsors_role type: type: string enum: - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/roles/{id}': get: summary: Find role by id operationId: getRole description: Info for a specific user role tags: - roles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update an existing role operationId: patchRole description: Update an existing role tags: - roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role: type: object properties: type: type: string enum: - NeprofileRole - NeaccessRole description: The type of role example: NeprofileRole name: type: string example: Sponsors description: The name of the user role archived: type: boolean description: 'Set to true to archive, false to unarchive' example: true groups: type: array description: Role groups items: type: string example: ad_group_name parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: sponsors_role name: type: string example: Sponsors groups: type: array items: type: string example: ad_group_name '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /system_roles: get: summary: Get system roles operationId: getSystemRoles description: This endpoint can retrieve system roles from NERM. Optionally you can provide parameters to filter results. tags: - system roles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: system_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The unique identifier for the object example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d readOnly: true uid: type: string description: The user identifier for the object minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true enum: - profile_contributor - profile_owner example: profile_contributor name: description: The name of the role type: string enum: - Profile Contributor - Profile Owner example: Profile Contributor _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /system_role_permissions: post: summary: Create a system role permission description: This endpoint can create system role permissions for Lifecycle System Roles operationId: createSystemRolePermission tags: - system role permissions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: system_role_permission: type: object properties: system_role_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the system role example: ef5d413f-ba18-49e6-9a72-bb115aa133ff subject_id: type: string format: uuid example: db3d85ef-c324-458b-b206-58debaa96419 description: The ID of the object that the permission is giving access to value: type: integer format: int32 enum: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 example: 1 description: The permissions level of access subject: type: integer format: int32 enum: - 0 - 2 - 14 example: 0 description: The type of permission responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: system_role_permission: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the system role permission example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d system_role_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the system role example: ef5d413f-ba18-49e6-9a72-bb115aa133ff value: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The permissions level of access subject: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The type of permission subject_id: type: string format: uuid example: db3d85ef-c324-458b-b206-58debaa96419 description: The ID of the object that the permission is giving access to '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /permissions: post: summary: Create a permission description: 'This endpoint can create permissions for Lifecycle, Consolidation, and Collaboration' operationId: createPermission tags: - permissions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: permission: type: object properties: role_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the role example: ef5d413f-ba18-49e6-9a72-bb115aa133ff subject_id: type: string format: uuid example: db3d85ef-c324-458b-b206-58debaa96419 description: The ID of the object that the permission is giving access to value: type: integer format: int32 enum: - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 example: 1 description: The permissions level of access subject: type: integer format: int32 enum: - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 example: 0 description: The type of permission responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: permission: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the permission example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d role_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the role example: ef5d413f-ba18-49e6-9a72-bb115aa133ff value: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The permissions level of access subject: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The type of permission subject_id: type: string format: uuid example: db3d85ef-c324-458b-b206-58debaa96419 description: The ID of the object that the permission is giving access to '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user_role: post: summary: Assign a new role to a user operationId: postUserRole description: Assign a new role to a user tags: - user roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_role: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user_roles: get: summary: Get user role pairings operationId: getUserRoles description: This endpoint can retrieve user role pairings from Lifecycle or you can search for user role pairings using parameters tags: - user roles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: user_id in: query description: The ID of a user for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: bba9cfb2-96c1-4acb-ac79-a21732527265 - name: role_id in: query description: The ID of a role for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple new user role pairings operationId: postUserRoles description: Create multiple new user role pairings tags: - user roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: user_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple user role pairings operationId: patchUserRoles description: Update multiple user role pairings tags: - user roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: user_roles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/user_roles/{id}': get: summary: Find user role pairing by id operationId: getUserRole description: Info for a specific user role pairing tags: - user roles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a user role pairing by id operationId: patchUserRole description: Update a user role pairing by id tags: - user roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_role: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_role: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/user_role/{id}': delete: summary: Delete a user role assignment operationId: deleteUserRole description: Delete a user role assignment tags: - user roles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: User role was destroyed content: application/json: schema: type: object '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /ne_attributes: get: summary: Get attribute data in bulk operationId: getAttributes description: This endpoint can retrieve attribute data in bulk from Lifecycle or you can search for attributes using parameters tags: - attributes parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: label in: query description: The attribute label to filter by required: false schema: type: string example: birthday - name: data_type in: query description: The attribute data type to filter by required: false schema: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search example: text field - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create an attribute operationId: createAttribute description: This endpoint can create an attribute tags: - attributes requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute validations_attributes: type: object properties: validation_method: type: string enum: - required - unique - date_format - days - characters - extension - numericality - email_format - custom_format - no_special_chars description: The type of validation to be applied example: required value: type: string description: The value of the validator example: mm-dd-yyyy _destroy: type: boolean description: If the validator should be removed example: false responses: '201': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/ne_attributes/{id}': get: summary: Find attribute data by id operationId: getAttribute description: Info for a specific attribute tags: - attributes parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update attribute data by id operationId: updateAttribute description: Update info for a specific attribute tags: - attributes parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute validations_attributes: type: object properties: validation_method: type: string enum: - required - unique - date_format - days - characters - extension - numericality - email_format - custom_format - no_special_chars description: The type of validation to be applied example: required value: type: string description: The value of the validator example: mm-dd-yyyy _destroy: type: boolean description: If the validator should be removed example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete attribute by id operationId: deleteAttribute description: Delete attribute by id tags: - attributes parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: When the attribute was updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The uid of the attribute example: myattribute label: type: string description: The label for the attribute example: birthday description: type: string description: A description of the attribute example: Your birthday tool_tip: type: string description: The helper text that accompanies the attribute example: Put your birthday here mm-dd-yyyy crypt: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is encrypted example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether the attribute is archived example: false archived_on: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was archived example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: When the attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' date_format: type: string enum: - mm/dd/yyyy - mm-dd-yyyy - dd/mm/yyyy - dd-mm-yyyy - yyyy/mm/dd - yyyy-mm-dd description: The format of the date input if it is a date input example: mm/dd/yyyy selectable_status: type: string description: The status of the profiles that can be selected example: Active risk_score_setting: type: string description: What setting is used for the risk score example: standard risk_type: type: string description: Type of risk that applies to the attribute example: OverallRisk ownership_driven: type: boolean description: 'Only shows profiles that the user currently has access to, to be selected' example: true allow_multiple_selections: type: boolean description: Whether or not multiple selections can be made on something like a contributor search. example: true filtered_by_ne_attribute: type: boolean description: Whether or not the attribute is filtered by another attribute example: true filtering_ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the filtering attribute