getWhere("settings", array("name", "=", "infractions")); if($infractions[0]->value == "false"){ Redirect::to('/'); die(); } $infractions = new Infractions(); // Get the plugin in use $infractions_plugin = $queries->getWhere("settings", array("name", "=", "infractions_plugin")); $infractions_plugin = $infractions_plugin[0]->value; if(isset($_GET['p'])){ if(!is_numeric($_GET['p'])){ Redirect::to("/infractions"); } else { $p = $_GET['p']; } } else { $p = 1; } ?> <?php echo $sitename; ?> • Infractions
bat_getAllInfractions(); } else if($infractions_plugin == "bm"){ $all_infractions = $infractions->bm_getAllInfractions(); } else if($infractions_plugin == "mb"){ $all_infractions = $infractions->mb_getAllInfractions(); } else if($infractions_plugin == "lb"){ $all_infractions = $infractions->lb_getAllInfractions(); } $paginate = PaginateArray($p); $n = $paginate[0]; $f = $paginate[1]; if(count($all_infractions) > $f){ $d = $p * 10; } else { $d = count($all_infractions) - $n; $d = $d + $n; } $sn = 1; $fn = ceil(count($all_infractions) / 10); if(count($all_infractions)){ ?>
User Staff Action Reason Expires
&id=">View getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', $infraction["uuid"])); if(empty($infractions_query)){ $infractions_query = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', $infraction["uuid"])); if(empty($infractions_query)){ require_once('inc/integration/uuid.php'); $profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile($infraction["uuid"]); if(empty($profile)){ echo 'Could not find that player'; die(); } $result = $profile->getProfileAsArray(); $mcname = htmlspecialchars($result["username"]); $uuid = htmlspecialchars($infraction["uuid"]); try { $queries->create("uuid_cache", array( 'mcname' => $mcname, 'uuid' => $uuid )); } catch(Exception $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } } $mcname = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', $infraction["uuid"])); echo '' . htmlspecialchars($mcname[0]->mcname) . ''; } else { $mcname = $queries->getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', $infraction["uuid"])); echo '' . htmlspecialchars($mcname[0]->mcname) . ''; } } else { echo '' . $mcname . ''; } ?> ">mb_getUsernameFromName($infraction["staff"]); }?>Console Unbanned'; } else if(isset($infraction["unmuted"])){ echo ' Unmuted'; }?>
«'; } else { echo '>«'; } while ($sn < ($fn + 1)) { echo ' ' . $sn . ''; $sn++; } echo ' »'; } else { echo' class="disabled">»'; } echo ' '; } else { echo 'No infractions'; } } else { if(!isset($_GET["type"]) || !isset($_GET["id"])){ if($infractions_plugin != "mb" && !is_numeric($_GET["id"])){ Redirect::to('/infractions'); die(); } } if($_GET["type"] !== "ban" && $_GET["type"] !== "kick" && $_GET["type"] !== "mute" && $_GET["type"] !== "temp_ban" && $_GET["type"] !== "warning"){ Redirect::to('/infractions'); die(); } // The following is different for each infractions plugin. if($infractions_plugin == "bat"){ // BungeeAdminTools $infraction = $infractions->bat_getInfraction($_GET["type"], $_GET["id"]); // Get the username from the UUID - has the user registered on the website? $infractions_query = $queries->getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', $infraction[0]->UUID)); if(empty($infractions_query)){ // User hasn't registered on the website, check the cache $infractions_query = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', $infraction[0]->UUID)); if(empty($infractions_query)){ // Not in the cache, get it from Mojang's servers require_once('inc/integration/uuid.php'); $profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile($infraction[0]->UUID); if(empty($profile)){ // No return from Mojang's servers echo 'Could not find that player'; die(); } $result = $profile->getProfileAsArray(); $mcname = htmlspecialchars($result["username"]); $uuid = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->UUID); // Input into cache try { $queries->create("uuid_cache", array( 'mcname' => $mcname, 'uuid' => $uuid )); } catch(Exception $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } } else { // User is in UUID cache $mcname = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', $infraction[0]->UUID)); $mcname = $mcname[0]->mcname; } } else { // User has registered on the website, use the Minecraft username value $mcname = $queries->getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', $infraction[0]->UUID)); $mcname = $mcname[0]->mcname; } // Next, get some variables to display on the page. This depends on the type of infraction. if($_GET["type"] == "ban" || $_GET["type"] == "temp_ban"){ // Ban // Date of infraction $start_date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->ban_begin)); // End of infraction if($infraction[0]->ban_end !== null){ $end_date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->ban_end)); } else { $end_date = 'Never'; } // Reason if($infraction[0]->ban_reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->ban_reason); } else { $reason = "Not set"; } // Staff $issued_by = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->ban_staff); // Revoked? if($infraction[0]->ban_unbandate !== null){ $revoked = "Yes, by ban_unbanstaff) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->ban_unbanstaff) . " on " . date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->ban_unbandate)); } else { $revoked = "No"; } } else if($_GET["type"] == "mute"){ // Mute // Date of infraction $start_date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->mute_begin)); // End of infraction if($infraction[0]->mute_end !