Nymph Game Engine
Chaiscript based Game Engine
This is the complete list of members for Transform, including all inherited members.
addChild(std::shared_ptr< Transform > transform) | Transform | |
getAbsoluteEulerAngles() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteRotation() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteRotationAngle() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteRotationAxis() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteScale() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteTransformationMatrix() const noexcept | Transform | |
getAbsoluteTranslation() const noexcept | Transform | |
getChildren() const | Transform | |
getLocalEulerAngles() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalRotation() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalRotationAngle() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalRotationAxis() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalScale() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalTransformationMatrix() const noexcept | Transform | |
getLocalTranslation() const noexcept | Transform | |
getParent() const | Transform | |
getTreeSize() const | Transform | |
operator!=(const Transform &other) | Transform | |
operator*(const Transform &other) const | Transform | |
operator==(const Transform &other) | Transform | |
removeChild(std::shared_ptr< Transform > transform) | Transform | |
rotate(const float angle_x, const float angle_y, const float angle_z) noexcept | Transform | |
rotate(const glm::vec3 &euler_angles) noexcept | Transform | |
rotate(const glm::quat &quat) noexcept | Transform | |
rotate(const float angle, const glm::vec3 &axis) noexcept | Transform | |
scale(const float x) noexcept | Transform | |
scale(const float x, const float y) noexcept | Transform | |
scale(const float x, const float y, const float z) noexcept | Transform | |
scale(const glm::vec2 &vec) noexcept | Transform | |
scale(const glm::vec3 &vec) noexcept | Transform | |
to_string() const noexcept | Transform | |
Transform() | Transform | |
translate(const float x, const float y) noexcept | Transform | |
translate(const float x, const float y, const float z) noexcept | Transform | |
translate(const glm::vec3 &vec) noexcept | Transform | |
translate(const glm::vec2 &vec) noexcept | Transform | |
~Transform() | Transform |