example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_filter_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute filter example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f reverse_association_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the attribute used with reverse association example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f legacy_id: type: string format: uuid description: The legacy ID example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f tmp_created_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was created example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' tmp_updated_at: type: string format: date-time readOnly: true description: the temp of when attribute was last updated example: 'Wed, 07 Feb 2024 12:55:20.456682000 EST -05:00' profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type the attribute applies to example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f data_type: type: string enum: - text field - text area - drop-down - radio buttons - check boxes - date - tags - attachment - profile select - profile search - owner select - owner search - contributor select - contributor search description: The type of data that applies to the attribute example: text field type: type: string enum: - AttachmentAttribute - CheckBoxesAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - DateAttribute - DropDownAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - ProfileSelectAttribute - RadioButtonsAttribute - TagsAttribute - TextAreaAttribute - TextFieldAttribute description: The attribute's type example: AttachmentAttribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /ne_attribute_option: post: summary: Add a value to an option based attribute operationId: postAttributeOption description: Add a value to an option based attribute tags: - attribute options requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_option: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_option: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string '405': description: Invalid input /ne_attribute_options: get: summary: Get option based attribute values operationId: getAttributeOptions description: Get option based attribute values tags: - attribute options parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: ne_attribute_id in: query description: ID of an attribute for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_options: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple new option based attribute values operationId: postAttributeOptions description: Create multiple new option based attribute values tags: - attribute options requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_options: type: array items: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: ne_attribute_options: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple option based attribute values operationId: patchAttributeOptions description: Update multiple option based attribute values tags: - attribute options requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_options: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: ne_attribute_options: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/ne_attribute_options/{id}': get: summary: Find option based attribute value by id operationId: getAttributeOption description: Info for a specific option based attribute value tags: - attribute options parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_option: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a option based attribute value by id operationId: patchAttributeOption description: Update a option based attribute value by id tags: - attribute options parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_option: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_option: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid option: type: string '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete a option based attribute value by id operationId: deleteAttributeOption description: Delete a option based attribute value by id tags: - attribute options parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Confirmation of a deleted object content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: info: type: string default: 'The option ''{Option Value}'' has been deleted' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /pages/profile_pages: post: summary: Create a profile page operationId: createProfilePage description: Create a profile page tags: - pages requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: page: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the page example: page_uid description: type: text example: Page for workflow description: The description of the page name: type: string example: My Page Name description: The name of the page archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the page is archived responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: page: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the page example: page_uid description: type: text example: Page for workflow description: The description of the page name: type: string example: My Page Name description: The name of the page archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the page is archived id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the form example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /pages/workflow_pages: post: summary: Create a workflow page operationId: createWorkflowPage description: Create a workflow page tags: - pages requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: page: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the page example: page_uid description: type: text example: Page for workflow description: The description of the page name: type: string example: My Page Name description: The name of the page archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the page is archived id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the form example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: page: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the page example: page_uid description: type: text example: Page for workflow description: The description of the page name: type: string example: My Page Name description: The name of the page archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the page is archived id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the form example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /profile_type: post: summary: Create a profile type operationId: postProfileType description: Create a profile type tags: - profile types requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_type: type: object properties: name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean default: false description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean default: false description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean default: false description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_type: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: ptUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The uid of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: attribute-uid profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type naming. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The UID of the profile type naming. example: profile-type-name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /profile_types: get: summary: Get profile types operationId: getProfileTypes description: Get option based attribute values tags: - profile types parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: name in: query description: object name for filtering required: false schema: type: string example: name - name: archived in: query description: Filter by archive status required: false schema: type: boolean default: false - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_types: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: ptUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The uid of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: attribute-uid profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type naming. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The UID of the profile type naming. example: profile-type-name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profile_types/{id}': get: summary: Find profile type by id operationId: getProfileType description: Find profile type by id tags: - profile types parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_type: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: ptUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The uid of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: attribute-uid profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type naming. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The UID of the profile type naming. example: profile-type-name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a profile type by id operationId: patchProfileType description: Update a profile type by id tags: - profile types parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_type: type: object properties: name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean default: false description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile_type: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: ptUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile type. example: Worker category: type: string enum: - employee - non-employee - organization - assignment - other description: This is the category the profile type falls into. example: employee bypass_dup_protection: type: boolean description: Whether or not duplication protection is bypassed. example: false archived: type: boolean description: Whether or not the profile type is archived. example: false permitted_role_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The role ids that are permitted for this profile type. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 isc_synced: type: boolean description: Is this profile type synced with ics example: false profile_type_dup_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The uid of the properties that are used for duplication protection. example: attribute-uid profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_namings: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the profile type naming. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 description: The UID of the profile type naming. example: profile-type-name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The ID of the associated ne attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 order: type: integer minimum: 0 description: The order that the namings are used in. example: 0 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete profile type operationId: deleteProfileType description: Delete a profile type. All profiles of that type must first be destroyed before the profile type can be destroyed. tags: - profile types parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Info about the operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: info: description: A message confirming the operation example: object deleted '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profile_types/{profile_type_id}/ne_attributes': get: summary: profile_types/ne_attributes synced status operationId: getProfileTypeAttributes description: Get ne attributes and synced attribute relationship to profile type. tags: - synced attributes parameters: - name: profile_type_id in: path description: Profile type ID of the object required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: active_filter in: query description: Filter for profile type synced attributes required: false schema: type: string enum: - synced - unsynced - all example: all - name: search in: query description: Filter by string required: false schema: type: string example: search - name: page in: query description: Pagination page number required: false schema: type: integer format: int32 minimum: 1 example: 5 - name: page in: query description: Pagination items per page required: false schema: type: integer format: int32 minimum: 1 example: 5 - name: sort in: query description: How records should be sorted required: false schema: type: object example: attr: sync order: asc properties: attr: type: string example: sync order: type: string enum: - asc - desc example: asc responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form: type: object properties: count: type: integer format: int32 description: How many ne attribute records exist example: 5 records: type: array items: type: object properties: id: description: ID of ne attribute type: string format: uuid readOnly: true example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa uid: description: Ne attribute's uid type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa label: description: Ne attribute's label type: string required: true readOnly: true example: object synced: description: synced_attribute ID if there is one type: uuid required: false example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profile_types/{profile_type_id}/synced_attributes': post: summary: Create a synced attribute operationId: createSyncedAttribute description: Create synced attribute tags: - synced attributes requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa description: synced attribute's ID responses: '201': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: synced_attribute: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa description: synced attribute's ID profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa description: Profile type ID of synced attribute ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa description: Ne attribute ID of synced attribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profile_types/{profile_type_id}/synced_attributes/{ne_attribute_id}': delete: summary: Delete synced attribute operationId: deleteSyncedAttribute description: Delete a synced attribute. tags: - synced attributes parameters: - name: profile_type_id in: path description: Profile type ID of the object required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: ne_attribute_id in: path description: Ne attribute ID of the object required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Info about the operation content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: info: description: A message confirming the operation example: object deleted '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /profile_type_roles: post: summary: Create a profile type role description: This endpoint can create a profile type role. NOTE- The ability to toggle Allow/Block is done through the Profile Type operationId: createProfileTypeRole tags: - profile type roles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string description: The id of the profile type example: 2eb5773f-2486-452f-bdb3-796133b30862 role_id: type: string description: The id of the role example: 2eb5773f-2486-452f-bdb3-796133b30862 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string description: The id of the profile type example: 2eb5773f-2486-452f-bdb3-796133b30862 role_id: type: string description: The id of the role example: 2eb5773f-2486-452f-bdb3-796133b30862 id: type: string description: The id of the profile type role example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /profile: post: summary: Create a profile operationId: postProfile description: Create a profile tags: - profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The profile name. example: First Last profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type id. example: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2424444 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated required: true description: The profile status. example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: The id proofing status of the profile. example: pass archived: type: boolean default: false description: Describes whether the profile is archived or not. example: false attributes: type: object description: The attributes associated with the profile. additionalProperties: type: string example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /profiles: get: summary: Get profiles operationId: getProfiles description: Get profiles tags: - profiles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: exclude_attributes in: query description: Allows for optimization by not returning the associated attribute data for the returned profiles required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: false - name: name in: query description: object name for filtering required: false schema: type: string example: name - name: profile_type_id in: query description: Profile Type ID for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e - name: status in: query description: status value for filtering required: false schema: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated example: Active - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true - name: after_id in: query description: 'Represents the ID where the query should begin from. If blank, it represents the first ID. When used, forces sorting by ID ascending and does not allow use of `offset`. When after_id is specified it changes the mode of the API such that any filter parameters other than profile_type_id, limit, and offset are not supported and will be either silently ignored or result in an HTTP 400 error. For example you can not include and after_id along with an archived=false in the same request.' required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4eaa719f-4312-4c5b-9264-d0eb04d4a02a responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer description: The maximum number of records to return in the search example: /endpoint?limit=10 format: int32 offset: type: integer description: The number of records to skip before starting to return results. example: /endpoint?offset=60 format: int32 total: type: integer description: The total number of records available matching the search criteria. example: /endpoint?total=10 format: int32 next: type: string description: The ID of the first record in the next set of results example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string description: The ID of the last record in the previous set of results example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 after_id: type: string format: uuid example: 4eaa719f-4312-4c5b-9264-d0eb04d4a02a description: 'The ID from which the search will start, ignoring all records before it.' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple profiles operationId: createProfiles description: Create multiple profiles tags: - profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The profile name. example: First Last profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type id. example: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2424444 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated required: true description: The profile status. example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: The id proofing status of the profile. example: pass archived: type: boolean default: false description: Describes whether the profile is archived or not. example: false attributes: type: object description: The attributes associated with the profile. additionalProperties: type: string example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple profiles operationId: patchProfiles description: Update multiple profiles tags: - profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The profile ID. example: 79ed1cb6-8888-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e name: type: string description: The profile name. example: First Last profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The profile type id. example: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2424444 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: The profile status. example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: The id proofing status of the profile. example: pass archived: type: boolean default: false description: Describes whether the profile is archived or not. example: false attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes associated with the profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete multiple profiles operationId: deleteProfiles description: Delete multiple profiles tags: - profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profiles/{id}': get: summary: Find profile by id operationId: getProfile description: Find profile by id tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a profile by id operationId: patchProfile description: Update a profile by id tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The profile name. example: First Last profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: The profile type id. example: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2424444 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: The profile status. example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: The id proofing status of the profile. example: pass archived: type: boolean default: false description: Describes whether the profile is archived or not. example: false attributes: type: object description: The attributes associated with the profile. additionalProperties: type: string example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete a single profile operationId: deleteProfile description: Delete a single profile tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '204': description: The Profile was successfully deleted. '400': description: Error deleting Profile content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error that occurred type: string '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profiles/{id}/upload/{attribute_id}': get: summary: Retrieves the URL of an attachment attribute value from a profile operationId: getProfileUpload description: Retrieves the URL of an attachment attribute value from a profile tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: attribute_id in: path description: The id of the attachment attribute required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Uploads a new attachment attribute value to a profile operationId: postProfileUpload description: Uploads a new attachment attribute value to a profile tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: attribute_id in: path description: The id of the attachment attribute