== null){ $end_date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->mute_end)); } else { $end_date = 'Never'; } // Reason if($infraction[0]->mute_reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->mute_reason); } else { $reason = "Not set"; } // Staff $issued_by = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->mute_staff); // Revoked? if($infraction[0]->mute_unmutedate !== null){ $revoked = "Yes, by mute_unmutestaff) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->mute_unmutestaff) . " on " . date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->mute_unmutedate)); } else { $revoked = "No"; } } else if($_GET["type"] == "kick"){ // Kick // Date of infraction $start_date = date("jS M Y", strtotime($infraction[0]->kick_date)); // End of infraction $end_date = 'n/a'; // Reason if($infraction[0]->kick_reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->kick_reason); } else { $reason = 'Not set'; } // Staff $issued_by = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->kick_staff); // Revoked? $revoked = 'n/a'; } } else if($infractions_plugin == "bm"){ // Ban Management $infraction = $infractions->bm_getInfraction($_GET["type"], $_GET["id"]); // First, get the username $mcname = $infractions->bm_getUsernameFromID($infraction[0]->player_id); // Date of infraction $start_date = date("jS M Y", $infraction[0]->created); // Reason if($infraction[0]->reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction[0]->reason); } else { $reason = "Not set"; } $revoked = "No"; $end_date = "n/a"; // Staff if(isset($infraction[0]->pastActor_id)){ $issued_by = htmlspecialchars($infractions->bm_getUsernameFromID($infraction[0]->pastActor_id)); } else { $issued_by = htmlspecialchars($infractions->bm_getUsernameFromID($infraction[0]->actor_id)); } // Ban and mute specific: if($_GET['type'] == "ban" || $_GET['type'] == "temp_ban" || $_GET['type'] == "mute"){ // End of infraction if(isset($infraction[0]->expires)){ // Not expired yet, or is permanent if($infraction[0]->expires != 0){ // Will expire $end_date = date("jS M Y", $infraction[0]->expires); } else { // Permanent $end_date = 'Never'; } } else if(isset($infraction[0]->expired)){ // Expired or unbanned if($infraction[0]->expired != 0){ // Has expired $end_date = date("jS M Y", $infraction[0]->expired); } else { // Unbanned $end_date = 'Never'; $revoked = 'Yes, on ' . date("jS M Y", $infraction[0]->created); } } } } else if($infractions_plugin == "mb"){ // MaxBans $infraction = $infractions->mb_getInfraction($_GET["type"], $_GET["id"]); $exploded = explode('.', $_GET["id"]); $mcname = $exploded[0]; $time = $exploded[1]; if($_GET["type"] == "ban"){ $end_date = 'Never'; } else if($_GET["type"] == "mute" || $_GET["type"] == "temp_ban" || $_GET["type"] == "warning"){ if($infraction->expires != 0){ $end_date = date('jS M Y', $infraction->expires / 1000); } else { $end_date = 'Never'; } } if(isset($infraction->time)){ $start_date = date('jS M Y', $infraction->time / 1000); } else { $start_date = date('jS M Y', strtotime('-3 days', $infraction->expires / 1000)); } // Reason if($infraction->reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction->reason); } else { $reason = "Not set"; } if($infraction->banner !== "console"){ $issued_by = $infractions->mb_getUsernameFromName($infraction->banner); } else { $issued_by = "console"; } } else if($infractions_plugin == "lb"){ // LiteBans $infraction = $infractions->lb_getInfraction($_GET["type"], $_GET["id"]); $mcname = $infraction[1]; $infraction = $infraction[0]; if($_GET["type"] == "ban"){ $end_date = 'Never'; if($infraction->active == 0){ $unbanned = true; } } else if($_GET["type"] == "mute" || $_GET["type"] == "temp_ban" || $_GET["type"] == "warning"){ if($infraction->until != '-1'){ $end_date = date('jS M Y', $infraction->until / 1000); } else { $end_date = 'Never'; } if($_GET["type"] == "mute"){ if($infraction->active == 0){ $unbanned = true; } } } $start_date = date('jS M Y', $infraction->time / 1000); // Reason if($infraction->reason !== null){ $reason = htmlspecialchars($infraction->reason); } else { $reason = "Not set"; } if($infraction->banned_by_uuid !== "CONSOLE"){ // Get username of staff from UUID $staff_uuid = str_replace('-', '', $infraction->banned_by_uuid); $infractions_query = $queries->getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', htmlspecialchars($staff_uuid))); if(empty($infractions_query)){ $infractions_query = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', htmlspecialchars($staff_uuid))); if(empty($infractions_query)){ require_once('inc/integration/uuid.php'); $profile = ProfileUtils::getProfile($staff_uuid); if(empty($profile)){ echo 'Could not find that player'; die(); } $result = $profile->getProfileAsArray(); $staff = htmlspecialchars($result["username"]); $uuid = htmlspecialchars($staff_uuid); try { $queries->create("uuid_cache", array( 'mcname' => $staff, 'uuid' => $uuid )); } catch(Exception $e){ die($e->getMessage()); } } $staff = $queries->getWhere('uuid_cache', array('uuid', '=', $staff_uuid)); $issued_by = $staff[0]->mcname; } else { $staff = $queries->getWhere('users', array('uuid', '=', $staff_uuid)); $issued_by = $staff[0]->mcname; } } else { $issued_by = "console"; } } ?> Back


Infraction type: - Revoked
Date of infraction:
Infraction ends:
Reason for infraction:
Issued by: Console
Infraction revoked: