## Options Now you have ability to disable elements of Spaceship. All options must be overridden in your `.zshrc` file **after** the theme, Colors for sections can be [basic colors](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/zsh#Colors) or [color codes](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/Xterm_256color_chart.svg). Take a look at popular option presets or share your own configuration in [Presets](https://github.com/denysdovhan/spaceship-zsh-theme/wiki/Presets) wiki page. ### Order You can specify the order of prompt section using `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ORDER` option. Use zsh array syntax to define your own prompt order. The default order is: ```zsh SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ORDER=( time # Time stampts section user # Username section dir # Current directory section host # Hostname section git # Git section (git_branch + git_status) hg # Mercurial section (hg_branch + hg_status) package # Package version node # Node.js section ruby # Ruby section elixir # Elixir section xcode # Xcode section swift # Swift section golang # Go section php # PHP section rust # Rust section haskell # Haskell Stack section julia # Julia section docker # Docker section aws # Amazon Web Services section venv # virtualenv section conda # conda virtualenv section pyenv # Pyenv section dotnet # .NET section ember # Ember.js section kubecontext # Kubectl context section exec_time # Execution time line_sep # Line break battery # Battery level and status vi_mode # Vi-mode indicator jobs # Backgound jobs indicator exit_code # Exit code section char # Prompt character ) ``` You can also add items to the right side prompt by specifying them in the `SPACESHIP_RPROMPT_ORDER` option. ### Prompt | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :-------------------------------- | :-----: | ------------------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_ADD_NEWLINE` | `true` | Adds a newline character before each prompt line | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SEPARATE_LINE` | `true` | Make the prompt span across two lines | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_PREFIXES_SHOW` | `true` | Show prefixes before prompt sections or not | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_SUFFIXES_SHOW` | `true` | Show suffixes before prompt sections or not | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | `via` | Default prefix for prompt sections | | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | `` | Default suffix for prompt section | ### Char | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------- | :------: | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_SYMBOL` | `➜` | Prompt character to be shown before any command | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_PREFIX` | `` | Prefix before prompt character | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_SUFFIX` | `` | Suffix after prompt character | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_COLOR_SUCCESS` | `green` | Color of prompt character if last command completes successfully | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_COLOR_FAILURE` | `red` | Color of prompt character if last command returns non-zero exit-code | | `SPACESHIP_CHAR_COLOR_SECONDARY` | `yellow` | Color of secondary prompt character | ### Time (`time`) Disabled by default. Set `SPACESHIP_TIME_SHOW` to `true` in your `.zshrc`, if you need to show time stamps. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_SHOW` | `false` | Show time (set to `true` for enabling) | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_PREFIX` | `at` | Prefix before time section | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after time section | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of time section | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_FORMAT` | `false` | Custom date formatting [ZSH date formats](http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Prompt-Expansion.html#Date-and-time) | | `SPACESHIP_TIME_12HR` | `false` | Format time using 12-hour clock (am/pm) | ### Username (`user`) Username is shown only when it's not the same as `$LOGNAME`, when you're connected via SSH or when you're root. Root user is highlighted in `SPACESHIP_USER_COLOR_ROOT` color (red as default). | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :-------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_USER_SHOW` | `true` | Show user section | | `SPACESHIP_USER_PREFIX` | `with` | Prefix before user section | | `SPACESHIP_USER_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after user section | | `SPACESHIP_USER_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of user section | | `SPACESHIP_USER_COLOR_ROOT` | `red` | Color of user section when it's root | ### Hostname (`host`) Hostname is shown only when you're connected via SSH. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_SHOW` | `true` | Show host section | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_PREFIX` | `at` | Prefix before the connected SSH machine name | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the connected SSH machine name | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of host section | | `SPACESHIP_HOST_COLOR_SSH` | `green` | Color of host in SSH connection | ### Directory (`dir`) Directory is always shown and truncated to the value of `SPACESHIP_DIR_TRUNC`. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_SHOW` | `true` | Show directory section | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_PREFIX` | `in` | Prefix before current directory | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after current directory | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_TRUNC` | `3` | Number of folders of cwd to show in prompt, 0 to show all | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_TRUNC_REPO` | `true` | While in `git` repo, Show only root directory and folders inside it | | `SPACESHIP_DIR_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of directory section | ### Git (`git`) Git section is consists with `git_branch` and `git_status` subsections. It is shown only in Git repositories. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git section | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_PREFIX` | `on` | Prefix before Git section | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Git section | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_SYMBOL` | `` | Character to be shown before Git section (requires [powerline patched font][powerline]) | #### Git branch (`git_branch`) | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------------- | :-------------------------------------: | ----------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_BRANCH_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_BRANCH_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_GIT_SYMBOL` | Prefix before Git branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_BRANCH_SUFFIX` | `` | Suffix after Git branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_BRANCH_COLOR` | `magenta` | Color of Git branch subsection | #### Git status (`git_status`) Git status indicators is shown only when you have dirty repository. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------- | :-----: | ----------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_SHOW` | `true` | Show Git status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_PREFIX` | `[` | Prefix before Git status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_SUFFIX` | `]` | Suffix after Git status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Git status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_UNTRACKED` | `?` | Indicator for untracked changes | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_ADDED` | `+` | Indicator for added changes | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_MODIFIED` | `!` | Indicator for unstaged files | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_RENAMED` | `»` | Indicator for renamed files | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_DELETED` | `✘` | Indicator for deleted files | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_STASHED` | `$` | Indicator for stashed changes | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_UNMERGED` | `=` | Indicator for unmerged changes | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_AHEAD` | `⇡` | Indicator for unpushed changes (ahead of remote branch) | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_BEHIND` | `⇣` | Indicator for unpulled changes (behind of remote branch) | | `SPACESHIP_GIT_STATUS_DIVERGED` | `⇕` | Indicator for diverged chages (diverged with remote branch) | ### Mercurial (`hg`) Mercurial section is consists with `hg_branch` and `hg_status` subsections. It is shown only in Mercurial repositories. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :-------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ---------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_HG_SHOW` | `true` | Show Mercurial section | | `SPACESHIP_HG_PREFIX` | `on` | Prefix before Mercurial section | | `SPACESHIP_HG_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Mercurial section | | `SPACESHIP_HG_SYMBOL` | `☿` | Character to be shown before Mercurial section | #### Mercurial branch (`hg_branch`) | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_HG_BRANCH_SHOW` | `true` | Show Mercurial branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_BRANCH_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_HG_SYMBOL` | Prefix before Mercurial branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_BRANCH_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Mercurial branch subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_BRANCH_COLOR` | `magenta` | Color of Mercurial branch subsection | #### Mercurial status (`hg_status`) Mercurial status indicators is shown only when you have dirty repository. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------ | :-----: | ----------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_SHOW` | `true` | Show Mercurial status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_PREFIX` | `[` | Prefix before Mercurial status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_SUFFIX` | `]` | Suffix after Mercurial status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Mercurial status subsection | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_UNTRACKED` | `?` | Indicator for untracked changes | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_ADDED` | `+` | Indicator for added changes | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_MODIFIED` | `!` | Indicator for unstaged files | | `SPACESHIP_HG_STATUS_DELETED` | `✘` | Indicator for deleted files | ### Package version (`package`) > Works only for npm at the moment. Please, help us improve this section! Package version is shown when repository is a package (contains a `package.json` file). This is the version of the package you are working on, not the version of package manager itself. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_PACKAGE_SHOW` | `true` | Show package version | | `SPACESHIP_PACKAGE_PREFIX` | `is` | Prefix before package version section | | `SPACESHIP_PACKAGE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after package version section | | `SPACESHIP_PACKAGE_SYMBOL` | `📦` | Character to be shown before package version | | `SPACESHIP_PACKAGE_COLOR` | `red` | Color of package version section | ### Node.js (`node`) Node.js section is shown only in directories that contain `package.json` file, or `node_modules` folder, or any other file with `.js` extension. If you use [n] as Node.js version manager, please, set `SPACESHIP_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` to the default Node.js version. If current version is the same as `SPACESHIP_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION`, then Node.js section will be hidden. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------- | :-------------------------------------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_SHOW` | `true` | Current Node.js section | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before Node.js section | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Node.js section | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_SYMBOL` | `⬢` | Character to be shown before Node.js version | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION` | `` | Node.js version to be treated as default (for [n] support) | | `SPACESHIP_NODE_COLOR` | `green` | Color of Node.js section | ### Ruby (`ruby`) Ruby section is shown only in directories that contain `Gemfile`, or `Rakefile`, or any other file with `.rb` extension. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_RUBY_SHOW` | `true` | Show Ruby section | | `SPACESHIP_RUBY_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before Ruby section | | `SPACESHIP_RUBY_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Ruby section | | `SPACESHIP_RUBY_SYMBOL` | `💎` | Character to be shown before Ruby version | | `SPACESHIP_RUBY_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Ruby section | ### Elixir (`elixir`) Elixir section is shown only in directories that contain `mix.exs`, or any other file with `.ex` or `.exs` extension. If the current elixir version is the same as the version set in `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_DEFAULT_VERSION`, the elixir section will be hidden. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SHOW` | `true` | Show Elixir section | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before Elixir section | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Elixir section | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_DEFAULT_VERSION` | `` | Elixir version to be treated as default | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_SYMBOL` | `💧` | Character to be shown before Elixir version | | `SPACESHIP_ELIXIR_COLOR` | `magenta` | Color of Elixir section | ### Xcode (`xcode`) Shows current version of Xcode. Local version has more priority than global. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_SHOW_LOCAL` | `true` | Current local Xcode version based on [xcenv] | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_SHOW_GLOBAL` | `true` | Global Xcode version based on [xcenv] | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before Xcode section | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Xcode section | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_SYMBOL` | `🛠` | Character to be shown before Xcode version | | `SPACESHIP_XCODE_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of Xcode section | ### Swift (`swift`) Shows current version of Swift. Local version has more priority than global. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_SHOW_LOCAL` | `true` | Current local Swift version based on [swiftenv] | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_SHOW_GLOBAL` | `false` | Global Swift version based on [swiftenv] | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Swift section | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix to be shown before the Swift section | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_SYMBOL` | `🐦` | Character to be shown before Swift version | | `SPACESHIP_SWIFT_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of Swift section | ### Go (`golang`) Go section is shown only in directories that contain `Godeps`, `glide.yaml`, any other file with `.go` extension, or when current directory is in the Go workspace defined in `$GOPATH`. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------ | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_GOLANG_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Go version or not | | `SPACESHIP_GOLANG_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Go section | | `SPACESHIP_GOLANG_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the Go section | | `SPACESHIP_GOLANG_SYMBOL` | `🐹` | Character to be shown before Go version | | `SPACESHIP_GOLANG_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of Go section | ### PHP (`php`) PHP section is shown only in directories that contain any file with `.php` extension. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ---------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_PHP_SHOW` | true | Show PHP section | | `SPACESHIP_PHP_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the PHP section | | `SPACESHIP_PHP_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the PHP section | | `SPACESHIP_PHP_SYMBOL` | `🐘` | Character to be shown before PHP version | | `SPACESHIP_PHP_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of PHP section | ### Rust (`rust`) Rust section is shown only in directories that contain `Cargo.toml` or any other file with `.rs` extension. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Rust version or not | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Rust section | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the Rust section | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_SYMBOL` | `𝗥` | Character to be shown before Rust version | | `SPACESHIP_RUST_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Rust section | ### Haskell (`haskell`) Haskell section is shown only in directories that contain `stack.yaml` file. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_HASKELL_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Haskell Tool Stack version or not | | `SPACESHIP_HASKELL_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Haskell section | | `SPACESHIP_HASKELL_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the Haskell section | | `SPACESHIP_HASKELL_SYMBOL` | `λ` | Character to be shown before Haskell Tool Stack version | | `SPACESHIP_HASKELL_COLOR` | `red` | Color of Haskell section | ### Julia (`julia`) Julia section is shown only in directories that contain file with `.jl` extension. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :----------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_JULIA_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Julia version or not | | `SPACESHIP_JULIA_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the Julia section | | `SPACESHIP_JULIA_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the Julia section | | `SPACESHIP_JULIA_SYMBOL` | `ஃ` | Character to be shown before Julia version | | `SPACESHIP_JULIA_COLOR` | `green` | Color of Julia section | ### Docker (`docker`) Docker section is shown only in directories that contain `Dockerfile` or `docker-compose.yml` file. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------ | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Docker version and connected docker-machine or not | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_PREFIX` | `on` | Prefix before the Docker section | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the Docker section | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_SYMBOL` | `🐳` | Character to be shown before Docker version | | `SPACESHIP_DOCKER_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of Docker section | ### Amazon Web Services (AWS) (`aws`) Shows selected Amazon Web Services profile using '[named profiles](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-multiple-profiles.html)'. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------- | :--------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_AWS_SHOW` | `true` | Show current selected AWS-cli profile or not | | `SPACESHIP_AWS_PREFIX` | `using` | Prefix before the AWS section | | `SPACESHIP_AWS_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the AWS section | | `SPACESHIP_AWS_SYMBOL` | `☁️` | Character to be shown before AWS profile | | `SPACESHIP_AWS_COLOR` | `208` | Color of AWS section | ### Virtualenv (`venv`) | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_VENV_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Python virtualenv or not | | `SPACESHIP_VENV_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the virtualenv section | | `SPACESHIP_VENV_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the virtualenv section | | `SPACESHIP_VENV_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of virtualenv environment section | ### Conda virtualenv (`conda`) Show activated conda virtual environment. Disable native conda prompt by `conda config --set changeps1 False`. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :----------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_CONDA_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Python conda virtualenv or not | | `SPACESHIP_CONDA_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the conda virtualenv section | | `SPACESHIP_CONDA_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the conda virtualenv section | | `SPACESHIP_CONDA_SYMBOL` | `🅒` | Character to be shown before conda virtualenv section | | `SPACESHIP_CONDA_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of conda virtualenv environment section | ### Pyenv (`pyenv`) pyenv section is shown only in directories that contain `requirements.txt` or any other file with `.py` extension. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :----------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_PYENV_SHOW` | `true` | Show current Pyenv version or not | | `SPACESHIP_PYENV_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before the pyenv section | | `SPACESHIP_PYENV_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after the pyenv section | | `SPACESHIP_PYENV_SYMBOL` | `🐍` | Character to be shown before Pyenv version | | `SPACESHIP_PYENV_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of Pyenv section | ### .NET (`dotnet`) .NET section is shown only in directories that contains a `project.json` or `global.json` file, or a file with one of these extensions: `.csproj`, `.xproj` or `.sln`. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------ | :--------------------------------: | ----------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_DOTNET_SHOW` | `true` | Current .NET section | | `SPACESHIP_DOTNET_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before .NET section | | `SPACESHIP_DOTNET_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after .NET section | | `SPACESHIP_DOTNET_SYMBOL` | `.NET` | Character to be shown before .NET version | | `SPACESHIP_DOTNET_COLOR` | `128` | Color of .NET section | ### Ember.js (`ember`) Ember.js section is shown only in directories that contain a `ember-cli-build.js` file. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :----------------------- | :--------------------------------: | --------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_EMBER_SHOW` | `true` | Current Ember.js section | | `SPACESHIP_EMBER_PREFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_PREFIX` | Prefix before Ember.js section | | `SPACESHIP_EMBER_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Ember.js section | | `SPACESHIP_EMBER_SYMBOL` | `🐹` | Character to be shown before Ember.js version | | `SPACESHIP_EMBER_COLOR` | `210` | Color of Ember.js section | ### Kubectl context (`kubecontext`) Shows the active kubectl context. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :----------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | -------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SHOW` | `true` | Current Kubectl context section | | `SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_PREFIX` | `at` | Prefix before Kubectl context section | | `SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Kubectl context section | | `SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_SYMBOL` | `☸️` | Character to be shown before Kubectl context | | `SPACESHIP_KUBECONTEXT_COLOR` | `cyan` | Color of Kubectl context section | ### Execution time (`exec_time`) Execution time of the last command. Will be displayed if it exceeds the set threshold of time. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ---------------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_SHOW` | `true` | Show execution time | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_PREFIX` | `took` | Prefix before execution time section | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after execution time section | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_COLOR` | `yellow` | Color of execution time section | | `SPACESHIP_EXEC_TIME_ELAPSED` | `2` | The minimum number of seconds for showing execution time section | ### Battery (`battery`) By default, Battery section is shown only if battery level is below `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD` (default: 10%) or it's fully charged. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_SHOW` | `true` | Show battery section or not | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_PREFIX` | `` | Prefix before battery section | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_SUFFIX` | `SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after battery section | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_CHARGING_SYMBOL` | `⇡` | Character to be shown if battery is charging | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_DISCHARGING_SYMBOL` | `⇣` | Character to be shown if battery is discharging | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_FULL_SYMBOL` | `•` | Character to be shown if battery is full | | `SPACESHIP_BATTERY_THRESHOLD` | 10 | Battery level below which battery section will be shown | ### Vi-mode (`vi_mode`) This section shows mode indicator only when Vi-mode is enabled. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :------------------------- | :--------------------------------: | ------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_SHOW` | `true` | Shown current Vi-mode or not | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_PREFIX` | `` | Prefix before Vi-mode section | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_SUFFIX` | `$SPACESHIP_PROMPT_DEFAULT_SUFFIX` | Suffix after Vi-mode section | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_INSERT` | `[I]` | Text to be shown when in insert mode | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_NORMAL` | `[N]` | Text to be shown when in normal mode | | `SPACESHIP_VI_MODE_COLOR` | `white` | Color of Vi-mode section | You can temporarily enable or disable vi-mode with handy functions (just execute them in terminal as any other regular command): | Function | Meaning | | :-------------------------- | -------------------------------------------- | | `spaceship_vi_mode_enable` | Enable vi-mode for current terminal session | | `spaceship_vi_mode_disable` | Disable vi-mode for current terminal session | **Note:** For oh-my-zsh users with vi-mode plugin enabled: Add `export RPS1="%{$reset_color%}"` before `source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh` in `.zshrc` to disable default `<<<` NORMAL mode indicator in right prompt. ### Jobs (`jobs`) This section show only when there are active jobs in the background. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :---------------------- | :-----------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------ | | `SPACESHIP_JOBS_SHOW` | `true` | Show background jobs indicator | | `SPACESHIP_JOBS_PREFIX` | `` | Prefix before the jobs indicator | | `SPACESHIP_JOBS_SUFFIX` | `` | Suffix after the jobs indicator | | `SPACESHIP_JOBS_SYMBOL` | `✦` | Character to be shown when jobs are hiding | | `SPACESHIP_JOBS_COLOR` | `blue` | Color of background jobs section | ### Exit code (`exit_code`) Disabled by default. Set `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_SHOW` to `true` in your `.zshrc`, if you need to show exit code of last command. | Variable | Default | Meaning | | :--------------------------- | :----------------------------------: | -------------------------------------- | | `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_SHOW` | `false` | Show exit code of last command | | `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_PREFIX` | `` | Prefix before exit code section | | `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_SUFFIX` | `` | Suffix after exit code section | | `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_SYMBOL` | `✘` | Character to be shown before exit code | | `SPACESHIP_EXIT_CODE_COLOR` | `red` | Color of exit code section |