required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: file: type: string format: binary responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/profiles/{id}/avatar': get: summary: Retrieves the URL of the profile avatar operationId: getProfileAvatar description: Retrieves the URL of the profile avatar tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Uploads a new profile avatar operationId: postProfileAvatar description: Uploads a new profile avatar tags: - profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: file: type: string format: binary responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /risk_scores: get: summary: Get risk score data in bulk operationId: getRiskScores description: This endpoint can retrieve risk score data in bulk from Lifecycle tags: - risk scores parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: object_id in: query description: ID of an object for filtering. Used along with object_type required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: object_type in: query description: Type of object that object_id represents required: false schema: type: string enum: - Profile - WorkflowSession - name: overall_risk_level_id in: query description: Overall risk level to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: impact_risk_level_id in: query description: Impact risk level to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: probability_risk_level_id in: query description: Probability risk level to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: risk_scores: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true object_id: type: string format: uuid object_type: type: string enum: - Profile - WorkflowSession overall_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 overall_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid impact_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 impact_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid probability_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 probability_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/risk_scores/{id}': get: summary: Find risk score data by id operationId: getRiskScore description: Find risk score data by id tags: - risk scores parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: risk_score: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true object_id: type: string format: uuid object_type: type: string enum: - Profile - WorkflowSession overall_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 overall_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid impact_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 impact_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid probability_score: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 probability_risk_level_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /risk_levels: get: summary: Get risk level data in bulk operationId: getRiskLevels description: This endpoint can retrieve risk level data in bulk from Lifecycle tags: - risk levels parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: label in: query description: The attribute label to filter by required: false schema: type: string example: birthday - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: risk_levels: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true label: type: string points: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 order: type: integer minimum: 0 _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/risk_levels/{id}': get: summary: Find risk level data by id operationId: getRiskLevel description: Find risk level data by id tags: - risk levels parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: risk_level: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true label: type: string points: type: number multipleOf: 0.01 order: type: integer minimum: 0 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /user_profile: post: summary: Create a user-profile contributor relationship operationId: postUserProfile description: Create a user-profile contributor relationship tags: - user profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profile: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor '405': description: Invalid input /user_profiles: get: summary: Get user-profile contributor relationships operationId: getUserProfiles description: Get user-profile contributor relationships tags: - user profiles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: user_id in: query description: The ID of a user for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: bba9cfb2-96c1-4acb-ac79-a21732527265 - name: ne_attribute_id in: query description: ID of an attribute for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 - name: profile_id in: query description: Profile ID to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4e480441-451d-47d9-87c2-9a0f0fe135eb - name: relationship_type in: query description: Type of user contributor relationship to filter by required: false schema: type: string enum: - owner - contributor example: contributor - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple user-profile contributor relationships operationId: createUserProfiles description: Create multiple user-profile contributor relationships tags: - user profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple user-profile contributor relationships operationId: patchUserProfiles description: Update multiple user-profile contributor relationships tags: - user profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong delete: summary: Delete multiple user-profile contributor relationships operationId: deleteUserProfiles description: Delete multiple user-profile contributor relationships tags: - user profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: user_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/user_profiles/{id}': get: summary: Find user-profile contributor relationship by id operationId: getUserProfile description: Find user-profile contributor relationship by id tags: - user profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a user-profile contributor relationship by id operationId: patchUserProfile description: Update a user-profile contributor relationship by id tags: - user profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profile: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: user_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true user_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid ne_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid relationship_type: type: string enum: - owner - contributor '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/user_profile/{id}': delete: summary: Delete a user profile assignment operationId: deleteUserProfile description: Delete a user profile assignment tags: - user profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: User profile was destroyed content: application/json: schema: type: object '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /role_profile: post: summary: Create a role-profile contributor relationship operationId: postRoleProfile description: Create a role-profile contributor relationship tags: - role profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profile: type: object properties: role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid '405': description: Invalid input /role_profiles: get: summary: Get role-profile contributor relationships operationId: getRoleProfiles description: Get role-profile contributor relationships tags: - role profiles parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: role_id in: query description: The ID of a role for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: profile_id in: query description: Profile ID to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4e480441-451d-47d9-87c2-9a0f0fe135eb - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create multiple role-profile contributor relationships operationId: postRoleProfiles description: Create multiple role-profile contributor relationships tags: - role profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: role_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update multiple role-profile contributor relationships operationId: patchRoleProfiles description: Update multiple role-profile contributor relationships tags: - role profiles requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: role_profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: info: type: string example: job has started job_status: type: object properties: job_id: type: string example: 3ce88e47ad6dba2ddf349d21 status: type: string example: queued status: type: int example: 200 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/role_profiles/{id}': get: summary: Find role-profile contributor relationship by id operationId: getRoleProfile description: Find role-profile contributor relationship by id tags: - role profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a role-profile contributor relationship by id operationId: patchRoleProfile description: Update a role-profile contributor relationship by id tags: - role profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profile: type: object properties: role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: role_profile: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true role_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/role_profile/{id}': delete: summary: Delete a role profile assignment operationId: deleteRoleProfile description: Delete a role profile assignment tags: - role profiles parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Role profile was destroyed content: application/json: schema: type: object '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/create_workflows: post: summary: Create a create workflow operationId: createCreateWorkflow description: Create a create workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/update_workflows: post: summary: Create an update workflow operationId: createUpdateWorkflow description: Create an update workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow profile_status: type: string required: true description: The status of the profiles the workflow will effect. example: active responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/batch_workflows: post: summary: Create a batch workflow operationId: createBatchWorkflow description: Create a batch workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow options: type: object properties: all_profiles: type: string enum: - 'true' - 'false' description: Used for batch workflows. example: 'true' multiple_requests: type: string enum: - 'true' - 'false' description: Used for batch workflows for if multiple requests. example: 'false' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/automated_workflows: post: summary: Create an automated workflow operationId: createAutomatedWorkflow description: Create an automated workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: type: object properties: logical_operator: type: string enum: - AND - OR required: true description: The type of condition rule. example: RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - < - '>' - '==' - before - include? - absent? - after required: true description: The operator used by the