*/ class AOR_Report extends Basic { var $new_schema = true; var $module_dir = 'AOR_Reports'; var $object_name = 'AOR_Report'; var $table_name = 'aor_reports'; var $importable = true; var $disable_row_level_security = true ; var $id; var $name; var $date_entered; var $date_modified; var $modified_user_id; var $modified_by_name; var $created_by; var $created_by_name; var $description; var $deleted; var $created_by_link; var $modified_user_link; var $assigned_user_id; var $assigned_user_name; var $assigned_user_link; var $report_module; function AOR_Report(){ parent::Basic(); $this->load_report_beans(); require_once('modules/AOW_WorkFlow/aow_utils.php'); } function bean_implements($interface){ switch($interface){ case 'ACL': return true; } return false; } function save($check_notify = FALSE){ if (empty($this->id)){ unset($_POST['aor_conditions_id']); unset($_POST['aor_fields_id']); } parent::save($check_notify); require_once('modules/AOR_Fields/AOR_Field.php'); $condition = new AOR_Field(); $condition->save_lines($_POST, $this, 'aor_fields_'); require_once('modules/AOR_Conditions/AOR_Condition.php'); $condition = new AOR_Condition(); $condition->save_lines($_POST, $this, 'aor_conditions_'); require_once('modules/AOR_Charts/AOR_Chart.php'); $chart = new AOR_Chart(); $chart->save_lines($_POST, $this, 'aor_chart_'); } function load_report_beans(){ global $beanList, $app_list_strings; $app_list_strings['aor_moduleList'] = $app_list_strings['moduleList']; foreach($app_list_strings['aor_moduleList'] as $mkey => $mvalue){ if(!isset($beanList[$mkey]) || str_begin($mkey, 'AOR_') || str_begin($mkey, 'AOW_')){ unset($app_list_strings['aor_moduleList'][$mkey]); } } $app_list_strings['aor_moduleList'] = array_merge((array)array(''=>''), (array)$app_list_strings['aor_moduleList']); asort($app_list_strings['aor_moduleList']); } function getReportFields(){ $fields = array(); foreach($this->get_linked_beans('aor_fields','AOR_Fields') as $field){ $fields[] = $field; } usort($fields,function($a,$b){ return $a->field_order - $b->field_order; }); return $fields; } const CHART_TYPE_PCHART = 'pchart'; const CHART_TYPE_CHARTJS = 'chartjs'; function build_report_chart($chartIds = null, $chartType = self::CHART_TYPE_PCHART){ $result = $this->db->query($this->build_report_query()); $data = array(); while($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result, false)) { $data[] = $row; } $fields = $this->getReportFields(); switch($chartType) { case self::CHART_TYPE_PCHART: $html = ''; break; case self::CHART_TYPE_CHARTJS: $html = ''; break; } $x = 0; foreach($this->get_linked_beans('aor_charts','AOR_Charts') as $chart){ if($chartIds !== null && !in_array($chart->id,$chartIds)){ continue; } $html .= $chart->buildChartHTML($data,$fields,$x, $chartType); $x++; } return $html; } function build_group_report($offset = -1, $links = true){ global $beanList; $html = ''; $query = ''; $query_array = array(); $module = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_fields WHERE aor_report_id = '".$this->id."' AND group_display = 1 AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY field_order ASC"; $field_id = $this->db->getOne($sql); $query_array['select'][] = $module->table_name.".id AS '".$module->table_name."_id'"; if($field_id != ''){ $field = new AOR_Field(); $field->retrieve($field_id); $field_label = str_replace(' ','_',$field->label); $path = unserialize(base64_decode($field->module_path)); $field_module = $module; $table_alias = $field_module->table_name; if($path[0] != $module->module_dir){ foreach($path as $rel){ $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($field_module->module_dir,$rel)]; $query_array = $this->build_report_query_join($rel, $table_alias,$field_module, 'relationship', $query_array, $new_field_module); $field_module = $new_field_module; $table_alias = $rel; } } $data = $field_module->field_defs[$field->field]; if($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $field->field = $data['id_name']; } if($data['type'] == 'currency' && !stripos($field->field, '_USD') && isset($field_module->field_defs['currency_id'])) { if((isset($field_module->field_defs['currency_id']['source']) && $field_module->field_defs['currency_id']['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $query['select'][$table_alias.'_currency_id'] = $table_alias.'_cstm'.".currency_id AS '".$table_alias."