package me.saket.fluidresize.sample import android.animation.ObjectAnimator import android.animation.ValueAnimator import import android.view.View import androidx.interpolator.view.animation.FastOutSlowInInterpolator import me.saket.fluidresize.ActivityViewHolder import me.saket.fluidresize.KeyboardVisibilityChanged import me.saket.fluidresize.KeyboardVisibilityDetector object FluidContentResizer { private var heightAnimator: ValueAnimator = ObjectAnimator() fun listen(activity: Activity) { val viewHolder = ActivityViewHolder.createFrom(activity) KeyboardVisibilityDetector.listen(viewHolder) { animateHeight(viewHolder, it) } viewHolder.onDetach { heightAnimator.cancel() heightAnimator.removeAllUpdateListeners() } } private fun animateHeight(viewHolder: ActivityViewHolder, event: KeyboardVisibilityChanged) { val contentView = viewHolder.contentView contentView.setHeight(event.contentHeightBeforeResize) heightAnimator.cancel() // Warning: animating height might not be very performant. Try turning on // "Profile GPI rendering" in developer options and check if the bars stay // under 16ms in your app. Using Transitions API would be more efficient, but // for some reason it skips the first animation and I cannot figure out why. heightAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(event.contentHeightBeforeResize, event.contentHeight).apply { interpolator = FastOutSlowInInterpolator() duration = 300 } heightAnimator.addUpdateListener { contentView.setHeight(it.animatedValue as Int) } heightAnimator.start() } private fun View.setHeight(height: Int) { val params = layoutParams params.height = height layoutParams = params } }