#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Example bot that returns a synchronous response.""" from flask import Flask, request, json import requests from httplib2 import Http from json import dumps, loads import logging import ast import os jenkins_url_secret_file=os.environ['JENKINS_URL_SECRET_FILE'] with open(jenkins_url_secret_file, 'r') as jenkin_file: jenkins_job_url=jenkin_file.read().replace('\n', '') gchat_webhook_secret_file=os.environ['GCHAT_WEBHOOK_SECRET_FILE'] with open(gchat_webhook_secret_file, 'r') as gchat_file: chat_webhook=gchat_file.read().replace('\n', '') gchat_webhook_endpoint='/'+os.environ['GCHAT_WEBHOOK_ENDPOINT'] gchat_bot_endpoint='/'+os.environ['GCHAT_BOT_ENDPOINT'] def str2bool(bool_str): return bool_str.lower() in ("yes", "true", "t", "1") app = Flask(__name__) def contains_word(msg, req_directive): return (' ' + req_directive + ' ') in (' ' + msg + ' ') @app.route(gchat_bot_endpoint, methods=['POST']) def on_event(): """Handles an event from Hangouts Chat.""" event = request.get_json() if event['type'] == 'ADDED_TO_SPACE' and event['space']['type'] == 'ROOM': text = 'Thanks for adding me to "%s"!' % event['space']['displayName'] elif event['type'] == 'MESSAGE' : if contains_word( event['message']['argumentText'].lower(), 'deploy' ) : msg_arg=event['message']['argumentText'].split(" ",3) payload={'tag':msg_arg[2]} response = requests.get(jenkins_job_url,json=payload) text = response.text else : text = 'You said: `%s`' % event['message']['text'] else: return return json.jsonify({'text': text}) @app.route(gchat_webhook_endpoint, methods=['POST', 'GET']) def post_msg(): #Receive the data in scan_result and remove the layers_details, which might overflow the length limit in Google API scan_result = loads(request.data) try: del scan_result['contents']['scanSummary']['layer_details'] except KeyError: pass app.logger.debug('Scan Result received is: %s', scan_result) bot_message = {'text':dumps(scan_result)} app.logger.debug('Bot message to be sent is: %s', bot_message) app.logger.debug('Message will be posted to this gChat Web Hook: %s',chat_webhook) #Call Google API message_headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8'} http_obj = Http() response = http_obj.request(uri=chat_webhook,method='POST',headers=message_headers,body=dumps(bot_message),) app.logger.debug('Response from Google Chat Webhook: %s', response) #return make_response(json.jsonify({'status':'ok','text': scan_result}), 201) return 'OK' if __name__ == '__main__': formatter = logging.Formatter( "[%(asctime)s] {%(pathname)s:%(lineno)d} %(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) handler.setFormatter(formatter) app.logger.addHandler(handler) app.run(port=5000, host='', debug=str2bool(os.environ['DEBUG']))