_currency_id'"; } else { $query_array['select'][$table_alias . '_currency_id'] = $table_alias . ".currency_id AS '" . $table_alias . "_currency_id'"; } } if( (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $select_field = $table_alias.'_cstm.'.$field->field; $query_array = $this->build_report_query_join($table_alias.'_cstm', $table_alias.'_cstm', $field_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $select_field= $table_alias.'.'.$field->field; } if($field->sort_by != ''){ $query_array['sort_by'][] = $field_label.' '.$field->sort_by; } if($field->group_by == 1){ $query_array['group_by'][] = $select_field; } if($field->field_function != null){ $select_field = $field->field_function.'('.$select_field.')'; } $query_array['select'][] = $select_field ." AS '".$field_label."'"; $query_array['where'][] = $select_field ." IS NOT NULL "; $query_array = $this->build_report_query_where($query_array); foreach ($query_array['select'] as $select){ $query .= ($query == '' ? 'SELECT ' : ', ').$select; } $query .= ' FROM '.$module->table_name.' '; if(isset($query_array['join'])){ foreach ($query_array['join'] as $join){ $query .= $join; } } if(isset($query_array['where'])){ $query_where = ''; foreach ($query_array['where'] as $where){ $query_where .= ($query_where == '' ? 'WHERE ' : ' AND ').$where; } $query .= ' '.$query_where; } if(isset($query_array['group_by'])){ $query_group_by = ''; foreach ($query_array['group_by'] as $group_by){ $query_group_by .= ($query_group_by == '' ? 'GROUP BY ' : ', ').$group_by; } $query .= ' '.$query_group_by; } if(isset($query_array['sort_by'])){ $query_sort_by = ''; foreach ($query_array['sort_by'] as $sort_by){ $query_sort_by .= ($query_sort_by == '' ? 'ORDER BY ' : ', ').$sort_by; } $query .= ' '.$query_sort_by; } $result = $this->db->query($query); while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { if($html != '') $html .= '
'; $html .= $this->build_report_html($offset, $links, $row[$field_label]); } } if($html == '') $html = $this->build_report_html($offset, $links); return $html; } function build_report_html($offset = -1, $links = true, $group_value = '', $tableIdentifier = ''){ global $beanList; $report_sql = $this->build_report_query($group_value); $max_rows = 20; $total_rows = 0; $count_sql = explode('ORDER BY', $report_sql); $count_query = 'SELECT count(*) c FROM ('.$count_sql[0].') as n'; // We have a count query. Run it and get the results. $result = $this->db->query($count_query); $assoc = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result); if(!empty($assoc['c'])) { $total_rows = $assoc['c']; } $html = ""; if($offset >= 0){ $start = 0; $end = 0; $previous_offset = 0; $next_offset = 0; $last_offset = 0; if($total_rows > 0){ $start = $offset +1; $end = (($offset + $max_rows) < $total_rows) ? $offset + $max_rows : $total_rows; $previous_offset = ($offset - $max_rows) < 0 ? 0 : $offset - $max_rows; $next_offset = $offset + $max_rows; $last_offset = $max_rows * floor($total_rows / $max_rows); } $html .= ""; $html .=""; $html .=""; } else{ $html = "


".$html; } $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_fields WHERE aor_report_id = '".$this->id."' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY field_order ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $fields = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $field = new AOR_Field(); $field->retrieve($row['id']); $path = unserialize(base64_decode($field->module_path)); $field_bean = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $field_module = $this->report_module; $field_alias = $field_bean->table_name; if($path[0] != $this->report_module){ foreach($path as $rel){ if(empty($rel)){ continue; } $field_module = getRelatedModule($field_module,$rel); $field_alias = $field_alias . ':'.$rel; } } $label = str_replace(' ','_',$field->label).$i; $fields[$label]['field'] = $field->field; $fields[$label]['label'] = $field->label; $fields[$label]['display'] = $field->display && !$field->group_display; $fields[$label]['function'] = $field->field_function; $fields[$label]['module'] = $field_module; $fields[$label]['alias'] = $field_alias; $fields[$label]['link'] = $field->link; $fields[$label]['total'] = $field->total; if($fields[$label]['display']){ $html .= ""; } ++$i; } $html .= ""; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; if($offset >= 0){ $result = $this->db->limitQuery($report_sql, $offset, $max_rows); } else { $result = $this->db->query($report_sql); } $row_class = 'oddListRowS1'; $totals = array(); while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $html .= ""; foreach($fields as $name => $att){ if($att['display']){ $html .= ""; } } $html .= ""; $row_class = $row_class == 'oddListRowS1' ? 'evenListRowS1':'oddListRowS1'; } $html .= ""; $html .= $this->getTotalHtml($fields,$totals); $html .= "