condition rule. example: '>' condition_object_id: type: string required: false description: UUID for object targeted by the condition. example: cc844e99-9895-43d0-9d17-8f606b2158ba condition_object_type: type: string required: false description: Type of object targeted by the condition. example: DateAttribute secondary_value: type: string required: false description: Used for time_frame comparison. example: before tertiary_value: type: string required: false description: Represents the days of a temporal comparison. example: before value: type: string required: false description: The value being compared against. example: before order: type: integer format: int32 required: false description: 'If there are multiple rules against one workflow, this is the order that they are ran in.' example: 1 type: type: string enum: - RiskRule - ProfileIdRule - ProfileTypeRule - ProfileExistsRule - ProfileStatusRule - SessionAttributeRule - ProfileAttributeRule - ProfileDoesNotExistRule - IdentityProofingRule required: true description: The type of condition rule. example: ProfileIdRule description: The ProfileTypeRule this workflow will be working with. example: - type: ProfileTypeRule condition_type: Workflow comparison_operator: '==' logical_operator: AND value: 'true' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/registration_workflows: post: summary: Create a registration workflow operationId: createRegistrationWorkflow description: Create a registration workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/login_workflows: post: summary: Create a login workflow operationId: createLoginWorkflow description: Create a login workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow options: type: object properties: expiration_time: type: integer format: int32 minimum: 1 description: Used for login/password reset for when the password will expire. example: 1 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflows/password_reset_workflows: post: summary: Create a password reset workflow operationId: createPasswordUpdateWorkflow description: Create a password reset workflow tags: - workflows requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The profile type the workflow effects. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Enabled - Disabled required: true description: Whether or not the workflow is enabled or disabled. example: Enabled uid: type: string required: true description: The uid of the workflow. example: my_uid name: type: string required: true description: Name of the workflow example: my_workflow options: type: object properties: expiration_time: type: integer format: int32 minimum: 1 description: Used for login/password reset for when the password will expire. example: 1 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/approval_actions: post: summary: Create an approval action operationId: createApprovalAction description: 'Create an approval action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_performers, workflow_action_roles, workflow_action_performer_notification_email, workflow_action_approval_email, workflow_action_rejection_email. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/ask_security_question_actions: post: summary: Create ask security question action operationId: createAskSecurityQuestionAction description: Create an ask security question action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Prompt the user to answer some personal security questions. number_of_questions: type: integer format: int32 required: true description: The number of questions the user should answer upon login. example: 1 token_expiration: type: integer format: int32 required: true description: 'The token expiration time, coordinates with token_expiration_type.' example: 1 token_expiration_type: type: string required: true enum: - hours - days - login attempts - always description: 'The token expiration type, coordinates with token_expiration.' example: days archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/auto_assign_actions: post: summary: Create an auto assign action operationId: createAutoAssignAction description: 'Create an auto assign action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_roles. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Automatically assigns contributors to this profile. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false contributor_attr: type: string format: uuid required: false description: 'The id of the contributor attribute for contributors from another profile. If workflow_action_roles are not associated to this object, this is required.' example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/batch_update_actions: post: summary: Create a batch update action operationId: createBatchUpdateAction description: Create a batch update action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Updates a batch of profiles with all attributes collected during the workflow. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/close_session_actions: post: summary: Create a close session action operationId: createCloseSessionAction description: Create a close session action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Closes the current workflow session. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/contributors_actions: post: summary: Create a contributors action operationId: createContributorsAction description: 'Create a contributors action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_performers, workflow_action_roles, workflow_action_performer_notification_email. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Have the requester determine the contributors or owner of the profile. owner: type: string required: false enum: - true - false description: 'If the assignment option should be an owner. Owner, Contributors, or Roles must be chosen.' example: 'true' contributors: type: string required: false enum: - true - false description: 'If the assignment option should be contributors. Owner, Contributors, or Roles must be chosen.' example: 'true' roles: type: string required: false enum: - true - false description: 'If the assignment option should be roles. Owner, Contributors, or Roles must be chosen.' example: 'true' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/create_profile_actions: post: summary: Create a create profile action operationId: createCreateProfileAction description: Create a create profile action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Creates a profile with all attributes collected during the workflow. add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/duplicate_prevention_actions: post: summary: Create a duplicate prevention action operationId: createDuplicatePreventionAction description: 'Create a duplicate prevention action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - duplicatation_prevention_attributes, workflow_action_performers, workflow_action_roles, workflow_action_performer_notification_email. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: 'Allows a user to select an already existing profile, or create a new one for the request.' search_scope: type: string required: true enum: - all - current description: The search scope of the profiles to check against. example: current ne_attribute_ids: type: array required: false description: An array of ne_attribute_ids. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 handle_id: type: string required: false description: The handle id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/email_verification_actions: post: summary: Create an email verification action operationId: createEmailVerificationAction description: Create an email verification action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Have the user verify their email address. email_expiration: type: integer format: int32 required: true description: 'The email expiration time, in minutes.' example: 20 token_expiration: type: integer format: int32 required: true description: 'The token expiration time, coordinates with token_expiration_type.' example: 1 token_expiration_type: type: string required: true enum: - hours - days - login attempts - always description: 'The token expiration type, coordinates with token_expiration.' example: days archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/fulfillment_actions: post: summary: Create a fulfillment action operationId: createFulfillmentAction description: 'Create a fulfillment action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_performers, workflow_action_roles, workflow_action_performer_notification_email. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Have another user or group provide information for the profile. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/identity_proofing_actions: post: summary: Create an identity proofing action operationId: createIdentityProofingAction description: 'Create an identity proofing action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - identity_proofing_action_configuration, identity_proofing_action_mappings. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Have the user account associated with this profile validate the identity data. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/invitation_actions: post: summary: Create an invitation action operationId: createInvitationAction description: 'Create an invitation action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_pause_action. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Creates a registration session associated with an email address archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false configuration_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 wait_for_completion: type: boolean example: false description: If the invitation action should pause the parent workflow to wait for completion. return_profile: type: boolean example: false description: If the invitation action should return a profile. portal_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the portal. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 registration_workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the registration workflow. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the email attribute. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 validate_completed_registration: type: boolean example: false description: If the action should validate against completed registrations by email address. validate_open_registration: type: boolean example: false description: If the action should validate against open registrations by email address. workflow_action_email_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the email. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 type: type: string description: the type of email. enum: - StandardEmail - PerformerNotificationEmail - ApprovalEmail - RejectionEmail example: StandardEmail responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/ldap_actions: post: summary: Create a ldap action operationId: createLdapAction description: 'Create a ldap action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_performers, workflow_action_roles. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Create a Collaboration user account for this profile. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false store_type: type: string required: true enum: - Local - Directory description: the type of store. example: Local ldap_action_user_roles_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 role_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the role. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 workflow_action_value_builders_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 value_builder_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the value builder. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 position: type: integer format: int32 description: the position of the value builder attribute. example: 1 workflow_action_directory_groups_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 directory_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the directory. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 group_label: type: string format: text description: the group label. example: Admin group_dn: type: string format: text description: the group dn. example: group responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/notification_actions: post: summary: Create a notification action operationId: createNotificationAction description: Create a notification action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Send a notification to a group of users. email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false workflow_action_email_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the email. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 type: type: string enum: - StandardEmail description: the type of email. example: StandardEmail responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/password_reset_actions: post: summary: Create a password reset action operationId: createPasswordResetAction description: Create a password reset action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Prompt the user to reset their password. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/profile_check_actions: post: summary: Create a profile check action operationId: createProfileCheckAction description: Create a profile check action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Finds a profile based on selected attributes and values found in the session. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false ne_attribute_ids: type: array required: false description: An array of ne_attribute_ids. example: - 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 handle_type: type: string required: false enum: - session - attribute description: The handle type for what should happen if an existing profile is found. example: session handle_id: type: string required: false description: 'The handle id. When handle type is session, this is the session id.' example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/profile_select_actions: post: summary: Create a profile select action operationId: createProfileSelectAction description: Create a profile select action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Select the profiles that you want to run this workflow for. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/request_actions: post: summary: Create a request action operationId: createRequestAction description: Create a request action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Provides the requester a page with forms. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/rest_api_actions: post: summary: Create a REST API action operationId: createRestApiAction description: 'Create a REST API action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - rest_api_action_configuration, api_configuration_attributes. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Makes a request to a Restful API. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/review_actions: post: summary: Create a review action operationId: createReviewAction description: 'Create a review action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_performer_notification_email. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Allows the requester to review. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/run_workflow_actions: post: summary: Create a run workflow action operationId: createRunWorkflowAction description: 'Create a run workflow action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - configuration_profile_attribute. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Runs another workflow with the ability to pass data in between. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false configuration_attributes: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: the id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the workflow. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 wait_for_completion: type: boolean description: If the parent workflow should wait for the child to complete. example: false profile_to_send: type: string enum: - none - current - attribute - profile_type description: the profile the parent should send to the child workflow. example: current return_profile: type: boolean description: if the child workflow should return a profile. example: false run_workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the child workflow to run. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: the id of the profile type. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/set_attributes_actions: post: summary: Create a set attributes action operationId: createSetAttributesAction description: 'Create a set attributes action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_set_attributes. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Set attribute(s) to a specific value. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/set_security_question_actions: post: summary: Create set security question action operationId: createSetSecurityQuestionAction description: Create a set security question action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Prompt the user to provide some personal security questions and answers. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false number_of_questions: type: integer format: int32 required: true description: The number of questions the user should answer upon login. example: 1 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/soap_api_actions: post: summary: Create a SOAP API action operationId: createSoapApiAction description: 'Create a SOAP API action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - soap_api_action_configuration, api_configuration_attributes. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Makes a request to a SOAP API. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/status_change_actions: post: summary: Create a status change action operationId: createStatusChangeAction description: Create a status change action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Changes the status of a non-employee. new_status: type: string format: text required: false enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: Active archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/unassign_actions: post: summary: Create an unassign action operationId: createUnassignAction description: 'Create an unassign action. The following supporting objects will need to be created after this action is created (which are tied together via workflow_action_id) - workflow_action_roles. These supporting objects must be created for this action to be complete (APIs for these supporting objects not yet implemented, use UI).' tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Un-assigns roles from a profile. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/update_profile_actions: post: summary: Create an update profile action operationId: createUpdateProfileAction description: Create an update profile action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Updates a profile with all attributes collected during the workflow. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions/username_password_actions: post: summary: Create a username password action operationId: createUsernamePasswordAction description: Create a username password action tags: - workflow actions requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: true description: The description of the workflow action. example: Prompt the user for their username and password. archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_actions: get: summary: Get Workflow Actions operationId: getWorkflowActions description: This endpoint can retrieve workflow actions tags: - workflow actions parameters: - name: workflow_id in: query description: Workflow ID for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: bba9cfb2-96c1-4acb-ac79-a21732527265 responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_actions: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow the workflow action belongs to. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: type: string required: false description: The description of the workflow action. example: Require approval from another user or a group of users with a specific role. page_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The page the workflow action should render. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 add_requester_as_owner: type: boolean default: true description: If the requester should be added as the owner of the profile to be created. example: true email_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid required: false description: The attribute storing the email address for the workflow action. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 email_addresses: type: array required: false items: type: string format: text description: The email addresses for the workflow action. example: - - new_status: type: string format: text required: false description: The new status for the Status Change workflow action. example: 'Active, Inactive, On Leave, Terminated' archived: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is archived or not. example: false skippable: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action is skippable or not. example: false requires_comment: type: boolean default: false description: If the workflow action requires a comment or not. example: false '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_action_performers: post: summary: Create a workflow action performer operationId: createWorkflowActionPerformer description: Create a workflow action performer for an existing workflow action tags: - workflow action performer requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action_performers: type: object properties: contributor_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: Specify the id of the user attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab contributors: type: boolean default: false description: Set to true to allow profile contributor to perform the action. example: true contributors_manager_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: Specify the id of the user attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab owner: type: boolean default: false description: Set to true to allow profile owner to perform the action. example: true profiles_contributors_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: Specify the id of the profile attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab requester: type: boolean default: false description: Set to true to allow requester from the request to perform the action. example: true requesters_manager: type: boolean default: false description: Set to true to allow the requester's manager from the request to perform the action. example: true workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: Specify the id of the workflow action you would like to create the workflow action performer/s for. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_action_performer: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the workflow action performer that was created. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab contributor_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the user attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab contributors: type: boolean default: false description: Set to allow profile contributor to perform the action. example: true contributors_manager_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the user attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab owner: type: boolean default: false description: Set to allow profile owner to perform the action. example: true profiles_contributors_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the profile attribute to perform the action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab requester: type: boolean default: false description: Set to allow requester from the request to perform the action. example: true requesters_manager: type: boolean default: false description: Set to allow the requester's manager from the request to perform the action. example: true workflow_action_id: type: string format: uuid description: The id of the workflow action. example: e6905f25-489a-43cd-a758-bdacaf60dcab '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /workflow_sessions: get: summary: Get workflow sessions operationId: getWorkflowSessions description: Get workflow sessions tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: profile_id in: query description: Profile ID to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4e480441-451d-47d9-87c2-9a0f0fe135eb - name: uid in: query description: Workflow session uid for filtering required: false schema: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 - name: workflow_id in: query description: Workflow ID for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: bba9cfb2-96c1-4acb-ac79-a21732527265 - name: requester_id in: query description: Requester ID for filtering required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: status in: query description: filter by workflow session status required: false schema: type: string enum: - waiting on workflow - identity proofing completed - new - closing - pending request - requested - pending approval - approved - pending notification - notified - pending review - reviewed - pending trigger - stored procedure - pending status change - status changed - pending update - non employee updated - non employee created - pending creation - rejected - pending assignment - assigned - default - failed - un assigned - auto assigned - ldap provided - pending ldap - pending fulfillment - pending stored procedure - pending courion add - fulfilled - pending courion update - courion add - pending courion_extend - courion update - pending courion terminate - courion extend - pending profile select - courion terminate - batch completed - profiles selected - answered questions - pending questions - attempting to start workflow - started workflow - profile check complete - completed - processing - pending set attribute - invitation sent - action skipped - api request sent - attribute set - disabled - duplicates resolved - soap request sent - checking for duplicates - pending identity proofing - closed - workflow changed - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_sessions: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Create a workflow session operationId: postWorkflowSession description: Create a workflow session tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: run in: query description: Will run the created/updated workflow session if successful required: false schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_session: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid required: true description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser required: true description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows attributes: type: object description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. additionalProperties: type: string example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_session: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/workflow_sessions/{id}': get: summary: Find workflow session by id operationId: getWorkflowSession description: Find workflow session by id tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_session: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong patch: summary: Update a workflow session by id operationId: patchWorkflowSession description: Update a workflow session by id tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: run in: query description: Will run the created/updated workflow session if successful required: false schema: type: boolean default: false requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_session: type: object properties: workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' profile_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' contributor_select_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 contributor_search_attribute_uid: 49ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc2425244 multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' owner_select_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e owner_search_attribute_uid: 79ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: workflow_session: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID. example: wsUid workflow_id: type: string format: uuid description: The workflow id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_id: type: string format: uuid description: The requester's id. example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 requester_type: type: string enum: - User - NeprofileUser - NeaccessUser description: The requester type. example: User profile_id: type: string format: uuid example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 description: The profile this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Update workflows profile_ids: type: array items: type: string format: uuid example: '59ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e, 89ed1cb6-9977-4965-9bfe-f2bcc242523e' description: The profiles this workflow session will be working with. Only Applicable for Batch workflows status: type: string enum: - api_request_sent - approved - assigned - attempting_to_start_workflow - AUTH-STATUS1 - AUTH-STATUS2 - AUTH-STATUS3 - AUTH-STATUS4 - AUTH-STATUS5 - AUTH-STATUS6 - AUTH-STATUS7 - AUTH-STATUS8 - AUTH-STATUS9 - auto_assigned - batch_completed - checking_for_duplicates - closed - completed - courion_add - courion_extend - courion_terminate - courion_update - duplicates_resolved - failed - fulfilled - invitation_sent - ldap_provided - new - non_employee_created - non_employee_updated - notified - pending_approval - pending_assignment - pending_courion_add - pending_courion_extend - pending_courion_terminate - pending_courion_update - pending_creation - pending_fulfillment - pending_ldap - pending_notification - pending_profile_select - pending_request - pending_review - pending_status_change - pending_stored_procedure - pending_trigger - pending_update - processing - profile_check_complete - profiles_selected - rejected - requested - reviewed - soap_request_sent - started_workflow - status_changed - stored_procedure - un_assigned - waiting_on_workflow - workflow_changed example: completed description: The status of the workflow session. attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: The attributes asscoiated with the workflow session. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/workflow_sessions/{id}/upload/{attribute_id}': get: summary: Retrieves the URL of an attachment attribute value from a workflow session operationId: getWorkflowSessionUpload description: Retrieves the URL of an attachment attribute value from a workflow session tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: attribute_id in: path description: The id of the attachment attribute required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong post: summary: Uploads a new attachment attribute value to a workflow session operationId: postWorkflowSessionUpload description: Uploads a new attachment attribute value to a workflow session tags: - workflow sessions parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: attribute_id in: path description: The id of the attachment attribute required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: multipart/form-data: schema: type: object properties: file: type: string format: binary responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: url: type: string format: url readOnly: true '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /identity_proofing_results: get: summary: Get identity proofing result data in bulk operationId: getIdentityProofingResults description: This endpoint can retrieve identity proofing result data in bulk from Lifecycle tags: - identity proofing results parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true - name: profile_id in: query description: Profile ID to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid example: 4e480441-451d-47d9-87c2-9a0f0fe135eb - name: workflow_session_id in: query description: Workflow Session ID to filter by required: false schema: type: string format: uuid - name: result in: query description: ID Proofing Result to filter by required: false schema: type: string enum: - pass - fail - name: metadata in: query description: Returns batching metadata in the response required: false schema: type: boolean default: false example: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: identity_proofing_results: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true identity_proofing_action_id: type: string format: uuid workflow_session_id: type: string format: uuid profile_id: type: string format: uuid proofing_workflow: type: string format: uuid result: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail proofing_attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string example: result: approve created_at: type: string format: date-time updated_at: type: string format: date-time _metadata: type: object properties: limit: type: integer offset: type: integer total: type: integer next: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=60 previous: type: string example: /endpoint?limit=10&offset=40 /advanced_search: get: summary: Get saved advanced search queries operationId: getAdvancedSearch description: Get saved advanced search queries tags: - advanced search responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk post: summary: Save an advanced search query for later use operationId: postAdvancedSearch description: Save an advanced search query for later use