"; if($offset == 0){ $html .=" "; } else { $html .=" "; } $html .=" (".$start ." - ".$end ." of ". $total_rows .")"; if($next_offset < $total_rows){ $html .=" "; } else { $html .=" "; } $html .="
"; $html .= "
"; $html .= $field->label; $html .= "
"; if($att['link'] && $links){ $html .= ""; } $currency_id = isset($row[$att['alias'].'_currency_id']) ? $row[$att['alias'].'_currency_id'] : ''; switch ($att['function']){ case 'COUNT': //case 'SUM': $html .= $row[$name]; break; default: $html .= getModuleField($att['module'], $att['field'], $att['field'], 'DetailView',$row[$name],'',$currency_id); break; } if($att['total']){ $totals[$name][] = $row[$name]; } if($att['link'] && $links) $html .= ""; $html .= "
"; return $html; } function getTotalHTML($fields,$totals){ global $app_list_strings; $html = ''; $html .= ""; $html .= ""; foreach($fields as $label => $field){ if(!$field['display']){ continue; } if($field['total']){ $totalLabel = $field['label'] ." ".$app_list_strings['aor_total_options'][$field['total']]; $html .= "{$totalLabel}"; }else{ $html .= ""; } } $html .= ""; $html .= ""; foreach($fields as $label => $field){ if(!$field['display']){ continue; } if($field['total'] && isset($totals[$label])){ $html .= "".$this->calculateTotal($field['total'],$totals[$label]).""; }else{ $html .= ""; } } $html .= ""; $html .= ""; return $html; } function calculateTotal($type, $totals){ switch($type){ case 'SUM': return array_sum($totals); case 'COUNT': return count($totals); case 'AVG': return array_sum($totals)/count($totals); default: return ''; } } private function encloseForCSV($field){ return '"'.$field.'"'; } function build_report_csv(){ ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 'Off'); ob_start(); require_once('include/export_utils.php'); $delimiter = getDelimiter(); $csv = ''; //text/comma-separated-values $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_fields WHERE aor_report_id = '".$this->id."' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY field_order ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $fields = array(); $i = 0; while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $field = new AOR_Field(); $field->retrieve($row['id']); $path = unserialize(base64_decode($field->module_path)); $field_module = $this->report_module; if($path[0] != $this->report_module){ foreach($path as $rel){ $field_module = getRelatedModule($field_module,$rel); } } $label = str_replace(' ','_',$field->label).$i; $fields[$label]['field'] = $field->field; $fields[$label]['display'] = $field->display; $fields[$label]['function'] = $field->field_function; $fields[$label]['module'] = $field_module; if($field->display){ $csv.= $this->encloseForCSV($field->label); $csv .= $delimiter; } ++$i; } $sql = $this->build_report_query(); $result = $this->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $csv .= "\r\n"; foreach($fields as $name => $att){ if($att['display']){ if($att['function'] != '' ) $csv .= $this->encloseForCSV($row[$name]); else $csv .= $this->encloseForCSV(trim(strip_tags(getModuleField($att['module'], $att['field'], $att['field'], 'DetailView',$row[$name])))); $csv .= $delimiter; } } } $csv= $GLOBALS['locale']->translateCharset($csv, 'UTF-8', $GLOBALS['locale']->getExportCharset()); ob_clean(); header("Pragma: cache"); header("Content-type: text/comma-separated-values; charset=".$GLOBALS['locale']->getExportCharset()); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$this->name}.csv"); header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary"); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT" ); header("Last-Modified: " . TimeDate::httpTime() ); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false ); header("Content-Length: ".mb_strlen($csv, '8bit')); if (!empty($sugar_config['export_excel_compatible'])) { $csv==chr(255) . chr(254) . mb_convert_encoding($csv, 'UTF-16LE', 'UTF-8'); } print $csv; sugar_cleanup(true); } function build_report_query($group_value =''){ global $beanList; $module = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $query = ''; $query_array = array(); $query_array = $this->build_report_query_select($query_array, $group_value); $query_array = $this->build_report_query_where($query_array); foreach ($query_array['select'] as $select){ $query .