tags: - advanced search requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: object properties: label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string required: true enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk /advanced_search/run: post: summary: 'Run an advanced search for profiles, without saving the query' operationId: runAdvancedSearch description: 'Run an advanced search for profiles, without saving the query' tags: - advanced search parameters: - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: object properties: label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string required: true enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' '/advanced_search/{id}': patch: summary: Update a saved advanced search query operationId: patchAdvancedSearch description: Update a saved advanced search query tags: - advanced search parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string format: uuid _destroy: type: boolean default: false - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated _destroy: type: boolean default: false - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value _destroy: type: boolean default: false - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 _destroy: type: boolean default: false - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid _destroy: type: boolean default: false - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk _destroy: type: boolean default: false responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: advanced_search: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true label: type: string condition_rules_attributes: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileTypeRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileStatusRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '!=' value: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - Leave of absence - Terminated - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - TextFieldAttribute - TextAreaAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - '==' - '!=' - '>' - < - start_with? - end_with? - include? value: type: string required: true example: Some value - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - DateAttribute condition_object_id: type: string format: uuid secondary_attribute_type: type: string enum: - DateAttribute secondary_attribute_id: type: string format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '>' - < - after - before value: type: string required: true enum: - Today - secondary_value: type: string enum: - after - before tertiary_value: type: string example: 30 - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileAttributeRule condition_object_type: type: string required: true enum: - ProfileSelectAttribute - ProfileSearchAttribute - OwnerSelectAttribute - OwnerSearchAttribute - ContributorSelectAttribute - ContributorSearchAttribute condition_object_id: type: string required: true format: uuid comparison_operator: type: string required: true enum: - include? - exclude? value: type: string required: true format: uuid - type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true type: type: string required: true enum: - RiskRule comparison_operator: type: string enum: - '==' - '>' - < value: type: string summary: id of the Risk Level being compared against required: true format: uuid secondary_value: type: string required: true enum: - OverallRisk '/advanced_search/{id}/run': get: summary: Run a saved advanced search query operationId: runAdvancedSearchbyID description: Run a saved advanced search query tags: - advanced search parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa - name: query in: query description: Allows for pagination and sorting. required: false schema: type: object properties: limit: type: integer example: 100 offset: type: integer example: 50 order: type: string example: created_at example: limit: 100 offset: 50 order: created_at style: deepObject explode: true responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: profiles: type: array items: type: object properties: id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The objects ID example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 uid: type: string minLength: 32 maxLength: 32 readOnly: true description: The objects UID example: profileUid name: type: string description: This is the name of the profile. example: Profile Name profile_type_id: type: string format: uuid description: This is the ID of the profile type the profile belongs to example: 33f072dd-13b4-41e1-8ea0-16f2a59b57c8 status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive - On Leave - Terminated description: This is the status of the profile example: Active id_proofing_status: type: string enum: - pending - pass - fail description: This is the ID proofing staus of the profile example: pending created_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was created example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' updated_at: type: string format: date-time description: The date and time the profile was updated example: '2023-11-21T14:23:54.256-05:00' attributes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string description: Attributes that belong to this profile. example: text_attribute_uid: static text date_attribute_uid: 01/15/2020 profile_select_attribute_uid: Profile Name profile_search_attribute_uid: Profile Name multiple_profile_search_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' multiple_profile_select_attribute_uid: 'Profile Name,Second Profile Name,Third Profile Name' contributor_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( contributor_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( multiple_contributor_search_attribute_uid: 'User Name (,Second User Name (,Third User Name (' owner_select_attribute_uid: User Name ( owner_search_attribute_uid: User Name ( dropdown_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' tags_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' checkbox_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' text_area_uid: static text radio_attribute_uid: 'yes, no' /job_status: get: summary: Get the status of a bulk job operationId: getJobStatus description: Get the status of a bulk job tags: - job status parameters: - name: job_id in: query description: The id of the job returned from a POST or PATCH endpoint that resulted in a job being created required: true schema: type: string responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: uid: type: string format: uuid status: type: string example: complete job_type: type: string example: import job_data: type: array items: type: object properties: user_id: type: string format: uuid manager_id: type: string format: uuid errors: type: array items: type: string example: Validation error for record in job '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /forms: post: summary: Create a form description: This endpoint can create a form operationId: createForm tags: - forms requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the form example: form_uid description: type: text example: Form for creating new profile description: The description of the form name: type: string example: My Form Name description: The name of the form archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the form is archived responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form: type: object properties: uid: type: string description: The uid of the form example: form_uid description: type: text example: Form for creating new profile description: The description of the form name: type: string example: My Form Name description: The name of the form archived: type: boolean example: false description: Determines whether the form is archived id: type: string format: uuid readOnly: true description: The id of the form example: 2e06b876-f456-473d-bd65-b6435e0b6b2d '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/idproxy/data_records/{id}/reassign': patch: summary: Reassign data record operationId: patchDataRecord description: 'Consolidation is a deprecated feature, this endpoint provides a mechanism to reassign a data record to a new master record to assist customers.' tags: - consolidation parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: master_record_id: type: string description: The id of the master record example: 456738c9ba999a0076cf8a9b responses: '200': description: The data record has been reassigned. '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong '/idproxy/identities/{id}': delete: summary: Delete a master record operationId: deleteMasterRecord description: 'Consolidation is a deprecated feature, this endpoint provides a mechanism to delete a master record to assist customers.' tags: - consolidation parameters: - name: id in: path description: 'ID of the object to retrieve, update, or delete' required: true schema: type: string format: uuid example: 1246d8b3-ac29-4015-8154-dea4434a73fa responses: '200': description: Master record deleted. '400': description: Error deleting master record content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error that occurred type: string '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong /form_attributes: post: summary: Create a form attribute description: This endpoint can create a form attribute operationId: createFormAttribute tags: - form attributes requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form_attribute: type: object properties: form_id: type: string description: The id of the form example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_id: type: string example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f description: The id of the attribute attr_type: type: string example: ne_attribute description: The attribute type enum: - ne_attribute - break order: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The position of the attribute on the form responses: '200': description: Expected response to a valid request content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: form_attribute: type: object properties: form_id: type: string description: The id of the form example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f ne_attribute_id: type: string example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f description: The id of the attribute attr_type: type: string example: ne_attribute description: The attribute type enum: - ne_attribute - break order: type: integer format: int32 example: 1 description: The position of the attribute on the form id: type: string example: ac4aae0b-4140-49a4-a84c-126762fd0c8f description: The id of the form attribute '400': description: Bad Request - unable to complete. content: application/json: schema: oneOf: - type: object properties: error: example: Invalid JSON syntax. Please check your syntax and try again. - type: object properties: error: example: The failed to create/update errors: example: attribute: can't be blank '500': description: Internal Server Error - returned on unhandled exceptions. content: application/json: schema: type: object properties: error: description: A message describing the error example: Sorry something went wrong security: - bearerAuth: [] components: securitySchemes: bearerAuth: type: http scheme: bearer bearerFormat: Token token=your token