= ($query == '' ? 'SELECT ' : ', ').$select; } $query .= ' FROM '.$this->db->quoteIdentifier($module->table_name).' '; if(isset($query_array['join'])){ foreach ($query_array['join'] as $join){ $query .= $join; } } if(isset($query_array['where'])){ $query_where = ''; foreach ($query_array['where'] as $where){ $query_where .= ($query_where == '' ? 'WHERE ' : ' AND ').$where; } $query .= ' '.$query_where; } if(isset($query_array['group_by'])){ $query_group_by = ''; foreach ($query_array['group_by'] as $group_by){ $query_group_by .= ($query_group_by == '' ? 'GROUP BY ' : ', ').$group_by; } $query .= ' '.$query_group_by; } if(isset($query_array['sort_by'])){ $query_sort_by = ''; foreach ($query_array['sort_by'] as $sort_by){ $query_sort_by .= ($query_sort_by == '' ? 'ORDER BY ' : ', ').$sort_by; } $query .= ' '.$query_sort_by; } return $query; } function build_report_query_select($query = array(), $group_value =''){ global $beanList; if($beanList[$this->report_module]){ $module = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $query['select'][] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($module->table_name).".id AS '".$module->table_name."_id'"; $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_fields WHERE aor_report_id = '".$this->id."' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY field_order ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); $i = 0; while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $field = new AOR_Field(); $field->retrieve($row['id']); $field->label = str_replace(' ','_',$field->label).$i; $path = unserialize(base64_decode($field->module_path)); $field_module = $module; $table_alias = $field_module->table_name; if(!empty($path[0]) && $path[0] != $module->module_dir){ foreach($path as $rel){ $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($field_module->module_dir,$rel)]; $oldAlias = $table_alias; $table_alias = $table_alias.":".$rel; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($rel, $table_alias, $oldAlias, $field_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $field_module = $new_field_module; } } $data = $field_module->field_defs[$field->field]; if($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $field->field = $data['id_name']; $data_new = $field_module->field_defs[$field->field]; if($data_new['source'] == 'non-db' && $data_new['type'] != 'link' && isset($data['link'])){ $data_new['type'] = 'link'; $data_new['relationship'] = $data['link']; } $data = $data_new; } if($data['type'] == 'link' && $data['source'] == 'non-db') { $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($field_module->module_dir,$data['relationship'])]; $table_alias = $data['relationship']; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($data['relationship'],$table_alias, $oldAlias, $field_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $field_module = $new_field_module; $field->field = 'id'; } if($data['type'] == 'currency' && isset($field_module->field_defs['currency_id'])) { if((isset($field_module->field_defs['currency_id']['source']) && $field_module->field_defs['currency_id']['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $query['select'][$table_alias.'_currency_id'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias.'_cstm').".currency_id AS '".$table_alias."_currency_id'"; } else { $query['select'][$table_alias.'_currency_id'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias).".currency_id AS '".$table_alias."_currency_id'"; } } if((isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $select_field = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias.'_cstm').'.'.$field->field; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($table_alias.'_cstm', $table_alias.'_cstm',$table_alias, $field_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $select_field= $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias).'.'.$field->field; } if($field->sort_by != ''){ $query['sort_by'][] = $select_field." ".$field->sort_by; } if($field->group_by == 1){ $query['group_by'][] = $select_field; } if($field->field_function != null){ $select_field = $field->field_function.'('.$select_field.')'; } $query['select'][] = $select_field ." AS '".$field->label."'"; if($field->group_display) $query['where'][] = $select_field." = '".$group_value."'"; ++$i; } } return $query; } function build_report_query_join($name, $alias, $parentAlias, SugarBean $module, $type, $query = array(),SugarBean $rel_module = null ){ if(!isset($query['join'][$alias])){ switch ($type){ case 'custom': $query['join'][$alias] = 'LEFT JOIN '.$this->db->quoteIdentifier($module->get_custom_table_name()).' '.$this->db->quoteIdentifier($name).' ON '.$this->db->quoteIdentifier($parentAlias).'.id = '. $this->db->quoteIdentifier($name).'.id_c '; break; case 'relationship': if($module->load_relationship($name)){ $params['join_type'] = 'LEFT JOIN'; if($module->$name->relationship_type != 'one-to-many'){ if($module->$name->getSide() == REL_LHS){ $params['right_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($alias); $params['join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($alias); $params['left_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($parentAlias); }else{ $params['right_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($parentAlias); $params['join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($alias); $params['left_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($alias); } }else{ $params['right_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($parentAlias); $params['join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($alias); $params['left_join_table_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($parentAlias); } $linkAlias = $parentAlias."|".$alias; $params['join_table_link_alias'] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($linkAlias); $join = $module->$name->getJoin($params, true); $query['join'][$alias] = $join['join']; if($rel_module != null) $query['join'][$alias] .= $this->build_report_access_query($rel_module, $name); $query['select'][] = $join['select']." AS '".$alias."_id'"; } break; default: break; } } return $query; } function build_report_access_query(SugarBean $module, $alias){ $module->table_name = $alias; $where = ''; if($module->bean_implements('ACL') && ACLController::requireOwner($module->module_dir, 'list') ) { global $current_user; $owner_where = $module->getOwnerWhere($current_user->id); $where = ' AND '.$owner_where; } if(file_exists('modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php')){ /* BEGIN - SECURITY GROUPS */ if($module->bean_implements('ACL') && ACLController::requireSecurityGroup($module->module_dir, 'list') ) { require_once('modules/SecurityGroups/SecurityGroup.php'); global $current_user; $owner_where = $module->getOwnerWhere($current_user->id); $group_where = SecurityGroup::getGroupWhere($alias,$module->module_dir,$current_user->id); if(!empty($owner_where)){ $where .= " AND (". $owner_where." or ".$group_where.") "; } else { $where .= ' AND '. $group_where; } } /* END - SECURITY GROUPS */ } return $where; } function build_report_query_where($query = array()){ global $beanList, $app_list_strings, $sugar_config; if($beanList[$this->report_module]){ $module = new $beanList[$this->report_module](); $sql = "SELECT id FROM aor_conditions WHERE aor_report_id = '".$this->id."' AND deleted = 0 ORDER BY condition_order ASC"; $result = $this->db->query($sql); while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) { $condition = new AOR_Condition(); $condition->retrieve($row['id']); $path = unserialize(base64_decode($condition->module_path)); $condition_module = $module; $table_alias = $condition_module->table_name; if(!empty($path[0]) && $path[0] != $module->module_dir){ foreach($path as $rel){ if(empty($rel)){ continue; } $rel = strtolower($rel); $new_condition_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($condition_module->module_dir,$rel)]; $oldAlias = $table_alias; $table_alias = $table_alias.":".$rel; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($rel, $table_alias, $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_condition_module); $condition_module = $new_condition_module; } } if(isset($app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator])){ $where_set = false; $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->field]; if($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $condition->field = $data['id_name']; $data_new = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->field]; if(!empty($data_new['source']) && $data_new['source'] == 'non-db' && $data_new['type'] != 'link' && isset($data['link'])){ $data_new['type'] = 'link'; $data_new['relationship'] = $data['link']; } $data = $data_new; } if($data['type'] == 'link' && $data['source'] == 'non-db'){ $relModule = getRelatedModule($condition_module->module_dir,$data['relationship']); $new_field_module = new $beanList[$relModule]; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($data['relationship'], $table_alias.':'.strtolower($relModule), $oldAlias, $condition_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $field_module = $new_field_module; $table_alias = $table_alias.':'.$data['relationship']; $condition->field = 'id'; } if( (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $field = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias.'_cstm').'.'.$condition->field; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($table_alias.'_cstm',$table_alias.'_cstm',$oldAlias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $field = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_alias).'.'.$condition->field; } if(!empty($this->user_parameters[$condition->id]) && $condition->parameter){ $condParam = $this->user_parameters[$condition->id]; $condition->value = $condParam['value']; $condition->operator = $condParam['operator']; $condition->value_type = $condParam['type']; } switch($condition->value_type) { case 'Field': $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->value]; if($data['type'] == 'relate' && isset($data['id_name'])) { $condition->value = $data['id_name']; $data_new = $condition_module->field_defs[$condition->value]; if($data_new['source'] == 'non-db' && $data_new['type'] != 'link' && isset($data['link'])){ $data_new['type'] = 'link'; $data_new['relationship'] = $data['link']; } $data = $data_new; } if($data['type'] == 'link' && $data['source'] == 'non-db'){ $new_field_module = new $beanList[getRelatedModule($field_module->module_dir,$data['relationship'])]; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($data['relationship'], $table_alias,$oldAlias, $field_module, 'relationship', $query, $new_field_module); $field_module = $new_field_module; $table_alias = $data['relationship']; $field->field = 'id'; } if( (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $value = $condition_module->table_name.'_cstm.'.$condition->value; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($condition_module->table_name.'_cstm', $table_alias.'_cstm',$table_alias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $value = $condition_module->table_name.'.'.$condition->value; } break; case 'Date': $params = unserialize(base64_decode($condition->value)); if($params[0] == 'now'){ if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mssql'){ $value = 'GetDate()'; } else { $value = 'NOW()'; } } else { $data = $condition_module->field_defs[$params[0]]; if( (isset($data['source']) && $data['source'] == 'custom_fields')) { $value = $condition_module->table_name.'_cstm.'.$params[0]; $query = $this->build_report_query_join($condition_module->table_name.'_cstm', $table_alias.'_cstm',$table_alias, $condition_module, 'custom', $query); } else { $value = $condition_module->table_name.'.'.$params[0]; } } if($params[1] != 'now'){ switch($params[3]) { case 'business_hours'; //business hours not implemented for query, default to hours $params[3] = 'hours'; default: if($sugar_config['dbconfig']['db_type'] == 'mssql'){ $value = "DATEADD(".$params[3].", ".$app_list_strings['aor_date_operator'][$params[1]]." $params[2], $value)"; } else { $value = "DATE_ADD($value, INTERVAL ".$app_list_strings['aor_date_operator'][$params[1]]." $params[2] ".$params[3].")"; } break; } } break; case 'Multi': $sep = ' AND '; if($condition->operator == 'Equal_To') $sep = ' OR '; $multi_values = unencodeMultienum($condition->value); if(!empty($multi_values)){ $value = '('; foreach($multi_values as $multi_value){ if($value != '(') $value .= $sep; $value .= $field.' '.$app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator]." '".$multi_value."'"; } $value .= ')'; } $query['where'][] = $value; $where_set = true; break; case 'Value': default: $value = "'".$this->db->quote($condition->value)."'"; break; } if(!$where_set) $query['where'][] = $field.' '.$app_list_strings['aor_sql_operator_list'][$condition->operator].' '.$value; } } $query['where'][] = $module->table_name.".deleted = 0 ".$this->build_report_access_query($module, $module->table_name); } return $query; } }